22750 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS October 7, 2005 Wheatley returned to the University of the Pa- CONGRATULATING NEW NMA INTRODUCTION OF LEGISLATION cific in 1960, where he graduated with a de- PRESIDENT DR. SANDRA L. WITH GOVERNMENT REFORM TO gree in Sociology and Psychology. GADSON GIVE DC CITIZENS A PLACE IN STATUARY HALL Following a successful law school career at Willamette University in Oregon, where he HON. JESSE L. JACKSON, JR. won the school’s Moot Court Competition and HON. ELEANOR HOLMES NORTON served as a teaching assistant before earning OF ILLINOIS OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA his Doctor of Jurisprudence degree, Judge IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Wheatley began serving as Deputy Attorney IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Friday, October 7, 2005 General for the State of California in 1965. He Friday, October 7, 2005 later went into private practice in Oakland, Mr. JACKSON of Illinois. Mr. Speaker, it is Ms. NORTON. Mr. Speaker, I am pleased where he engaged in general litigation practice my privilege to recognize and congratulate and was one of the lead attorneys in a prece- that Government Reform Committee Chair one of my constituents and the 106th presi- TOM DAVIS (R–VA) and House Administration dent-setting class-action lawsuit against the dent of The National Medical Association, Dr. Committee Ranking Member JUANITA savings and loan industry. In 1972, he be- Sandra L. Gadson. MILLENDER-MCDONALD (D–CA) are introducing came General Counsel for the California Founded in 1895, the National Medical As- a bill with me today to permit two statues hon- Teachers Association, representing the organi- sociation, NMA, is the largest and oldest na- oring citizens of the District of Columbia in zation’s 300,000 members in several note- tional organization representing African Amer- Statuary Hall of the Capitol, just as statues worthy cases which resulted in precedent-set- ican physicians and their patients in the United honoring citizens of States are placed in the ting rulings in favor of public school teachers’ States. The NMA represents the interests of historic hall. This legislation would allow the rights and benefits. more than 35,000 African American physicians city to offer two statues to the Congress on Judge Wheatley was appointed as a Judge and the patients they serve and is the leading behalf of DC residents. As I introduce this bill, of the Alameda County Municipal Court on force for parity and justice in medicine and the as we have just honored the citizens of New July 1, 1981, by California Governor Edmond elimination of health disparities. Throughout its Mexico, I ask the committee to remember that with the placement of their second statute, a G. ‘‘Jerry’’ Brown, Jr., and was elevated to the history, the National Medical Association has focused primarily on health issues related to bill I was pleased to support, I seek equal rec- Alameda County Superior Court when all of ognition for the citizens of the District of Co- African Americans and medically underserved the courts in Alameda County were unified in lumbia. 1998. Known for his tendency to give many populations, as well as all ethnic groups. The District of Columbia was born with the young defendants the choice to ‘‘Go to school Many years ago, Dr. Gadson was herself a Nation itself. The city has more than two cen- or go to jail,’’ Judge Wheatley’s career on the patient, facing a battle with colon cancer. In turies of its very own rich and uniquely Amer- bench has been marked by his steadfast com- her own words, Dr. Gadson stated: ‘‘When my ican history. It goes without saying that the al- mitment to serving the young people in our patients curse a rising wave of pain or strug- most 650,000 American citizens who live in community who are most in need of guidance. gle to give voice to their suffering, I under- the Nation’s Capital deserve the honor of hav- Judge Wheatley’s outstanding dedication stand because I’ve been there.’’ This experi- ing two of its history makers represented in and accomplishments have not only impacted ence has not only influenced Dr. Gadson to be the halls of the Nation’s Capital just as citizens countless young lives, but have also been rec- a more sensitive and empathetic doctor, but it who live in the 50 States have long enjoyed. inspired her to improve the quality of service ognized by a number of the professional orga- Our bill would allow the Mayor and the City available to patients everywhere. nizations of which he is a member. He has not Council to devise the method for determining only been inducted into the Charles Houston While working in the Emergency Room at the identity of the honorees, who must be de- Bar Association’s Hall of Fame, but has also Methodist Hospital in Gary, Indiana, Dr. ceased. Mayor Anthony Williams has already received its ‘‘Judicial Excellence Award.’’ In Gadson was shocked to learn that the pre- agreed to find funds in the District’s budget for addition, he received the Bernard S. Jefferson dominately poor, African American city had a these statues upon the passage of this legisla- tion. Award from the California Association of Black high prevalence of kidney failure but no dialy- Lawyers as its Judge of the Year in 2001, and sis center. She immediately took action and Every time we allow the District to be ex- has also been named the Lend-A-Hand Foun- established the first freestanding dialysis cen- cluded from its place among the 50 States, we ter in northern Indiana. undermine the Nation’s efforts to spread full dation’s ‘‘Man of the Year.’’ This past August, democracy around the world. While DC resi- he was inducted into the National Bar Asso- In her acceptance speech, Dr. Gadson said dents have not yet obtained the same political ciation’s Hall of Fame in recognition of having that as president of NMA, she will work to in- crease its membership and mentorship, advo- equality and voting rights as the citizens of the practiced law for over 40 years and made sig- States, they have all the responsibilities of the cate for a national health plan of universal nificant contributions to the cause of justice. In States, including paying all Federal taxes and coverage, strengthen partnerships with addition, he was also given the A. Leon serving in all wars. Today, when our residents churches and the media to promote health Higginbotham Memorial Award by the Young are serving in Iraq, the least we should do is awareness, and to launch initiatives in kidney Lawyers Division of the National Bar Associa- to give this city its rightful and equal place in tion in recognition of his intellectual accom- disease that encourage transplantation and the Capitol. Among our residents now serving organ donation. Dr. Gadson, a practicing plishments, professional achievements and their country, the District lost 44-year-old Lt. nephrologist, also made note of the fact that community contributions. Col. Paul W. Kimbrough, an African American African Americans make up 13 percent of the engineer who was supporting Operation En- Today Judge Wheatley’s family, friends and U.S. population but nearly one-third of all kid- during Freedom in Afghanistan. I attended the colleagues come together to celebrate the im- ney patients. ‘‘The crisis of kidney failure in funeral of 21-year-old Specialist Darryl Dent of pact of his life and work not only on the innu- the African American community mirrors the the DC National Guard who was killed in Iraq. merable lives, particularly young lives, he has dilemma of health care disparities,’’ Dr. There are more than 100 soldiers still serving touched here in Alameda County, but the last- Gadson stated. in Iraq from Specialist Dent’s 547th Transpor- ing effects his rulings and his commitment to Dr. Gadson’s contributions to the health tation Company. true justice have had and will continue to have community have been enumerable. As presi- This bill offers District residents the oppor- on our legal system. On behalf of the 9th Con- dent of the NMA, she will continue to help de- tunity to enjoy the same pride that all other gressional District of California, I salute and crease health disparities and increase access citizens experience when they come to their thank Judge Horace Wheatley for his invalu- to high quality healthcare for all Americans. Capital—the opportunity to view memorials able contributions to the people of Alameda We are truly fortunate to have her as a part that commemorate the efforts of deceased County, the 9th Congressional District, the of our community, and I congratulate her on local residents who have made significant con- State of California and our entire country. her achievement. tributions to American history. VerDate Sep 11 2014 13:16 Mar 29, 2017 Jkt 000000 PO 00000 Frm 00202 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 0634 E:\FDSYS\BOUNDRECORD\BR07OC05.DAT BR07OC05 ejoyner on DSK2TWX8P1PROD with BOUND RECORD October 7, 2005 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 22751 REP. BARBARA LEE HONORED BY Don began his career in 1964 as a graduate love for the music, not for fame or wealth. He THE 100 BLACK MEN OF SILICON teaching assistant at the University of Cali- was a dancer on the original Bandstand tele- VALLEY fornia at Davis. Following a 2-year stint in the vision program, hosted by Bob Horn. He be- Army, he joined Chabot College as an adjunct came a favorite with the viewers and rose to HON. ZOE LOFGREN faculty member teaching political science, the head of the coveted ‘‘Committee,’’ the group of teens responsible for aiding Horn in OF CALIFORNIA while serving as an assistant administrative the direction of the show.
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