INDEX Page numbers in bold refer to the primary park description. 13 Bridges Loop, 273-274 bald eagles, 124, 125 Bald Mountain, 132 Abercrombie & Fitch, 100 Baldwin Place Abercrombie, David T., 100 North County Trailway, 362 Agnew Pond, 98 Barney Brook Trail, 220 Albany Post Road, 374 Barch Reservoir, 230 Albert Leonard Middle School, 186 Bass Trail, 129 Aldenwold mansion, 70 Battle of Merritt Hill, 174 Alder Manor, 243 Battle of White Plains, 174 Algonquin Trail, 139-140 Baur, Jack and Louisa, 146 Alice Lane, 41 Baur Meadow Trail, 146 Amawalk Reservoir, 156 Bayer Corporation, 55 American Chestnut Foundation, 154 Baxter Tract, 196-197 American Heritage River, 213 Bear Mountain Bridge, 205 American Museum of Natural History, 44, 213 Bear Mountain State Park, 207 American Revolution, 6, 7, 66, 394 Bear Rock Trail, 306 American Saddle Company, 186 Beaver Dam River, 172, 198 Anable, Gloria Hollister, 230 Beaver Dam Sanctuary, 198-200, 390 Anderson, Henry, 234 Bechtel, Edwin, 251 Angle Fly Preserve, 405 Becky’s Brook, 247 Annsville Creek, 141, 319-320 Bedford Annsville Creek Trail, 142-143 Guard Hill Park, 7 Annsville Creek Paddlesport Center, 319 Bedford Audubon Society, 58, 144, 392 Annsville Preserve, 319-320 Bedford Hills Anthony’s Nose, 195, 205, 207 Leatherman’s Ridge, 9-10 Appalachian Trail, 207 Bedford Hills Golf and Tennis Club, 251 Aqua Trail (Burden Preserve), 51 Bedford Riding Lanes Association (BRLA), 77, Aqueduct, The, see Old Croton Aqueduct State 171, 173, 251, 390 Historic Park membership, 200 Archville, 370 trails, 77, 78, 79, 171, 172, 198, 200, 253 Ardsley-on-Hudson Bedford Village Ardsley Waterfront, 328 Guard Hill Preserve, 391 Arleo family, 12 Mianus River Gorge Preserve, 229-231 Arlington Memorial Bridge, 106 Piney Woods Preserve, 393 Armonk St. Matthew’s Church Woodlands, 171-173 Meyer Preserve, 224-228 Beech Trail, 115 Nichols Preserve, 80-81 Beeline Bus, schedules and routes, 406 Sluder Nature Preserve, 98-99 Bell property, 157 Ash Tree Loop, 270 Beltzhoover Estate, 7 ash yellows, 270 Teahouse, 7-8 Atlantic flyway, 24 Belvedere, 372 Atlantic & Pacific Tea Company, 335 Berol, Henry, 190 ATT Line, 117, 405 Betsy Sluder Nature Preserve, see Sluder ATT Right-of-Way, 166 Nature Preserve Audubon Society of New York, 94 Between the Railroad and the River, 319 Bicycle Sunday, 344 Back 40 Trail, 290 Big Brook, 148 Bailey Brook, 287 Big Rock Loop, 146 Bailey, George, 234 Big Tree Trail, 274 412 WALKABLE WESTCHESTER Birnie/Smith farm, 138 botanical research, 154 Black Rock Park, 4 Boyce Thompson Arboretum, 243 blue disk trail, 261 Boyce Thompson Lane, 244-245 Blue Farm Road, 241 Briarcliff Manor Blue Heron Lake, 10, 11 North County Trailway, 363 Blue Mountain Reservation, 106, 258-264, Old Croton Aqueduct State Historic Park, 342 369 blue disk trail, 261 Briarcliff Manor Public Library, 363 blue trail, 259-261 Briarcliff Peekskill Trailway, 132, 259, 261, 291, Briarcliff Peekskill Trailway, 261 339-343 orange trail, 261 Brink of Gorge Trail, 229-230 purple trail, 261 Brinton, Laura and Willard, 112 red trail, 261-262 Brinton Brook Sanctuary, 112-114, 115 single-track bike rails, 264 BRLA, see Bedford Riding Lanes Association white trail, 262 BRLA Sanctuary Access Trail, 172 yellow disk trail, 263 Broad Brook, 198 yellow/orange trail, 263-264 Broccy Creek, 207 yellow trail, 263 Bronx Blue Mountain Summit Trail, 266 South County