Faculty of Social Sciences Stockholm University 1964 – 2014 Eds. Dahl and Danielson Faculty of Social Sciences Stockholm University 1964 – 2014 Edited by Gudrun Dahl Mats Danielson Content Introduction Preface ..........................................................................................................................................5 History of the Faculty of Social Sciences .................................................................................9 Departments Department of Child and Youth Studies ...............................................................................27 Department of Computer and Systems Sciences ................................................................45 Department of Criminology ....................................................................................................69 Department of Economic History ...........................................................................................91 Department of Economics .....................................................................................................111 Department of Education ...................................................................................................125 Department of Human Geography ......................................................................................145 Department of Political Science ...........................................................................................175 Department of Psychology .....................................................................................................187 Department of Social Anthropology ....................................................................................201 Department of Social Work ..................................................................................................229 Department of Sociology ......................................................................................................241 Department of Special Education ........................................................................................259 Department of Statistics ........................................................................................................271 Editors: Gudrun Dahl and Mats Danielson Stockholm Business School ...................................................................................................293 © 2014 Stockholm University, the chapter authors and photographers Production assistant: Andreas Bergfeldt Former Department of Advertising and PR ........................................................................325 Layout: Matador Research Institutes and Centres Print: Elanders Fälth & Hässler Centre for Health Equity Studies ..........................................................................................339 Second edition Institute for International Economic Studies ....................................................................361 Cover photos Centre for Social Research on Alcohol and Drugs ..............................................................377 Middle left: Eva Wernlid Stockholm Centre for Organizational Research .................................................................389 Middle centre: Love Ekenberg Stress Research Institute .......................................................................................................407 Lower left: Gudrun Dahl Others: Mats Danielson Swedish Institute for Social Research ..................................................................................419 Faculty of Social Sciences ISBN 978-91-637-7135-4 Current Research Themes ......................................................................................................433 This is a print-on-demand publication distributed by Stockholm University Library. Deans and Deputy Deans .......................................................................................................453 The full text is available for free on-line at su.diva-portal.org. Professors .................................................................................................................................455 Panel discussion in Lantis at the 30 year jubilee. 5 Preface THE FacultY OF Social Sciences at Stock- context. Rather than to try to compile a com- holm University, like its sister faculties at the prehensive history at the organizational level of other large universities in Sweden, celebrates the Faculty, we have therefore chosen to present its 50th birthday this year. The Swedish faculties histories of the different depart­­ments, some who of social science were established following a have been there all along, others who have governmental decision in 1964. Some of the se- more lately been welcomed into our communi- nior people still active at the Faculty of Social ty. Sciences in Stockholm were young teachers or The first chapter paints the picture of uni- students at the time, a couple of years before versities in Stockholm in general and the social the big student ‘population boom’ and the by sciences in particular in the years preceding the now legendary student revolution. birth of the Faculty of Social Sciences. In the The faculty has for most of this time been a following chapters, there is for each department, central part of the working machinery of the institute and centre a story of how it has been University, in charge of the oversight over to belong to the Faculty during the first 50 teaching and with independent responsibility years, or of the external roots of the unit before for the quality of research. For those who are it joined our academic community, or both. part of the Faculty Board or its different com- However, the stories told are certainly not the missions, or for the staff of the Faculty Office, only narratives that could have been offered – the Faculty shapes everyday life. Still, for most they are personal reflections of the author(s) of the staff and students within the Faculty, it is rather than a final, official departmental ver- a relatively anonymous entity. Life at the uni- sion of its history. In almost all cases, each au- versity is mainly lived within a departmental thor is however a senior member of the depart- Preface Faculty of Social Sciences 6 TheSTOCKHOLM present Faculty UNIVERSIT BoardY 7 gathered for a conference at Skepparholmen, autumn 2012. (Photo: Mats Danielson) ment. The stories are personal reflections on history, selected among what is certainly many possible ones. There are always many stories to tell, and the selection should not be seen as fi- nal histories of the depart ments and institutes. We have also included a chapter on the for- mer Department of Advertising and PR since its merger with the Stockholm Business School is of recent date. In all other cases, we have sort- ed the stories by the English names by which the units are known today, fully aware of that during their lives, name changes have some- times been frequent. After the stories, a description of major cur- rent research areas of the Faculty plus a list of One of the meeting rooms of the Faculty Office still harbours the memory of the jubilee 20 the deans, deputy deans and current professors years ago. (Photo: Mats Danielson) conclude the book. Here, too, we have to say that the selection of research themes presented by no means exhaust the broad range of re- good article… And so on. It is drudgery and joy, search questions that the individual researchers either lonely or socializing in great company. at the Faculty pursue. Finally, our hope is that during the next 50 Life in an academic unit cannot be character- years, some instance at Stockholm University ized by faces of buildings, pieces of art or events will have the time and resources necessary and of celebration. It is rather characterized by find it fruitful to document life in our academic preparations of lectures, sitting at a seminar, world as it actually is, creating an archive for cursing the copying machine, marking examina- the future use of jubilee book editors and scien- tion papers, reading the results of a computer tific historians. run of data with surprise, joy or depression, checking the last figures of one’s budget propos- Happy reading! al, making an interview, debating the curricu- lum, hunting for a course-book in the book- GUDRUN DAHL, former dean of the Faculty shop, or simply enjoying being absorbed in a Mats DANIELSON, dean of the Faculty 9 History of the Faculty of Social Sciences Mats Danielson THE YEAR IS 1576. There are still 388 years higher institute of education in a 16th century before the Faculty of Social Sciences at Stock- sense. holm University will be formally constituted, The men – they were all men in these ancient but academic research and education relevant times – would carry out tasks in society that to and applicable to society are being planned are today to some extent done by professionals for and prepared this year in Stockholm. The trained by the Faculty of Social Sciences. Thus, scene is Gråmunkeholmen (today Riddarhol- the college is the earliest precursor to the Faculty men) in central Stockholm, a small island next of today, making the university history of to Stadsholmen. The main island, Stadshol- Stockholm go back all the way to the 16th cen- men, containing the Royal Palace, is what we tury. A few years prior, around 1570, it bothe- nowadays call the Old Town. The devastating red the king that there was no active university fire of 1625 has yet to arrive, wiping out almost in Sweden. Uppsala
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