IAEA-TECDOC-321 n r: A o i- ~1 * i -., l~ p r -sr - » -- ^ fc l l; q \{ RESEARCH RADIATION I N PROCESSING DOSIMETRY FINAL REPORT CO-ORDINATEE OFTH D RESEARCH PROGRAMME ON HIGH-DOSE STANDARDIZATION AND INTERCOMPARISON FOR INDUSTRIAL RADIATION PROCESSING ORGANIZEE TH Y DB INTERNATIONAL ATOMIC ENERGY AGENCY AND PROCEEDINGS OF THE FINAL RESEARCH CO-ORDINATION MEETING HEL MUNICHDN I , 8-11 NOVEMBER 1983 TECHNICAA L DOCUMENT ISSUEE TH Y DB INTERNATIONAL ATOMIC ENERGY AGENCY, VIENNA, 1984 T RESEARC RADIATION HI N PROCESSING DOSIMETRY IAEA, VIENNA, 1984 IAEA-TECDOC-321 Printed by the IAEA in Austria December 1984 The IAEA does not maintain stocks of reports in this series. However, microfiche copies of these reports can be obtained from MicrofichS IM e Clearinghouse International Atomic Energy Agency Wagramerstrasse 5 P.O. Box 100 A-1400 Vienna, Austria prepaymenn o f Austriao t n Schillings 40.0 r agains0o IAEe on t A microfiche service coupon. PLEASE BE AWARE THAT ALL OF THE MISSING PAGES IN THIS DOCUMENT WERE ORIGINALLY BLANK CONTENTS I. SUMMARY .................................................................................................................... 5 II. SCIENTIFIC REVIEW AND ACHIEVEMENTS ................................................................ 13 1. Development of new dosimetry systems .................................................................... 13 a) Alanine/ESR dosimetry b) Lyoluminescence dosimetry c) Thick radiochromic dye films d) Development of radiochromic dye film 2. Improvemen dosimetrf o t y systems .......................................................................6 1 . a) Method f calibratioso gamma-ran i y fields b) Sample production, data analysi precisiod san alanine th f no e dosimeter c) Glutamine lyoluminescence dosimeters d) Electrochemical potentiometry of ceric-cerous sulphate dosimeter e) Result improvemene th n so ethanol-chlorobenzene th f o t e oscillometric (ECB) dosimeter f) Packagin handlind gan f radiochromigo file mcdy dosimeters 3. Environmental effects ............................................................................................... 20 a) Effec f temperaturo t e during irradiation ) b Effec f temperaturo t e during evaluation c) Effec f post-irradiatioo t n temperature d) Effect of humidity e) Effec f ligho t t 4. Dose intercomparison studies ............................................................:...................... 24 a) High- and medium dose range ) b Low-dose range 5. Related activities ..................................................................................................6 2 . III. SCIENTIFIC PAPERS ..................................................................................................9 2 . Radiation process control, stud acceptancd yan f dosimetrieo c methods ..............................9 2 . B.B. Radak effece Th humiditf o t response dosimetrth X n H yo f eo y perspe radiatioo xt n ......................1 6 . K.H. Chadwick Intercalibratio testind nan f blugo e cellophane cellulosetriacetatd -an emegarae filmth r fo s d dose range ........................................................................................................................... 71 P. Gehringer, ProkschE. Environmental effects on the ethanol-monochlorobenzene dosimeter system before, during and after irradiation ........................................................................................................... 91 Kovâcs,A. lengerS V. Progress in alanine/ESR transfer dosimetry ........................................................................... 141 D.F. Regulla, U. Deffner, O. Schindewolf, A. Vogenauer, A. Wieser Dosimetr electror yfo n beam application .............................................................................9 15 . MillerA. Developmen techniqueR ES f o t frer sfo e radical dosimetr electron yi n beams .....................7 18 . R.M. Uribe Radiochromic dye dosimetry using triphenylmethane leucocyanides in nylon or polyvinyl butyral .............................................................................................................................9 20 . W.L McLaughlin, HumphreysJ.C IV. LIS PARTICIPANTF TO S ............................................................................................7 23 . I. SUMMARY e co-ordinateTh d research programm high-dose th n o e e standardization and intercomparison for industrial radiation processing was initiated as one of the programmes of the Dosimetry SectioDivisioe th f o nLiff no e Science Marcn i s h 1978majoe Th .r objective f thio s s programme wer seleco t e t suitable dosimetry systems; to improve reliability of dosimeter and dosimetric techniques develoo t d w dosimetr;an ne p y e intersystemth r -fo s national dose assurance service to the radiation processing facilitie Memben i s r