• ,C~l,~/~ ~','~c ~,/~j ~/,'~e~ 8.,'/d;~ - ....... ' ..i ' :,-.... ' ~,~, ..-:..~...: . .... I d,c~or,~_ ~. d " ' '-... '-" " ' """" ;:': AND ........... - ........ ............. "-:: ............................. ........ d:adrinkto start the davy?: See Francis Ten, ace has an.al~hol and , " ' " " " . ' ' " " ' " dz~ problem is difficult ~!,"~,.~,~s,.°E.'~.~,~.",. Kltimatalways beena and ~Jer . worry. ' bemuse of the ~ degree ,~, ~,a,~,v ,-,,,~. o,,, ,~ .- but society is undergmns a court flues, and the hidden .proflrammspons~on by ~ .and.he les emp~oyocs of ..m~pme cs.sent worx uu'm~hs oftranslence lathe region, beginning to work "with elean.upeampai~ntndayan problems such. as the Terraca Alcohol and D~I theie offless as resc~t~ the proosems ot .says Praocls Sabine, of the_ paople who have alcohel and peopleb~ome Incr.eesi~Ily. psychological effects on '..~~... _Commltteeand people, . ..~ dependency are l~hte . Terrace-Kitimat Alcohol aware of the need. to sosve ~dldren. .. Is a _dais!steered. by Ten'am An .emp~oy~ who Ms, ~cnmques -Ol..res.l y ~dceD.rug Counselling d/~gproblems." All over the provinee :the seelal problems like Sabine says general Community Services.. .soInoo,~ewith an aleohel and tuerapy, ann nenavsour there are helpin~ facilities " " . moameauon. He said that n lot Of with detoxifieationunlts, ,- , , , , - , ,, • Famfly counselling is part drln~the beer may parlonrs take placeand the In "ee~tres,residentialresI~nhaI treatment support - "'--'"-and every clientis urged to liquor store may do a sendces,ete.,whieheanbs contact AlcoboI|es thrivingbuslnI but finding usefulto a personwho has a thiner Anonymous for the Ira- out how many Venple eon-, problem in. thls ares, be' I~ttant fellowship needed tinue to come ~cI~ month said. , through the stages, of after month will have to be . A person l with this treatment. ~dene before a problem can: proble~n may haveto leave i l~e Alcohol and Drug Francis Sabine • "One of the :"most Sabi~ says, but COml~es HU Terrace' meets in eoun- serving on the committee or dramatic steps in the tca~u~ like Alcan, have selling officeontbssceond who want use of the service recognitionwhenapersonnecdsadriak of a problem is treatmentt on ofto thethenesd problems for V 1...O.. 2" ' ' c IT" I$, 1977' ThursdayPersons of interestedevery months, in shouldtelephene6,~-~I~formore information.. ._before he starts his day," andwl]iholdthepersoesJob. -- ~ - "" -- ~ " still unlikely Wide gaps divide NOU FtY Mideast.neighbors OE Y W.~qlHNGTON (AP) -- The stste • sa~etsty told SOUGHT U.S. State Secretary Cyrus reporters on his plane Vanes told President Carter before returuin~ here after on Sub,win a report on his his 13-day. six~oantzy tour" VANCOUVER CP -The Middle Eastern and that the U.S. and Britain United Fishermen and European trip that "we're completed a plan for Allied Workers Union has .down to the bedroak" on bringing black-majority esked the federalgovern- differences between Arabs rule to Rhedesia~ .But the meat to delay. National and tbs.lsraelis, plan's future is in doubt, IEneriy ' Boardu~ NEB Vance met with Carter - [ hearings Into the proposed l'Kitimat and Cherry Point and the.pres~._,oar's national South Africa fs pipeline!_, until, the West I ~ty adviser, Zb • f .he ...