CENSUS OF<INDIA. 19f1' PUNJAB DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK.-" No.5 AMBALA DISTRICT" R.~ L.ANAND SUperintendent qf' Census Operations, p-Jab, Haryana" and Union'Territpry of Chandigarh Published by the; OovcrnmcriJ of Punjab r9~7 I- z o U j: .., u a: ccIII H S ~ III 1M - a: I­ t­ a: ... a: Ill: .. c "II d z ::. ::) ~ o o &&I u a oa It'" (J) U c "II ... III III Z Z % &&I Z '" - I- U IX 0 .... U &&I ::! z I&. Cz.1- " z'" .,c &&I C III C It « IX U Q ... :;) ..J « v m ~ « A \.. f¥ 4l 4r ~ ~ to ... \ .. L U 0 '" '"ex .., I- 0 '"2 ·~o 0 "'- .... "- ;; CENSUS OF INDIA 1961 ' A-CENTRAL GOVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS The publications relating to Punjab bear Volume No" XIII, and are bound separately as foHows:- Part I-A General Report P~rt IV-A Report on Housing and Establish- ments Part I-B Report on Vital Statistics Part IV-B Tables on Housing and Bstablish- ments Pat1 I-C(i) Subsidiary Tables Part V-A Sp~cial Tables on Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Pdrt I-C(ii) SubsidiarY Tables Part V-B Ethnographic Notes on Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Part II-A General Population Tables Part VI Village SurveY Monographs : , 44 in number, each relating to an individual village ' Part II-B li) General EcoaoitUc Tables (Tables Part Vn·A Report on Selected Handicraft s B-1 to D-IV, B-VIn and B-IX) 6 Pan II-B(H) " " General ,~nomic ,Tables (Tables Part VII-B Report and Tables on ~airs and B:;VtO B.. YIIJ' " '~ Fe&tiyals "'" .. Part I1~Cti) " " Social and Cultural ~Ttbles Part VIII-A " " AdminiS';ta4ive ~port : Enumera.- tion lNot for sale) Part n.. C(ii) Migration Tables Part VIlI-B Administrative Report Tabula- '" tion tNot for sale) Part III Househo19 EconomipjTables • Part 1& ,; " ". Socio-Economic Atlas B-PUNJAB GOVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS 19 Volumes of District ~n'sus Handbflwks!- DCH-l Hissar DCH-~ Ludhiana Col DCH-2 Rohtak DCH-12 Perozepur DCH-3 Gurgaon DCH-13 Amritsar DCH-4 Karnal DCH-14 Gurdaspur OOH-S Ambala DCH-IS Kapurthala DCH-6 Simla ooH·16 Bhatinda ncU·7 Kansra DCH.. l7 ~narur DQ}I-8 Lahaul & Spit DCH-18 Patiala DCH-9 Hoshiarpur DCH-19 Mahendragarh DCH-IO Iullundur PJlEII'ACE . The reparts and statistical volumes pertaining to the 1961-census fall under three broad groups on the basis of territory coverage. The All-India Reports and Tables compiled in the office of the Registrar General, [ndia, encom~)ass the entire country. The reports compiled by the State Superintendents relate to individual states and Centrally Administered Territories. The third group consists of District Census Handbooks, the scope of which is limited to individual Districts, and they give information for each town and village. The Hand­ books were compiled by the Superintendent of Census OPeraltions, Punjab, but the State Government has undertaken their publishing. The District Census Handbooks were published for the first time at the 1951-census. They proved very useful with the officers working in Community Development Blocks. TahsiJs and Districts, and were consul­ ted in connection with elections, as also by students of social sciences interested in local problems. This Handbook contains the essential census data for each village and town (according to wards) in the District. Besides, some other useful information has been included in it, thus making it a self-contained book of reference for the District. .. Tb.e book is divided into four parts .... Part I consists offour chapters. Chapter I introduces the Pistrict, giving information on its location, physical features, climate, fauna and flora, towns and places of intere~t, a brief history of the District and its administrative machinery. In Chapter 11 are discussed the use of land, main crops and irrigation, industries, trade and commerce, and communications. In Chapter III the salient features of population a~e discussed. Chapter IV deals with social and developmental activities, and achieve- ments during the First· and Second Five-Year Plans. In Part II are presented the statistics secured from various Government Departments relating to rainfall, temperature, land utilisation, irrigation, area and yield of principal crops, livestock, industry, co-operation, education, printing and publishing, entertainments, medical and health, birth$ and deaths, transport and communications, community development activities, banks and insurance, and justice. At the end ap"ears a Table on the fairs and festivals in the District.' ' . The Tables relating to the 1961-census aa-e presented in Part lIn Part IV contaJns a Directory of Villages and Towns, showing which among them have educational institutions, hospitals and dispensaries, post and tele­ graph offices, electrifiCEltion and protected water-supply; area; number of occupied residential houses and house­ holds Hving therein; population; peJsons belonging to Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes; number ofliterate and educated persons; number of workers in nine broad 'industrial cate!ories' ; and number of non-workers . :.,~ .. '~.