Online : 2249-460X Print : 0975-587X Politicisation of Education Democracy in Tajikistan Oil Pipeline Vandalism Boko Haram Insurgency VOLUME 13 ISSUE 5 VERSION 1.0 Global Journal of Human Social Science: F Political Science Global Journal of Human Social Science: F Political Science Volume 13 Issue 5 (Ver. 1.0) Open Association of Research Society *OREDO-RXUQDORI+XPDQ *OREDO-RXUQDOV,QF Social Sciences. 2013. $'HODZDUH86$,QFRUSRUDWLRQZLWK³*RRG6WDQGLQJ´Reg. Number: 0423089 6SRQVRUV Open Association of Research Society $OOULJKWVUHVHUYHG 2SHQ6FLHQWLILF6WDQGDUGV 7KLVLVDVSHFLDOLVVXHSXEOLVKHGLQYHUVLRQ RI³*OREDO-RXUQDORI+XPDQ6RFLDO 3XEOLVKHU¶V+HDGTXDUWHUVRIILFH 6FLHQFHV´%\*OREDO-RXUQDOV,QF $OODUWLFOHVDUHRSHQDFFHVVDUWLFOHVGLVWULEXWHG *OREDO-RXUQDOV,QF+HDGTXDUWHUV&RUSRUDWH2IILFH XQGHU³*OREDO-RXUQDORI+XPDQ6RFLDO 6FLHQFHV´ &DPEULGJH2IILFH&HQWHU,,&DQDO3DUN)ORRU1R 5HDGLQJ/LFHQVHZKLFKSHUPLWVUHVWULFWHGXVH WKCambridge (Massachusetts)3LQ0$ (QWLUHFRQWHQWVDUHFRS\ULJKWE\RI³*OREDO -RXUQDORI+XPDQ6RFLDO6FLHQFHV´XQOHVV 8QLWHG6WDWHV RWKHUZLVHQRWHGRQVSHFLILFDUWLFOHV 86$7ROO)UHH 86$7ROO)UHH)D[ 1RSDUWRIWKLVSXEOLFDWLRQPD\EHUHSURGXFHG RUWUDQVPLWWHGLQDQ\IRUPRUE\DQ\PHDQV 2IIVHW7\SHVHWWLQJ HOHFWURQLFRUPHFKDQLFDOLQFOXGLQJ SKRWRFRS\UHFRUGLQJRUDQ\LQIRUPDWLRQ VWRUDJHDQGUHWULHYDOV\VWHPZLWKRXWZULWWHQ Open Asso ciation of Research Society , Marsh Road, SHUPLVVLRQ Rainham, Essex, London RM13 8EU 7KHRSLQLRQVDQGVWDWHPHQWVPDGHLQWKLV United Kingdom. ERRNDUHWKRVHRIWKHDXWKRUVFRQFHUQHG 8OWUDFXOWXUHKDVQRWYHULILHGDQGQHLWKHU FRQILUPVQRUGHQLHVDQ\RIWKHIRUHJRLQJDQG QRZDUUDQW\RUILWQHVVLVLPSOLHG 3DFNDJLQJ &RQWLQHQWDO'LVSDWFKLQJ (QJDJHZLWKWKHFRQWHQWVKHUHLQDW\RXURZQ ULVN *OREDO-RXUQDOV,QGLD 7KHXVHRIWKLVMRXUQDODQGWKHWHUPVDQG FRQGLWLRQVIRURXUSURYLGLQJLQIRUPDWLRQLV )LQGDFRUUHVSRQGHQFHQRGDORIILFHUQHDU\RX JRYHUQHGE\RXU'LVFODLPHU7HUPVDQG &RQGLWLRQVDQG3ULYDF\3ROLF\JLYHQRQRXU ZHEVLWHKWWSJOREDOMRXUQDOVus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ncorporation No.: 0423089 License No.: 42125/022010/1186 3ULFLQJ ,QFOXGLQJE\$LU3DUFHO&KDUJHV Registration No.: 430374 Import-Export Code: 1109007027 Employer Identification Number (EIN): )RU$XWKRUV USA Tax ID: 98-0673427 86' %: 86' &RORU <HDUO\6XEVFULSWLRQ 3HUVRQDO ,QVWLWXWLRQDO 200 USD (B/W) & 250 USD (Color) Editorial Board Members (HON.) John A. Hamilton,"Drew" Jr., Dr. Wenying Feng Ph.D., Professor, Management Professor, Department of Computing & Computer Science and Software Information Systems Engineering Department of Mathematics Director, Information Assurance Trent University, Peterborough, Laboratory ON Canada K9J 7B8 Auburn University Dr. Thomas Wischgoll Dr. Henry Hexmoor Computer Science and Engineering, IEEE senior member since 2004 Wright State University, Dayton, Ohio Ph.D. Computer Science, University at B.S., M.S., Ph.D. Buffalo (University of Kaiserslautern) Department of Computer Science Southern Illinois University at Carbondale Dr. Abdurrahman Arslanyilmaz Dr. Osman Balci, Professor Computer Science & Information Systems Department of Computer Science Department Virginia Tech, Virginia University Youngstown State University Ph.D.and M.S.Syracuse University, Ph.D., Texas A&M University Syracuse, New York University of Missouri, Columbia M.S. and B.S. Bogazici University, Gazi University, Turkey Istanbul, Turkey Dr. Xiaohong He Professor of International Business Yogita Bajpai University of Quinnipiac M.Sc. (Computer Science), FICCT BS, Jilin Institute of Technology; MA, MS, U.S.A.Email: PhD,. (University of Texas-Dallas) [email protected] Burcin Becerik-Gerber Dr. T. David A. Forbes University of Southern California Associate Professor and Range Ph.D. in Civil Engineering Nutritionist DDes from Harvard University Ph.D. Edinburgh University - Animal M.S. from University of California, Berkeley Nutrition & Istanbul University M.S. Aberdeen University - Animal Nutrition B.A. University of Dublin- Zoology Dr. Bart Lambrecht Dr. Söhnke M. Bartram Director of Research in Accounting and Department of Accounting and FinanceProfessor of Finance FinanceLancaster University Management Lancaster University Management School SchoolPh.D. (WHU Koblenz) BA (Antwerp); MPhil, MA, PhD MBA/BBA (University of Saarbrücken) (Cambridge) Dr. Miguel Angel Ariño Dr. Carlos García Pont Professor of Decision Sciences Associate Professor of Marketing IESE Business School IESE Business School, University of Barcelona, Spain (Universidad de Navarra) Navarra CEIBS (China Europe International Business Doctor of Philosophy (Management), School). Massachusetts Institute of Technology