University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Las Vegas Gazette, 1880-1886 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 5-16-1886 Las Vegas Gazette, 05-16-1886 Louis Hommel Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/lv_gazette_news Recommended Citation Hommel, Louis. "Las Vegas Gazette, 05-16-1886." (1886). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/lv_gazette_news/1378 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Las Vegas Gazette, 1880-1886 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. UT4M.UHE 1I1I. Raw mxlce reeelvtag la tha mm pabltihlBf the tall EVakUBa Aeewciatesl Freee tele, lamella ( ely the Ter. report. "! Hew Bailee). fraakle i? Cm. rllsry VOL XIIL-N-O. 269. Ik CENTS. LAS VEGAS, SUNDAY MORXIXG, MAY 16, 1886. PRICE, FIVE ESTABLISHED IN 1881.1 AM AWFUIi EXPEUIENCR rrarlalau at f drnnnda' Land Clalnaa' BUI Tbe ceremony was performed and the oity, in payment of further legal ser- ' Tbe woman now claims that . Denver, May 15. A Washington happy pair started on a tour tnrougn vices. STORMJOSSED. A Paaaaager Train aa the Wayne Bead the eastern states. Tbey were gone Judge Steele has beld out large turns Fart special to the Republican says: The her attor- Caught ta a Cycleae. two montos ana, as uarr told from the estate and through A.A.&J.H.WISE Edmunds bill, to provide for ascertain several intimates on his return, spent ney asks for time to bring from Doming Dealing log and settling private land claims some $600. had conducted as witnesses two ol the men who plun- Another Death PirrsBUHa, May 15. Tbe Chicago ex- Carr the - HAVE within tbe limits of the territory derived Delaware bouse previous to bis mar- dered ber husband's effects to prove Hurricane in Ohio. prese on the Fort Wayne road bad a from Mexico, embracing New Mexico, riage and after getting back looked that there was a large book of aooounts rough experience while passing through Wyoming, AriSuna, Utah, Nevada and round for an opening, and as he bad tot which tbe administrator bas never Ilonoyto Loan a tornado which strnck eastern Ohio Colorado, snd wb "h bas been favor- rented out his old place, leased a build Booouotd. As tt is claimed that these i A oh ' ing ou Grand avenue and opened the accounts were all against people living ' The ProTislona of the Edmonds last night. Tbe lightning flashed con- ably reported from the senate private land claims committee,' permits the Delmonico saloon . Here bo' b Carr and in tbis city it might be easier to ESTATE, PriTito land Clalmn Bilk1 tinually from tbe time the train left claimant to WooMtd bv oetition in the bis wile drank to excess, and lived in find someone who bas paid Judge "HEAL Fort Wayne, at 8 p. m., and the rain United Status, district courts, un- tbis condition for about three week, Steele for account of tbe Carr estate. t. HATS . desoended in almost solid sheets until der tbe rules in equity with tbe priv when the quarrel ensued in which the But tbe whole thing it a subterfuge; Improved sne Unlmprovea1 Properti every Tbe ConUffloaa Strike Break Lima, Ohio, was passed. Snob a storm ilege or an an me su- woman shot Carr, be dying in there wss no snob book at described. tf none ot the passengers had appeal nnai'y to estate would irioHae ta every porttoa of u i itr of Out Among- - the Cowboy i. ever seen preme oourt of tbe United States. about six boars. Several of Carr'a Tbe estate without the real before and the ladie, of whom thera A limitation ot oomrades who were watobing the body not have half paid tbe debts. Tbe wo- were quite a number on board, were drank liquors from the bar, and man is foolish or misguided and should YEARS IS PROVIDED the greatly frightened, and tbe gentlemen THREE while condition the be satisfied at having got off so easily. wil ' Another One of Decis in that secured dead .A gooa asalm 1 sever sat of season." Sparks' were too much soared themselves to be fa which to bring cases. Should it be man's nioat valuable effects. Sbe should let (well enough alone. A m boma, be tt so homely." We ot servioe in allaying their found tbat tbe government has sold any is witnesses "Hum oneeneapoamt ions Berersed by His Chief. fears. Tbe As shown by the records the woman man named Cook one oi the e Mil roa ear payánate. wind steadily increased in fury, and the of these lands, scrip for an equal was as thai gootte-ms- n "Ha brinca Iba moat happlneee to himself arrested, tried and sentsnoed to cited by the woman, and