VARIANTIM Bulletin of the Israel Chess Composition Society P.O

VARIANTIM Bulletin of the Israel Chess Composition Society P.O

VARIANTIM Bulletin of The Israel Chess Composition Society P.O. Box 637 Petach - Tikva 49106 Israel Editors No. 68 - April 2016 Paz Einat, 45a Moshe Levi St., Nes Ziona 74207 [email protected] Ofer Comay, 213 Bney Efrayim St., Tel Aviv 69984 [email protected] Original problems Regular: Evgeny Bourd, Haazmaut 55/15, Ashdod 77452 [email protected] Fairy: Michael Grushko, P.O.Box 363, Kiryat Beyalik 27019 [email protected] Studies: Ofer Comay [email protected] In this issue: Retter 80 Jubilee Tourney – Retter 2-3 Israeli Successes Abroad – Navon 22-23 Afek-64 Award – Afek 4-10 Originals 24-27 Harold v.d. Heijden Study DB - Costeff 10-12 ISC 2016 results 27 IRT Twomovers 2014 - Bourd 12-13 Selected Problems – Bourd 28-30 IRT Moremovers 2012-14 - Trommler 14-15 ¼ finals Israel Solving Champ. 30 IRT Helpmates 2013 - Solja 16-18 Editorial 31 IRT Helpmates 2014 – Garofalo 19-21 Errata 31 To our contributors from around the world: due to significant increase in postal costs we will send electronic copies of the magazines as of this issue. Subscribers will still get the printed magazine. יוסי רטר בן 80! דוח תחרות היובל בעמ' 2 יוחנן אפק בן 64! דוח התחרות בעמ' 4 Yochanan Afek is 64 years old! The Afek 64 Yossi Retter is 80 years old! The Retter 80JT Tourney award is on page 4. award is on page 2 1 Yosi Retter 80 Jubilee Tourney Award Judge: Yosi Retter, Jerusalem Requested were selfmates in 2 or 3 moves showing the Feldman-I theme. This theme involves reciprocal continuations after random and correction moves of two black units. Cyclical presentations involving three (or more) black pieces were also allowed. The theme was difficult to implement and I was not expecting to receive many problems. Alexander Kuzovkov I received 27 problems in anonymous form, which is a reasonable number. 1st Prize The level of the problems, and the first four in particular, was very high. Retter 80 JT 2016 1st Prize: Alexander Kuzovkov 'd'd'dBd I was doubtful whether the theme could be implemented with three thematic d'0'dnd' pieces and a cyclic mechanism. I was glad to find out that this is indeed 'dPg'd'd possible. Here there is a combination of twice line openings and self-blocks $pd'dQd' and once line vacation and line closure. These are known elements, but their NdPi'd'd combination is a great achievement. 1.Se1! zz 1...Bd~ 2.Qf4+ A Be4# dpdN0'0' 1...Be5! 2.Qd3+ B Bxd3# 1...b5~ 2.Qd3+ B Bxd3# 1...bxc! 2.Rd2+ C p)'d'dRd Bd3# 1...S~ 2.Rd2+ C Bd3# 1...Se5! 