Agricultural Economists

Agricultural Economists

PROCEEDINGS OF THE EIGHTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF AGRICULTURAL ECONOMISTS HELD AT KELLOGG CENTER MICHIGAN STATE COLLEGE U.S.A. 15-22 AUGUST 1952 GEOFFREY CUMBERLEGE OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS LONDON NEW YORK TORONTO 1953 NAMES OF PERSONS IN PHOTOGRAPH OF THE EIGHTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF AGRICULTURAL ECONOMISTS, AUGUST 15-22, 1952, MICHIGAN STATE COLLEGE, EAST LANSING, MICHIGAN (ALL NAMES READ FROM LEFT TO RIGHT) FIRST ROW: I-Iuni, A., Switzerland; Rolfes, M., Gennany; Morales, J., C.R.; von Dietze, C., Ebling, W., U.S.; Saville, Mrs., U.S.; Saville, R., U.S.; Porter, Mrs., U.S.; Porter, H., Ger:mqny; Case, H. C. M"). U.S:; Thomas, E., qreat Britain; Sen, S., India; Currie, J., Great U.S.; Antonietti, Mrs., Italy; Nelson, P., U.S.; Nelson, Mrs., U.S.; Ashby, Mrs., Great Brzta111; Cowd<;_n_, T., U.::s.; Witt, L., U.S.; Hill, F., U.S.; Ackerman, J., U.S.; Ashby, A., Britain. Great Britain; iv1orris, E., U.S.; Elmhirst, L., Great Britain; Young, E., U.S.; Minderhoud, G., Netherlands; Dixey, R., Great Britain; Coke, J., Canada; Johnson, S. E., U.S.; Hardin, C., SEVENTH ROW: van Stuyvenberg, J., Netherlands; van Nieuwenhuyzcn, P., Netherlands; U.S.; Jcsness, 0., U.S.; Boucher, G., Canada; Cepede, M., France; DlUlcan, J ., Great Britain. van Rossem, J., Netherlands; van Bueren, J., Netherlands; Kriellaars, F., Netherlands; Aziz, U., Malaya; Murray, W., U.S.; Westermarck, N., Finland; Fortier, L., Canada; SECOND RO,V: Cramois, A., France; Orlando, G., Italy; Paiva, R., Brazil; Raeburn, J., Thompson 1 M., U.S.; Robertson, C., Great Britain; Nielson, J., U.S.; Baez, M., Venezuela; Great Britain; Shaffer, J., U.S.; Doneth, J., U.S.; Loomis, C., U.S.; Barlowe, R., U.S.; Montanes, C., Colombia; Scott, F., U.S.; Hyodo, S., Japan; de Farcy, Father, France; Kramer, R., U.S.; Wright, K., U.S.; Boger, L., U.S.; King, A., U.S.; Boger, Mrs., U.S.; Moreau, R., France; Santiago, F., Philippines; Attiga, A., Lybia; Soemanto, R., Indonesia; Hardin, Mrs. C., U.S.; Cowden, Mrs., U.S.; Witt, Mrs., U.S.; Mauch, Mrs., U.S.; \Vright, Kirk, J., Great Britain; Paterson, R., Great Britain; Thomas, A. 1 Great Britain; Bacon, G., Mrs., U.S.; Bodwell, Miss M., U.S.; Butz, D., U.S.; Brown, L., U.S.; Hill, E., U.S.; U.S.; Raup, P., U.S.; Alcazar, J., Bolivia; Flores, E., Mexico. Mauch, A., U.S.; Vary, K., U.S.; Milthers, A., Denmark; Niehaus, H., Germany; Petrovski, N., Yugoslavia. EIGHTH ROW: Joglekar, J:\T., India; Patterson, H., Canada; Clark, R., U.S.; Porter, A., Great Britain; Mackenzie, \V., Canada; Christoforou, N., Greece; Coutsoumaris, G., U.S.; THIRD ROW: Nazario, L., Puerto Rico; Derteano, C., Perlli Carone, M. S.; Ortega, J., Cuba; Bennett-Jones, R., (!reat Britain; Folley, R., Great Britain; Rauchenstein, E:·• U.S.; Shep­ Alfaro, G., Costa Rica; Alemany, S., Puerto Rico; Sorensen, L., Denmark; Narasimham, K., herd, G., U.S.; Davies, P., U.S.; Katz, S., U.S.; Anderson, D., U.S.; Walent1ts.l.F., Austria; Indt'a; Beringer, C., Germany; Perovic, M., Yugoslavia; Zambrano, Father, Colombia; Pfurtscheller, A., Austria; Leitner, A., Austria; Blasl, A., Austria; Fox, K., U.,::,·.; Todd, P., Craig-Martin, P., Great Britain; Carroll, T., U.S.; Lloyd, E., Great