ISSN 2449-7444 Volume 4/2018 International Journal of Korean Humanities and Social Sciences Faculty of Modern Languages and Literatures Adam Mickiewicz University Poznań, Poland FACULTY OF MODERN LANGUAGES AND LITERATURES ADAM MICKIEWICZ UNIVERSITY https://pressto.amu.edu.pl/index.php/kr [email protected] EDITORIAL BOARD Editor-in-chief: Kyong-geun Oh Co-editors: Kang Sok Cho and Aleksandra Matulewska Secretary: Emilia Wojtasik-Dziekan External Members of the Editorial Board: Jerzy Bańczerowski (Poznań College of Modern Languages, Poland) Mansu Kim (Inha University in Incheon, Korea) Marek Matulewski (Poznań School of Logistics, Poland) Jong-seong Park (Korea National Open University, Korea) Section editors Linguistics: Jerzy Bańczerowski, Anna Borowiak, Paweł Kida Literature: Jong-seong Park, Kyong-geun Oh, Kang Sok Cho, Emilia Wojtasik- Dziekan for social sciences: Marek Matulewski Linguistic editors: Kyong-geun Oh for Korean, Małgorzata Martyńska for English Technical editors: Aleksandra Matulewska and Emilia Wojtasik-Dziekan Editorial Office International Journal of Korean Humanities and Social Sciences Faculty of Modern Languages and Literatures Adam Mickiewicz University al. Niepodległości 4, pok. 218B 61-874 Poznań, Poland [email protected] The electronic version serves referential purposes. Wersja elektroniczna jest wersją referencyjną czasopisma Publishing of the journal has been co-financed by The Korea Foundation Copyright by Faculty of Modern Languages and Literatures Printed in Poland ISSN 2449-7444 Nakład 100 egz. Redakcja i skład: AB i EW-D Druk: Zakład Graficzny Uniwersytetu im. A. Mickiewicza Table of Contents LINGUISTICS/ LANGUAGE EDUCATION Anna BOROWIAK, Choonsil LIM Korean Language 7 Education in the Era of Globalization - with the Focus on Books and Teaching Materials- LITERATURE Kyu Hyun PARK Cross-Cultural Literature and Cultural 57 Reproduction: The Case of the Korean Autobiography Hanjungnok SOCIETY Kyong-geun OH The Aspect of Conflict Between 89 Paternalism and Constitutionalism in Korean Contemporary Society Min Jung LEE The Theory on The State of the Chosŏn 107 Ruling Elites: How Did They Perceive the Relations Between Themselves and The State? REVIEW Emilia WOJTASIK-DZIEKAN The Review 127 of The Routledge Course in Korean Translation by Jieun Kiaer, 2018. Routledge London and New York, ISBN 978-1-315-61821-0, PP. 197 List of Reviewers 132 Spis treści JĘZYKOZNAWSTWO/DYDAKTYKA Anna BOROWIAK, Choonsil LIM Dydaktyka języka 7 koreańskiego w erze globalizacji – ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem podręczników oraz pomocy dydaktycznych LITERATURA Kyu Hyun PARK Literatura międzykulturowa a kulturowe 57 odtwarzanie: przypadek Hanjungnok – koreańskiej autobiografii SPOŁECZEŃSTWO Kyong-geun OH Aspekty konfliktu między paternalizmem 89 a konstytucjonalizmem we współczesnym społeczeństwie koreańskim Min Jung LEE Jak warstwa rządząca w Chosŏn 107 postrzegała relacje między nimi samymi a państwem? Próba ujęcia teoretycznego RECENZJA Emilia WOJTASIK-DZIEKAN Recenzja książki 127 The Routledge Course in Korean Translation autorstwa Jieun Kiaer, 2018. Routledge London and New York, ISBN 978-1-315-61821-0, PP. 197 Lista recenzentów 132 목차 언어학/ 언어 교육 Anna BOROWIAK, Choonsil LIM 세계화 시대에서의 7 한국어 교육 현황 -교재와 교육용 자료를 중심으로- 문학 Kyu Hyun PARK 비교문화 문학과 문화적 재생산: 57 한국의 자서전 한중록을 바탕으로 사회 Kyong-geun OH 한국현대사회에서 온정주의와 89 법치주의의 갈등 양상 Min Jung LEE 조선 지배층의 국가론: 지배층과 107 국가와의 관계에 대한 논의를 중심으로 비판 Emilia WOJTASIK-DZIEKAN 비판: The Routledge 127 Course in Korean Translation. Jieun Kiaer. 