The Sooner Magazine

The Sooner Magazine

THE SOONER MAGAZINE OKLAHOMA 1 ALUMNI NEWS OKLAHOMANS AT HOME AND ABROAD still11111 till IIII III 11111111 MI I III I 11111113 11111111111111111 till 10111111111111tilltilltilltillI IIHIIHIIHtill till till till till till pill I III Fill I III IpIII HIItill till III MI I I] I III III I I III I IIII IIII IIII InI IIII IIII IIII till I AKIN, Mrs. Bessie May Brown, B. A. '26; Teach- ADAMS, Burnace, G. N. '22 ; Nurse; Box 283, Oklahoma City. Lone Wolf . er ; 733 East 13, A Howe, B. S. in Med. '26, M. $ADAMS, Edwin, Ph . C., '00; Pharmacist ; King- AKIN, Dr . Robert Oklahoma City . fisher. D. '28; Physician; 733 East 13, Lawyer; 512 E. *Adams, Ethel Nancy, LL . B. '18; See Mrs. tAKIN, Vern C., LL . B. '22 ; ., Montery Park, Calif. Ethel N. Adams Anderson . Emerson St ABBOTT, Frank W., LL . B. '27; Lawyer ; Box ADAMS, Florence Day, B. A. '25 ; Student, Uni- tALAIR, . William Roy, B. A. '25 ; Supt . of 1732, Tulsa. versity of Vienna ; Annagasse 3, Vienna, Aus- Schools; Chautauqua, Kansas. ABBOTT, George, Ex . '22; Life Insurance Agent; tria . fALBRIGHT, Arnold A., B. A. '26, B. S. in D. '15 ; Deceased . 606 McFaddin, Ponca City . ADAMS, Henry Grady, M. Med. '27; Student, Johns Hopkins University Physician; ABBOTT, Mrs. Mildred Irene, B. F. A. '27 ; Su- ADAMS, Dr . James E., M. D. '17; Medical School ; 319 Amy Blvd ., San Antonio, Oklahoma Cushing. pervisor of Music; 1112 Classen, Texas. City. *ADAMS, Katherine B., B. A. '27 ; See Mrs. ALBRIGHT, Sarah Ethel, B. S. in H. E. '24 ; ABBOTT, Thomas Wilson, B. A. '20; Supt . of Katherine Adams Fain . Altus. Schools, Lindsay. ADAMS, Lucille F., G. N. '25; Nurse; 724 East tALDEN, Dr . Arthur M., B. A. '07, M. A. '09; ABBOTT, William Rogers, B. S. in Bus. '28; 13, Oklahoma City . Physician; 537 Frisco Bldg., St. Louis, Mis- Salesman ; 1114 N. W. 29 St. ; Oklahoma City. ADAMS, Max B., B. S. in Bus '27; Ass't Mgr. souri. ABEL, Burl M., B. S. in Bus. '29 ; Mangum . Lumber Co . ; Lamesa, Texas. ALDEN, Mrs. Edna Smith, B. A. '14; Home- ABELARDE, Jose Francisco, B. A. '26, B. S. in ADAMS, Mrs. Mildred Larsh, B. A. '27; Home- maker; 1504 W. 22nd, Oklahoma City . Med. '28 ; Student, University Medical School ; maker; 215 8th, N. W., Ardmore. tALDEN, Verne E., B. S. '11; Power Engineer, University Hospital, Oklahoma City . ADAMS, Richard, Ex . '24; Student; ,W33 East Stone & Webster Engineering Cor. ; 297 Wood- ABERCROMBIE, Mrs. Elizabeth Woodworth, Oak, Hobart . St., Waban, Massachusetts. B. A. '18; Homemaker; Cashion. 1-ADAMS, Robert L., A. B. '29; Hotel Keeper ; ward tALDEN, Yetta V., B. A. '09 ; Teacher; Rose- ABERNATHY, Cecil A., Ex . '26; Cashier, Postal William Inn, Williamstown, Mass. Marie Apts., Anaheim, California. Telegraph & Cable Co . ; 224 W. 6th Street, ADAMS, Mrs. Ruth Irwin, G. N. '20 ; Nurse; ALDRIDGE, J. Bart, B . A. '25, LL . B. '25 ; Law- Oklahoma City. 225 S. Cleveland, Cushing. yer; Wewoka. ABERNATHY, Eugene C., Ph. C. '06; Lawyer ; ADAMS, Dr . Sylba, B. S. '22, M. D. '24; Physi- ALDRIDGE, Mrs. Leonora C., B. S. in Edu. '26; Hollis . cian ; Pryor. Teacher; 1815 N. Randolph, Oklahoma City, tABERNATHY, Louie Van, L. L. B. '22 ; Ass't (ADAMS, Dr. Walter B., M. D. '11; Physician Oklahoma . County Attorney ; To Court House, Wichita and Surgeon; 306 Hamilton Bldg., Wichita ALDRIEDGE, Thelma N., B. F. A. '29; Teach- Falls, Texas. Falls, Texas. 