Britain; Pertountzi, U.S.; Ezekiel, M., U.S.; Black, J., U.S.; Kutish, L., U.S.; Hamilton, Mrs., U.S.; Hamilton, Miss C., Greece; Dawe, C., Great Britain; Dawe, Mrs., Great Britain; Booth, J., Canada; H., U.S.; Jan•esoo, E., U.S.; Cravens, M., U.S. Booth, Mrs., Canada; Coke, Mrs., Canada; Piccioni, A., Italy; Sorbi, U., Jtaly; Vannucchi 1 P., Italy; Hoglund, R., U.S.; Leonard, 0., U.S.; Mawby, R., U.S.: Hathaway, NINTH ROW: Milletti, R., Italy; d'Aragona, G., Italy; Tofani, M., Italy; Di Cocco, E., D., U.S. Italy; Bellucci, V., Italy; Niyomviphat, A., Thailand; Strauss-Ignace, J., France; Florquin, A., Belgium; Theate, A., Belgium; Verfaille, C., Belgium; Drljaca, A., Yugoslavia; Maulit, D., FOURTH ROW: Torres, R., Puerto Rico· Dickison, W., U.S.; Khan, A., Pakistan; Haythorne, Philippines; Stare, A., Yugoslavia; Dixon, H., U.S.; Anderson, A., U.S.; Ciarrocca, V., ltaly; G., Canada; 1-Iaythorne, Mrs., Canada; Saadeh, N., Lebanon; Moquit, A., Pakistan; Daoud, H., Devillers,A.,France; Hill, P., U.S.; Hill, Mrs., U.S.; Sutcliffe, P., Great Britain; Mathews, Egypt; Hindy, M., Egypt; Root, F., U.S.;_ Hudson, M., U.S.; Bollman, B., U.S.; Buxton, M., D., Great Britain; Vesanovic, A., Yugoslm;ia; Buzzevski, V., Yugoslavia; Marlmvic, M., U.S.; Stanulis, C., U.S.; Nelson, A., U .•::i.; Walsh, S., U.S.; Rambaud, A., France; In•in, L., Yugoslavia; Regan, D., Yugoslavia; Vasiljevic, K., Yugoslavia; Peci-Popovic, A., Yugoslavia; U.S.; Clayton, G., U.S.; Dickhaut, B., U.S.; Ettori, 0., Brazil; Dias, R., Brazil; Jacobsen, Silbiger, S., Yugoslavia; Malezieux, M., France. A., Denmark; Sinclair, S., Canada; Sinclair, Mrs., Canada; Astrand, H., Sweden; Richards, A. E., Canada; Krause, E., U.S.; Krause, H., U.S.; Brdlik, V., Czechoslovakia. TENTH RO\V: Gielfrich, H., France; Manier, M., France; Goreux, M., France; Grouzier, J., France; Atchley, F., U.S.; Atchley, l\.1rs., U.S.;.._Lowe, Y. 1 Israel; Olsson, Mrs., Sweden; FIFTH ROW: Brandao, E., Brazil; Nobre, E.,.Brazil; White, J., U.S.; Rauscher, R., Austria; Olsson, H., Sweden; Belyea, C., Canada; Wood, l.j., U.S.;~Lipman, C., France; Lemarie, J., Norton, L., U.S. ~TStewart, c;., U.S.; Lebeau, L., France; Penn, R., U.S.; l\1arshall, q., France; Menetrier, J., France; Huni, Mrs., Switzerland; Dowell, Mrs., U.S.; Dowell, A., U.S~i Moore, B., u.S.; Hopkins, L., U.S.; Thelen, J., U.S.; Jagger, P., U.S.; Radovanov1c, U.S.; Long, H., Great Britain; Brown, D., U.S.; McNall, P., U.S. R., Yugoslavia; Davidson, G., U.S.; Galezewski, C., U.S.; Cornelius, B., U.S.; Bacon, M., U.S.; Cunningham, Mrs., U.S.; Cunningham, L., U.S.; Barbero, G., U.S.; Rossi-Doria, M., ELEVENTH ROW: Antonietti, A., Italy; Jaska, E., Canada; Deurloo, A., Netherlands; Italy; Ciarrocca, Mrs., Italy; Ajello, F., Italy; Virone, L., Italy; Pedersen, T., Denmark; Mutti, R., U.S.; Aull, G., U.S.; MacGregor, J., Great Britain; Schweng, L., Hungary; Jensen1 J., Denmark; Foged, J., Denmark; Holboll, C., Denmark. Bean, L., U.S.; Bean, Mrs., U.S.; Gagne, C., Canada; Spmdler,H., U.S.; Nash, Mrs., Great Britain; Nash, E., Great Britain; Schultz, T., U.S.; Schultz, Mrs., U.S.; Perreault, R., SIXTH ROW: Lisavac, S., Yugoslavia; Sturrock, F., Great Britain; Gardner, T., Great Britain; Canada; Moore, E., U.S.; Wagley, V., U.S.; Wright, P., U.S.; Kettering, D., U.S.i