2018. Routledge London & New York, ISBN 978-1-315- 61821-0, PP. 197 심사위원들 132 International Journal of Korean Humanities and Social Sciences Vol. 4/2018 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.14746/kr.2018.04.01 KOREAN LANGUAGE EDUCATION IN THE ERA OF GLOBALIZATION - WITH THE FOCUS ON BOOKS AND TEACHING MATERIALS - Anna BOROWIAK, PhD Choonsil LIM, MA Department of Korean Studies, Institute of Linguistics Adam Mickiewicz University [email protected] [email protected] “오늘날 나라의 바탕을 보존하기에 가장 중요한 자기 나라의 말과 글을 이 지경을 만들고 도외시한다면, 나라의 바탕은 날로 쇠퇴할 것이요. 나라의 바탕이 날로 쇠퇴하면, 그 미치는 바 영향은 측량할 수 없이 되어 나라 형세를 회복할 가망이 없을 것이다. 이에 우리 나라의 말과 글을 강구하여 이것을 고치고 바로잡아, 장려하는 것이 오늘의 시급히 해야 할 일이다.” (cf. Ju Si-gyeong. 1908. ‘The National Language Classical Phonetics’ <국어문전음학>1) ‘Hangeul - the key for Our Country (Korea) to become a developed country.’ (Hangeul Foundation2) 1 The official blog of the Ministry of Patriots and Veterans Affairs (MPVA, Kor. 국가보훈처) http://mpva.tistory.com/214 (accessed 31-07-2018). 2 Cf. http://www.hangul.or.kr/html/index.asp (accessed 14-01-2018). Anna BOROWIAK & Choonsil LIM: Korean Language Education… Abstract: A keen interest in the culture and economic development of the Republic of Korea has resulted in establishing business relations between Korea and various countries all around the world. The Korean War (1950-1953) is said to be the catalyst for Korean Studies, since it has generated a considerable interest in Korean history, language and culture. Yet, when the Korean Language Education (henceforward KLE) is being referred to, usually the years when the boom for "everything that is Korean” started, which could be attributed to the successfully organized Summer Olympics in 1988 and co-organized Asian World Cup in 2002, are being mentioned. This was when the world saw a different side of Korea. However, also thanks to the enormous popularity of Hallyu and the support of the South Korean Government given to initiatives, which among others, popularize the Korean language, the interest in various aspects of Korean culture as well as the language itself, has become higher than ever before. Since the turn of the 21st century, South Korea is perceived as one of the world's leading exporters of culture and tourism, and Hangeul became one of the exported goods. The aim of this research is to analyze the situation of KLE in the era of globalization, which along with the spread of lingua franca, among them English, is endangering the language variety of the world. In order to do so, several significant dates and initiatives showing how Korean scholars and the Government have influenced and shaped the language policy and thus have contributed to the popularization of the language all around the world will also be referred to. Government sponsored institutions providing Korean language classes, as well as books and other teaching materials, will be discussed and classified. The article will also try to answer the question concerning the future of the KLE. Key Words: Korean Language Education (KLE), globalization, Korean language institutions, teaching materials 세계화 시대에서의 한국어 교육 현황 -교재와 교육용 자료를 중심으로- 논문초록: 대한민국의 문화와 경제 발전에 대한 관심은 한국과 세계 각국 간의 통상 관계를 발전시키는 데에 큰 역할을 하였다. 