Appendix 10.2 Species List Appendix 10.2 - Species List (Flora) Habitat Chinese Name Species Name Growth Form Origin Developed Construction Abandoned Artificial Remarks Watercourse Area Site Land Coastline Plant 耳果相思 Acacia auriculiformis Tree Exotic Y - 台灣相思 Acacia confusa Tree Exotic Y Y Y - 紅桑 Acalypha wilkesiana Shrub Exotic Y - 小葉米仔蘭 Aglaia odorata var. microphyllina Evergreen shrub Exotic Y Y - Cap. 96; 常綠臭椿 Ailanthus fordii Evergreen small tree Native Y Y Near Threatened (Rare and Precious Plants of Hong Kong (Status in China)) 大葉合歡 Albizia lebbeck Tree Exotic Y Y Y - 石栗 Aleurites moluccana Tree Exotic Y Y Y - 黃蟬 Allamanda schottii Shrub Exotic Y - 異葉南洋杉 Araucaria heterophylla Tree Exotic Y Y Vulnerable (IUCN Red List) 假檳榔 Archontophoenix alexandrae Tree palm Exotic Y Y Y - 菠蘿蜜 Artocarpus heterophyllus Tree Exotic Y Y - 天門冬 Asparagus cochinchinensis Scandent subshrub Native Y - 大佛肚竹 Bambusa vulgaris Clumped tree bamboo Exotic Y - 羊蹄甲屬 Bauhinia sp. - - Y Y - 宮粉羊蹄甲 Bauhinia variegata Tree Exotic Y - 白花洋紫荊 Bauhinia variegata var. candida Tree Exotic Y - 洋紫荊 Bauhinia x blakeana Tree Native Y Y - 白花鬼針草 Bidens alba Annual herb Exotic Y Y Y Y - 秋楓 Bischofia javanica Tree Native Y Y Y - 苧麻 Boehmeria nivea Subshrub or shrub Exotic Y Y - 木棉 Bombax ceiba Deciduous tree Exotic Y Y Y Y - 簕杜鵑 Bougainvillea spectabilis Scandent shrub Exotic Y - 土蜜樹 Bridelia tomentosa Shrub or small tree Native Y - 大鴛鴦茉莉 Brunfelsia calycina Shrub Exotic Y - 朱纓花 Calliandra haematocephala Shrub Exotic Y - 紅千層 Callistemon rigidus Tree Exotic Y Y - 串錢柳 Callistemon viminalis Tree Exotic Y Y - Cap. 96; & 香港茶 Camellia hongkongensis Small tree Native Y Endangered (Rare and Precious Plants of Hong Kong (Status in China)) 番木瓜 Carica papaya Tree Exotic Y Y - 小魚尾葵 Caryota mitis Small tree palm Exotic Y Y - 木麻黃 Casuarina equisetifolia Tree Exotic Y Y Y - 朴樹 Celtis sinensis Deciduous tree Native Y Y Y Y Y - 崩大碗 Centella asiatica Procumbent herb Native Y Y - 陰香 Cinnamomum burmannii Tree or large shrub Native Y - 樟 Cinnamomum camphora Large tree Native Y - 柚 Citrus maxima Tree Exotic Y - 柑橘 Citrus reticulata Small tree Exotic Y - 變葉木 Codiaeum variegatum Shrub Exotic Y - 朱蕉 Cordyline fruticosa Perennial shrubby herb Exotic Y - 樹頭菜 Crateva unilocularis Tree Exotic Y Y - 鳳凰木 Delonix regia Tree Exotic Y Y - 龍眼 Dimocarpus longan Tree Exotic Y Near Threatened (IUCN Red List) 巴西鐵樹 Dracaena fragrans Perennial herb Exotic Y - Page 1 of 3 Appendix 10.2 - Species List (Flora) Habitat Chinese Name Species Name Growth Form Origin Developed Construction Abandoned Artificial Remarks Watercourse Area Site Land Coastline Plant 紅邊鐵樹 Dracaena marginata Tree Exotic Y - 散尾葵 Dypsis lutescens Shrub palm Exotic Y Near Threatened (IUCN Red List) 水石榕 Elaeocarpus hainanensis Small tree Exotic Y - 芋葉藤 Epipremnum aureum Tall climbing plant Exotic Y - (黃金葛) 刺桐屬 Erythrina sp. - - Y Y - 桉樹 Eucalyptus sp. - - Y - 高山榕 Ficus altissima Tree Exotic Y - 垂葉榕 Ficus benjamina Tree Exotic Y - 印度榕 Ficus elastica Tree Exotic Y - 對葉榕 Ficus hispida Shrub or small tree Native Y Y - 細葉榕 Ficus microcarpa Tree Native Y Y Y Y - 菩提樹 Ficus religiosa Tree Exotic Y Y Y - 筆管榕 Ficus subpisocarpa Tree Native Y Y Y Y Y - 青果榕 Ficus variegata Shrub or tree Native Y Y - 大葉榕 Ficus virens Tree Native Y Y Y Y Y - 大紅花 Hibiscus rosa-sinensis Evergreen shrub Exotic Y - 黃槿 Hibiscus tiliaceus Evergreen shrub or