H3506 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE May 18, 2010 The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there elor’s and master’s degrees from McGill membered his Massachusetts roots in his gen- objection to the request of the gen- University. erous support of important medically-related tleman from Illinois? His family and friends described him charities, for example the Dana Farber Cancer There was no objection. as kind, generous and selfless. It was Institute’s Jimmy Fund. He was also a strong Mr. DAVIS of Illinois. Madam Speak- Michael who encouraged and financed supporter of the Multiple Sclerosis Foundation er, I now yield myself such time as I his sister, Rhonda, to start her own and Mutual Funds against Cancer. may consume. business. Michael was known to work His family has established the Michael C. On behalf of the House Committee on hard, excelling in his position on Wall Rothberg Memorial Scholarship, and his fellow Oversight and Government Reform, I Street, rising to the 104th floor of the Sharonites have generously contributed to it in rise in support of H.R. 5099. This meas- World Trade Center, where he worked his memory in a number of ways. ure designates the United States postal for Cantor Fitzgerald. He made friends Madam Speaker, I appreciate the chance to building located at 15 South Main with many of the clients and associates join Michael Rothberg’s family and the town of Street in Sharon, Massachusetts, as he worked with, helping them both in Sharon in memorializing an able, generous the Michael C. Rothberg Post Office and out of the office. man who is sorely missed, and we all take this Building. His mother Iris tells of a time a occasion of course to reaffirm our resolve to Michael Rothberg was a victim of the friend found out she had cancer, and do everything that we can to protect all of us September 11 terrorist attacks on the Michael immediately went to his staff against a repeat of this tragedy. World Trade Center in New York City, and raised money for the Jimmy Fund. Mr. DAVIS of Illinois. Madam Speak- New York. He worked for Cantor Fitz- She also tells of a time a client needed er, I urge my colleagues to join me in gerald as a director of program trading. surgery, and Michael sent a car for her support of this measure, and I yield Described by those who knew him as and waited during the procedure to back the balance of my time. analytical and independent, he had a take her home. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The knack for the high technology used in On September 11, 2001, the United question is on the motion offered by bond trading, yet he was still able to States was attacked by radical Islamic the gentleman from Illinois (Mr. clearly explain complicated concepts jihadists, those against what America DAVIS) that the House suspend the to his clients. Michael liked to be the considers good and just. Behind the rules and pass the bill, H.R. 5099. leader of a team. He enjoyed the auton- devastating number of deaths were the The question was taken. omy and the freedom to make one’s individuals, each having family and The SPEAKER pro tempore. In the own decisions. He even encouraged his friends they left behind. One of these opinion of the Chair, two-thirds being subordinates—‘‘his colleagues,’’ as he victims was Michael C. Rothberg. He in the affirmative, the ayes have it. called them—to have similar aspira- was 39 years old. Mr. DAVIS of Illinois. Madam Speak- tions. To honor Michael’s dedication to his er, on that I demand the yeas and nays. Michael Rothberg was a member of community, The Michael C. Rothberg The yeas and nays were ordered. the Sharon High School class of 1980 September 11th Memorial Scholarship The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- and a graduate of McGill University. was organized by former classmates, ant to clause 8 of rule XX and the He was a very active supporter of the friends, and family. The scholarship is Chair’s prior announcement, further Dana-Farber Institute’s Jimmy Fund, awarded to students at Sharon High proceedings on this motion will be the Multiple Sclerosis Foundation, and School who show qualities of academic postponed. Mutual Funds Against Cancer. integrity, ethical commitment, and f He is survived by his parents, Iris and service to the community. CONGRATULATING PHIL Jay Rothberg, as well as his sister, Today we honor Michael, whose short MICKELSON ON WINNING 2010 Rhonda. life was dedicated selflessly to his MASTERS GOLF TOURNAMENT friends and family. To celebrate and b 1615 preserve his legacy, I ask all Members Mr. DAVIS of Illinois. Madam Speak- The Michael C. Rothberg Memorial to join in supporting H.R. 5099. er, I move to suspend the rules and Scholarship fund was set up for stu- Madam