Trailway, 385 blue-red trail Old Croton Aqueduct State Historic Park, Lewisboro Town Park, 315 377 Old Field Preserve, 83 Bronx River, 8 Blue Star Memorial By-Way, 155 Bronx River Parkway, 8, 344 blue trail Bronx River Reservation, 344-349, 405 Blue Mountain Reservation, 259-261 history, 346 Brownell Preserve, 117 Pathway, 212, 344 Burden Preserve, 50-51 Bronxville Butler Memorial Sanctuary, 202-203 Bronx River Pathway, 349 Cranberry Lake Preserve, 210-211 Brooklyn Botanic Garden, 148, 287 Depew Park, 266 Brook Trail, 270 Franklin-Fels Nature Sanctuary, 58 Brookside Trail, 253 Gedney Park, 121 Brother’s Path, 271 Glazier Arboretum, 59-60 Brown Trail, 300-302 Graham Hills Park, 216-217 Brownell, Katharine and George, 116 Hardscrabble Wilderness Area, 135 Brownell Preserve, 116-117 Hart’s Brook Park and Preserve, 64 Buchanan Lasdon Park & Arboretum, 154 Lents Cove, 321-322 Leon Levy Preserve, 157-158 Bud’s Way, 89-90 Lewisboro Town Park, 315 Bulkley Tract, 401 Merestead, 77-79 Burden, William A.M., 50 Montrose Point State Forest, 39 Burden Preserve, 50-52, 163 Morgenthau Preserve, 10-11 Burger, Ralph, 335 Muscoot Farm, 241 Butler, Anna and Arthur, 201 Mountain Lakes Park, 235 Butler, Emily O., 347, 405 Old Field Preserve, 84 Butler Memorial Sanctuary, 76, 77, 78, 79, Onatru Farm Park and Preserve, 41 201-204 Reis Park, 42-43 blue trail, 202-203 Silver Lake Preserve, 174 orange trails, 203-204 Sluder Nature Preserve, 99 red trail, 201-202 Sunny Ridge Preserve, 101 yellow trail, 204 Turkey Mountain Nature Preserve, 181-182 Butterfly Garden, 71, 72 Ward Acres Park, 188 Buttermilk Ridge Park, 53-54 Whippoorwill Park, 190-192 Bye Preserve, 2 Boardwalk Trail, 115 Bylane Farm, 144 Boone Trail, 313-314 INDEX 413 Camp Morty, 234 Cooper, James Fenimore, 394 Camp Smith National Guard Training Site, Cooper, Samuel, 329 205 Cornell, A.B., 23 Camp Smith Trail, 205-207 Cornell Dam, 23 Campfire Circle Trail, 67 Cortlandt Canfield, Jane, 393 Briarcliff Peekskill Trailway, 340-341 Carnegie, Andrew, 29 Hudson Highlands Gateway Park, 141-143 Carolin’s Grove, 2-3 Old Croton Aqueduct State Historic Park, Carpenter Pond, 405 367-368 Carrie E. Tompkins Elementary School, 4 Cortlandt complex, 38, 258 Castle Rock Trail, 306 Cotton, John, 355 Catamount Hill Trail, 295-296 County Tennis Club of Westchester, 346 Catbird Trail, 254 Coward, Marian, 393 Cathedral of St. John the Divine, 104 Coyote Trail, 112-113 Catskill Aqueduct, 122, 385, 405 Cranberry Lake, 208, 210 Caulkins, Katherine, 393 Cranberry Lake Preserve, 208-212 Ceconi, Giovanna, 28 history, 210 cemeteries, walking, 404 history trail, 208, 212 Chappaqua red trail, 211-212 Glazier Arboretum, 59-61 yellow trail, 208-210 Pinecliff Sanctuary, 12-13 Crawbuckie Nature Preserve, 324, 368 Whippoorwill Park, 190-193 Crawford, Edna and Everett, 3 Charles Cook Park, 341 Crawford Park, 3-4 Charles Point Park, 321 Croft, The, 287 Chestnut Hill Trail, 150 Crom Pond, 119, 120 Chickadee Trail, 254 Cross County Parkway, 8 Child Services League, 181 Cross River Children’s Village, 139 Lewisboro Nature Preserve, 315 Chinese Friendship Pavilion and Culture Lewisboro Town Park, 315 Garden, 152, 153, 155 Palmer H. Lewis Wildlife Sanctuary, 392- Choate, Joseph H., Jr., 18 393 Choate Sanctuary, 18-19 Ward Pound Ridge Reservation, 297-314 Civil War veterans, 174 Croton Dam, see New Croton Dam Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC), 