VOL. XXXVIII No.,23 COLLEGE OF WILLIAM AND MARY, WILLIAMSBURG, VIRGINIA MARCH 1949 ProposalsAltering Councils Remove: Officers, Petitions 'Failure To Report' Reach Assembly From Honor Code During last Tuesday's special It is no longer a breach of the session of the Student Assembly, Honor code for an individual to several proposed amendments to the constitution and by-laws of the fail to report an offense. That assembly were suggested by the particular point of the code, which General Cooperative Committee. has been the. center-of much dis­ Article III, Section 1-, provides cussion was removed by joint ac­ for a vice-president of the student assembly who, in case of absence tion of the Men's and Women's of the president, will preside as the Honor Councils. president officio, or when a, va­ Students still have a responsi­ cancy in the office of president exists, will become the president. bility to report the offenses they Previously, the president of the see, it was pointed out by the senior class had been filling these groups, but failure to report will offices. no longer be regarded as a viola­ Article V, Section 1, provides for tion in itself. The councils stressed the appointment of a chairman at the first meeting of the new as­ that reporting of offenses offers sembly in the spring instead of the the best foundation for a workable fall. This enables the assembly FEATURED SOLOISTS in the choir concert, to be held tonight and tomorrow at 8 p. m. in Phi system. to operate with greater east when Beta Kappa Hall, are (L-R) Warren Sprouse, Anne Howard Dunn, Dennis Cogle, Gwyn Batten and it reconvenes in the fall session. Ollie Amon. Classroom attendance, when the Article V, Section 2, provides for students are expected to take the the submission of a statement in record of attendance, falls within writing to the office of dean of Dr. Foltin Resigns the bounds of the system. When men for students desiring to be­ Judd Declares Judo-Christian Faith a student is marked present in a come candidates. This eliminates Position On Faculty classjie has not actually attended, the petition bearing 11 signatures the action constitutes a falsifica­ of students supporting a candidate Dr. Edgar Foltin, professor of Gives Unity That Could Save World psychology, has turned in his tion of records and consequently Plans were also discussed con­ resignation to the faculty of Wil­ By Joan Carpenter is classified as lying. cerning the appointment of J. P. liam and Mary and will assume a, How Build Unity? was the topic address. He stated that the Soviet Morgan as a committeeman in of the address by Congressman Union had not only departed from One constant complaint this post as head of the psychology de­ year has been against the practice charge of extending greater hospi­ partment at Pennsylvania College Walter H. Judd, which opened Re­ the values which we consider tality to athletic teams visiting ligious Emphasis Day, Sunday, wholesome and good, but is at­ of some students removing reserve for Women in Pittburgh, Pa., ac­ books without signing for them the college. This would include cording to Dr. Sharvy G. limbeck, March 27. tempting to destroy those values. special meals and cafeteria ser­ "But," stated Dr. Judd, "it is im­ and either hiding them on another dean of the college. This will be­ shelf or taking them out of the vice. come" effective July 1. "The plainest fact that we face possible for us to go on-as separate as we look .quion/the world, today library altogether. Such a practice ; worlds.'L ! "-w. ••-->-••' ;•'.-... ^Df. ^dpffocaiible tp ^Hiam:valid ;is;-thsy^^^di^spl^^t :only; ;•:••••/ -,$ ....... • -. ':'•••,;•, •;•-.•- -,-. • v -constitutes a deliberate violation Pi LaFnib. Fraternity Mary from Czechoslovakia in 1939 economically and politically, but He said Mat there are two ways of the honor code, and will be at the beginning of the German spiritually and idealogically," de­ to gain one world. One is by con- punished as such, it was stated. Leads In Averages expansion. clared Dr. Judd, commencing his See DR. JUDD, Page 11 The councils commented on the question of students getting help Pi Lambda Phi leads the fra­ on outside work. If this work is ternity scholastic averages for the pledged as the student's own, it last semester above the student should be entirely his work, it was body average of 1.35 with an aver­ Dr. Benoy Sarkar Of Calcutta University pointed out. age, including those of initiates iand pledges, of 1.57. Lambda Chi Alpha, Phi Alpha" Speaks On Unity And Disunity Of India Ghoir Will Present and Sigma Pi follow with the aver­ ages of 1.47, 1.46 and 1.35, respec­ "India is not the United