~...at.J~...Ull;~ ~"~niai/; ' enevot~ f0~ula Before re~ to.the decided on" at a Vance .Union presidant Jack I U.8; late Saturday, Vance Inneheonwith British Prime ~iehol said Friday the i conceded that his trip had Minister James Calla~l~m is in "inuntaent,, i left '~wido gaPS" between, before the state secretary inquirynser of emasculation ,I • the.Arabs ~d the Israelis. left London. South African because the NEB could I "AS Carter invited him to support is considered ~ down a decision on I plpe!Ine routes before the l~l.lw bus dealt,/ with I , K'SanDancers(sbove)t~kflrstplaeedarln~theparadeatHszeltom. s the blgidightswe~.craftsales~."d.afam ersmrket.. .... :i ~'malar~e po~,o,~o and submissions on O~l tanker I PIeneerDay. Theday4engevenm.ueaJnyedI~...everye"ewnoau~ea ~e-w more aemm see .page ee/ ,,.. .. , " . ~: .." told.the pI~sldent: I ~ SOME PROGRESS traffic and oli port l and has atlraeted many visltm~ imee It began mren.yetu~ ego. AmOOg . • ...... ' We're down to the bedrock. ' • locations, i • • ' . - ' . ' - . / • . Asfor the Middle East, a Nlchol said that if the I -Mi~l/I/~..~11,~,~.~ A~T. ... .. " White House-official said NEBapprovastheCherrY.l'. , vs..ww ~.~--.---....~.,,,..v • .v • : " "there certainly were some Point to Edmontonl .... ' ' :m : "m ' ' '. ,,' elements of. progress" pipeline, the Kitimat l • i . .... " . official added: "Some very_ itwIIlCthe~i~Pat~ts m'oposa~,or~oPr~monten [. • . .. ....stron •elements' of .... McGeer ,gnores prov,nc,al labor code .cont~lnued separati( route.This wo'-Id make' ' . • ...; , " . ' . ' ~ i... .. ' remain." :/: .. ,he, • The. 0 Colic es and ed Bill a introduced unionism or pmxeeslonam. 13ecauseBCIT s ann mast of tor~. y unaccepmme. ...... Vance Visited all key company pushi~ for the I - Prev~e°al~stitu~ Act is D~w~. : MeGeer aiso said it will the 14 colleges' unions were . "This bill one.e m~e Imrg..alnlnl[ _:unI~ j__mr inC°UntrieSaneffortin thetoMiddlebringEastthe .willi~.~uLsCherry toPoint provide r~to, ae {s~ [ " " ' tl0n calls for a dLVe IIeulty~the opportunity set up recently, faculty do a emonacy.stes...M.eueer s ' ~_o~..u..i ano acauem~c I .. disregerdanti-union forand the shows Bri~h a voteThe[eI~sla to. be taken b~. all .~e..int~..ma..... nagement ..have.a..u.y...in tbe af~in.__~- ~f~lanI~A1r ne~," fauultoverri~e ,Bill that ruling82 would by Arabs and laraelis closor to litsprepeaedsuperpo~anal" . Columbia labor ~ cone, college and BCIT fac.m~ to .of me F msumuoM wmcn, me msumuons where mey. uuu s~.~,,- .=7~ ..... ~,,s,drlna n majority vote df a Geneva peace conference Ito make volu-ntai'y sub- I • uSPn~k~meann~°rt~efae~B,~: ~nt~e~em~Yers~l~ ~n ~u~ab~~iI~ vebenn w~k~ called the labor-..~'sa~d wl~ the labor ~~ i~et~tla°~on!° wouldthisfall.likeCarterthehaSGenevasaid he i|.ld.ln~ssi°Mto the inquiry,,.he I| Federation of Labor said' certifledfaeultyunions. The . , • ' .... -" conforencebeforetbeyeris I Nichols believes the I Frlddy ~ '~ : ~bill also 81Yes two al-. ' Facultyase°ctati°nsat~13' out. l inquiry win bs incapable of l Frlpada~'~k••Thomas, general :,o..,,:. ;.,e, Trudeau may stop here ' , . ~ecretar~.~~ecretar~:~..... of the.the ' B,C.', decide to ......opt,out o[ me: " , ~ • ...... .ana._me~'~- ...........,~m ,s ,,m,~ p,,-~,- Privately, U.S..officills IWI~ da~ essentisl to. an | -.. Institute oi~.,Technolog,oi~.