TTi E 00 -4.4 -- ? ?,4,.? ! .l lrlv \.ru.ll IrI I CHRISTMAS Ns3 1957 -1 ASK FOR IT THE ME55 'N WATN EYS HIANfiNAERE@N STOUT l BRTNGS ouTTHE ZgSt ril You r : Brewed by Watneys I I Local Depot: Fitzherbert Road, Farlington, Hants ,1, I ttll Telephone: Cosham 28l6 ll I VHEN YOU NEXT CALI, AT MALTA Yrsrt"' Chez Vency BAR RESTAURANT GRILL The Well-tnown Bar in Mdta for Genuine Drinks and Good Food English and Continental Kitchen specializing in "T" Bone Sirloin Steak and Chicken i la Maryland Ample roon s for Fanilies and Parties tr[t Motto: Full Satisfaction Phone: C 4816 4" St, Anne Square FLORIANA THE COMMUNICATOR r29 Tailor to Sai lor When you come to Willerbys for your shore-going clothes (or your new uniform for that mabter) you can be certain of one thing-real Naval smartness. At Willerbys you'll find a complete service, made-to-measure and ready-to-wear ; clothes made by craftsmen, and a splendid range of cloths to choose from; helpful service and reasonable prices. -{.nd rvhat's more. I ou can weal rvhile I'ou pa]--and pal bI- allotment. if I'ou g'ish. Why not write. or call next time ) ou re a,shore and ask for the special folder explaining the W#ffi&ffiffiffiW way! .w.T, LONDON, AND AT 11T COMMER,CIA'J N,OAD. POBTSMOUTE. 6 LONDON ROAD, NORTE END, PORTSMOUTH. 82 N,OYAL PARADE, PLYMOUTII. 228 IIIGH ST,, CIIATIIA.II. 20 AAOVE BA.B, SOUTHAMPTON. / THE COMMUNIC,\TOR Gieves have a gift. Illack suede r,l.i:.r:. :::: finish-simplc ar::i .:: :..' Royal \aval.f erreller., - C : and pearl (15,0.0 \{a:.::. ( I t.10,0 Also silver and paste or nrar( {5. t5.0 Earrings {5. I 5.0 ,lend .for our .fi ee Clhrislntt: ( .:. ffi :i::irir*:" GievesLIMITEO nsranLlsunn I785 Tailors und OtttJitters to the Ro-tal .\'.::.. 27 OLD BOND STREET London Wl Telephone: HYDe Park 2276 Plynouth ' Pottsmouth ' Chatham' Darhnouth ' Elinby,;: ll/eymoulh ' Liuerpool Catnberlel ' Bournetnouth Bi:t Soulhamplon ' Londonderry ' Gibraltar lylalta *stt tv gu.de *a gd lll? . Flffi --**Jffi,ffi_ rffiffi IEIW$1 Y. t t!/ ra/. i-::: I S. G. BROWN LTD. SHAKESPEARE STREET incorporating WATFORD HERTS Thc Submerinc Signel Co. Ltd. Iel.t T21l THE COMMUNICATOR The Mogozine of the Communicotions Bronch, Royol Novy cHR|STMAS t957 VOL. ll. No. 3 CONIENIS page page Eorromll 133 Sours ArLeNTrc AND Sourg Ausnlca Cslpr-,lIl.r's Mrsslcn 133 SrlrtoN 151 Fnorr.r rne ClprlrN H.M. Srcr.rll Scnoor 134 Wrsr INorEs 153 PrnsoNlLIrv PlcE... 135 BunNHarra WiT SurroN ... 154 Tnnrsrsron-Tsr V.qlvs oF THE Furunr 136 ConaurssroNrNc Fonecrsr... 156 Glomous Guzz 139 MsorrsnuNrlN SrnrroN 157 F,ln. Elsr SurroN 140 Vrce Aonatner lNo Renn Aourut or tne Lrrrrns ro THE Eorron ... 144 UNrreo KtNcoor.r 164 "Wr Tlrr Orr Oun H.qrs To 145 Flnr Atr Anv 167 Roylr- AusrurrnN Navy 146 Hour Surrox 170 CAprlrN's Trsle 147 Soun Acrrvrrv 181 Ensr INorrs Srnrror 148 Nrws rnou LpvorNe 183 Rrsnnvrs 150 ConauuNlcltroNs Glzrttr 189 Editor: Lieutenant (C) W. L. PevNr, n.N, Treasurer: Instructor Lieutenant K. O. Bntcnr, B.sc., R.N, Editorial Staf: Instructor Lt. Commander A. T. InrroH, n.N. Sub-Lieutenant (SD) (C) A. H. Ponrrn, n.N. Secretary: Leading Writer B. GoornEv Business, Production and Advertisement Manager : MR. EDGAR Srncounr, 2 Station Hill, Farnham, Surrey. CONTRIBUTIONS All MSS., photographs and cartoons should be sent to the Editor at H.M.S. "Mercury", as below. These will be returned to the senders only if asked for, and responsibility for them cannot be accepted by the Editor. Subscription Rates for 1958 are as follows: For the whole year ... 7i6 post free For each issue 213 or 218 post free Bulk orders from commands, ships or establishments,216 per copy, post free. The Magazine is published at Easter, Summer and Christmas. Some back numbers are available and those more than 2 years old can be obtained for l/- post free. The price for the Christmas 1957 edition remains at 212 post free. aart Cheques and/or postal orders should be made payable and sent to: The Editor, Tnn Courr.rumclron, H.M.S. "Mrncunv", East Meon, near Petersfield, Hampshire. PUBLISHED AT H.M.S. "MERCURY'' THE ADORATION OF THE KI\GS Jan Gossaert de Maubse (c1500t Repnxlutul hy aurtt's.r' rl'I'lu' Trustccs. l-hc \ati,,r,,r r {'And all the bells on earth shall ring on Christmas Day in the morning" THE COMMUNICATOR r33 EDITORIAL CHRISTMAS MESSAGE FROM CHAPLAIN "Do you spell it with a V or a W ?" inquired the judgc' THE "Thai deoends uDon th€ taste and fanc] of the