the national fantasy news-review VOLUME I No 13 2574 Bedford Ave. Brooklyn, Nev/ York May, 12, 1940 MARVEL SCIENCE RETURNS! HOUSING FOR TEE FUTURE Rcports from the office of Red Cir­ A NEU INDUSTRIAL ART EXHIBIT at the cle Magazines confirm that Marvel Sci­ ^GW York Musnurn of Art provides an ence Stories will again appear on the oWv extremely interesting glimpse into news stands. Robert 0. Erisman, w h o what the styles and materials of the edited it from the start, is now reading world of the future might be like. As material for the forthcoming issue. far ahead of the conventional ujtra The reason for the decision to re - modern styles as the modern over the issue a science fiction magazine and to Victorian, and the entire exhibit is a discontinue the sexy-fantastic Marvel raging delight to the eye. Science and Tales is not due to any preference for art have been explored to their ranges science fiction but to the strong cam­ and depths to provide the gorgeous paign being pushed from a number of splendor of the effects. Plastics and sources, and backed by the US Post Offi­ colored metals and artificial fabrics ce, against magazines of the sadist­ come into their own at last. Ingenious­ horror type, charging that the''r tend tn ly contrived lighting of the very latest be breeders of crime and encouragers of methods sets off the various rooms of sexua1 outrages. the exhibit in a dazzling glow of ex­ Science Fiction Weekly reported sev quisite colors, it is of note., inci- eral issues ago that this campaign had dentally, that only the very rich can compelled a shift in the nature of Popu­ possibly afford these -venders, though, lar’s and Fictioneer’s horror pulps, speaking scientifically, the cost of the such as Horror Stories c Terror Tales, materials, and the whole of the exhibit, The extension of this campaign has itself, through the magic of mass pro­ finally resulted favorably for science- duction, would be practically nothing. fiction by this discontinuance of Marvel Tales, and the return of the well—liked FUTURIAN NET. ‘S Marvel Science Stories. It is not yet k^ANlNG THEIR VACATION a bit early known just what will be done wi th fwf,. w is Rich rd Vils-rn, Jock Red Circle Magazines’ other offending ■ Mi Gillespie, and Dirk Wylie set out pulps, Uncanny Tales, Real Mystery, and Mu- last week on a motor-vagabond trip up­ Mystery Tales. state, Just where they will go is un- knewr., Their plans call for just drif­ QSFL MEETING ting via Dick’s car from place to place, 'lyRFEg EE MEETING EMERGED from obscurity and camping cut nights. Reports of (iff promptly at 3, called to order by * their trip are meager, but indicate that Jimmie Taurasi. Strange Stories the trip stalled for a few days at Del­ slated for review, was dropped upon dis­ hi, New York, where the boys are bescig- covering that only five present had read ing the Girl’s State Agri, College, it. No professionals were present. SCIENCE FICTION The National DDENDA: News from Texas via Dale ’.TEEKLY # 13 Fan Review Hart reads as follows: "Having ^j^been Linda inactive for the last Volume One Number Thirteen ever-so-long (even the gendarmes didn’t May 12, 1940 knov; where I was at odd times),. I "now fin'd it possible to resume relations, of Published at 2574 Bedford Avenue, a sort, with fandom, /// I extend a pub­ Brooklyn, New York* 5/ per issue; 3 for lic apology to the people who haven’t 10/; 8 for 25/* Lre will exchange wit h been ’done right by1. Give me another any other fan magazine* chance, all. /// Fanmags from Texas• Advertising: fullpage ads: 75/. We Enigmatic, a four page folder, will hit will also exchange quarter-page ads, to the FAPA mailing soon. Another, a be published whenever we have a full large megazette, should be cut within a page of .same to, hand* In all such cases month* Details later, /// Fan popula­ an extra page of reading matter is guar-: tion here increases 1 Daniel Cole Bur­ anteed. ford’s in Houston. Don Wellheim tipped Statements or opinions published me off, so I buzzed around and here do net necessarily reflect views got acquainted. Dale Harding Exum, who of the editors. Our pages are open to is not a nonny for me, is in Houston, al orderly rebuttals at all times, so. 7,‘e exchanged letters when he was in ASSOCIATES Dallas; and, after he moved to Houston, Chet Cohen I went down and got personally acquain­ EDITOR - IN - CHIEF Dick Wilson ted. /// Escum’s sister is an artist of Robert W* Lowndes Leslie Perri considerable ability. Furthermore, she * ■-> * * *# * - * * 5;s- - - $ * * * * ** - * is willing to illustrate for the fan mags. Editors who are interested