AMS NEWSLETTER THE AMERICAN MUSICOLOGICAL SOCIETY CONSTITUENT MEMBER OF THE AMERICAN COUNCIL OF LEARNED SOCIETIES VOLUME XLVIII, NUMBER 1 February 2018 ISSN 0402-012X Diverse, Vibrant, Progressive—San Antonio in 2018 Rochester Reflections AMS/SMT San Antonio 2018 at the Grand Hyatt on the River Walk, you Largest. Smallest. First. Last. Although most 1–4 November can catch any of the VIVA buses very nearly of those attending the Rochester 2017 Annual ams-net.org/sanantonio at your doorstep, and from there the whole Meeting probably did not realize it, this was city is open to you. an event of many superlatives. This is an exceptional year to visit San Anto- If you can build extra time into your stay, Because we had two hotels and the Con- nio. 2018 marks the tricentennial of the city’s you might want to take advantage of the vention Center to work with, we were able founding, with a generous offering of events, weather and spend some time outdoors at to add two paper sessions to every time slot, exhibitions, and opportunities to serve. the spacious and peaceful San Antonio Bo- which meant that in terms of the number Of course people lived in South Texas be- tanical Garden or the quirky and storied of papers, this was the largest AMS Annual fore 1718, but in that year the San Antonio de Japanese Tea Garden. Or you might want to Meeting ever. There was a splendid variety of Béxar Presidio and Mission San Antonio de visit some of the city’s impressive museums. papers, ranging from Old Hispanic chant to Valero, now known the world over as the Ala- The Witte Museum will offer two special music and events of the second decade of the mo, were established. The Alamo is surely the exhibitions in support of the tricentennial: twenty-first century. Topics covered people city’s most popular tourist destination, but Confluence and Culture: 300 Years of San An- and music from six continents (somehow, any longtime resident of Bexar County will tonio History, which promises “seven immer- we missed Antarctica again), employing a tell you that you haven’t seen anything until sive galleries” featuring, among many other stunning variety of methodologies and ap- you’ve visited the other four missions: Con- things, the fiddle that Davy Crockett played proaches, once again demonstrating the wide cepción, San José, San Juan, and Espada. All at the Battle of the Alamo; and Gathering range of scholarship embraced by the Society. five missions were granted UNESCO World at the Waters: 12,000 Years of People, which Opera, as always, received a good deal of at- Heritage status in 2015. With an average early focuses on how “climate shifts” over twelve tention, but so did gender and race, experi- November temperature in the upper 60s, millennia impacted the changing population mental music, popular music, and contem- you can walk or take a B-Cycle rental along of prehistoric Texas. The San Antonio Mu- porary music. On the other hand, those who the whole mission trail. The city also runs a seum of Art boasts significant collections of have worried that the golden oldies, medieval VIVA bus to the missions, as it does to most ancient Egyptian, Greek and Roman, Asian, and Renaissance, were on the decline, were major tourist draws in town. If you’re staying and Latin American art, and the McNay Art encouraged by the good number of well- Museum, in addition to featuring important attended sessions in those areas, with a sig- works from various traditions, is host to the nificant percentage of the papers presented In This Issue… Tobin Collection of Theatre Arts, which in- by young scholars. Adding to the variety were President’s Message ...............2 cludes more than 9,000 items with a focus on sessions, mostly in the evening, organized by AMS Public Lectures..............4 scene and costume design. the ever-increasing number of study groups President-Elect Suzanne G. Cusick ...5 If the phrase theatre arts piques your inter- and committees, responsible, respectively, for Two New Awards ................5 est, you should know that San Antonio cur- eleven and ten sessions. AMS Forum ....................5 rently has two opera companies: Opera San While most of the daytime slots were occu- Awards, Prizes, Honors ............6 Antonio and Alamo City Opera. Although pied by traditional paper sessions, there were Treasurer’s Message .............. 11 2018–19 seasons have yet to be announced, several alternative format sessions, and a few JAMS Confidentiality Guidelines ... 11 the city is also home to the San Antonio innovations, including two sessions employ- Rochester Post-Conference Survey .. 11 Symphony, the Classical Music Institute ing the new seminar format, in which the pa- San Antonio Location Update .....12 Chamber Orchestra, the San Antonio Cham- pers were circulated in advance and discussed Elections 2018 ..................13 ber Music Society, the San Antonio Inter- at the meeting by panelists and audience News Briefs ................... 15 national Piano Competition, and the SOLI members. Conferences . 