The T. P. Band and Singing Mr. and Mrs. Roblnsoa Oook of About Town company will meet promptly at Boulder Road are guesta at the Don't Forget To Order Your Good the Salvation army hall tonight at Ambassador hotel whUe they are 8:15 for rehearsal In preparation viaiUng the World’s Fair. LOBSTERS The Democratic Town Oommit- for their trip to Plymouth thU tee wlU meet tonight at 8 la the week-end. About 80 jroung people TOPCOATS Clondy, oeoaebMial IlgM rate ta- Member of the Audit Fresh Live Lobatem (or Boiled) for Friday Delivery. Y.M.C.A. to make plana for the win leave at the dtadel Saturday AUCB UbmAN nlght; Friday, cloudy, Ugkt rate, Price is low! Chicken Lobsters, 31c lb. Largrer size, Monday election. A ll cchdldatea morning at eight o’clock and re­ (Knows As t|saea ANea) Bttreuu of CIrculutloue I not much change te are requested to be present. turn Sunday evening. SPU m iA L MEDIUM In A Variety Of Styles 35c lb The Lobsters will be delivered direct from Maine Seveatk Daaghtor of a Scveath Sea MancheBter— A CUy o f Village Charm to us by overnight express,_______________ _ Woodrow H. McCann. 21, of 91 Bom WKh a VeK Wetherell street, has enliated in The Mleaionary society of Readtogs OaMy 9 A. M. to 9 P. M. Emanuel Lutheran church will To Suit Every Man VOL. LX„ NO. 8 (C X e e e l^ Advertleteg en Page 19) the army. It le announced. He will Or By Appotatmoat la the Sarvtoa MANCHE.STER, CONN, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1940 (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE 'raREE CE snNACN.„>s. 21c MRS. FOSTER'S DONUTS be aMigned to the coast artillery have a meeting at the church to- o f the Peopio for 89 Tears. lU air to M«k. SciTM 4 _ _ In Hawaii. morrow afternoon at 2:80. Mrs. 171 Chareh Htreet, Hartford. Coaa. Jellied Donuts................ ^ .doz. 30c | Honey Dipped Fred Lavey U chairman of the hoateesee. Phoso 8-8X87 I ’ e Raised Donuts. doz. 29c DONUTS Mary B. Cheney auxiliary U. 8. Old Fashioned D onuls......... doz. 2.5c | 30c dozen. W. V. will hold a rummage sale to­ CKENPE»..m‘s.. 25c morrow at nine o’clock In the For Flavor and Tenderness— ^Try store la the Rialto Theater build­ ing. m uotr MMtMM rom 4 PINEHURSq' CUBE STEAKS ............. ..12c to 15c ra. 4 Chamberlain ’ Quits British Cabinet Post CHOPPED STEAK, Special On Native SPARE RIBS Andes ASPAIU€USCUTS(»n:, 79c V EA L CHOPS SAJ.TERKRAI T Hilltop Farm’s STRAWBERRIES Ribs lb. 36c BACON .............lb. .39c Combination Range Loins lb. 44c DEERFOOT SAUSAGE Thursday — Fish Nazi Raiders Shower Bombs on London! __________ LEAN CUTS OF .<;TEWING I.AMB__________ Save lOr On Either of Thew Broom. THIS COKE IS Fresh Mackerel 89c Stlllbetter BBOOM (.Sire fi) ............................ Special! 79c Haddock Fillets 79c I.lttle .lewel BROOM {.Sire fi) .......................... Special! 89c GUARANTEED Do you knoM’ that we .ell O'Cednr Dry and Trente<l Dii.t Mop. If ,von are not aati.fled with Its Salmon . Cloth Mop lleadii . .Mop stick* . and Self WrlnglnK; u*e, we will remove the coke and Perch Fillets M et MopaT refund the money for the amount removed. ^Reds Sock Ball Hard to Gain Early 5~2 Lead Over Tigers Halibut SwordPsh Cash Price $12.75 Per Ton, O ysters Qivce^iv.ync. Army to Play M DIAL 4151 ' 302 MAIN STREET Damage Done by Bomb in Berlin m T H OF POST OFFICE ■ ONE BLOCK FROM STATE ARMOR LT. WOOD Co. Detroit Checked PINEHURST Phone 1196 Principal Role -! Churchill Gives Laboi^ By Fine Twirling In Paraguay More Prominent Role; 72x81 Nushtiu Piirrcy Of Bucky Walters Rising Power Behind Glovefit Slip Covers Military Dictatorship Regular Style In Formation Warns Blankets Rp-dres.* your living ii>oni furniture with «nv of these ^ Attack in Thick Haze three smart p.atterns. Beaiitifiillv made in harmonizing ‘ProfessionaP Politics. Tlic ne\ve*t development in cnlorn which will blend with any color scheme. Fans Late in hlankfl.s made of bynthetic fibres TOPCOATS except for a small quantity of wool “ Es-ipx” Pattern Coverts— Military Cords and Knitted Fabrics Buenos Aire*. Argentina. Oct. S. Anti-Aircraft Barraecs LTMT___ _ C _____ # Fornipr Prime Minister - yet has l>een proven to hr an nlaiight in Early Inn- Arriving foV — i/P) -Col. Ramon Paredes, the So Heavy as to Tic Up ^ i ^ ^ V S 0 0 1 0 8 0 R psipns an Lord Presl- warm ns blanket.s priced twice as C h a ir...................... .