may CITY DESK get in t^uch with me if they’d j ike to £ OlY':AKS FROM A WARPED EDITORIAL see samples of her work, ttt Sc^eralof EOAh.D: Issac Asimov is preparing the local fans plan to attend the Chicon a sequel to “Half-Breed ", which Everything is tentative at present, but was one of the best-liked stories prin­ there’s a lot of loose talk flying a- ted in Astonishingf3 short history. round*" Written in Asimov’s best "sympathetic” Walter Earl Marccnette has just style, it deals with the adventures of placed his first two illustrations with the colon y o f Earth- Astonishing Stories, They are for Lee Mars half-breeds after they have emi­ Gregor’s "Acceleration", probably t o grated to the planet Venus to escape appear in the October number. ... Editor persecution. The title is "Half-Breeds Pohl of Astonishing and Super Science on Venus." Stories sends out a desperate plea for The Toronto Science Fictioneers science fiction poets to come to his now lists twelve members with as ,many aid* Pohl is Iv’idely known as one of the more on the immediate verge of joining, foremost proponents of science fiction Director fed Whcte says his aims i n poetry, having formed and headed the forming the club are to further sci- Science Fiction Peet’s Guild some years fiction in Canada, to create a Cana­ ago, and readers have shown that dian club equal to any in the USA, & they want poetry* But it seems that to add Canadians to fandoms roster of little of it is being written - - "big names." wherefore the nlea for more to be sub­ Sam Moskowitz has launched himself mitted. ... The New' Yorker magazine has as a literary agent* Among his client finally gotten around to accepting and is the up-and-coming young writer, John slating for publication the long-awaited Victor Petersen, article on science fiction fandom* It Leo Morey has just been added to will most probably appear in one of the the Astonishing - Super Science art July issues of that periodical. Article staff. His first work will appear in has been done differently than was ori­ the August Astonishing. ginally planned* CITY DESK was empowered to express the thoughts of CT^EE FOIL O' ING COKnUN I CAT I Oil was sent Texas. All the ex-members of.the TCSFL to th© Philly Conference of October he could contact approve the tone of 1909, but, either was net received this -— further, they want to stress in tine, or, for reasons best known to the matter of democratic procedure. themselves, the conductors of the Con­ Houston, Texas, gave blanket approval ference decided not to publicize it, via telephone. // So you may remember The communiques reads as follows: - - that a few who are actually speaking are "Greetings! Texas sends her regards to Johnston, Hart, J. Pohl, Charpentier, this Philly Conference, // Ue tender Wilkinson, Moskowitz, Nelson, Phillips, inevitable regret that a representative McMasters, Kaminski, Baines, Heid, Ellis cannot be her^ to speak for us person­ and 'biitenton, Jordan, Reynolds, and ally, But this will serve. A telegram Young. (An interesting fact is that is not being sent because it couldn’t Texas has its Pohl, and its Moskowitz,) say enough, // 7Te hope that this con­ // To conclude: May what you do here be ference' accomplishes great things. More a real credit to yourselves and to - - we are sure that it will, // However science fiction! (signed) Dale Eart," and this unpleasant matter cannot be ig­ nored, the erk of this meeting can be IIARDART 'RITES: "l found the made less great if democracy does not article very amusing wherein some- prevail in the business procedure. *#£ one seemed obsessed with the idea Since democracy was suppressed at the that I had collaborated with Sam Mosko­ World S.F. Convention, this dictatorial witz, or he with me (they seemed undeci­ business can happen again if certain­ ded which) in the production of "The persons are given enough rope, You that Devil’s Pocket" appearing in the June hear this communication being read - - issue of Astonishing. This is, of see that everyone gets to <peak if they course, a ridiculous supposition a nd desire. See that no one is shouted Sam, being a gentleman, and not a steal** down. See that what the majority wants er of other people’s "thunder", will be gets acceptance. See that voting is prompt to deny this, ending the debate freely conducted. Make this a confer­ before it has well begun." ence of freedom and tolerance — a con­ /The item in question was published ference expressing the spirit of science as a speculation; not presented as fact, fiction and of the fans.
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