tree Native Y Y Y - 大白茅 Imperata cylindrica var. major Perennial herb Native Y - 牽牛 Ipomoea nil Annual twining herb Exotic Y Y - 龍船花 Ixora chinensis Shrub Native Y - 龍柏 Juniperus chinensis Tree Exotic Y - 洋吊鐘 Kalanchoe tubiflora - Exotic Y Y - 複羽葉欒樹 Koelreuteria bipinnata Tree Exotic Y - 大花紫薇 Lagerstroemia speciosa Large tree Exotic Y Y Cap. 96 馬纓丹 Lantana camara Shrub Exotic Y Y Y - 銀合歡 Leucaena leucocephala Shrub Exotic Y Y Y Y - 山指甲 Ligustrum sinense Deciduous shrub or tree Native Y Y - 楓香 Liquidambar formosana Deciduous tree Native Y - 荔枝 Litchi chinensis Tree Exotic Y - 潺槁樹 Litsea glutinosa Tree Native Y - 蒲葵 Livistona chinensis Tree palm Exotic Y Y Y - Deciduous shrub or small 紅花檵木 Loropetalum chinense f. rubrum Exotic Y - tree 血桐 Macaranga tanarius var. tomentosa Tree Native Y Y Y Y - 垂花懸鈴花 Malvaviscus arboreus var. penduliflorus Shrub Exotic Y - 杧果 Mangifera indica Evergreen tree Exotic Y - 花葉竹芋 Maranta bicolor Perennial herb Exotic Y - 白千層 Melaleuca cajuputi subsp. cumingiana Tree Exotic Y Y - 苦楝 Melia azedarach Deciduous tree Exotic Y Y Y Y Y - 紅毛草 Melinis repens Perennial herb Exotic Y Y Y - 白蘭 Michelia x alba Tree Exotic Y Y Cap. 96 薇甘菊 Mikania micrantha Perennial herb Exotic Y Y Y - 含羞草 Mimosa pudica Shrub Exotic Y Y - 龜背竹 Monstera deliciosa Climbing shrub Exotic Y - Page 2 of 3 Appendix 10.2 - Species List (Flora) Habitat Chinese Name Species Name Growth Form Origin Developed Construction Abandoned Artificial Remarks Watercourse Area Site Land Coastline Plant 桑 Morus alba Shrub or tree Native Y Y Y Y Y - 南美假櫻桃 Muntingia calabura - Exotic Y - 九里香 Murraya paniculata Small tree Exotic Y - 夾竹桃 Nerium oleander Large shrub Exotic Y - 類蘆 Neyraudia reynaudiana Perennial herb Native Y Y - 海南紅豆 Ormosia pinnata Evergreen tree Exotic Y - 桂花 Osmanthus fragrans Evergreen tree or shrub Exotic Y - 酢漿草 Oxalis corniculata Perennial herb Native Y - 紅花酢漿草 Oxalis debilis subsp. corymbosa Perennial herb Exotic Y - 大黍 Panicum maximum Perennial herb Exotic Y - 南美西番蓮 Passiflora suberosa Herbaceous vine Exotic Y - 日本葵 Phoenix roebelenii Small tree palm Exotic Y Y - 側柏 Platycladus orientalis Tree Exotic Y Near Threatened (IUCN Red List) 雞蛋花 Plumeria rubra Tree Exotic Y Y - 番石榴 Psidium guajava Tree Exotic Y Y Y - 安石榴 Punica granatum Shrub or small tree Exotic Y - 炮仗花 Pyrostegia venusta Vine Exotic Y - 王棕 Roystonea regia Tree palm Exotic Y Y - 虎尾蘭 Sansevieria trifasciata Perennial herb Exotic Y - 傘樹 Schefflera actinophylla - Exotic Y - 鵝掌藤 Schefflera arboricola Scandent shrub Exotic Y - 鐵刀木 Senna siamea Tree Exotic Y - 黃槐 Senna surattensis Shrub or small tree Exotic Y - 少花龍葵 Solanum americanum Herb Exotic Y - 龍葵 Solanum nigrum Annual herb Native Y - 火焰木 Spathodea campanulata Tree Exotic Y - 假蘋婆 Sterculia lanceolata Semi-deciduous tree Native Y - 合果芋 Syngonium podophyllum Herb Exotic Y - 蒲桃 Syzygium jambos Tree Exotic Y Y - 黃鐘木 Tabebuia chrysantha Small tree Exotic Y - 紅花風鈴木 Tabebuia rosea - Exotic Y - 欖仁樹 Terminalia catappa Large tree Exotic Y Y - 小葉欖仁 Terminalia mantaly - Exotic Y - 黃花夾竹桃 Thevetia peruviana Shrub or small tree Exotic Y Y Y Y - 巴西野牡丹 Tibouchina semidecandra - Exotic Y - 大絲葵 Washingtonia robust Tree palm Exotic Y - 三裂葉蟛蜞菊 Wedelia trilobata Perennial herb Exotic Y Y - 狐尾椰子 Wodyetia bifurcata - Exotic Y - 兩面針 Zanthoxylum nitidum Woody vine Native Y - * Species listed as "Least Concern" in IUCN Red List was