1- Atlanta, er; St. Jo, Texas. ABERNATHY, Ruth, A. B. '29; Teacher ; 3400 tADAY, Mrs. Wade, Ex . '25; Teacher; tALER, Margaret P., B. A. '24; 3403 Univer- Classen Blvd ., Oklahoma City . Texas. sity Place, Baltimore, Md . ABERNATHY, Alton Coy, B. S. in Med. '28; *Addington, Josephine, Ex. '06; See Josephine $ALEXANDER, Addie Mabel, B. M. '09; Address Interne; University Hospital, Oklahoma City . Addington Smith. ABNEY, Louis D., LL . B . '16; President of the ADDIS, Bess B., B. A. '26; Teacher; Okeene. unknown $ALEXANDER, Mrs. Alice B., B. A. '17, M. A. Oklahoma School Equipment Co . ; 207 South tADDISON, Geo. F., Ex . '26; Lawyer ; Salem, '18 ; Homemaker; Grand Lower, Illinois . Compress St ., Oklahoma City. Mo. ALEXANDER, Benjamin, B. A. '29; 811 West ABRAMS, Mrs. Rubynell McCall, B. A. '19; i'ADDISON, Mattie Mae, B. A. '18; M. S. '29; Street, Tulsa. Homemaker; 228 H. St., Northwest, Miami. Assistant Registrar, Winthrop College, Rock 5th B., B. S. in C. E. '21; ABSHER, Kenneth B., B. S. in Geol . '25 ; Geol- Hill, South Carolina. tALEXANDER, Carl County Engineer ; Howard, Kansas . ogist; Sinclair Crude Oil purchasing Co ., Box tADERHOLD, Lillian J., B. A. '28; Student in *ALEXANDER, Elmina, Ex . '13; See Mrs. 946, El Dorado, Kansas . Otis Art Institute; Los Angeles, Calif. ; 5870 Alexander Tarpley. ABSHER, William F., B. A. '20; Geologist; Em- Franklin Ave., Hollywood, California . Elmina See Mrs. *ALEXANDER, Emma Frances, B. M. '16; See pire Oil Co ., Bartlesville . *ADERHOLD, Rose, B. S. in Bus. '27; Mrs. Emma Alexander Schoggen . ACKER, L. E., B. S. in C. E. '29; Engineer ; Rose Aderhold Funk . *ALEXANDER, Etta, B. A. '14 ; See Mrs. Etta 2311 West 21st, Oklahoma City . ADLER, Gertrude Corine, B. F. A. '27; Super- Alexander Donnell. ACKLEY, Edna, B. A. '23; 821 N. C. St ., Mus- visor of Music; 612 Duck St ., Stillwater . Dr. Everett T., M. D. '20; Phy- kogee. 1 -ADLER, Melvin Felix, LL . B. '28; Lawyer ; ALEXANDER, Worth, sician and Surgeon; Barnsdall. ACKLEY, Kenneth A., B. S. in Geol . '29 ; Geol- 1415 Ft . Worth Nat'l Bank Bldg ., Fort tALEXANDER, Frank McLain, M. A. '18; Min- ogist; Miami. Texas. ister; Grand Tower, Illinois . *AGREE, Bess, B. A. '17; See Mrs. Bess Acree ADRIANCE, Theodore, LL . B. '17; Lawyer ; tALEXANDER, Helen Elizabeth, B. A. '27; Moore. Tonkawa. N. Broadview, Wichita, Kansas . *Acree. Jessye E., B. A. '21 ; See Jessye Acree AIKEN, Norma Elizabeth, B. A. '29 ; Teacher; Teacher; 133 . Ex . '18 ; Jeweler and Churchill. 704 Denver, Muskogee. tALEXANDER, H F., St ., St. Joseph, Michi- ACRES, Maude; See Mrs. Maude Acree Lowey. AIKEN, Claude E., Ph . C. '15, B. S. '17; Pro- Watchmaker ; 206 State AGREE, William F., B. A. '20 ; Superintendent prietor of C. and A. Drug Store No. 2 ; 909 gan. Dr . Jerome, B. S. '22; Physician; of Schools; Hydro. E. 18th, Oklahoma City. ALEXANDER, ACTON, Owen E., Ex . '08; Oil Business ; Box AINSLIE, Mabel, Ex . '21 ; Teacher; 3401 N. Clinton. Henderson, B. S. in 663, Guthrie. McKinley, Oklahoma City. ALEXANDER, Mrs. LeBeryl Med '27; Medical Student Care George Wash- *ADAIR, Ethel R., B. A. '24; See Mrs. Ethel I'AITKENHEAD, William M, M. A. '13; Prof . Hospital, Washington, D. C. Adair Embrey . of