More Realmsian Creatures Andrew Frey A conversion of monsters from a popular RPG setting to 3e rules. Contents Introduction....................................... ........ 3 Lichlings.......................................... ....... 4 Quelzarn ........................................... ..... 7 OpenGameLicense .................................... ...... 11 2 Introduction What’s In Here? This document is a set of monster conversions for some older editions monsters of the Realms. You might wonder if there aren’t enough monsters already, but I say you can never have too many! It’s also nice to see some “classics” brought back to life. Mostly, though, converting monsters is just a labor of love. As an aside, you’ll see “designer’s notes” every so often in this document set off in shaded regions, like this one. Welcome, scholars one and all, to my renowned course on the most obscure creatures known in all these realms! Tremble at the depth of my knowledge! — The Sage Velorian at the Temple of the Binder Declaration of Open Game Content With the exception of offset shaded boxes (not including table rows, which are shaded for reading convenience), this entire document is designated as Open Game Content (OGC). 3 Lichlings LICHLING (YOUNG) CR 1 natural armor bonus when increasing to Always CE Diminutive Undead Large. A lichling’s base speed also in- Init +4; Senses Darkvision 60 ft, Tremors- creases by a cumulative 5ft each size cat- ense 60 ft, Listen +2, Spot +2 egory (to 30ft at Large). A lichling’s Languages None flight maneuverability decreases to aver- AC 19 (+4 size, +4 Dex, +1 natural armor) age when it reaches Medium size. Finally, (touch 18, flat-footed 15) a juvenile lichling that advances to 20HD HP 13 (2d12) becomes a mature lichling and develops DR 5/magic new abilities. Immune Cold, Electricity, Undead Immuni- Attach (Ex) A lichling that hits with its ties bite attack automatically attaches to its Fort +0 Ref +4 Will +5 opponent and is considered to be grap- pling. Each round that it maintains a Speed 10 ft (2 sq), Climb 10 ft (2 sq), Fly grapple, it deals bite damage. A lich- 60 ft (good, 12 sq) ling may be removed through grappling Melee Bite +8 (1d6-4 plus attach) if its opponent achieves a pin against it. Space 1ft; Reach 0ft Lichlings killed while attached remain at- Base Atk +1; Grapple +1 tached (but do not deal bite damage, of Atk Options Attach course). Removing an attached lichling Abilities Str 5 Dex 18 Con - Int - Wis 14 Cha (killed or not) deals 1d6 points of dam- 16 age to the victim unless a simultaneous SQ Stench, Iron Mandibles, Undead Traits DC 14 Heal check is made (the DC is Feats Weapon FinesseB Charisma-based). Lichlings have a +16 Skills Climb +16, Hide +24, Move Silently racial bonus to grappling, which is al- +12 ready figured into the statistics above. Advancement 3-4HD (Diminutive), 5- Iron Mandibles (Ex) Lichling mandibles are 7HD (Tiny), 8-11HD (Small), 12-15HD as strong as iron and therefore ignore any (Medium), 16-19HD (Large), and special hardness less than 10. Stench (Su) A lichling secretes an oily ichor Skills A lichling has a +12 racial bonus on that all forms of life find offensive. Any Climb checks, +8 racial bonus on Hide creature within 10 ft of a lichling must checks, and +8 racial bonus on Move make a DC 13 Fortitude save or be nau- Silently checks. Lichling use either their seated for 1d4 rounds. Whether or not Strength modifier or Dexterity for Climb the save is successful, that creature may checks, whichever is higher. A lichling not be affected by any lichling’s (or lich- can always choose to take 10 on Climb ling swarm’s) stench for an hour. The checks even if rushed or threatened. save DC is Charisma-based. Advancement An advanced lichling gains a Tremorsense (Ex) A lichling can sense the cumulative +2 natural armor bonus each position of any creature within 60 ft that time it gains a size category from Diminu- is in contact with the ground (or wall). tive to Medium, in addition to the usual Scuttling on the ground before you is an insect-like creature the size of a rat. As you get a good look at its fierce mouth, you notice that its head is a skull with no flesh! Then a wave of an overwhelming stench washes over you, probably from the black ichor dripping from its joints. Lichlings are vicious but mindless undead created by undead spellcasters. The youngest lichlings found alone are the rodent-sized collections of bone with a nasty bite and grabbing limbs. These young lichlings are about six inches long and weigh less than a pound. Combat Stragegies and Tactics Young lichlings simply charge toward their opponents and attach to them as soon as possible. Almost as if they can sense fear, they tend to attack the most frightened people first. Of course, young lichlings run in packs, so they end up attacking just about everyone soon enough. 