16 Chamber Ensemble. In addition, the AMS/ I would like to thank the members of the Committee News ...............17 SMT conference will sponsor some special Program Committee, Thomas Christensen, Study Group News ..............20 programming, including the concert “España Carol Hess, Elizabeth Keathley, James Para- Papers Read at Chapter Meetings ...23 Antigua, Nueva España,” with sixteenth- and kilas, Annie Randall, and Anna Zayaruznaya, Financial Statement .............29 seventeenth-century music from Spain and for their outstanding work in putting this Obituaries ....................30 Mexico performed by the Austin Baroque program together. Next year’s committee, Grants, Awards, Fellowships .......31 continued on page continued on page President’s Message In November 2017 the eighty-third meeting new media platforms, film, HD screening, we were in the home town of the Eastman of the American Musicological Society took YouTube, and mobile networks. School of Music. Indeed, no account of the place in Rochester, New York. A large flank of Rochester also saw the implementation of occasion would be complete without drawing musicologists, some 1,600 strong, went off to our new seminar format. Papers were circu- attention to the open rehearsal and panel dis- a mid-size city and made outsize strides in the lated in advance for seminars on “New Intel- cussion (sponsored by the Committee on the scope and ambition of the profession. Some- lectual Histories of Music” and “The Rubble Annual Meeting) that took place around Vic- thing special was in the air. The meeting had Arts: Music after Urban Catastrophe.” Not toria Bond’s 2001 opera Mrs. President, staged a memorable spirit of conviviality, geniality, least remarkable were evening sessions, many in the year of the one hundredth anniversary sponsored by our vibrant array of thirteen and solidarity, notwithstanding some chal- of the granting of women’s right to vote in study groups, which ranged from public lenges with the two hotels. Notable among its New York state where Susan B. Anthony musicology, Russian music, intersectionality, highlights were three brilliant talks by three was headquartered when she was president women. On Thursday afternoon, a standing disability, Jewish studies, and musical play to of the National American Women’s Suffrage room only crowd convened for the President’s Rancière, film music, cold war studies, lib- Association. Endowed Plenary Lecture, richly conceived eralism, and queering dance musics. An ad- It was a great pleasure for the leadership of and elegantly delivered by Past President and ditional highlight was the special roundtable AMS to be able to announce in Rochester sev- Columbia Professor Elaine Sisman on the “Zarlino at 500,” marking the five hundredth eral major initiatives of our membership. The topic of “Working Titles, Sticky Notes, Red anniversary of Zarlino’s birth. Besides all this, 2017 Threads,” a lecture that explored historically the entire annual meeting was prefaced by two generosity of our members led in to a the reflexive relationship between titling of full-scale conferences in their own right, one significant increase in the Lenore Coral fund, music and musical meaning. On Friday eve- on new Beethoven research and one on music which supports the work of RILM. It also led 1789 1914 ning, in a lecture sponsored by the Planning journalism and the French press, – . to the inauguration of the Women and Gen- Committee on Race and Ethnicity, critical Year after year, committees also make sub- der Endowed Lecture, likewise completed in race studies scholar Cheryl Harris spoke with stantial contributions to the proceedings. The 2017, along with a quilt whose making sup- force and eloquence about the complicity of Committee on Career-Related Issues does ported the effort and was raffled off in Roch- colorblindness in the current surge of white yeoman’s service in staging multiple sessions ester. Special thanks are due to all who made 2017 nationalism. And on Saturday morning, Su- (four in ), with this year’s ranging from those happen, through substantial donations issues of work/life balance to getting tenure san McClary delivered a stirring address for of time and money. 2018 will already see more the inaugural occasion of the Women and exciting initiatives by our members: the im- Gender Endowed Lecture on the theme of a memorable spirit of conviviality, plementation of an award for scholarship in women representing women in music. geniality, and solidarity critical race studies, generously endowed by There were striking innovations in various Judy Tsou and David Carlson, with support disciplinary areas too. Within the wide reach to maintaining a research agenda at a teach- from members of the board, and an award on of global musicology, talks were given on Lat- ing-intensive university, as well as a “career research on the musical press, generously en- in American phonography, slavery in Africa, bootcamp.” The Committee on Cultural Di- dowed by H.
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