Agricultural Engineering and Head of Dep't. ington Mabel, B. M, '07; See Mrs, ADAMS, Aileen, B. A. '28; Bookkeeper; Cres- Purdue University ; 120 Marstellar St ., West La- *ALEXANDER, Balyeat. cent. fayette, Ind. Mabel Alexander 358 THE SOONER MAGAZINE *ALEXANDER, Mary Louise, Ex. '18; See Mary ALLEN, William A., B. A. '10 ; Superintendent AMIS, Wm. B., Ex. '02 ; Farmer; Huron, Ten- Alexander Rice. of Schools ; Milburn . nessee. ALEXANDER, Nadine, Ex. '27; Teacher ; 916 ALLEY, John, B. A. '02 (Kingfisher) ; Head of AMMERMAN, Carl H., Ph. C. '28 ; Pharmacist ; North J. Muskogee. Government Department, University of Okla- Mooreland . [ALEXANDER, Reuben D., Ph. C. 1900 ; Civil homa ; Faculty Exchange, Norman. tAMMONS, Nancy, B. S. in Ed. '28; Teacher ; Engineer ; Alexander Eng. Co., Woodruff Bldg ., ALLGOOD, Elvus, J., B. S. in Med . '28 ; In- 458 Elm St., Norman . Springfield, Missouri. terne; University Hospital ; 740 East 13th, AMOS, Claude H., Ex. '19 ; Ass't. Mgr., Chas . ALEXANDER, Robert, B. A. '26; Minister ; 1312 Oklahoma City . H. Amos Handle Co.; Stillwell. South 18, Chickasha. ALLGOOD, Dr . John Milton, B. S. in Med. '26, AMOS, John F., B. A. '26, LL . B. '28 ; Lawyer ; M. D. '28 ; Physician ; Box 799, Hollis . 1-ALEXANDER, Roe, B. S. in Bus . '29; Whole- 718 Perrine Bldg., Oklahoma City. saler; McKenzie, Tennessee. ALLGOOD, Samuel Edgar, B. A. '27; Teacher ; ANDERSON, A. L., Ex. '26; Anderson-Lightner Tipton, *ALEXANDER, Ruth, Ex. '24; See Ruth Alex- Oklahoma. Motor Co ., Tecumseh. ander Young. ALLGOOD, Samuel Young, M. A. '27 ; Prof. of *ANDERSON, Ann, B. A. '18; See Mrs. Ann An- Religion, University of Oklahoma ; Faculty Ex- derson Mauldin . [ALEXANDER, Dr. Samuel Howard, M. D. '28; ANDERSON, Carl G., Ex. '26 ; Teacher ; Route Physician ; Army Medical Center, Washington, change, Norman . CALLING, Dr. Emery E., 13. S. '22, M. D. '25; 5, Chandler. D. C. [ANDERSON, Charles, Ex. '21; Investments ; ALEXANDER, Sibyl Gee, B. S. in Edu. '26; Physician ; Gorgas Hospital, Ancon, C. Z. Panama . 855 Roosevelt Bldg ., Los Angeles, California. Teacher ; 201 W. Apache, Norman . ANDERSON . Charles M., LL. B. '12 Lawyer ; ALEXANDER, Virgil, B. A. '24; Minister, [ALLISON, Agnes Catalina, B. A. '28; Student ; New Barrett Bldg ., Duncan . Methodist Church; Hugo. Taylor, Texas. [ANDERSON, Claude J., B. A. '24; Office Mgr., fALFORD, Chas . T., Ex. '26; Address Un- ALLISON, Elwood, B. A. '20 (Kingfisher) ; Tacoma Veneer Co ., 1121 South Ninth, Ta- known. Teacher-Director of Physical Education ; 1115 coma, Washington . *ALFORD, Reaves, B. A. '20, M. A. '23; Sec El Centro Street, Oakland, California. ANDERSON, Delmer P., B. S. in Bus. '28; Mrs. Reaves Alford Salter. Ac- ALLISON, Mrs. Ethel Breeden, B. A. '18; countant ; 207 West Maine, /O W. P. Ander- tALKIRE, Mrs. Elizabeth, Ph. C. '08; Owner Kingfisher; Homemaker ; 1115 El Centro Street, son, Enid . and Manager of Troy Steam Laundry; Nation- Oakland, California. ANDERSON, Dillon, B. S. in Bus . '28 ; Lawyer ; al Hotel, Leavenworth, Kansas . *ALLISON, Flora V., Ex . '20 ; See Flora V. 16th Floor, Esperson, Houston, Texas. *ALKIRE, Zella, Ex. '10; See Mrs. Zella Alkire Allison Golden . ANDERSON, Edward B., LL. B. '18; Lawyer; Rogers . ALLISON, Mrs.

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