Beijing, Shanghai and Shenzhen (MIT) Ph.D. in Mathematics Master in Business Administration, IESE, University of Barcelona University of Navarra BA in Mathematics (Licenciatura) Degree in Industrial Engineering, University of Barcelona Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya Philip G. Moscoso Dr. Fotini Labropulu Technology and Operations Management Mathematics - Luther College IESE Business School, University of Navarra University of ReginaPh.D., M.Sc. in Ph.D in Industrial Engineering and Mathematics Management, ETH Zurich B.A. (Honors) in Mathematics M.Sc. in Chemical Engineering, ETH Zurich University of Windso Dr. Sanjay Dixit, M.D. Dr. Lynn Lim Director, EP Laboratories, Philadelphia VA Reader in Business and Marketing Medical Center Roehampton University, London Cardiovascular Medicine - Cardiac BCom, PGDip, MBA (Distinction), PhD, Arrhythmia FHEA Univ of Penn School of Medicine Dr. Mihaly Mezei Dr. Han-Xiang Deng ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR MD., Ph.D Department of Structural and Chemical Associate Professor and Research Biology, Mount Sinai School of Medical Department Division of Neuromuscular Center Medicine Ph.D., Etvs Lornd University Davee Department of Neurology and Clinical Postdoctoral Training, NeuroscienceNorthwestern University New York University Feinberg School of Medicine Dr. Pina C. Sanelli Dr. Michael R. Rudnick Associate Professor of Public Health M.D., FACP Weill Cornell Medical College Associate Professor of Medicine Associate Attending Radiologist Chief, Renal Electrolyte and NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital Hypertension Division (PMC) MRI, MRA, CT, and CTA Penn Medicine, University of Neuroradiology and Diagnostic Pennsylvania Radiology Presbyterian Medical Center, M.D., State University of New York at Philadelphia Buffalo,School of Medicine and Nephrology and Internal Medicine Biomedical Sciences Certified by the American Board of Internal Medicine Dr. Roberto Sanchez Associate Professor Dr. Bassey Benjamin Esu Department of Structural and Chemical B.Sc. Marketing; MBA Marketing; Ph.D Biology Marketing Mount Sinai School of Medicine Lecturer, Department of Marketing, Ph.D., The Rockefeller University University of Calabar Tourism Consultant, Cross River State Tourism Development Department Dr. Wen-Yih Sun Co-ordinator , Sustainable Tourism Professor of Earth and Atmospheric Initiative, Calabar, Nigeria SciencesPurdue University Director National Center for Typhoon and Dr. Aziz M. Barbar, Ph.D. Flooding Research, Taiwan IEEE Senior Member University Chair Professor Chairperson, Department of Computer Department of Atmospheric Sciences, Science National Central University, Chung-Li, AUST - American University of Science & TaiwanUniversity Chair Professor Technology Institute of Environmental Engineering, Alfred Naccash Avenue – Ashrafieh National Chiao Tung University, Hsin- chu, Taiwan.Ph.D., MS The University of Chicago, Geophysical Sciences BS National Taiwan University, Atmospheric Sciences Associate Professor of Radiology President Editor (HON.) Dr. George Perry, (Neuroscientist) Dean and Professor, College of Sciences Denham Harman Research Award (American Aging Association) ISI Highly Cited Researcher, Iberoamerican Molecular Biology Organization AAAS Fellow, Correspondent Member of Spanish Royal Academy of Sciences University of Texas at San Antonio Postdoctoral Fellow (Department of Cell Biology) Baylor College of Medicine Houston, Texas, United States Chief Author (HON.) Dr. R.K. Dixit M.Sc., Ph.D., FICCT Chief Author, India Email: [email protected] Dean & Editor-in-Chief (HON.) Vivek Dubey(HON.) Er. Suyog Dixit MS (Industrial Engineering), (M. Tech), BE (HONS. in CSE), FICCT MS (Mechanical Engineering) SAP Certified Consultant University of Wisconsin, FICCT CEO at IOSRD, GAOR & OSS Technical Dean, Global Journals Inc. (US) Editor-in-Chief, USA Website: www.suyogdixit.com [email protected] Email:[email protected] Sangita Dixit Pritesh Rajvaidya M.Sc., FICCT (MS) Computer Science Department Dean & Chancellor (Asia Pacific) California State University [email protected] BE (Computer Science), FICCT Suyash Dixit Technical Dean, USA (B.E., Computer Science Engineering), FICCTT Email: [email protected] President, Web Administration and Luis Galárraga Development , CEO at IOSRD J!Research Project Leader COO at GAOR & OSS Saarbrücken, Germany Contents of the Volume i. Copyright Notice ii. Editorial Board Members iii. Chief
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