4 LICHLING (MATURE) CR 11 Improved Grab (Ex) When a lichling hits Always CE Huge Undead with a claw or bite attack, it may attempt Init -1; Senses Darkvision 60 ft, Tremorsense to start a grapple as a free action with- 60 ft, Listen +2, Spot +2 out provoking an Attack of Opportunity. Languages None If it wins the grapple attempt, it trans- AC 22 (-2 size, -1 Dex, +15 natural armor), fers its foe to its mouth and may Chew touch 7, flat-footed 22 on subsequent rounds that it maintains HP 130 (20d12) the grapple. The lichling may choose to DR 10/magic and silver take a -20 penalty to its grapple checks; Immune Cold, Electricity, Undead Immuni- if it does so, it is not considered to be ties grappling. Fort +12 Ref +5 Will +8 Chew (Ex) A mature lichling deals automatic bite damage each round to an opponent Speed 30 ft (2 sq), Climb 10 ft (2 sq), Fly that it is grappling. 60 ft (poor, 12 sq) Breath Weapon (Su) Once every other Melee Bite +17 (6d6+13) and 2 Claws +15 round, a mature lichling may spray a (2d10+9) 100ft line of bone fragments that deals Space 15ft; Reach 10ft 6d6 hp of bludgeoning and piercing dam- Base Atk +10; Grapple +43 age (DC 23 Reflex save for half damage; Atk Options Improved Grab, Chew, Breath the save DC is Charisma-based). The Weapon lichling may not use its breath weapon Abilities Str 29 Dex 8 Con - Int - Wis 14 Cha while chewing. 16 Iron Mandibles (Ex) Lichling mandibles are SQ Stench, Iron Mandibles, Undead Traits as strong as iron and therefore ignore any Feats MultiattackB hardness less than 10. Skills Climb +21, Hide -1, Move Silently +7 Stench (Su) A lichling secretes an oily ichor Advancement 21-30HD (Huge), 31-40 HD that all forms of life find offensive. Any (Gargantuan), 41-60 HD (Colossal) creature within 30 ft of a lichling must make a DC 23 Fortitude save or be nau- Skills A lichling has a +12 racial bonus on seated for 1d6 rounds. Whether or not Climb checks, +8 racial bonus on Hide the save is successful, that creature may checks, and +8 racial bonus on Move not be affected by any lichling’s (or lich- Silently checks. Lichlings use either their ling swarm’s) stench for an hour. Strength modifier or Dexterity for Climb Tremorsense (Ex) A lichling can sense the checks, whichever is higher. A lichling position of any creature within 60 ft that can always choose to take 10 on Climb is in contact with the ground (or wall). checks even if rushed or threatened. This is a massive creature of bone, dripping with a dark oily ichor and a putrid vapor. It has wicked claws and razor-sharp insectile mandibles, and its ragged wings almost impossibly lift it off the ground to move toward you. If a lichling has fed enough on the fear of other creatures, it can grow to a surprising size. While it retains its overall shape and mindless nature, a mature lichling has also developed claw attacks and a breath weapon. Combat Stragegies and Tactics Mature lichlings usually open combat by using their breath weapon to catch as many opponents as possible, but they then close to melee quickly. They typically try to grab and chew one opponent (often the most frightened), while attacking others with claws. If they defeat all nearby opponents, they will use their breath weapon again. Organization and Sample Encounters Young lichlings are typically encountered either alone but most often in groups of 2-6 and sometimes 8-12. They are most common at the smallest sizes, but larger specimens due turn up from time to time. The most rare lichling is the legendary mature lichling, which is almost always found alone or with just a few young lichlings. 5 Lichling Pack (EL 2-5): Usually, lichlings are found in small packs of 2 to 6 of the diminutive monsters attacking everyone in sight. These packs are usually more than enough to destroy entire communities. Solitary Lichling (EL 11): Mature lichlings have, typically speaking, destroyed anything and every- thing around them, but sometimes up to 5 young lichlings have managed to avoid their attentions. Lich’s Pet (EL variable): Since they are under the control of the undead that create them, lichlings are reasonable guard-monsters for undead spellcasters like liches. A lich might very well keep a mature lichling at its side during a battle. Ecology and Society Lichlings are perversions created when an un- Lore dead spellcaster, usually a lich, experiments A Knowledge (Religion) or Knowledge (Arcana) check on itself with necromantic spells, such as cre- reveals ate greater undead.
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