Riley, Hunt, K., Great Britain; Hayes, G., Great Britain; Morris, S., Great Britain; Riecken, T., H., U.S. Canada; Andal, M., Canada; Burkett, W., U.S.; Sallee, G., U.S.; Davies, I., Great Britain; Liversagc, V., Northern Ireland; Beilby, 0., Great Britain; Stine, 0., U.S.; Rodriguez, P., TWELFTH ROW: Chegut, R., France; Varner, Mrs., U.S.; Nielson, Mrs. U.S.; Wilt, H., Mexico; Arce, E., Costa Rica; Bedekar, S., India; Garner, W., U.S.; Ebling1 Mrs., U.S.; U.S.; Elwood, E., U.S.; Larzelere, H., U.S.; Bhattacharjee, J., India; ·Ulrey, 0., U.S. PERSONS WHO ATTENDED THE CONFERENCE BUT WHO DO NOT APPEAR IN THE PHOTOGRAPH Australia: Maiden, A. Brazil: Dias, Mrs.; Ettori, Mrs. B. W.I. : J oily, A. Canada: Brown, ]. ; Medlund, S. China: Chang, Te Tsui. Denmark: Knudsen, A. Egypt: Daoud, Mrs. Finland: Kaarlehto, T. France: Bonal, E.; Bourateu, R.; Gerber, A.; Mauron, J. Germmry: Richter, L. Great Britain: Wright, Dr. M. India: Yawalkar, K. Ita(y: De Asarta, F.; Milletti, Mrs.; Papi, V.; Perdisa, L.; Rumor, M. Latvia: Varonis, A. Mexico: Fernardez, R. Netherlands: de Vries, E. South Africa: Neumark, S. Turkey: Yalaz, N. U.S.A.: Barlowe, F.; Bartlett, R.; Berg, H.; Black­ more, ]. ; Boals, G.; Boan, ]. ; Bond, M.; Bradford, L.; Brandt, K.; Brandt, Mrs.; Brunk, M.; Cain, S.; Clifford, R.; Conklin, H.; Dominick, B.; Elliot, F.; Falconer, ]. ; Foote, R.; Garner, Mrs.; Hardin, L.; Harrar, ].; Hearne, C.; Hedlund, G.; Hibbard, B.; Hibbard, Mrs.; Higgins, R.; Hirsch, D.; Hirsch, Mrs.; Johnson, Mrs. S. E.; Johnson, Stewart; Lloyd, 0.; Lutz, E.; Meissner, F.; Mighell, R.; Mighell, Mrs.; Mosher, A.; Mosher, M.; Mosher, Mrs.; Murphy, D.; Murray, Mrs.; Nervik, 0.; Noonan, T.; Notestein, F.; Notestein, Mrs.; Nourse, E.; Paarl berg, D.; Peck, F.; Peterson, E.; Pond, G.; Pond, Mrs.; Prophet, E.; Quackenbush, G.; Rauchenstein, Mrs.; Robertson, L.; Ross, C.; Shoemaker, K.; Sirianni, A.; Smith, M.; Stern, K.; Ver West, D.; Warren, S.; Watson, J.; Weisblatt, 0.; Wilhelmy, 0. INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF AGRICULTURAL ECONOMISTS CONFERENCES First, 1929: Dartington Hall, Totnes, Devon, England. Second, 1930: Cornell University, Ithaca, New York State, U.S.A. Third, 1934: Bad Eilsen, Schaumburg-Lippe, Germany. Fourth, 1936: St. Andrews University, Fife, Scotland. Fifth, 1938: Macdonald College, Ste Anne de Bellevue, P.Q., Canada. Sixth, 1947: Dartington Hall, Totnes, Devon, England. Seventh, 1949: Villa delle Azalee, Stresa, Italy. Eighth, 19 52 : Michigan State College, East Lansing, Michigan, U.S.A. HE International Conference of Agricultural Economists was T inaugurated during the summer of 1929, when fifty economists from eleven countries met for two weeks at Dartington Hall, Devon, England, on the invitation of Mr. L. K. Elmhirst. The Second Conference was held at Cornell University, and was attended by over 300 members and visitors, twenty countries being represented. At this meeting the formal Constitution was drawn up and approved. The Third Conference, held at Bad Eilsen, was attended by 170 members, nineteen countries being represented. The Fourth Con­ ference was held at St. Andrews, when 219 members and visitors attended, of whom 127 were from twenty-one countries outside of the United Kingdom.

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