A HAPPY THE HRA IS THANKSGIVING STILL AFTER HOLIDAY TO YOU NEW MEMBERS November 26, 1947 Published by and for the Employees of the Hamilton Watch Co., Lancaster, Penna. Vol. 5, No. 10 * Copyright, 1947, Hamilton Watch Co., Lancaster, Penna. * HRA Christmas Dance HMA Holds Fourth Over The Top To Be Held DeCi. 12 The 1947 Community Annual Banquet Chest Drive went over the Nancy Brown Appointed Chair­ top at H amilton this year. SENATOR MARTIN IS man; Ira. Bowman To Furnish This year's contributions PRINCIPAL SPEAKER AT Music For Dancing totaled $7,427.85 compared NOVEMBER 12th EVENT to $6, 700.13 fott 1946. The First Hamilton Recreation With Senator Edward Martin of Each of us should feel Pennsylvania as the principal Association dance of the 1947-48 proud, that our total gift to season will be held on Friday eve­ speaker of the evening, the Ham­ the Chest equals or is above ilton Management.Association held ning, December 12, at the Maple that of comparable indus­ Grove Ballroom with Ira Bowman its fourth annual banquet on trial plants of the commun­ Wednesday, November 12, at the and his orchestra furnishing the ity. music from 9 p. m. until midnight. Stevens House with 250 members The officials of the Com­ in attendance. Nancy Brown (T & M Study) munity Chest have asked is chairman of this Christmas Senator Martin was introduced that each contributor be by President Calvin M. Kendig. Dance. thanked for his or her con­ The Ticket Committee is com­ One of the unique features of tribution to this worth­ the banquet was a long distance, posed of: Erla Witmer (Plate), while cause. chairman, J an e :flougendobler direct wire telephone hookup (Plate), Bill Mack (B.&F.S.) and b,·oadcast over the public address Harold Smith (Inspection). system to Hotel Adolphus in Dal­ las, Texas, in which Harry Ruth­ Model-Watch Res. hart (Mat'l Sales Mgr.) spoke to various members of the associa­ To Combine Jan. 1 tion. H arry, who has been with Known as the Thanksgiving Day flower, the chrysanthemwn is the company for fifty years, could also a top favorite with the ladies who attend football games. To not attend the ba nquet because of JOHN J. BRILLHART TO florists these flowers are known as "Mums.'' The two beauties RETIRE DECEMBER 31 Company business in the South­ snapped above are whites. Ned Aurand's camera caught them in west and West. After J anuary 1, 1948, the Ex­ all their brilliance in the Hamilton greenhouse where 150 others in­ Another feature of the banquet perimental Parts and Models Sec­ cluding pinks and yellows were in full bloom. They are a mer:iber was the 40 year table for eleven tion a nd Watch Research Section of the aster family and are considered one of the showiest of the HMA members, who have b~n will be combined into one large show flowers. affiliated with the company from department under the name of the 40 to 50 years. Watch Research Department. Employee Chorus in HAMiL TO" IN XMAS '!"nose seated at this tabie This development is being wearing derby hats a nd enjoying brought a bout by the retirement Hensel Hall Concert MODEL R. R. DISPLAY a huge birthday cake were: John of John J . Brillhart, who is in J . Brillhart (Model Sect.), William charge of the Experimenta l Parts Miniature Electric trains and M. Groff (Service), Matthias J. The Hamilton Chorus of 60 Christmas are as synonymous as Ha user (Train), Harry J . Keller & Models Section. Mr. Brillhart mixed voices gave its first con­ will retire on December 31, 1947, reindeers and Santa Claus. (Tra in), Parke K. Lindsay (Ser­ cert of the 1947-48 season on Electric trains command the at­ vice), Casp r Markert (Plate), after 41 years with the company. Tuesday evening, November 18, at All the activities of the Experi­ tention of grown-ups and young­ John C. Weaver (Damaskeening), H ensel Hall, before a large gath­ sters alike. mental P arts & Models Section ering of Hamilton employees' fam­ J ohn H. Foose (Divisional Supt.), will be continued as heretofore H a milton realizing this decided and Reah F . Metzger (Dial). Chairman Nancy Brown ilies and friends. to post a miniature billboard except that production operations The Chorus, under the capable will not be performed in the new along the busy rail Jines that Julia Heida (Stocks & Stores) direction of Abram Longenderfer circle and criss-cross on the 3000 Chorus Schedule is chairman of the Program Com­ Watch Research Department. Mo­ (B. & F. S.l, divided its program del parts or samples of experi­ feet of track that makes-up the mittee assisted by Ellsworth Stoll into three parts: (1) "Songs of Lancaster Model Railroad Club's Calls For Busy Season (T.