2.Qf4+ A Be4# 4bI'd'G' 2-3rd Prize: Alexander Kuzovkov S#2 11+11 The correction moves cause black obstructions. In the thematic tries the Hannelius theme is performed. The only shortcoming is the weak key, which seems impossible to improve. 1.Se3? Rxc5! 1.Sf2? Sxc5! 1.Rf5! zz 1...Sa~ 2.Sf2 A 3.Sxd3+ Sxd3# 1...Sxc5! 2.Se3 B 3.Rxc4+ Sxc4# 1...R~ 2.Se3 B 3.Rxc4+ Sxc4# 1...Rxc5! 2.Sf2 A 3.Sxd3+ Sxd3# 2-3rd Prize: Eugene Fomichev A surprising integration of the Umnov theme. After the correction moves a Zugzwang is created, which is also surprising. 1.Rf8! zz 1...B~ 2.Sec4+ A Bxc4 3.Qd4+ Bxd4# 1...Bxd5! 2.Sxg4+ B Ke6 3.Sxd5 B~# 1...R~ 2.Sg4+ B Rxg4 3.Qd4+ Bxd4# 1...Rg6! 2.Sexc4+ A Kf5 3.f7 B~# 1...fxe3 2.Sd7+ Kf4 3.Qxe3+ Bxe3# 4th Prize: Sven Trommler Random moves of the black pieces create a flight, whereas the correction moves create an additional flight. In this problem as well the idea seems original. 1.Rf8? Rd7! 1.Rf7! 2.Sxd3+ Ke4 3.f3+ Bxf3# 1...Bd4~ 2.Rf5+ A Kd4 3.Sxb3+ Bxb3# 1...Bxc5! 2.Bg7+ B Ke4 3.f3+ Bxf3# 1...Rd~ 2.Bg7+ B Kd5 3.Bxb3+ Bxb3# 1...Rxc5! 2.Rf5+ A Ke4 3.f3+ Bxf3# 1st Honorable Mention: Evgeni Bourd Activation of a black half battery, where the active white piece is also on the battery’s line. The correction moves unpin the black queen. The tries are refuted by the prevention of one of the thematic mates after a correction move. It should be noted that this is the only problem showing four different black mates. 1.Sf6? [2.Be6+ dxe6#] but 1...Sf3! 1.Sg6? [2.Be6+ dxe6#] but 1...Sxf2! 1.Rh7! [2.Be6+ dxe6#] 1...Sd3~ 2.Qxe4+ A Sxe4# 1...Sxf2! 2Qe5+ B Qxe5# 1...Sd2~ 2.Qe5+ B Sxe5# 1...Sf3! 2.Qxe4+ A Qxe4# Alexander Kuzovkov Eugene Fomichev Sven Trommler Evgeni Bourd 2-3rd Prize 2-3rd Prize 4th Prize 1st HM Retter 80 JT 2016 Retter 80 JT 2016 Retter 80 JT 2016 Retter 80 JT 2016 'd'd'd'd 'd'dRd'd 'd'd'd'd 'd'd'dBH d'd'd'd' d'd'G'dB d'd'd'd' dpdpd'd' nd'd'0'd 'HPd')'d Qd'dPd'G ')')'d'$ 0r)Rd'd' d'!Pi'd' H'Hri'0' d'0Kdk0N rip$'dNd 'dbd'0rd B)'g'dPd '0p!p1rd gpHpd'd' d')pHP0' dpdpdRdp d'dng')' 'hp)'d'd 'd')'dP0 pd')')') 'd'hb$'d d'I'd'd' d'd'I'gr 4'dbd'dK d'drd'd' S#3 7+12 S#3 14+9 S#3 13+10 S#2 10+15 2 2nd Honorable Mention: Alexander Kuzovkov Alexander Kuzovkov Extension of a twomover mechanism (Grimshaw theme). The key gives the 2nd HM black king a flight, and in one of the continuations the flight square is Retter 80 JT 2016 replaced by another square. 'dRd'd'd 1.Rc3! ZZ 1...B~ 2.Bxc5+ A Ke4 3.Re3+ Sxe3# 1...Bb4! 2.Rxc4+ B Kd3 d'd'd'd' 3.Sf4+ Sxf4# 1...R~ 2.Rxc4+ B Kd3 3.Sf4+ Sxf4# 1...Rb4! 2.Bxc5+ A 'd'GBdNd Ke4 3.Re3+ Sxe3# 1...Ke4 2.Rf8 3.Rf4+ Sxf4# d'0')'d' th rdpiPdpd 3-4 Honorable Mention: Evgeni Bourd; Vasil Dyachuk g'd'$p0b Exactly the same scheme is used in these two problems. In the random 'd'0'0nd moves a black line controlling a potential white king flight square is opened d'dNdKd' and a white piece is freed to activate the black battery. In the correction S#3 9+12 moves the square is directly controlled. Bourd: 1.Bc4? [2.Rxc6+ Kxc6#] 1...Sge6! 