. > ' ' suit: ' A ' ' ' '" 1 f ’ a M,M, TOS. TI 1 P P q^^ti011 h Vr AJ. ^/ I . *,-. T h e C X X or£< credibuity..m^ rr.B- w Volume 8 Issue 7 Serving Durham College Monday, November 1 7, 1980 ^ , In our edition of Nov. 10, 1980, and under the above headline, The Chronicle published a story involving Inland Publishing Co. Limited, publishers of Oshawa This Week, Abe Taylor, and Doug Wilson. The Chronicle has volunteered corrections, retractions and apologies respecting some of the statements of fact and opinion in this story. * Due,to imminent deadline for this issue, it has not been possible to prepare an appropriate correction. The Chronicle will be glad to publish such corrections, retractions and apologies when the form and content have been approved by all parties. take s by ^ancy Begg Chronicle Staff Oshawa's desire for a fresh approach will become a reality when mayor elect, Allan Pilkey takes office Dec. 1. Pilkey' s main priorities remain to bring more team work approach to city council, to function more effectively as-a staff. To do this Pilkey plans to change the structure of the council. "As it stands now the city executive committee comprises of four ' . w"-'.- '.', . ’’ ’tV-’.;"- ,'kv' members plus the mayor. The four mem- A fiery end to Robson Long Tannery bers play a dual role in that they are the ' ' ' ' , , % . _ ._. - ’’’ . chairmen of the standing committees," he Police suspect arson in connection with Jhis fire at another abandoned building as well as anoffice structure. says. Because of this Pilkey ' sees the Robson-Lang Tannery in Oshawa. The blaze which The tannery closed in May of 1977, putting 135 employees decision making powers in the hands of a started at 2 p.m. Nov. 8, took 26 firemen to control. The out of work. ' few. His plan is to retain the four member fire gutted a large part of the tannery but firefighters saved . photo by I^eter Hughes executive committee but to appoint four different individuals for the chaimaenlime positions. New building proposal ( cent. on page 5 Board require s more^ time by Vince Ball Chronicle Staff union could providei construction that the College decides to dp. _. .skilled-trades ><T However, when bids are made for con- , "Lowest bidder doesn't mean good The Board of Governors has decided struction jobs like this it is almost inevitable skilled tradesmen, he said. that it needs more time to consider a pro- that the lowest bid wins the job. "Usually in However, Mel Garland, President ot posal put forth by the Toronto-Central cases like this the lowest bidder does get the Durham College has complete confidence in Ontario Building and Construction Trades job," Tressider said. the Partak people. "They have a good Council Tressider fells that the reason Partak record of doing jobs like this," Garland said. Last month Jack Tressider of the got the job was because they p^t in a lower The proposal put forth by the trades trades council protested the use of non- bid. "Our bid was higher because we have . council would insert a union clause in the unionized labour that was hired by Durham dental plans, pension plans and our men College's tender documents. This clause College to construct the new Adult Training have better wages," he said. would establish union wages or wages com- building. The non-union company that was Reg Smith, a Durham administrator, . parable to the market to be paid to trades- hired to put up the building was Partak doesn't agree^hat the college should have to men for any construction job done for the Construction of Cpbourg, Ontario. hire unionized labour for the 'simple reason college. "They're putting up a building to train that students may join unions upon grad- " Establishment of such a clause would people who will probably join a union upon uation. prevent non-union companies from under- graduation," Tressider said. "But," he "We're an educational institution train- cutting unionized companies when making a added, "they're using non- unionized labour ing people for jobs in the working world. It's bid for a job. to do it." of no matter to us if they become union or At the meeting last Wednesday, the When Durham College decided to be- non-unionized After graduation," said Board of» Governors decided that three on gin construction of the new building it was Smith ' board members should be appointed to look Snowfall the Durham Trail necessary that they advertise the job so that In an interview with The Chronicle, at the situation more closely. every construction company would have Tressider suggested that the quality of work The Board will discuss me matter fur- The first snowfall of the year has come equal opportunity to make bids for the job. being supplied by the Partak company ther during their next meeting, Dec. 10, making the Durham Trail a picturesque place This is a standard procedure for any wasn't quite up to the standards that a 1980. for a walk. Too^ad it didn't last. Inside this week^s C hronic le Rock revue Illegal housing Fitness feature Election news Along with its routine vic- Fromoulof the sixties comes An increasing problem of Fitness, the growing cult of tories, last Monday's muni- Paul Revere and the Raiders illegal housing has been un- the eithfies, has infiltrated cipal election also had its - a band that has survived 20 covered in the Oshawa area. our educational system and years in the music business, has become the standard for share of'upsets. Oshawa and City Hall is aware of the prob- today'.s liberated woman. setting a -record for CBS lem but continues to ignore Torpnto held two of the clos- the fact that fitness Records by selling ^.million the realities of the potential Despite est mayoral races in recent became popular, passtime in copies of their big hit Indian hazards involved. history. Reservation. the seventies, it is still in its Story pa^e 8 Story page ? infancy. Story page 6 Storypajge tt '. :- ^ : -^ Page 2, The Chronicle, November 1 7, 19M Teaching mote rewarding Verret by Vince BallChronicle Staff Arab Emerance. The country was very poorly Eero Verret is a man who likes challenges. developed until oil was discovered, when It was this passion for something new that happened the country began building and different that brought Verret to Durham large cities. Verret, at this time was operating a College just 6 years ago. partnership company of his own and was in After spending a number of years as an charge of hiring architectual firms to design Industrial Designer for a number or companies, the hotels and large shopping plazas of including Brian G. Holmes, IMCO of Toronto these cities. and a partnership in his own company, ,,.,...,Verret describes the project as being Verret decided ti)at it was time for something "very worthwhile but also very exhausting. It new. was after this project that Verret decided to It was at this time that Verret first came come to Durham College. to Durham College to begin teaching Design "Students graduating from the design Arts. arts program will find that they are entering Verret, who^recently resigned his position a very competitive field," says Verret. "But," as department, head of design arts, is the he adds, "if they are willing to work at it and man largely responsible for the present take it seriously they will find good jobs." design arts program at Durham. Although Verret will be working closely Verret* s challenge when coming to Dur- with Bob Hedley, the new department head ham College involved taking a "program of design arts, his main responsibilities will that wasn't very relevant to the needs of the be1 teaching. "I think I will find teaching far more rewarding than administrative industry and coming up with a program that duties/' said Verret. Check, check and double check is very relevant to industry," said Verret. '/, Since Verret's coming to .the College Double checking the work is a very im- and demands creativity and artistic ability. the design arts program has been very portant aspect of the interior design course Robin Holmes double checks her design of successful. Student offered by Durham College. The course is a an office building. Robin IB in her second "We have had nothing but compliments two-year program with a third year option year oi the program. from people in the industry who have been connected with the College," said Verret. kept busy J Since coming to Canada from Estonia, one of the Balkan States of Europe now There's more to Sharon Tendam's life S ay well not s occuppied by Communist Russia, Verret than Durham College. has been very successful in his field of Tendam, 27, a draftingjstudent in adult industrial design. re-training at Durham College, illustrated "Tne way in which things are designed the recently published "Easy Cooker" by intrigue me," says Verret. That combined Mary Lisko. The cookbook contains more than 30 of Stephen Saywell will not seek re-election coming out of school saying they can't read with a good graphics and artistic sense : to the Durham Board of Education after this or write," said Saywell. helped Verret attain good marks throughout Tendam's illustrations. year's municipal election. his scholastic career. Tendam has also painted a 40 foot long "Of course it depends a lot on the building at This may not be unusual for some teacher and student," said Saywell.
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