/' " . ^'. n \^^' "^^^ '*7^^'^'\:^^'• ^/<^^ A' ^./^ .\^ [^^ ^^>'C/% /"/>^v.> >-^^-^^^' — — T mm ^^^^. l...(„lll— I <v I, THE GEEAT METROPOLIS; GUIDE TO NEW-YORK 1846. Secotfa 33ublfcatfon. JOHN DOGGETT. JR. DIRECTORY EPTABLISIIMENT, If.G BROADWAY II. Ludwig, Pnnl^r, 70 &, 72 Vesey-st. PREFACE. The success which attended the publication of tlie first volume of this little work, has induced the Publisher to issue the present with a determination to gratify, if possible, any reasonable expectation of the Public in regard to it. And in order to vary the subjects referred to on these pages, a large portion of the matter contained in the former issue is omitted in this, and other, perhaps that which will prove even more useful, has been substituted in its stead. The intention was to have changed, materially, the character of this work the present season ; but, the calamitous and ever-to-be- remerabered fire in July, has rendered the execution of the plan at this time, inexpedient. Several suggestions have been received respecting the insertion of information in this publication, which, it was supposed, would make it more interesting and valuable. Such hints are ever welcome, and if not in every case adopted, the friendly spirit which dictates their communication, is, nevertheless, fully appreciated. To the kind regards of the citizens of New-York, as well as to the friendly consideration of all strangers who may visit the Great Metropolis, this little volume is now most respectfully submitted by THE PUBLISHER. Directory Establishment, 156 Broadway, ) October 15, 1845. J Entered according to Act of Ccogress, in the year 1845, by JOHN DOGGKTT,JR. In the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the United States for the Southern District of New-York. '"^^/tC 3 INDEX. 4: ALMANAC, ECLIPSES, ETC. Page. Pigfi- , Sheriff and repuiies . 3e8 iTiffan}', Young & Ellis .]I8 Societies anii Institvitions . 84 iTlie;itres . .120 Stage Lines .... ] 1.5 | Trinity Episcopal Cinivch . 80 Station Houses, Police . 63 Trust & Life ins. Companies 100 . Steamboat Linos 125 ! l^nion Fln.ce .54 St. John's Park or thidson Sq. 54 i University of the City of N.Y. 91 Vehicles, . Storafie .... 110 number of . 115 Street Directory . 1.35 'Ward Schools . 92 f^treet Inspectors (Policemen) 72 \ VVashiri^ton Square . 54 Tares allowed . 127 , Weighing . , .111 Taverns and Hotels . 102 VVharfyge . .110 Taxes, Collection of . 101 Williams & Stevens . .119 ALMAKAC" F«i2. THE ^'13 AM lg4r?. Being the second after Bissextile, ami unlil the Fourth of July, the 70th year of the Independence of the United States. CUSTOM.'\RY NOTES, &c. FOR THE YEAR 1846. Venus ($) will be Evening Star unlil March 2d, then Morninjj: St:ir until December 15th, then Evening Star until Octoher M, 1847. The Moon will run highest, this year, about the22d degree of (EL) Gemini, and lowest about the y2d degree of ( ^ ) Sagittarius. j Latitude of Herschel (JJi) about 41' south this year. ^ Longitude of the Moon's Ascending (SI) in the middle of thisyear, 7 signs, 4 degrees. Mean obliquity of the Ecliptic in the middle of this year, 23° 27' 33.5". True obliquity, same time, 23° 27' 25.3". MOVEABLE FEASTS. Ea.ster Sunday April 12 Rogation Sunday May 17 Ascension Day May 21 Whitsunday, (Pentecost) May 31 Trinitv Sunday June 7 Advent Sunday Nov. 29 EQ,Ui:\'OXES AND SOLSTICES. D. H. M. Vernal Equinox, IVIarch 20 fi .50 even. Summer Solstice, June 21 3 36 even. Autumnal Equinox, September 23 5 34 morn Winter Solstice, December 21 11 15 even. ECLIPSES IN THE YEAH 184G. There will be two Eclipses only thisyear, and both of the Sun. I. On the 25th of April tJie Sun will be visibly Eclipsed on the southern limb. This Eclipse will be visible throughout the United States, 'except- ing the North-western corner of the Oregon Territory ; also through- out Mexico, Texas, W>st Indies, Great Britain.Ireland and Iceland : together witli the southern part of Greenland, the northern part of I South y\merica, and the western pnrts of Europe and Africa. I II. There will he. an Eclipse of the Sun ou the 20th of Octoher, nt the time of in the morning, invisible in America, but visi- j New Moon bie through the oro;<ier prrt of Africa and of Australia. j LS46. JAKUARY, 1st luoiHii, b.