Speaker, I yield back the bal- agree to the resolution (H. Res. 1256) dents from Sharon High School. The ance of my time. congratulating Phil Mickelson on win- Michael C. Rothberg Memorial Race is Mr. FRANK of Massachusetts. Madam ning the 2010 Masters golf tournament. also held every year in Michael’s Speaker, I appreciate the prompt action of the The Clerk read the title of the resolu- honor. committee in processing this bill. Michael tion. H.R. 5099 was introduced by our col- Rothberg was one of the talented young The text of the resolution is as fol- league, the gentleman from Massachu- Americans who was one of the victims of the lows: setts (Mr. FRANK) on April 21, 2010. The mass murder by bloodthirsty terrorists on Sep- H. RES. 1256 measure was referred to the Committee tember 11th. Mr. Rothberg was one of those Whereas, on April 11, 2010, Phil Mickelson on Oversight and Government Reform, killed by these vicious thugs in their attack on won the Masters golf tournament for the which ordered it reported by unani- the World Trade Center. third time at the Augusta National Golf mous consent on May 6, 2010. Understandably, his family, who is proud of Course in Augusta, Georgia; Whereas the Augusta National Golf Course The measure has the support of the him and of the high regard he was held in the was established in 1933; entire New York House delegation. I town in which he had lived, asked that I act to Whereas the Masters was started by thank the gentleman from Massachu- have the town’s post office named for him. It Clifford Roberts and Robert Tyre ‘‘Bobby’’ setts for introducing this measure. I was a request that was enthusiastically sup- Jones, Jr., who designed the Augusta Na- also would like to thank Chairman ported by the government of the town, not sur- tional Golf Course with course architect TOWNS and Ranking Member ISSA for prisingly, because it is a community that takes Alister MacKenzie; their support for the bill. I urge my its civic responsibilities seriously and elects Whereas the Augusta National Golf Course colleagues to support this measure. and appoints people to town offices who are has hosted the Masters since 1934; I reserve the balance of my time. Whereas the Masters is one of the 4 major thoughtful, compassionate, and effective. championships in professional golf; Mr. BROUN of Georgia. Madam Mr. Rothberg was born in Sharon and grad- Whereas past Masters champions include Speaker, I yield myself such time as I uated from Sharon High School. He then went some of the greatest players in golf history, may consume. on to earn his Bachelors and Masters degrees such as Walter Hagen, Ben Hogan, Arnold Madam Speaker, I rise today in sup- in math and computer science from McGill Palmer, Gary Player, Byron Nelson, Jack port of H.R. 5099 designating the facil- University in Montreal. He went to work for Nicklaus, Gene Sarazen, Sam Snead, Tom ity of the United States Postal Service Kanter Fitzgerald whose offices were on the Watson, and Tiger Woods; located at 15 South Main Street in 104th floor of the World Trade Center, and on Whereas Phil Mickelson shot a final round Sharon, Massachusetts, as the Michael 67 for a 72-hole total of 16 under par, 3 September 11th, he was tragically killed in his strokes better than any other competitor; C. Rothberg Post Office. office. Whereas Phil Mickelson brings great pride A native of Sharon, Massachusetts, Michael Rothberg was both a very success- and honor to his family and friends through Michael graduated from Sharon High ful professional and a man of great generosity, the tremendous skill, patience, and deter- School and went on to receive his bach- and while he was working in New York, he re- mination he displayed in victory; VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:46 May 19, 2010 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00020 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K18MY7.052 H18MYPT1 tjames on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with HOUSE May 18, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H3507 Whereas Phil Mickelson has won 4 major I rise today in support of House Reso- The SPEAKER pro tempore. In the championships, including the Masters 3 lution 1256, which congratulates Phil opinion of the Chair, two-thirds being times, and a total of 38 events on the PGA Mickelson on winning the 2010 Masters in the affirmative, the ayes have it. Tour; and Golf Tournament in Augusta, Georgia. Mr. SALAZAR. Madam Speaker, on Whereas the Phil and Amy Mickelson Foundation, through involvement with Start His strong performance in the tour- that I demand the yeas and nays. Smart, the Mickelson ExxonMobil Teachers nament and his exemplary community The yeas and nays were ordered.
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