120, 258, Croton grape, 213 299 Croton Gorge Park, 22-23 Blue Mountain, 260 Croton Landing Park, 322-323 history, 260 Croton-on-Hudson Ward Pound Ridge, 299, 304 Black Rock Park, 4 Clark, Ben and Charlotte, 20 Brinton Brook Sanctuary, 112-114 Clark Preserve, 20-21 Croton Gorge Park, 22-23 Cliff Emanuelson Trail, see Emanuelson Trail Croton Point Park, 213-215 Cliff Trail, 226-227 Croton River Gorge Park, 4 Cliffdale Farm, 287 Croton Waterfront to Ossining, 322-324 Cliffdale Loop Trail, 296 Silver Lake Park, 4 Cliffdale-Teatown Trail, 294-295 Village of Croton Trail, 115 Clinton family farm, 141 Croton Point Park, 213-215, 234 Cobbling Rock Farm, 152 Croton Reservoir, 147, 148 Colabaugh Pond Road, 341 Croton River Gorge Park, 4 Coles Kettle Trail, 254-255 Croton Waterfront to Ossining, 322-324 college campuses, walking on, 404 Crugers Colonial Greenway, 35, 37, 183-184, 188-189, Graff Sanctuary, 87-88 285-286, 350, 357, 389, 393-397, 404 Oscawana Park, 86-87 historical figures of, 394 Crystal Spring Trail, 92 Con Edison, 107 Continental Village, 141 Danny Way Ramble, 244 414 WALKABLE WESTCHESTER Davenport Neck Bird Sanctuary, 333 Eastview Davenport Park, 332-333 Buttermilk Ridge Park, 53-54 David’s Loop, 271 North County Trailway, 363, 365 Dearman Farm, 327 South County Trailway, 381 Declaration of Independence, signer of, 24 Tarrytown Lakes Park, 56 Deer Hollow Trail, 302-303 Easy Loop, 251-252 Deer Loop Trail, 92 Edgemont High School, 25 Deer Run, 271 Edith G. Read Wildlife Sanctuary, see Read Delano and Aldrich, Architects, 78 Wildlife Sanctuary Delaware Aqueduct, 35, 36 Eighteenth Amendment, 18 Depew, Chauncey Mitchell, 264 Elda (Abercrombie castle), 100 Depew Park, 264-267 Elmsford Depew’s Woods, 264 South County Trailway, 381-382 de Peyster Todd Woodlands, 230 Ellis, Thomas H., 106 Depression, Great, 46, 258, 260 Emanuelson Trail, 36-37 Devries Park, 28 Emergency Conservation Work Act, 260 dirt roads, walking on, 404 Engle Park, 325 Dirt Trails Association, 390 Enoch’s Neck, 215 Discovery Cove, 323 Entrance Trail, 20 Disney, Walt, 132 Eric’s Over the Log Trail, 244 Dobbs Ferry Erskine, Robert, 7 Dobbs Ferry Waterfront Park, 328 Esplanade Park, 330 Juhring Estate, 31 Eugene and Agnes Meyer Preserve, see Meyer Old Croton Aqueduct State Historic Park, Preserve 373 South County Trailway, 382-383 Fahnestock State Park, 386 Dobbs Ferry High School, 373 Falls Trail, 127, 129 Dobbs Ferry Waterfront Park, 328 Famous and Historic Tree Trail, 155 dogwood anthracnose, 292 Fantasia, 132 Dogwood Trail, 135 Far from the Madding Crowd, 277 Douglas Park, 28, 371 Farm Meadow Trail, 271 Douglas, William H., 28 FDR (Franklin D. Roosevelt) State Park, 118- Down by the Riverside, 319 120, 260 Downing Park, 120 history of, 120 Dragonfly Pond, 71 FDR Veterans Hospital, 126 Draper, John, 374 Federal Alcohol Control Administration, 18 Draper Park, 140, 374 Federal Aviation Administration, 83 Dunscombe, Mrs. Fancis R., 130 Fern Trail, 91 Dunwoodie County Golf Course, 384, 385 First Reformed Church, 140 Durand Tract and Nature Trail, 401 fitness course (Reis Park), 42 Five Islands Park, 333 Eagle Hill Trail, 275 Five Ponds Trail, 5-6, 45 Eagle Hill Summit Trail, 275 Fordham gneiss, 130, 139 Eagle Pencil Company, 190 Forest Trail, 25 East Coast Greenway, 337, 398 Fort Hill Park, 6 East Irvington Foss, Mr.
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