한국 전쟁(1950-1953)은 한국의 역사와 문화 및 한국어에 상당한 관심을 불러일으키는 촉매제가 되었다. 그럼에도 불구하고 한국어 교육을 이를 때 대체로 급성장이 시작된 지난 몇 년간을 언급하는 것은 서울에서 성공적으로 개최된 1988년 하계 올림픽 및 2002년 월드컵 등과 같은 국제스포츠행사들의 결과다. 그 당시에 전 세계는 한국의 새로운 면모를 발견하게 되었다. 한류의 엄청난 8 IJKHSS 4/2018 인기와 한국어 교육의 발전을 위한 대한민국 정부의 적극적인 지원 덕분에 다양한 측면의 한국 문화와 한국어에 대한 관심이 그 어느 때보다 높아졌다. 한국은 21세기 초반부터 세계적으로 문화 관광의 주요 수출국으로 인식되어 왔으며, 한글은 그 수출품 중 하나가 되었다. 본 연구의 목적은 영어 등과 같은 링구아 프랑크라의 확산과 세계 언어의 다양성을 위협하고 있는 세계화 시대에서의 한국어 교육 현황을 분석하는 데에 있다. 본 주제를 광범위하게 논의하기 위해 먼저 주요한 사업계획과 일정을 통해서 한국 학자들이 정부와 더불어 언어 정책에 어떤 영향을 미쳤는지, 그 정책을 어떻게 수립해 왔는지, 이를 통해 어떻게 한국어를 전세계적으로 확산시키는 데에 이바지하였는가를 알아보고자 한다. 또한 한국 정부로부터 지원을 받아 한국어 교육을 제공하는 교육기관을 살펴볼 것이다. 뿐만 아니라 교재 및 기타 교육용 자료의 특성을 논의한 다음 그 분류를 제시할 것이다. 이 연구는 향후 전세계 한국어 교육의 미래에 관한 질문에 답을 찾으려 한다. 주제어: 한국어 교육, 세계화, 한국어 교육 기관, 교육용 자료 DYDAKTYKA JĘZYKA KOREAŃSKIEGO W ERZE GLOBALIZACJI - ZE SZCZEGÓLNYM UWZGLĘDNIENIEM PODRĘCZNIKÓW ORAZ POMOCY DYDAKTYCZNYCH Streszczenie: Żywe zainteresowanie kulturą oraz rozwojem gospodarczym Korei Południowej doprowadziło do nawiązania stosunków handlowych między Koreą a różnymi krajami na całym świecie. Wojna koreańska (1950- 1953) uważana jest za katalizator studiów koreanistycznych, ponieważ wzbudziła duże zainteresowanie koreańską historią, językiem i kulturą. Niemniej jednak, mówiąc o dydaktyce języka koreańskiego, ma się zwykle na myśli ostatnie lata, kiedy to nastał boom na wszystko, co koreańskie. Jest to, oczywiście, wynik pomyślnie zorganizowanych bądź współorganizowanych w Seulu międzynarodowych wydarzeń sportowych, takich jak m.in. Letnie Igrzyska Olimpijskie (1988) czy Mistrzostwa Świata w Piłce Nożnej (2002). To właśnie wtedy świat ujrzał inne oblicze Korei. Jednakże również dzięki ogromnej popularności Hallyu oraz wsparciu Rządu Korei Południowej dla inicjatyw służących m.in. popularyzacji języka koreańskiego zainteresowanie różnymi aspektami koreańskiej kultury, jak również samym językiem koreańskim stało się większe niż kiedykolwiek wcześniej. Od początku XXI wieku Korea Południowa jest postrzegana jako jeden ze światowych liderów, promujących swoją kulturę i turystykę, a alfabet koreański – Hangeul stał się jednym z jej towarów eksportowych. Celem niniejszego artykułu jest dokonanie analizy sytuacji dydaktyki języka koreańskiego w erze globalizacji, która wraz 9 Anna BOROWIAK & Choonsil LIM: Korean Language Education… z rozprzestrzenianiem się m.in. języka angielskiego jako lingua franca zagraża różnorodności językowej świata. Aby w jak najpełniejszy sposób przedstawić badane zagadnienie jako pierwsze zostaną przytoczone daty najważniejszych wydarzeń, bez których nie można byłoby mówić o współczesnej dydaktyce języka koreańskiego, oraz inicjatywy pokazujące, w jaki sposób koreańscy naukowcy oraz Rząd Republiki Korei kształtowali i nadal kształtują politykę językową, a tym samym przyczyniają się do popularyzacji
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