ha does the oat lo promote lha hapomeae breaking of trees and the ruibing sibil-latio- n amount is to ba issued in lieu therbof. two years In tbe penitentiary. There is, under indiotment in this county of others." rta aaoMo at our aire 007. Public Meetings i ot Socialists of telegraph wires made an a ful No claims snail be allowed tbat inter- was much frothy sympathy for the mur he will not likely appear. Mrs, Anna . "A toot aaunp MUX out Hraw."' Pay ooncord of wild sounds. The train fere with Indian titles, nor shall any deress at tbe time of ber trial, but The Carr is at present an inmate ot a house your root promptl that four days war long Prohibited in Germany, - . parsed Forest, 229 miles west of Pitts- confirmation confer tbe right to any houee wberala ra dwell . Gazette put in some sturdy blows lor of no repute m this oity. la tha engi- gold, quicksilver mines, or . ... "fuere laa loa la isa affair of ma whleb, burg, about 10:85 p. m., and tbe aiiver or tbe cause of Justice and oublio opinion reen at iIwB xkI, leen on to fortune.'' neer was then sending tba locomotive minerals, unless too land claimed em- eodorxed its action. William Steele! fc est-- , A Death Deal lag Barrieaaa VUlta Oble, Now b) the ttata bur real te. along at about thirty miles an hour. braces tba donation or sale of suob was made Carr's admintra'.or. bot be "Oiodnee ana wteSont ahonM always go to- CLtviLAND, May 10. A" Leader'f or gether." Examine our liat of property and Tbe engineer put on more steam and, mine or mineral to tbe grantje, tbe fore tbe esttle was properly turned Invest yeureurplua earning la a alaa Utt.e special from Forest, Ohio, says: The when about three miles from Kirby, grantee bas beeome otherwise entitled over to bim, Mrs. Carr made a deed frr heme turyounamlly. storm bare last night was, one ot tbe where the storm was at its height, sud- thereto in law or tqnlty. Suob mines tbe Delaware home property to Lee. "Have ordar, eyetem, regularity, liberality, denly or mineral! shall remain the property Fort and Wbitelaw, who bad conducted aremitnee .lora r everything that It cood, most fearful tbat has ever visited tbli with you will b py," your property in THESE WAS A PULL BOAB if the United States, the right to her détenos before justice court. and bai If for of sud- tbe aala and rentals ara andar our aunairemerit. section lbs country. It osma no In the distance and tben a cyclone tore work tbe same. All public lauds oi the Now this transaction will probably csll .. Good temper ta Una a auunjr "ay, it aheds denly, about 10 o'clock, in tbe vicinity United Slates in tbe forth muob litigation, for the statute HIIRO across tbe level plain on the south sida i Rsbrifhiueea on everything;." Wa negotiate of Kenton., A roaring noise accom BIO GRANDS VALLEY ot tbe territory say death of e first Iturtiraca Loaaa oa cltr property aul panied vicinity of the track and oatobing a big tree tore tbat tbe catate tbe storm. la tbis it it up flung and elsewhere in New Mexico and Col- tbe testator at the of tbe etbar raat at fair ratal and without swept a olear track a mile id' by tbe roots and it across bands beir, Belay. half width the oars. - One limb struck tbe locomo- orado, ocoupied acd possessed by per- nullities ids rights oi toe latter, "Bay oar own maser and tba mas'erof roar and ninety-or- e miles in length, not ibe but oow-catcb- er sons or question may also be raised, as ailing, and ; ou will toon brooma tba maater town tive and cut tbe in two; who whose anoestors or grantors tbat striking tbe to any extant. tell became oiiiaens of United States by Carr acquired all of bis property before . t. - I 01 sera," ana nave money to invest 10 ooa wm. ana two another limb on tbe piatform and tbo Ileal Heuua.i Mortgage Lesna through' oar nicciirov. bis wife steps of the first car and demolished it; reason of the treaty of Guadalupe marriage tbe woman could only have r children, and bis mother-in-la- Mrs. axenov. other branches smashed in the windows Hidalgo, and occuoied by any person interest by oequest in tnat secured alter & Bro., ' 'Noihlng suooeede Hka success." 81 1 year Higgles, were buried in tbe ruins of dealing along three ordinary oais and two Full-ma- n br persons who have been in bona tide their union, it seems that some sharp Of honorable aod aucoeeeful la tba their large brick bouse, and tbe first ot was (lord of our agency, if tbla record bear me sleepers.
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