Item D Number 05331 G Not Scanned Author Esposito, M. P. Corporate Author PEDCO Environmental, Inc. RODOrt/ArtiClOTitlO Dioxins: Volume I. Sources, Exposure, Transport, and Control Journal/Book Title Year Month/Day June Color D Number of Images ° DBSBripton Notes Volume I of a three-volume series. Contract No. 68-03-2577; EPA-600/2-80-156; Also includes letter from David R. Watkins to Alvin L. Young, August 7,1980 and distribution list. Tuesday, March 05, 2002 Page 5331 of 5363 UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY OFFICE OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT INDUSTRIAL ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH LABORATORY CINCINNATI, OHIO 45268 AUG 7 1980 Major Alvin L. Young Department of the Air Force School of Air and Space Medicine SAM/EK Brooks AFB, Texas 78235 Dear Major Young: Enclosed are three reports which have been published as a series and are intended to serve as a comprehensive reference on the subject of dioxins. Volume I is a state-of-the-art review of dioxin literature. De- tailed information is presented on the chemistry, sources, degrada- tion, transport, disposal, and health effects of dioxins. Accounts of public and occupational exposure to dioxins are also included. Volume II details the development of an analytical method for detecting part- per-trillion levels of dioxins in industrial wastes. While this report represents the current developments within the EPA (IERL-CI), there are further advancements that have been made by independent laboratories. This report includes a review of the analytical literature on methods of detecting dioxins in various types of environmental samples. Volume III identifies various routes of information of dioxins. The possible presence of dioxins in basic organic chemicals and pesticides is addressed, and production locations for these materials are identified. These reports have been prepared with the hopes of presenting factual information documented by literature references and contractual research. If there are errors that appear in the reports or conclusions that you feel have been drawn incorrectly from the literature, I would appreciate your comments along with suggested corrections. My telephone number is (513) 684-4481. Sincerely, David R. Watkins Organic and Inorganic Chemicals and Products Branch Industrial Pollution Control Division Enclosures (3) Distribution: Mr. Charlie Auer (TS-792) Mr Mike Kilpatrick (EN-335) Mr. Don Barnes (TS-788) Dr James J. Lichtenberg (EMSL) Mr. Howard Beard (WH-565) Mr Raymond Locke (TS-792) Mr. George G. Berlow (Mass Pub. Hea. Dr David Ludbetter (DOJ) Mr. Kenneth Biglane (WH-548) Mr Ed Martin (WH-565) Dr. Marilyn Bracken (TS-793) Dr Eugene P. Meier (Las Vegas) Mr. Thomas J. Buechler (Region VII) Dr W. Lamar Miller (EN-329) Dr. Leo Buffa (Ottawa, Canada) Dr R. K. Mitchum (NCTR) Dr. Kathleen Cainin (Region VI) Mr Bob Ogg (Region II) Mr. Allen Carpien (A-132) Mr Gordon Olson (TS-794) Dr. Ananda Chakrabarty (U. of 111.) Ms Dorothy Patton (A-132) Mr. Gangadhar Choudhary (NIOSH) Mr Charlie Plost (RD-680) Dr. Richard Cothern (TS-793) Ms Pat Polk (CDC) Dr. Warren Crummett (Dow Chen.) Dr A. P. Poland (U. of Rochester) Dr. Al Cywin (WH-556) Dr Oscar Ramirez (Region IV) Mr. Mike Dalton (Ohio EPA) Dr Christopher Rappee (Umen, Switz.) Mr. Mike Dellarco (TS-791) Mr Dave Redford (TS-793) Mr. Paul DesRosiers (ORD). Ms Mary Reese (TS-791) Mr. J. P. Dickerson (Australia) Dr Med. G. Reggiani (Hoffman La Roche) Rep. Dennis Dollar (MS) Dr Mirja Salkinoja-Salonen (Finland) Mr. Joe Duckett (Schwartz & Dr F. Schaufelberger (Switzerland) Connolly Law Firm) Mr Mark Segal (WH-553) Ms. Barbara Elkus (EN-335) Mr John Smith (TS-793 Mr. Bill Fairless (Region VII) Dr Gerald Southall (State of Arkansas) Dr. David Firestone (FDA) • Ms Deborah Speak (Region IV) Dr. Silvio Garattini (Milan, It.) Ms Virginia Steiner (WH-565) Dr. M. E. Gibson (FDA) Mr Dave Sussman (WH-563) Mr. Harry Gilmer (Region VII) Capt Steve TerMaath (U.S.A.F.) Dr. Michael Gross (U. of Neb.) Mr Ron Thomas (EPA - Beltsville) Dr. Risto Hakulinen (Finland) Dr Bruce Thomson (Ontario, Canada) Mr. Martin P. Halper (TS-793) Dr Thomas Tiernan (Wright State) Ms. Adlene Harrison (Region VI) Dr Vittorio Treccani (Milan Italy) Dr. Richard Heffelfinger Dr Vladmir Vasak (Id - Australia) (Battelle) Mr Al Venosa (MERL) Mr. Charlie Hiremath (RD-689) Dr Charles Warren (Region II) Dr. Pat Honchar (NIOSH) Mr Reuben Watkins (MS) Dr. Ken Howard (Vertac, Inc.) Mr Don Wilson (lERL-Ci) Dr. R. Huetter (Switzerland) Mr Russ Wyer (WH-548) Dr. Otto Hutzinger (Netherlands) Dr Peter Yates (State Pollution - Ms. Daphne Kamely (PM-223) Australia) Maj. Alvin Young (U.S.A.F.) United States Industrial Environmental Research EPA-600/2-80-156 Environmental Protection Laboratory June 1980 Agency Cincinnati OH 45268 Research and Development vvEPA Dioxins Volume I. Sources, Exposure, Transport, and Control RESEARCH REPORTING