-i.ison Tliiirsday. " MAKING CALLS," IST JANUARY. rn.\sK.s oy Jay. hr. ruin. Fir?t aiiarter, 4lh 9 i>9 M. Full Moon, l-2th 9 6 M. MEMORANDA FOR JANUARY. 10 G^M 21 i 1^".'\ FT^nrvlTARY, 2rt Month. bPsiins on Sunday. 9 SLEIOHINO. PHASES OF THE 3I00X. day. hr. min. day. br. mm. First Quarter, 3cl 15 M. I Third Quarter, 18th 11 48 A. Full Moon, 11th 4 16 M. New Moon 25th 2 36 A. ([ Apogee, 9th. Perigee, 24ih. Day of Day of Week. MISCELLANEOUS. Mon h. m. h. m.l o ' 1 SUADAY 4th S. aft. Epiphany. 7 13 5 16 17 3 11 4t Monday Purif.ofB.V.M.([U- 7 12 5 17 16 46 nior 3 Tuesday Sirius south 9 43. 7 115 18 16 29 50 4 Wednesday" 7 10 5 2016 11 149 5 Thursday d runs high. 7 9|5 2115 53 2 44 6 Friday Procyon sou. 10 24. 7 7,5 22 15 34 3 34 7 Saturday 9 stationary. 7 6 5 23 15 15 4 20 8 SUNDAY Septuagesinia. 7 5 5 2414 57 5 1 9 Monday d in apogee. 7 4 5 2614 37 5 38 10 Tuesday 7 3 5 27 14 18 6 11 11 Wednesday Clinton died, 1828. 7 25 2813.58 rises. 12 Thursday Sirius soulli 9 7. 7 5 291338 7 7 13 Friday Schwartz died, 1798, 6 595 3l!l3 18 14 Saturday Valentine. 6 58 5 32 12 58 15 SUNDAY Sexagesima. 6 56 5 33 12 37 10 Monday Regulus south 17. 6.555.341217111 6 17 Tuesday an. 6.545351156 nior. 18 Wednesday enters 5€. 6 52 5 37 11 351 9 19 Thursday Sirius south 8 40. 6 515.3811 13 1 11 20 Friday ([ runs Jow. 6.50,5 3910.12 2 12J i 21 Saturday 6 48 5 40 10 30 3 10 22 SUNDAY Quinqua. 6 47 5 41 10 8 23 Monday 6 45 5 43 9 46 24 Tuesday St. Matthias. ([in per. 6 44 5 44 924 25 Wednesday Ash Wednesday. 6 42,5 45 9 2 26 Thursday Procyon south 9 5. 6 4l'5 4(> 8 40 27 Friday 6 39 .5 47 8 17 28 Saturday Sirius south 9 5. 6 38j5 48 1 vr^j«w 4« MEMORANDA FOR FEBRUARY. 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 MEMORANDA FOR FEBRUARY. j I 20 21 22 23 24 2S 1840. •^ MEMORANDA FOR MARCH. 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 90! 23 24 26 27 28 29 30 31 PHASES OF THE MOON, day. Iir. iiiiii. <!ay. hr. min. First Quarter, 3.1 l(j A Third Quarter, 18th 3 28 A. Full Muon, 11th 39 A New Moon, 25th 11 52 M. d Apogee OOtli. Peritree 2Ulh. Moi, MEMORANDA FOR APRIL. 10 ^ MEMORANDA FOR APRIL. 21 22 23 24 25 26 28 29 30 ' 1H40. MAY. 5tli Month, iHLnns on Fridriv. 21 jj ^.f^ ^-i^^r^ e>v*, JCi^^ ,%^ ^t^^Mr. ->^ MEMORAN HA R MAY 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 1846. JUNE, 6th Month, begins on Monday. 25 i MEMORANDA FOR JJN! 9 io" MEMORANDA FOR JUNE. 11 "14" "15" Te" TT Ts" To" 20 MEMORANDA FOR JUNE. 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 . 7:1 1 PROCESSION, 4th JULY. PHASKS OF THE MOON, day. hr. iniii. day. lir. min. First Quarter, 1st 4 28 A. New Moon, 23(1 3 7 M. I Full Miion, 8th 6 1.5 A. First Quarter, 31st 6 7 M. Tliiril aunrter. irjth 8 28 M. Q I'eritft'e, yili. Apogee, 25tli. "'eh MISCELLA>-EOUS. U/T Water, Sets. - - Y_ I h. h. : h. m. No. Name. m. I h. m. 1 Wednesday Wyoniingr mas. 1778. 4 34:7 3323 7 11 40i 1 11 4 3.1 1 mor. STIiursday Visitation B. V. M. 32 23 3 I 1 55 12! 3Fridiy cn. 4 3.-)i7 32 22 59 2 45 4Snliirdnv Independence. 4 3617 48j 3 49 5.SU-\DAY 4lh Sunday al't.Trin. 4 36,7 32 22 48 129 4 54 6 Monday G5 I;J. 4 37 7 32 22 42 2 18 6 7 Tuesday d runs low. 4 .37 1 3 i 22 36 3 14 7 3 8 Wednesday Ld. Burke died, 1797. 4 38|7 31 22 29 rises. 7 57 QTliursday ([ in perigee. 4 39|7 31 22 22 7 59 8 47 10 Friday Columbus l)orn, 1447, 4 3917 30 22 15 8 42i 9 38 11 Saturday J. Q. Adams b. 1707. 4 40|7 3022 7 9 20 10 28 12 SUN DAY jth Sunday aft. Trin. 4 417 29 21 59 9 5f 11 13 13 Monday 4 41 7 29 21 50 10 30 ^ ley. 1 14 Tuesday Fren. Rev.com. 1789 4 42 7 2r21)2ll 5, 50 2.-^ ]5U'edne.-day Geo. Clinton h. 1739. 4 43 7 21 32 1 1 41, 137 16 Thursday 4 44:7 27|21 23 mor. 2 32 17 Friday |E. Gerry born, 1739. 4 44|7 27 21 131 19! 3 32 18 Saturday jVejia south 10 46.
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