~r<~·,\.·.. •.. _ ~ c; The tthokcQntains severalmaps. There is a map of the District showing the administrative boundaries, roads and r~ilways, river§..and canalS, and lo?ation o~towns. Another map shows the distribution ofpopu~ation; the populatIOn of towns 1rshown by proportIOnate cIrcles, and of rural areas by dou. F or each TahsIl In the District two types of maps have been prepared, one showing the location.. of social amenities, and the second showing the boundaries of villages and towns. These maps were prepared by Shri 1.R. Kalia. This publication is the outcome of the joint efforts of a ,large number of workers and Government Departments, and grateful acknow ledgement is made ofthe help received fI om them. Within the Census Organisa­ tion mention needs to be made of Shri Jaswant Singh Dilawary, Statistical Assistant, and Sarvshri Vishwa1fIitter and Jaswant Lal, Asstt. Compilers, for preparing the Tables appearing in Part II, under the supervision of Shri T.P. Garg, p.e.s., Deputy Superintendent of Census Operations; and of Shri Goverdhan Dass Singla, StatistiC3l . Assistant, and Sarvshri Joainder Nath Slll"iand Dharam Paul Jain, Computors, for preparing the Tables appear­ illgm,:,lIlrts III and IV, under the supervision of Shri Pawan Kumar, Tabulation Officer. Sarvshri Joginder Nath Sud, AJab Lal Kakkar and Om Parkash Malik _helped in correcting the proofs in the press. Shri Sita Ram, p.e.s., Deputy Superinte~dent of Census Operations; Punjab, paid a number of visits to the Ambala District, and after colleeting information by personal observations and discussions with a large number of persons, produced the draft of this Handbook. , My truuiks are due also to Shri K.C. KUriyan, Controller of Printing & Stationery, and his Deputy, Shri Tara ChaRd, for their personal attention in the printing of the book. \ . R. L. ANAND - Superintendent of. Census Operations, CIIANDIGARH Punjab, Haryana. and Union Territory April10, 1967. of 'Chandigarb .. • CONTENTS PAGI PREFACE iii PART I-IN1ll0DUCTION TO THE DISTRICT 1-44 Chapter 1 - Introduction 3 Chapter II-Economy 17 Chapter 1I~_Population 26 Chapter IV-Social and Developmental Activities 35 PART D-DEPARTMENTAL STATlS11CS 45-147 Explanatory Noto 48 Tables S3 PDT IIL-CENSUS TABLES 149-314 Explanatory Note 154 Tables 182 PART IV-DIRECTOR¥ OF VILLAGES AND TOWNS 315-505 Explanatory Note 316 Directory 318 • Alphabetical List of Villages 473 MAPS Ambala District : Tahsil boundaries, Towns, Roads, Railways, Rivers and Canals frontispiece Ambala District ! Distribution of Population, 1961 facing page 26 Location of Schools, Dispensaries and Post Oftices 1. Rupar Tahsil 2. Nalalarh Tahsil 3. Kharar Tahsil 4. Naraingarh Tahsil 5. Ambala Tahsil 6. Jagadhri Tahsil facing page 35 Boundaries ofViUages : Rupar Tahsil facinl page 475 Nalagarh tahsil facing page 479 Kharar Tahsil facing page 487 Narain,p.rh Tahsil , facing page 493 Ambala Tahsil facing page 497 Jagadhri Tahsil facing page 501 • • r··" • • PART I INTRODUCTION TO THE DISTRICT .t oliAPTEa t IN TltODUCTION Ambala ~ __ of the six Districts comprisin'l Ambala DiYi~on. It lies along the Shiwaliks between the Jamuna and thel",lcjrivers and has an areaof2,300.2sq.miles. Itspopulationatthe 1961-censuswas 1,373,477. AdministratIvely it is divided into six Tahsils : lagadhri, Ambala, Narain'larh, Kharar, Rupar and NaJagarh. Name.-The District takes its name after its headquarters town. Ambala. The town is said to have been (oundedduringtheI4thcenturybyoneAmbaRam. Another version is that thename is a corruption of AJab· wala orthe village ofman~oes. Still another version-is that the townhas taken its nameafter Bhiwani Amba the goddess 'whose temple still exists in the town. LOt-ation and boundaries.-The District lies between 30°-02'-25* and 31 °-10'-35* north latitude and between 76°-10'-55' and 77°-16'-20* east longitude. It is bounded by the river Jamuna and ~cross it the SaharanDur District of Uttar Pradesh in the south-east; in the south by Karnal District; in the west by Patiala and Ludhiana Districts; in the north-w~ by Hoshiarpur District and the Sutlej river; and in the north-east by Shiwalik hills and the territ~ries of Simla District and Himachal Pradesh. I! Area.{TabJe A-I) *.- The area ofthe District cames to 2,358 sq. miles according to the Surveyor General of India and to 2,300.2 sq. miles accordin~ to· the' Director of Land RecOI:ds, Punjab. The difference between tlie two sets offlgures is due to the different methods ofmeasurement adopted by the two agencies. The area figures as supplied by the :Qirector of Land Records, Punjab, have been adopted in this book. I , Area (Sq. miles) l'absil Total Rural Urbari' Rupar 284'7 281'5 3·2 Nalagarh 272'7 Z72'2 0·5 Kharar 415·1 399·9 15'2 Naraingarh 442·3 437·7 4·6 Axnbala 398·3 380·9 17·4 lagad!tri 487'1 480·8 6·3 , Total 2,300 '2 "2,253'0 .
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