SERIES Research reports of the Office of Research and Development, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, have been grouped into nine series. These nine broad cate- gories were established to facilitate further development and application of en- vironmental technology. Elimination of traditional grouping was consciously planned to foster technology transfer and a maximum interface in related fields. The nine series are: 1. Environmental Health Effects Research 2. Environmental Protection Technology 3. Ecological Research 4. Environmental Monitoring 5. Socioeconomic Environmental Studies .6. Scientific and Technical Assessment Reports (STAR) 7. Interagency Energy-Environment Research and Development 8. "Special" Reports 9. Miscellaneous Reports This report has been assigned to the ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION TECH- NOLOGY series. This series describes research performed to develop and dem- onstrate instrumentation, equipment, and methodology to repair or prevent en- vironmental degradation from point and non-point sources of pollution. This work provides the new or improved technology required for the control and treatment of pollution sources to meet environmental quality standards. This document is available to the public through the National Technical Informa- tion Service, Springfield, Virginia 22161. EPA-600/2-80-156 June 1980 DIOXINS: VOLUME I. SOURCES, EXPOSURE, TRANSPORT, AND CONTROL by M. P. Esposito, H. M. Drake, J. A. Smith, and T. W. Owens PEDCo Environmental, Inc. Cincinnati, Ohio 45246 Contract No. 68-03-2577 Project Officer David R. Watkins Industrial Pollution Control Division Industrial Environmental Research Laboratory Cincinnati, Ohio 45268 INDUSTRIAL ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH LABORATORY OFFICE OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT U.S. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY CINCINNATI, OHIO 45268 DISCLAIMER This report has been reviewed by the Industrial Environmental Research Laboratory-Cincinnati (lERL-Ci), U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, and approved for publication. Approval does not signify that the contents necessarily reflect the views and policies of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, nor does mention of trade names or commercial products constitute endorsement or recommendation for use. ii FOREWORD When energy and material resources are extracted, processed, converted, and used, the related pollutional impacts on our environment and even on our health often require that new and increasingly more efficient pollution con- trol methods be used. The Industrial Environmental Research Laboratory- Cincinnati (lERL-Ci) assists in developing and demonstrating new and im- proved methodologies that will meet these needs both efficiently and economically. This report is one of a three-volume series dealing with a group of hazardous chemical compounds known as dioxins. The extreme toxicity of one of these chemicals, 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (2,3,7,8-TCDD), has been a concern of both scientific researchers and the public for many years. The sheer mass of published information that has resulted from this concern has created difficulties in assessing the overall scope of the dioxin problem. In this report series the voluminous data on 2,3,7,8-TCDD and other dioxins are summarized and assembled in a manner that allows compari- son of related observations from many sources; thus, the series serves as a comprehensive guide in evaluation of the environmental hazards of dioxins. Volume I is a state-of-the-art review of dioxin literature. Detailed information is presented on the chemistry, sources, degradation, transport, disposal, and health effects of dioxins. Accounts of public and occupa- tional exposure to dioxins are also included. Volume II details the devel- opment of a new analytical method for detecting part-per-trillion levels of dioxins in industrial wastes. It also includes a review of the analytical literat jre on methods of detecting dioxins in various types of environmental samples Volume III identifies various routes of formation of dioxins in additio to the classical route of the hydrolysis of chlorophenols. The possible presence of dioxins in basic organic chemicals and pesticides is addressed, and production locations for these materials are identified. For further information, contact Project Officer David R. Watkins, Organic and Inorganic Chemicals Branch, lERL-Ci. Phone (513) 684-4481. David G. Stephan Director Industrial Environmental Research Laboratory Cincinnati 111 PREFACE This report is Volume I in a series of three reports dealing with a group of hazardous chemical compounds known as dioxins. This volume dis- cusses the occurrence, environmental transport, and toxicity of this class of compounds,
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