not shown in the Conservation Status coloum Page 3 of 3 Appendix 10.2 - Species List (Fauna) Habitat Chinese Name Common Name Species Name Developed Construction Abandoned Artificial Conservation status Distribution Rarity Remarks Watercourse Marine Area Site Land Coastline Avifauna Widely distributed in 八哥 Crested Myna Acridotheres cristatellus 7 15 35 - Common resident Hong Kong Found in Mai Po, Sheung Uk Tsuen, Sheung Shui, 家八哥 Common Myna Acridotheres tristis 3 - Uncommon resident Kam Tin, Shek Kong, Ping Shan, Mong Tseng Widely distributed in Common passage 磯鷸 Common Sandpiper Actitis hypoleucos 4 - wetland area throughout migrant and winter Hong Kong visitor Widely distributed in Common passage 普通翠鳥 Common Kingfisher Alcedo atthis 1 2 - wetland habitat migrant and winter throughout Hong Kong visitor Regional Concern (Fellowes et Widely distributed in Common resident and 大白鷺 Great Egret Ardea alba 1 35 48 3 al. 2002) Hong Kong winter visitor Found in Deep Bay area, Potential Regional Concern 蒼鷺 Grey Heron Ardea cinerea 1 1 2 Starling Inlet, Kowloon Common winter visitor (Fellowes et al. 2002) Park, Cape D'Aguilar Regional Concern (Fellowes et Widely distributed in 池鷺 Chinese Pond Heron Ardeola bacchus 2 1 1 Common resident al. 2002) Hong Kong Vulnerable (China Red Data Widely distributed in 褐翅鴉鵑 Greater Coucal Centropus sinensis 2 Common resident Book Status) Hong Kong Widely distributed in 原鴿 Domestic Pigeon Columba livia 4 - urban area throughout Common resident Hong Kong Widely distributed in 鵲鴝 Oriental Magpie Robin Copsychus saularis 4 1 1 - Abundant resident Hong Kong Distributed in some 家鴉 House Crow Corvus splendens 8 14 8 - Resident urban areas Found in Inner Deep Bay Local Concern (Fellowes et al. area, Nam Chung, Kei 2002); Ling Ha, Tai Mei Tuk, 白頸鴉 Collared Crow Corvus torquatus 1 Uncommon resident Near Threatened (IUCN Red Pok Fu Lam, Chek lap List) Kok, Shuen Wan, Lam Tsuen Widely distributed in Regional Concern (Fellowes et 小白鷺 Little Egret Egretta garzetta 1 5 35 5 coastal area throughout Common resident al. 2002) Hong Kong Widely distributed in 噪鵑 Common Koel Eudynamys scolopaceus 2 - Common resident Hong Kong Widely distributed in Building Nest on Roystonea 黑領椋鳥 Black-collared Starling Gracupica nigricollis 33 2 1 - Common resident Hong Kong regia in Developed Area Widely distributed in Local Concern (Fellowes et al. 白胸翡翠 White-throated Kingfisher Halcyon smyrnensis 1 1 coastal areas throughout Common resident 2002) Hong Kong Abundant passage Widely distributed in 家燕 Barn Swallow Hirundo rustica 5 1 - migrant and summer Hong Kong visitor Widely distributed in 棕背伯勞 Long-tailed Shrike Lanius schach 2 - open areas throughout Common resident Hong Kong Cap. 586; & Widely distributed in Common resident and 黑鳶 Black Kite Milvus migrans 6 2 23 1 1 Regional Concern (Fellowes et Hong Kong winter visitor al. 2002) Page 1 of 3 Appendix 10.2 - Species List (Fauna) Habitat Chinese Name Common Name Species Name Developed Construction Abandoned Artificial Conservation status Distribution Rarity Remarks Watercourse Marine Area Site Land Coastline Avifauna Common passage Widely distributed in 白鶺鴒 White Wagtail Motacilla alba 6 7 1 - migrant and winter Hong Kong visitor Immature individuals were Black-crowned Night Local Concern (Fellowes et al.
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