College of William & Mary Law School William & Mary Law School Scholarship Repository Student Newspaper (Amicus, Advocate...) Archives and Law School History 1993 Amicus Curiae (Vol. 4, Issue 5) Repository Citation "Amicus Curiae (Vol. 4, Issue 5)" (1993). Student Newspaper (Amicus, Advocate...). 358. https://scholarship.law.wm.edu/newspapers/358 Copyright c 1993 by the authors. This article is brought to you by the William & Mary Law School Scholarship Repository. https://scholarship.law.wm.edu/newspapers Bar/Bri v. SMH, page 5 M ARSHALL-W YTHE SCHOOL OF L AW America s First Law School VOLCY1E IV, ISSCE FIVE Y10 ~ DA Y, ~ OVE:v!BER 8.199.> TWE:'\TY PAGES M-W Dean interviews begin r The Candidates By LULIT MILLION and concern for teaching and students. and SHELLEY EVANS the ability and Yision to move M-W for­ The five candidates invited by the Dean Search Committee for on-campus The search for a new law school dean ward as the crucial factors. intervie\\·s are: begins in earnest today as the first of fi\·e '" We [are] looking for extraordinary Michael H. Hoeflich, Dean, Syracuse University College of Law candidates visits Williamsburg for a se­ people from any school.., he said. An­ Thomas G. Krattcnmaker: Professor, Georgetown University Law ries of on-campus interYiews. During the other important determination is how Center next four weeks. each of the candidates is these individuals will interact with M-W Daniel J. Lathrope: Acting Dean, University of California. Hastings expected to spend an intensi,·e two-and­ students, professors. and staff. College of Law a-half days meeting with M-W faculty. Responding to comments about the Harry N. Scheiber: Professor, University of California at Berkeley, staff and students, and W&M adminis­ apparent lack of racial. ethnic or gender College of Law tration. Dean Search Committee Chair diversity among the semi-finalist candi­ Richard A. Williamson: Professor Marshali-W:,-the School of Law. James Moliterno posted the names of the dates, Moliterno expressed regret that the College of William & Mary fiye candidates invited for on-campus Committee's efforts of soliciting minor­ oYerall quality of candidates. ..My gen­ schools on campus. inten·iews on Friday. (See box. top right). ity and women were unsuccessful. eral impression is that this is a more In addition, each of the candidates The five candidates were selected from SBA President and Dean Search Com­ talented group [than the candidates inter­ will address the M-W student body in an a group of eight persons invited for pri­ mittee member Kyle Short(3L) expressed viewed last year] . Overall it's a more open presentation. The candidates will vate interviews with the Dean Search satisfaction with the candidates selected high-power group, really top-notch schol­ answer questions about their vision for Committee conducted in Richmond over to visit M-W. 'This is a really great group ars.·' M-W, diversity, fundraising. allocation Halloween weekend. Over 90 individu­ of candidates. They come from very During the on-campus interviews, of funds and the relationship between als comprised the original pool of appli­ different backgrounds, and have a wide each of the candidates will first meet with students and faculty. The Student Search cants for the position. range of experience," he said. "The di­ small groups of faculty members fol­ Committee currently is soliciting ques­ Explaining the criteria which the versity of e:-..-perience and thought gives lowed by meetings with President Timo­ tions from the student body addressing Committee used to select the candidates, us some real altemati\·es to consider when thy Sullivan, Provost Gillian Cell, the Moliterno cited administrative e:-..-peri­ choosing the next dean." Department of Development and Alumnl See HELP WANTED, page 20 ence, scholarship, academic values, a Short was also impressed with the Affairs, and a panel of deans from other Honor Code validity questioned; Council vote delayed By PAULA HANNAFORD on re'"isions to the Code were changes made to the Code in be more lengthy and compli- dited basis . It is better to do Confusion regarding the pro­ previously scheduled for this 1991 were properly adopted. cated than originally anticipated. thejobrightthantodoitquicldy. ' cedural requirements for chang­ month. Chief Justice David Hopkins "It will .. be difficult for the Before any changes can be ing the M-W Honor Code has In addition to delaying the (3L) issued a memo to the Coun- Judicial Council to bring this submitted to a student body vote forced postponement until next effective date of the revisions cil on Oct. 26 postponing further matter to a ,·ote this semester," the Council must complete a for- semester of a Judicial Council until the 1993-9-tacademicyear, action on the Code revisions until wrote Hopkins. "I believe the vote and student body referen­ the confusion raised questions January. The reason given was prudent course is to continue our See