States. In total researc7 , h contrac researc4 d an t h agreement holders from 10 countries particpated in this programme during the 5-year period (1978-1983). The results obtained under this programme were reviewed by the Committee for Contractual Scientific Services of the Agency in June 1980, which then decided to extend for 3 more years. o researcTw h co-ordination meetings were held, i.e Budapesn i . t (12-16 November Munic1979)n i d h,an (8-11 November 1983). Sinc dose0 1 197e th 7intercompariso n studie differenn i s t dose ranges (low, medium and high) were performed with 19 laboratories in countrie4 1 internationa1 d an s l organization participating. Nine different dosimeter s listea s d below were tested. Institutions participatin d dosimetran g y systems operater fo d intercomparison studies Gesellschaf Strahlenr fü t d Umwelt-un - Alanine, Lithyum - forschung m.b.H., Munich, F.R. Germany borate Atomic Energ Canadf o y a Ltd., Ceric-cerous Ottawa, Canada sulphate Institute of Isotopes, Ethanol-chloro- Budapest, Hungary benzene, Fricke, Super Fricke National Burea Standardsf o u , Radiochromic dye Washington, D.C., U.S.A. films Boris Kidric Institute of Radiochromic dye Nuclear Science, Belgrade, Yugoslavia liquid Universit Aberdeef o y n Glutamine Aberdeen, Scotland, U.K. Institute for Atomic Sciences Glutamine in Agriculture, Wageningen, The Netherlands National Physical Laboratory, Teddington, U.K. Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Bombay, India Comision Nacional de Energia Atomica, Buenos Aires, Argentina Ris;rf National Laboratory, Roskilde, Denmark Centre d'Etudes Nucléaire Saclaye d s , Gif-sur-Yvette, France Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt, Braunschweig, F.R. Germany Australian Atomic Energy Commission, Sutherland, Australia Arbrook Products Ltd., Livingston, Scotland, U.K. American Hospital Supply Corporation Pasol ,E , U.S.A. Programa Preventive contra la Mosca del Méditerranée, Chiapas, Mexico Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute, Takasaki, Japan International Atomic Energy Agency, Dosimetry Laboratory, Austria Major accomplishment co-ordinatee th f o s d research programme are listed as follows: 1. Selection of Alanine/ESR system as the reference transfer e internationath n i dosimete e us r l fo rdos e assurance service. 2. Selection of suitable back-up systems for use in special situations or in case of dispute (i.e., ethanol-chloro- benzene, ceric-cerous sulphate, glutamine/LL, radiochromic dye films). 3 Improvemen reliabilitf o t d developmenan y f techniqueo t f o s those dosimetry systems which were used in the inter- comparison studies. 4 Determinatio effece th - d correctio un f an tno e th r fo n avoidable influence f environmentao s l factordose th e n o s evaluation (e.g., temperature, humidity, climate, light, instabilities). 5 Improvemen dosf o t e calibratio d intercomparisonan n procedures. 6. Design of standardized calibration apparatus and procedure. The scientific papers presented at the meeting (Munich) were accepted as the final report of the research contracts. The papers presented wer s listeea d below: 1. Environmental effects on the ethanol-monochlorobenzene dosimeter system before, durin d aftean g r irradiation, Stenger. ,V 2. Intercalibration and testing of blue cellophane and cellulose-triacetate films for the megarad dose range, Gehringer, P. 3. Organic lyoluminescence dosimetry: its mechanism and its applications, Ettinger, K.V. e effecTh humiditf o tresponse th . X dosimetr 4 H n o yf o e y Perspex to radiation, Chadwick, K.H. 5. Radiochromic dye dosimetry using triphenylmethane leuco- cyanides in nylon or polyvinyl butyràl, McLaughlin, W.L. 6 Radiation process control, stud d acceptancan y dosimetrif o e c methods, Radak. ,B . 7 Developmen R techniqueES f o t r frefo se radical dosimetrn i y electron beams, Uribe, R.M. 8 Dosimetr electror fo y n beam application, Miller. ,A 9. Progress in alanine transfer dosimetry, Regulla, D.F. and Deffner. ,U Research Contract Agreementd an s s Title Name Period I. Research Contract 1-1-1 Development of radiation dosimetry by Mallard, J.R. 01/08/1977 lyoluminescence in the region of high- (Ettinger, K.V.) 30/11/1980 doses relevan e need th f fooo o st d U.K. processin d sterilizatiogan medicaf no l materials and pharmaceuticals. (2045/RB) 1-1-2 Study of methods leading to improvement Ettinger, K.V. 15/12/1980 of reliability and extension of useful U.K. 30/11/1984 dose rang f freo e e radical dosimetry, with particular consideration of lyo- luminescence technique. (2818/RB) 1-2-0 Intercalibratio d testinnan bluf o g e Gehringer. ,P 01/03/1979 cellophane- and cellulosetriacetate Austria 31/03/1983 megarae th film r dfo s dose range. (2333/RB) 1-3-1 Investigation of the
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