<!i;i.9R inj?»; Ripple Wullopn ^ w w rising power behind a military dic­ much. Kig:ht be.autifu. colors. Traffic .Mark Late dent of (Council, Mem- f>l]RR£y Mothproofed. Boxed Davenport ......................... $2.98 YOU’LL LIKE THESE FA.MOl'S ANDES FEATURES: $ 2 5 * 0 0 t o $ 2 2 * 0 0 2*Kuti Homer in .3rd; ijeCOnd GlOSh tatorship reported In formation In Paraguay, has served notice that Nazi Military Thl* nimlel I* rnmplete wilh Lynn Oil Burner and four gan Afternoon Attack by hernhip in Inner W ar "Peinhroke" Pattern One Hit Off Ciney Aee. the Army Intends to play the main burner*. White porcelain flniah. Germans; .Shell Frag­ C h a ir ................................. .$2.98 Ardor of Cincy Root­ role In the prditical life of that Poiots Agaio Gahinet ami I,«ader* Ih e extra largo oven will accomniodate a SO-poiind rnaater, Cro.filey Field, Cincinnati, $4.95 Davenport ........................ and the dual oven feature make* rooking by either oil or gas country. ments Fall Like Hail ship of (^nservative .$4.98 equally efflelent. The frame and top are of ca*t Iron. Oct. 3.— {/f‘) — Cincinnati’.s ers Chillpfl hy Loss Paredes, mlnl.ster of Interior and •’Crest" Pattern Iledlegs bla.sted Lynwood labor In a new military cabinet On City ; Guns Send Up Party; Expresses Con- fOMPI.ETE INSTALI..\TIOX IXCI.I DED IN THIS rRIt'E! Of Opener; Red Play­ (Schoolboy) Rowe off the choaen by ’rovls'onal President Steadv Streams of Steel fidenre of Victory. C h a ir ................................. $3.98 ers in a Happy Mood. Oen. Hlginlo Morlnlgo after with­ German Oil Plants, mound with an eight-hit bar­ drawal of Liberal party members, D av en p o rt........................ $6.98 rage in three and one-third heads the Army faction said to be London, Oct. 3.— (/P>— An­ Munitions Factories Ivondon, Oct. 3.— (IP)— Ail­ Crosley Field, C^lnclnnati, Oct. .-Vvailable in green, rust, wine, blue. Extra large size* Regular $179.50 Value! inii. igs today in the second supporting Morlnlgo In maneuver­ ti-aircraft barrages so heavy ing Neville Chamberlain, fo r­ at no extra cost. 3. -1;?*)—Their ardor badly chilled ing to give the Army a monopoly And Railway Facilities. .50 I game of the World Series, the as to tie up traffic marked a 1 mer prime mini.ster under Curtain Dept., 2nd Floor. $ by their favorites' drubbing In the control. •National Leaguers holding a A broadca.st to the nation yes­ late afternwm attack on Lon- j London, Oct. 3 - </P) - Despite whom Britain entered the first game, Cincinnati’s normally terday by Puredea waa printed 119 5-2 lead as right-handed John don by unseen German raid-1 thick clonjds and poor visibility, war against Germany, drop­ rabid fans straggled Into Crosley this morning by the Buenos Alrea (As long a.s stock la.sts) ers today and some ^ Briti.sh i to­ Joseph Perry Corsica came in field today for the second World newspaper La Ns Ion which quoted British warplanes were officially ped out of the government to relieve the Tiger ace. quarters suggested that the ' day, and Prime Minister Thi.s Offer Includes Customer’s Old Range. Series clash of the humbled Reds the colonel as warning "profession­ reported today to have struck The Red* smacked Rowe for four and the rampaging Detroit Tigers. al politicians" they would feel the Nazi air offensive may have smashing overnight blows at Ger­ Churchill reshuffled his (»b i- Arm y’s might and (dedging Para­ hits and two runs In the »ec- Yesterday at 11 a. m., the right turned to ’’iilind” high alti­ guayan soldiers to continue work man oil plants, munitions factories, net to give labor a more field bleachers, stamping ground of ond to tie the score. Jimmy Rip­ mapped by the lat* Marshal Jose tude bombardment. Anti-air­ railway facilities and other mili­ prominent role. The man Lamp Beauty and Eye Comfort the most frantic of the Redleg ple’s homer wlth..Goodman aboard Fellz Estlgarrlbla, whose presi­ craft sh'edl fragments fell like tary objectives. whose tightly-rolled umbrella For Everyone In the Home rooters, were filled almost to over­ dential career waa cut short by The J W . H A L C CORP counted two more In the third, and flowing. Today, with practically '‘hail on the city. Nazi raiders Among the objectives attacked, came to symbolize his pre­ conaecuttve doubles by Bucky Wal­ death In a plane crarh Rept. 6. Manchister Cohm* the same weather conditions pre­ "Drastic .Measure* of Justice” thrust at the capital through the A ir Ministry said, was the war policy of appeasement to­ Model .Shown— ters and Bill Werber acored an­ vailing. but with the Cincinnati great Krupp works at Es.sen—one other In the fourth with one down. The version pub!.«hed here said a thick haze in their fourth ward totalitarian rulers, re­ Red hopes chilled a bit, the bleach­ Paredes declared that "drastic visit of the day, showering of Germany's biggest armament 6 M a v ers were only half full at 11:30.
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