OOPS, page 20 dum. The vote and referendum about whether substa ntive that the approval process might work on the Code on a less expe- Virginia Bar changes admissions procedure; announces test results B~· KIRSTIN MUELLER such as all addresses at which d isposition and name a nd The Virginia Board of Bar the applicant has li\·edand names address of legal counsel for any Examiners has changed the of all roommates for the past ten litigation that enterprise has ever procedure for satisfying its years: any disciplinary action been im·oh·ed in. character a nd fitness taken against the applicant in In past years. applicants could requirement for admission to the high school or college: dates and meet the requirement of good Bar. All applicants will now case numbers of all c ivil. character in three ways. If an complete a character a dmin istrative or crimina l applicant was a full-time student questionnaire similar to the proceedings to which applicant at a Virginia law school, the standard fom1 of the National was a party. including traffic Dean of the law school would Conference of Bar Examiners offenses and parking violations: verify the character of that (NCBE). if applicant has ever be·en The questionnaire requires engaged in any business See INVASIVE, page 5 applicants to include inforn1ation enterprise. case numbers. ----Inside this issue--------------­ First years complain to Law Review board M-W students put on Salem \\itch trial SBA President Kyle Short's (3L) secret --Tom Martinchek about changes. Page 3. for high school students. Page 7. life became public at his "Biackacre" Crossfire debates economic and social Power of the press: administration party. See photos, page 17. impact ofNAFTA. Page 9. cleans up bathrooms. Page 10. The existence of an Honor Code at M-W has a pervasive and As a place where young off the sidewalks? Because the SA realized that this was a mat­ substantial impact on every member ofthe law school community. minds come together to develop message--promotion of gay ter ofpublic interest, it refused to It influences students' relationships with faculty, with the into educated, free thinking in­ rights--was too controversial to release the names ofthe commit­ administration and staff, and with each other. Its purpose is to dividuals, a college campus be displayed all over campus tee members. Its fear was that provide an atmosphere of trust, based on the premise that we should be one forum where no right when the deep-pocketed the members might be biased by share a common understanding o~ what constitutes acceptable thought, no matter how absurd, alumni were converging on cam­ the media attention. behavior, in which we may conduct our affairs. is withheld from the marketplace pus for Homecoming . The re­ This college boasts a long and To fulfill its purpose, however, the language of the Honor of ideas. sult of the incident was that from venerable history of educating Code must be unambiguous, explicit and binding on the student But at W &M free expression now on no chalk messages w:iii many of the individuals who body. The recent efforts of the Judicial Council to address seems to be the exception rather be allowed at all. made freedom of speech and dissatisfaction with some provisions of the Code and to provide than the rule. Finally, the undergraduate expression a reality in this coun- greater clarification about expectations for appropriate conduct The committee to reYiew the Student Association appointed a t!)'. What a pity that the current are well worthwhile. However, one aspect of their deliberations by-lawsofthePublicationsCoun­ committee to study th~_ raci.al W&M administration has--lost -- · - needs to be seriously rethought: the usc of'·CommeD:t Se~tiQns" cil began meeting to discuss pos­ climate on campus. When the touch with their wisdom. to as a means to clanl}-;-a·nd explain. COde proYisions. sible ways to avoid a repeat of But commentary concerning the proper interpretation of the last year's racially offensiYe is­ Probable Cause standard--added to the Honor Code last spring­ sue of the Pi /lory. -far exceeds clarification and explanation. During the course While the committee is prob­ of its open hearings this fall. the Judicial Council subcommittee ably too intelligent to try to enact proposed additional commentary referencing Probable Cause a "speech code,., prepublication (again!) as well as the level of certainty required for reporting review of campus newspapers alleged CodeYiolations. Pro\'isions which are intended to apply by a faculty adviser has been to all members of the student body should either be included as seriously discussed. substanti,·e rules. or should not be included at all. When members of the cam­ The practice of inserting substantiYe policy statements into pus community were offended \'' v•/· the Code under the guise of ·'non-binding commentary" is , by the portrayal of women in '.lj• I",.
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