&C.), while Lois Jansen (Case mental parts will however con­ the South," (2) "American Folk tinue to be made. Christmas display which will be Office) is chairman of the Deco­ Tunes" and (3) "The Great in operation on November 28-29-30 The Hamilton Chorus is in its After January 1, 1948, Mr. E. Waltz." rations Committee assisted by Bill Van Haaften will be in charge of and December 5-6-7 on the sec­ 17th season of concert work. Mack (B.&F .S.). Under the "Songs of the South" ond floor, rear of Weiland's Hobby With four concerts listed start­ H.R.A. members along with the new department. Mr. Brill­ group, the Chorus sang two spir­ hart will cooperate with him in Shop at 315 North Queen Street. ing December 14, the Chorus of their wives or husbands will be ituals and three other numbers in­ According to Ned Scheffer (Ac­ 60 mixed voices will have a busy admitted free. Single employees establishing the departmental or­ cluding: "Swanee," "Neath the ganization so that none of the counting), who is a member of Christmas season along with other who are H.R.A. members may Southern Moon" and "Rain and programs that will carry up to services now rendered by' the Ex­ the River ." The soloists in this the club, in order to view the dis­ bring their boy friends or girl play the public is requested to use F ebruary 25 when more engage­ friends free of charge. Outsiders perimental Parts & Models Sec­ group were: Julia Heida (Stocks tion will be neglected or over­ the entrance at 314 North Chris­ ments will be added to the sched­ will be charged 75 cents per & Stores) and Bill Gassman ule. person. looked by the new Watch Re­ (Works Lab.) . tian Street which is the thorough­ search Department as a result of The "Battle Hymn · of the Re­ fare directly in back of Weiland's Under the ba ton of Abram his retirement. public" was the theme to the store. Longenderfer (B.&F .S.), the Chor­ American Folk Tunes Group fol­ In the Model Club's display us will present program s different IT WON 'T lowed by "Liza Jane," the "Whif­ some twelve 0 gauge engines pull from past seasons. Factory Holidays fenpoof Song" and "Cindy." 150 freight and pullman cars in Following a Christmas program BE LONG NOW "The Great Waltz" group in­ 20 minute shows running from 7 at St. John's Reformed Church at Announced cluded three selections fr om to 10 P. M. on the evenings men­ 4 p. m. on December 14 the sched­ W i th Christmas just Strauss, "Artists' Life," "Strauss tioned above. On November 29 ule is as follows: around the corner an d The factory and offices will be Medley" and "Blue Danube." The and 30 and December 6 and 7 December 23, the Annual Christ­ folks dusting up on their closed all day tomorrow for the Hamilton trio composed of Cath­ there will be afternoon perform­ mas program for Hamilton em­ tidings of g o o d cheer, celebration of Thanksgiving. erine Smith (B.&F.SJ, Jean Doll ances from 2 to 5 P . M. ployees in the Cafeteria. thoughts of Ham i 1 ton The factory will close for the (Payroll) and Nancy Brown sang The Hamilton miniature bill­ January 20, Ushers' League La­ Christmas decorations came Christmas holiday, Wednesday the "Strauss Medley" numbers. board located along the upper dies' Night at St. Paul's Lutheran to mind. According to Walt­ noon, December 24 and wi!J re­ The guest artists for the eve­ level of the 0 gauge set-up is at Church, Millersville. er Breen (Maintenance), the open the morning of Friday, De­ ning were Joan Weiler and Lan­ an advantageous location where Februa ry 25, Landisville Zion decorations this Christmas cember 26. In order to make up dis Heller, pianists. Miss Weiler crowds who view the display are Lutheran Church to be held in the season will be on the same for production and pay lost the and Mr. Landis also accompanied sure to see it. mditorium of the Landisville High scale as in past years. New afternoon of December 24, factory the Chorus in "The Great Waltz" It's an illuminated sign, some 3chool. greeting signs will be used departments will operate Satur­ numbers. 5" x 8" in measurement, carrying this year. While the Main­ day morning, December 20, from The Hamilton Chorus was ac­ the Christmas theme of: "Make tenance Department hasn't 8 a. m. until 12 noon. companied by the regular pianists this an extra-special Christmas", started work on the Christ­ The factory will close for the Dorothy Neidamyer (Prod. Disp.) featuring Mother, Father, Daugh­ The HRA Needs mas decorations as yet, they New Year's Holiday and inven­ and Harold Smith (Case), during ter, Son and Grandmother singing will v e r y shortly begin tory the night of December 31, the selections to the first two out the Christmas joy.
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