States. Album Of Records tively. Europe is not the United States, Above the all men's average of but India is Europe. Since most ; The 59-voice William and Mary 1.32 are Pi Kappa Alpha attain­ Americans are in some way fa­ choir under the direction of Carl ing 1.33 and Kappa Alpha with miliar with the disunities and uni­ A. Fehr, assistant professor of fine 1.32. The all fraternity average ties of Europe you should think of arts, will begin recording an album is 1.31. Europe when studying India," de­ of songs and hymns on April 13. The other fraternities are ranked clared Dr. Benoy Sarkar of Cal­ The.five-dollar album will con­ as follows: Phi Kappa Tau, 1.31; cutta University last Wednesday tain four 10-inch records and will Theta Delta Chi, 1.30; Kappa Sig­ when he spoke in Phi Beta Kappa be bound in the school colors of ma, 1.25; Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Hall before an audience compos­ green, gold and grey with pictures 1.22; and Sigma Rho, 1.12. ed for the most part of faculty of the choir on the inside cover. members, political science students Proceeds from the sale Of the al­ and veterans of the China-Burma- bum, which will begin the second Hunt Announces Cast India theater. week of May, will go to the choir "In Delhi, a city located in the fund which is used to purchase For Last Presentation north central portion of India, two such items as music, stands and robes. Appearing in J. B. Priestley's languages are spoken, Urdu and An Inspector Calls, to be present­ Hindi. These two languages are The program will. include the ed by the William and Mary Thea­ about as closely related to one William and Mary Hymn and the tre on May 3 and 4, wifl.be How­ another as French and Spanish. college Alma Mater. The remain­ ard Scammon, instructor in fine This is typical of the whole nation der of the program will be selected arts, as Inspector Goole; Joseph where, just as in Europe, language on the basis of a student poll taken Benedetti as the father, Arthur boundaries lie in close proximity by the choir a few weeks ago. Birling, and Marianna Brose as the to each other," Dr. Sarkar con­ Among the numbers most likely to daughter, Shelia Birling, announc­ tinued. be chosen are Sicut Cervus (Pal- ed Miss Althea Hunt, director, as estrina), A Mighty Fortress Is Our One of the more unusual bar­ God (arr. Mueller), Waltzing Ma­ the results of last week's try-outs. riers to India's national unity, he The other members of the cast tilda, The Day of Judgment (Ark- reported, is the eating habits of Dr. Benoy Sarkar hangelsky), Dry Bones, Good are Lucille Gerber, the v mother, the highly heterogenous popula­ He Discussed Indian Political Situation Sybil Birling; Chris Moe, Eric News, Plenty Good Room, Alle­ tion. The-Indian's diet depends luia (Thompson), God Is With Us Birling; Bill Wilbur, Gerald Croft, upon the region in which he re­ solidarity. Princely states have answer stated that there was as and Connie Coen, the maid, Edna. been amalgamated and their for­ much chance as in Europe. Even (Kastalsky) and Old Man River sides, his race and his religion. merly powerful rulers pensioned (Kern). This early twentieth century Indian names depend upon the though in India as a whole there play is one of crime detection and off. This new unity is also the same three factors.. An instance are only 75,000 union members. The recording will be handled suspense and was presented in Dr. Sarkar gave was the familiar product of Indian representative by the Nelson , Cornell Co., of New York with Thomas Mitchell name of Pandit Nehru. A man government. An Indian legislator Famine Conditions Rutjierford, N. J. and will be dis­ in the lead. with his name could come from no represents the entire nation and "Conditions with -. regard to tributed locally by the choir mem­ other locality than Kashmir. not only his constituents. All famine are improving," Dr. Sar­ bers. "These," Dr. Sarkar related, "are these symbols of unity have cul­ kar said. "Ten years ago, the All students who expect to disunities of the most simple type." minated in a new national pride life expectancy of an Indian was graduate in August, 1949, or which, in turn, has resulted in a 23 years, but now it has increased Graduation invitations may any time in 1950 are requested Unifying Elements highly cordial attitude toward to 27." be ordered this. Wednesday, to fill out notifications of can­ "On the other hand; there is England. Dr. Sarkar, who wore a plain Thursday and Friday from 2-5 didacy for a degree, accord­ much to bring unity to the land, During the customary question black uniform, is on a.
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