National Marine Fisheries Service U.S DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AFSC PROCESSED REPORT 93.13 Estimated Catches of Walleye Pollock, Atka Mackerel and Pacific Cod Within Critical Habitat of the Steller Sea Lion in the Bering Sea, Aleutian lslands and Gulf of Alaska From 1977-92 @ober 1993 TlÈ report do6 not constiüJb a pt¡Uicat¡on and b bl lnbmatifi mly. All daia heteln ae b be consklered protblonal. ERRATA NOTICE This document is being made available in .PDF format for the convenience of users; however, the accuracy and correctness of the document can only be certified as was presented in the original hard copy format. Inaccuracies in the OCR scanning process may influence text searches of the .PDF file. Light or faded ink in the original document may also affect the quality of the scanned document. ESTTMATED CATCHES OF WALLEYE POLLOCK, ÀTKÀ I,ÍÀCKEREL AT.TD PACTFIC COD ÌTTHIN CRTTTCÀL HABITAT OF THE STELLER SEA LION IN TIIE BERING sEA, ALEIII'IÀI{ TSLANDS AND cttlF oF ALASKA FROM L977-92 Compiled by Lowell W. Fritz National Marine Fisheries .Service Alaska Fisheries Science Center 7 600 Sand point lùay NE BrN C15700; Bldg. 4 Seattle, WÀ 98115 October L993 CONTENTS Page Figures iv Tables x t Introduction 2 Methods 4 Results and Discussion 5 Literature Cited L2 LLr List of Figures Page Figure 1. Àquatic foraging area designated as critical habitat for the Steller sea lion in the eastern Bering Sea (in the vicinity of Bogoslof Island) 13 Fígrure- 2. Aquatic foraging area designated as criticaL habitat for the Steller sea lion in Seguam Pass in the Aleutian Isl-ands L4 Figure 3. Àquatic foraging area designated as critical - hãUitat for the steller sea lion in shelikof Strait in the GuIf of A1aska 15 Figure 4. Estimates of annual pollock catches from critical habitat of the Steller sea lion in the Bering Sea/Aleutian Islands. AII catches within 20 nm of rookeries and haulouts even within aquatic foraging areas are assigned to rookeries and haulouts . 16 Figure 5. Estimates of annual pollock catches from critical habitat of the Steller sea lion in the Bering Sea/Àleutian Isl-ands. All catches within aquatic foraging areas assigned to them L7 Figure 6. Percent of annual pollock catches taken from critical habitat of the Steller sea lion in the Bering Sea/A1eutian Islands. AIt catches within 20 nm of rookeries and haulouts even within aquatic foraging areas are assigned to rookeries and haulouts . 18 Figure 7. Percent of annual pollock catches taken from critical habitat of the Steller sea lion in the Bering Sea/Àleutian Islands. All catches within aquatic foraging areas assigned to them 19 Figure 8. Estirnates of first quarter pollock catches from critical habitat of the Steller sea lion in the Bering Sea/Aleutj-an Is1ands. AlI catches within 20 nm of rookeries and haulouts even within aquatic foraging areas are assigned to rookeries and haulouts 20 Figure 9. Percent of first quarter pollock catches taken from critical habitat of the Steller sea lion in the Bering Sea/ÀIeutian Islands. Al-I catches within 20 nm of rookeries and haulouts even within aquatic foraging areas are assigned to rookeries and haulouts 2r 1V Figure 10. Estimates of annual Atka rnackerel catches from critical habitat of the Steller sea lion in the Bering Sea/Aleutian Islands. Alt catches within 20 nrn of rookeries and haulouts even within aquatic foraging areas are assigned to rookeries and haulouts ...... 22 Figure 11. Estimates of annual Atka mackerel catches from critical habitat of the Steller sea lion in the Bering Sea/Aleutian Islands. AII catches within aquatic foraging areas assigned to them 23 Figure L2. Percent of annual Atka mackerel catches taken from critical habitat of the Steller sea lion in the Bering Sea/Aleutian Islands. AIt catches within 20 nm of rookeries and haulouts even within aquatic foraging areas are assigned to rookeries and haulouts ...... 24 Figure 13. Percent of annual Atka mackerel catches taken from critical habitat of the Steller sea 1ion in the Bering Sea/Aleutian Islands. AII catches within aquatic foraging areas assigned to them 25 Figure L4. Estimates of first quart,er Atka mackerel catches from critical habitat of the Steller sea Iion in the Bering Sea/Aleutian Islands. AII catches within 20 nm of rookeries and haulouts even within aquatic foraging areas are assigned to rookeries and haulouts 26 Figure 15. Percent of first quarter Atka mackerel catches taken from critical habitat of the SteIIer sea lion in the Bering Sea/A1eutian Is1ands. All catches within 20 nm of rookeries and haulouts even v¡ithin aquatic foraging areas are assigned to rookeries and haulouts 27 Figure 16. Estimates of annual pacific cod catches frorn critical habitat of the SteLler sea 1ion in the Bering Sea/Aleutian Is1ands. À1I catches within 20 nm of rookeries and haulouts even within aquatic foraging areas are assigned to rookeries and haulouts ...... 