1.Qf2? ZZ 1...Sf5+! 1.Sxc3? Evgeni Bourd [2.Scxe4+ Kd4#] 1...Bxc3! 1.Sg3? [2.Sgxe4+ Kd4#] 1...Sf5+! 1.Sf4? ZZ 3-4th HM 1...Sg6+! 1.Sc1! zz 1...Sf8~ 2.Bb6+ A Kxb6# 1...Sd7! 2.Sxe4+ B Retter 80 JT 2016 Kd4,d5# 1...Sg7~ 2.Sxe4+ B Kd4,d5# 1...Sge6! 2.Bb6+ A Kxb6# 'dRG'hr1 Dyachuk: 1.Sh7! zz 1...Sb~ 2.Sxd4+A Ke4# 1...Sbd6! 2.Bg6+ B Kxg6# d'd'IPhp 1...Sc~ 2.Bg6+ B Kxg6# 1...Se7! 2.Sxd4+ A Ke4# 'dbd'H') 5th Honorable Mention: Evgeni Bourd 0'iBd')' The random moves cause a pin of a white piece, which is an original Pg'dpd'd element. No harmony between the variations of the correction moves. 0'0'4'd' 1.Sf8! [2.Qf6+ exf6#] 1...Sb5~ 2.Sxe6+A Qxe6# 1...Sxd4! 2.exf4+B PdPdNd'd Qxf4# 1...Sc3~ 2.exf4+B Qxf4# 1...Sxd5! 2.Sxe6+A Qxe6# d'd'd'!' S#2 13+13 1st Commendation: Gabor Tar The addition of black half pin is interesting, but the defense by check detracts. 1.f4! zz 1...Sb5~ 2.Qd3+A Bd4# 1...Sd4! 2.Se3+B Bxe3# 1...Sc5~ 2.Se3+B Bxe3# 1...Sd3+! 2.Qxd3+A Bd4# 2nd Commendation: Alexander Pankratyev Routine mechanism, but with the addition of tries.1.Sf5? 2.Bb4+ Rxb4# 1...Sd3! 1.Rb7? 2.Rb3+ Rxb3# 1...Sd4 2.Bb4+ Rxb4# 1...Rb1+! 1.Qf2? 2.Bb4+ Rxb4# 1...Sd3! 1.Rh4! zz 1...Se~ 2.Sb5+A Rxb5# 1...Sd4! 2.Bb4+B Rxb4# 1...Sf~ 2.Bb4+B Rxb4# 1...Sd3! 2.Sb5+A Rxb5# Participants: V. Alexandrov (1), M. Barth (2), E. Bourd (3), V. Bulanov (1), V. Dyachuk (2), P. Einat (1), E. Fomichev (2), A. Kuzovkov (4), Z. Labai (1), A. Pankratyev (8), G. Tar (1), S. Trommler (1). I would like to thank my friend Raffi Ruppin for his exemplary management of the tourney and for translating the award. The award remains open for three months. The three monetary prizes will be presented at the Belgrade 2016 Congress. Vasil Dyachuk Evgeni Bourd Gabor Tar Alexander Pankratyev 3-4th HM 5th HM 1st Com 2nd Com Retter 80 JT 2016 Retter 80 JT 2016 Retter 80 JT 2016 Retter 80 JT 2016 q4ndB$'d 'd'dBd'! 'H'd'd'd 'd'd'd'd 0n)Kd'd' d'4'0'd' dpdpd'0' d'd'd'dR PdNd'g'd 'd'dpdNd pG'0'dQd Bd'H'd'd d'd'dkHp 4ndPI'i' $nhkd'd' d'Gpd'd' 'd'0'db) 'd'$'0qd pdrd'd'd Pd'd'h'd d'drdpdp d'h')'db )'d'dP0' I'i'd'd' '0'd')'G 'd'dpd'H BdN)RdP0 '4r0nd'd dQd'd'd' g'd'd'd' d'd'I'gr d'gbdQd' S#2 11+14 S#2 8+12 S#2 12+14 S#2 7+9 3 Afek 64 Tourney Award Judge: Yochanan Afek, Amsterdam 64 is a unique round chess anniversary which my Israeli chess friends happily found appropriate to celebrate with me by organizing a special jubilee composing tourney.

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