speller. m1 lord." replied Sam. "l niver had occasion to spell it more than once or An author finished an article on Christmas with tr:ice in m1 life. but I spells it $ith a v." much The pitkuirk papers. rhese words: "Humanity must be forgiven for having invented Christmas." Whisky was W-and double-but now they say Many of us rvill no doubt think that a bit far- we must have Whisky, or make a nasty-medicine fetched. "Humanity" did not invent Christmas. That face and swallow it. IJisge beathal So it is definitely was an act of God. And yet there is a sense in which U anyway, not V for Wine. The Gaelic means "hunranity" has invented much of our ntodern "water of life"; aye, it's that alright. A few drams Christmas. Charles Dickens, to name but one, con- now, and it becomes easier to follow. Whisky, d'ye tributed a greeit deal to our celebration of Christmas. see, is the English way of writing Uisge, but they do He rescued old Christmas customs, and in doing so. exisr. outwith the celtic race, who spell it with a B, invented a few of his own. The result is that an R, or an S according to taste. An ardent spirit, Christmas is now a much more happy event than indeed it is. We read, how rightly, in Tam o' Shanter once it was. "Wi' usquebae we'll face the de'll." Some people have been saying dr'rring these latter One Mr. Shaw, it will be recalled, lried to irnprove years that the swing has gone too far, and that our spelling without much success, but even the most Christmas no*' is made an excLlse for a "binge" and recalcitrant may well yield under the soothing a nroney-nraking ranlp. Tlrat n.ray be so. And that is influence of another wee deoch an doris. Benignll' rhc part that "humanity" has invented and for which smiling, he hears from afar the voices of those humanity mLrst be blamed. learnecl in the science of articulate sound urging hinl It may be that we could do without quite a lot of to accept the intrusion of E for . Enlrna' is it? tl-rat which exploits so lovely an occasion. But there Whisky is, they say, a medium for oral communi- is no need for Christmas to be dull, even though we cation rather than visual presentation, still Iess cut out the excesses. post-prandial consumption. When it dawns on him, Christmas after all is a Festival. It is an event the logic of it all nray well seenr lrish. But then, so which nren and women throughout the ages have was George Bernard Shaw. celebrated with gaiety and gladness. Woe betide the person who would turn it into a Fast! On Christmas Business Day above every day let us readily rejoice' Let us lrow glad we are that God came into our world been found necessary to increase the price of show It has lot. Tsp ConvuNlcrron. We should like to stress that and shared our do this best of all, I think, by retaining the the magazine is in no way subsidised and that this We can of Christmas. If you take your minds decision is taken with the greatest reluctance' The family-spirit the first Christmas, you will see that e\er)- increase in postal rates announced earlier this back to that took place then las in snlall groups. The summer has added one nrore burden to the many thing Child riith Joseph formed the little others that have fallen upon publishers in recent Mother and The first announcentenl trf the birth ol years. None of us can go on losing moneyl family. Christ uas to a little group crf sinlple shepherds. The The neu charges iire promulgated on page I 3 I and \\'ise \len front the East uere !rn1] Ihrce in nunlber. are effective for the Easter. 1958. and subsequent truth ls I s.'e it is thlt \\: recapture the spirit editions. Adrance subscriptions receired before the The fir,st Chri-itnias irntong cloie friends and near date publication of the present issue uill be of th: of Thrtt is shl'se all long to get honl': for honoured al the old rltcs. r.'lati\!'s. and if ue happen to be serring on a We hope you will get .rs nlLrch pleasttre in reading Christnrls. foreign station oLlr hearts are always u'ith the folks this number as rve had putting it together. \\'e lrare on Christmas DaY. left one deliberate mistake in the text and invite at home Br:t there must be room for Jesus Christ in all our you to tell Lls what it is. A draw will be nlade on the celebrations. After all, He is the central Person on ldes of March and a prize of half a guinea awarded this occasion.
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