~Te s cul]entive, ai~t~,n, enls, " ' ...... " ' esrtifled i staff society, an, ~ ,,....,.=0...o,,.,- , enroute to Pr,nce Rur)ert . " . anhaVe~Ot.octobergiven upconforence, any hope I)u¢ IJ~teulgenttn e 8 oOeem°nve r n mUmeu" len ¢ I head Len Gu~~uy .s..aid. in: mo~In.n.ocas'_aqu:umon~ ' ~ ... r , ,, _ ,, they think there is still a Jrese.hedules the NEB I inte~iewsFridayth~y.wereinterviews Frld~ (_E~eauon ...Mmter..t'~i~' [t, as,..,~mmoredthatPrhneMJnister ~flce'said the trip wo~.d lnelnde I i~chance for a Geneva Inearmp. I not pleased with the moor-. :~due~'omW~lena~~ t ~ _~l'e~eSu ..~di~.t~_ee .e~en..~l. s.top~._.e~ in ~t~. o~eat~Uom~ ~t~ I . Weather I / meetin8 before winter. ~- i " ' "a1~rnatlves to nesdny morning, in a special VIP coach. Jasper NauoeaI k,arz. " • I _ . • ; . ...... I I " " " ' ": ' " .... lan~ .Pr°P°se' . --.for Prince Hart. ,~he prime mi~,.nted,s, .~_ I--'Y. --'l , .. WOO aWay , " n .... ' "~om ce.q~fleation. m be docan t k,ow WhO will be on the ,de,.., said ti~e~,ksthe mU.~m] s esma.~ ''T°~t,mlalYHl~t~,~lma~.a~ ni ,Just. ,I/, eacehs pLk-ea .,----w,----.- th 1 tian he said the ' "Theydldn't even ~eu us muen auou~ me u~mn as a .lxmmp~u memm m con- | .... Low 10-IS I da. Gres 'ce LaborHala~onsBl~td, - p ..:., . ,,--~m~,, ,;---,,-, ------.- Y Satt,antl,whallngr y the protest ~ ship let faculty decide' whether A spokesman in the prime nun~r s canoeing, .he said. It appears commercial fishing has peaked on the Gus Jaltema, northernsupervisor for the fed ._.~J~'_~*~".~.,; I , i" .' 'i 'By BILI~M~tLE8 old burner. Garments on thek, To~Ferd;l~h~.,, Tran.tor. and Fiahedes Service; reported that the salmon fishinl in . "1".~00'milesn""~er'th"~'Haw~' [ ,. :' ' : : Heraldstsflwdter ' , clothesli~, would pt dirty .and roliyscate: aran ~eoml~ammg,. the Skeana ~nd Nass areas has paaked and is now on a • . " . :In snows release issued I : i- .... " even a ary ~eamns. fauea to' He said, "We took a petition downklll slide. ..... • ' ' da Green ce " i " ~ ~ ' John.and MorieChapman.of ' remove the dlrt. " -" ar~ind several ]/esrs ago to get, Althoush there were 136 ~lllnettere and l~#~yy.. .' h~eia~sus. Ysaid rlradio , [ . ... i ..2017 Hall say everyone in,theb' T1~.eirwindowswonldgetd~t~i - theburnorou..t, Now they want to still working the Nass Estuary_ .area for a y~ ' Iransmisslons monltor~i in . ,. I " i " ' " ~ nelghbourhond is opposed, to 1"It.mr~ wo~o~coverea x~_ put It In slam, ' .. opening this week, Jaltema sald the drop off in their : ~ ~. .,Sa~. Francisco indicated ' ~ .~.~,~::~:. / ' MaeGillls and Gibbs put..t~ m a iasn a.na. me T~I~r ~o~ tl~ MirieChitlnn at,autos the catches was remarksble over the previous week, . i :~a[ the factory ably Dalniy ' ["~I,[A~A~A![~[.I~ • ne~v.wood-wast~ ~erm th.e.lr, ~/usgea up... "r_ s.m.e~... ,. eom,t,~ ,~.~'-that"-~ wastes However, theseasan'stetsisfr0mtbsNess thlsyear .... have.broken previous records. Some ~8,000 sockeye,... ,.V0~tok opened'up~S0-mfle %#' ,tnnsw'l~r~, ,.w~.~ : y a_m,near me ~n~. o~.?r~ m . tu~e~ wu;amo~ra m uuxe;h,, r are~l-'~'pi~tol~'nfivedoysa ' L7 mililon pinks and 210,000 chnn have heon landed in lead while trying m ou ....
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