2g Figure L7. Estimates of annual pacific cod catches from critical habitat of the Steller sea 1ion in the Bering Sea/Àleutian Islands. AII catches within aquatic foraging areas assigned to them 29 Figure 18. Percent of annual Pacific cod catches taken from critical habitat of the Steller sea lion in the Bering Sea/Aleutian fslands. AII catches within 20 nm of rookeries and haulouts even within aquatic foraging areas are assigned to rookeries and hauLouts . 30 v Figure 19. Percent of annual Pacific cod catches taken from critical habitat of the SteIIer sea lion in the Bering Sea/Àleutian Isl-ands. À11 catches within aquatic foraging areas assigned to them 31 Figure 20. Estimates of first quarter Pacific cod catches from critical habitat of the Steller sea Iion in the Bering Sea/Àleutian Islands. All catches within 20 nn of rookeries and haulouts even within aquatic foraging areas are assigned to rookeries and haulouts 32 Figure 21. Percent of first quarter Pacific cod catches taken from critical habitat of the Steller sea tion in the Bering Sea/Aleutian Islands. AII catches within 20 nm of rookeries and haulouts even within aquatic foraging areas are assigned to rookeries and haulouts 33 Figure 22. Estimates of annual pollock, cod and Àtka mackerel catches from critical habitat of the Steller sea lion in the Bering Sea/A1eutian Islands. AlI catches within 20 nm of rookeries and haulouts even within aquatic foraging areas are assigned to rookeries and hauLouts 34 Figure 23. Estimates of annual pollock, cod and Atka mackerel catches from critical habitat of the SteIIer sea lion in the Bering Sea/Aleutian Islands. AII catches within aquatic foraging areas assigned to thern 35 Figure 24. Estirnates of annual pollock, cod and Atka mackerel catches from critical habitat of the Steller sea lion in the Bering Sea/Aleutian IsLands, plotted by species . 36 Figure 25. Percent of annual catch of pollock, cod and Atka mackerel from the Bering Sea/A1eutian Islands taken in the first quarter 37 Figure 26. Estimates of first quarter pollock, cod and Atka rnackerel catches from critical habitat of Èhe Steller sea lion in the Bering Sea/Aleutian Islands. All catches within 20 nm of rookeries and haulouts even within aquatic foraging areas are assigned to rookeries and haulouts 38 Figure 27. Estimates of first quarter pollock, cod and Atka mackerel catches from critical habitat of the Steller sea lion in the Bering Sea/Aleutian Islands, plotted by species 39 v1 Figure 28. Estirnates of annuar po].rock catches from critical habitat of the Steller sea lion in the GuIf of Alaska. AII catches within 20 nm of rookeries and haulouts even within aquatic foraging areas are assigned to rookeries and haulouts 40 Figure 29. Estimates of annual pollock catches from critical habitat of the Steller sea lion in the GuLf of Alaska. AI1 catches within aquatic foraging areas assigned to them 41- Figure 30. Percent of annuar pollock catches taken from critical habitat of the Steller sea lion in the Gulf of Alaska. ÀII catches withín 20 nm of rookeries and haulouts even within aquatic foraging areas are assigned to rookeries and haulouts ...... 42 Figure 31. Percent of annuar porlock catches taken from criticat habitat of the SteIIer sea lion in the GuLf of Alaska. AII catches within aquatic foraging areas assigned to them 43 Figure 32. Estimat,es of first quarter porrock catches from critical habitat of the Steller sea lion in the GuIf of A1aska. Àll catches within 20 nm of rookeries and haulouts even within aquatic foraging areas are assigned to rookeries and haulouts 44 Figure 33. Percent of first quarter poJ_lock catches taken from criticat habitat of the SteIIer sea lion in the Gulf of Alaska. All catches within 20 nm of rookeries and haulouts even within aquatic foraging areas are assigned to rookeries and haulouts 45 Figure 34. Estirnates of annuar pacific cod catches from critical habitat of the SteIIer sea lion in the Gulf of ÀIaska. ÀlI catches within 20 nm of rookeries and haulouts even within aquatic foraging areas are assigned to rookeries and haulouts . 46 Figure 35. Estinates of annual pacific cod catches from critical habitat of the Ste1ler sea lion in the GuIf of ÀIaska. ÀII catches within aquatic foraging areas assigned to them 47 Figure 36. Percent of annuar pacific cod catches taken from critical habitat of the Steller sea 1ion in the GuIf of Àlaska. AII catches within 20 nm of rookeries and haulouts even within aquatic foraging areas are assigned to rookeries and haulouts 4g vlr Figure 37. Percent of annual Pacific cod catches taken from critical habitat of the Steller sea lion in the GuIf of ÀIaska.
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