Eye on the News [email protected] Truthful, Factual and Unbiased Vol:XI Issue No:275 Price: Afs.20 www.afghanistantimes.af www.facebook.com/ afghanistantimeswww.twitter.com/ afghanistantimes TUESDAY . MAY 09. 2017 -Sawar 19, 1396 HS ABUL : President Ashraf Ghani on Monday said a head of the UN Assistance Mis- lot of work had been done sion in Afghanistan (UNAMA), K went on to say that transparent to eradicate corruption from Af- ghanistan, but still some govern- work by the justice sector will al- ment institutions were rife with the AT News Report low greater scrutiny by the media menace. and will help build public trust. The president named the Min- KABUL: Afghanistan is making The UN official described how istry of Interior (MoI) and the progress in fighting corruption UNAMA has advocated for and Ministry of Foreign Affairs amid many challenges, the UN Sec- supported the ACJC’s move to (MoFA) where corruption still retary-General’s Special Represen- publish not only its decisions and persisted more than other depart- tative for Afghanistan said at an sentences, but also the reasons ments. He accused some govern- anti-corruption conference co- behind those decisions. “This ment departments of creating hur- hosted by the Afghan government transparency ensures that the pub- dles to the anti-corruption mission and the European Union held in lic will know the judgment is based of the government and said the MoI Kabul today said statement. on the rule of law alone,” said Mr. was a hub of corruption while ap- “Corruption is one of the Yamamoto. While identifying pointments at MoFA were made greatest challenges to restoring last- these positive initiatives, on ethnic lines. The president said ing peace and development in Af- UNAMA’s chief said that admin- activities of some foreign organi- ghanistan,” said Tadamichi Yama- istrative reform must continue sations and the UN should be ob- moto, who joined Afghan and in- with more robust implementation served and assurances should be ternational officials, including Pres- of codes of conduct, including spe- obtained regarding appointments ter and the Kunduz division com- to capture districts, but govern- ident Ashraf Ghani and EU Am- cialized ethical norms for prose- at the Ministry of Education and mander, but both ensured me about ment had no any program to fos- bassador Franz-Michael Mellbin, cutors and judges, and noted that transparent transfer of salaries to the situation.” Unfortunately 24 ter security belt. in identifying progress made and the justice sector’s fight against teachers. Ghani, who co-hosted hours after my contact with acting He said that bodies of the mar- the challenges remaining in fight- corruption will be a necessary part co-cost a high level ‘anti-corrup- defense minister and division com- tyr soldiers remained over the road, ing corruption across the country. of Afghanistan’s commitment to tion conference’ at the Presiden- mander Qala-e-Zal has been fallen but no steps have been hold. “The justice sector is Afghan- formulate its national anti-corrup- tial Palace with EU Ambassador to the Taliban hand. Taliban took Since three days ome 50 army istan’s most powerful weapon to tion strategy under the leadership to Afghanistan Franz-Michael hostage eight security personal and soldiers are under siege of Taliban fight corruption,” said the UN en- of the High Council on Rule of Law Mellbin, termed corruption a he- torched police headquarter build- in Nawabad base in Andrab area of voy, noting that the swift estab- and Anti-Corruption. He conclud- reditary problem in Afghanistan ing, he added. Fighting is going on Kunduz, but till date no measure lishment of the Anti-Corruption ed by pointing to the need to pro- and stressed continued fight over check posts in Khan Abad- have been taken to break the siege, Justice Centre, first announced at tect the dedicated men and women against it. Major reforms were in- Kunduz highway and till date mar- he claimed. the same anticorruption confer- combating corruption. “We urge troduced to the customs, national tyrs body remained on the road, He said that government have ence one year ago, is an example of the Ministry of Interior to ensure procurement, land administration, he elaborated. Blaming the Kun- ground and air possibilities to res- the country’s commitment to end- the safety of Afghanistan’s judg- drug trafficking, judicial system, duz division commander with in- cue armies are under siege, thus it ing impunity with a strong, trust- es, prosecutors and judicial staff, banking, municipalities and the se- efficiency, he said that a command- is essential to the related organs to ed and impartial justice sector. especially those of the ACJC,” he curity sector, but still more work er who have no the capability to step up efforts as soon as possi- “Demonstrating equal justice said. According to independent re- was needed to be done, the presi- assess security situation for next ble to rescue the army soldiers. for all, including the highest rank- search, Afghanistan is one of the dent said. He called the...P2 24 hours is an unskilled and ineffi- Another Legislator Zahir Sa- ing and most powerful, is a stark most corrupt countries in the cient commander. He insisted that dat said that districts fall to Tali- indication that the Anti-Corruption world, affecting every segment of By Farhad Naibkhel House Abdul Raouf Ibrahimi. “the Kunduz division commander ban hand and the government en- Justice Centre and other courts are Afghan society, including business Daesh leader killed Praising Afghan soldiers, officers must be fired and introduced to mil- sures that will take it back. free from political influence,” he practices, government services, KABUL: Members of the Wolesi and generals bravely fighting itary court to response to the na- He said that during fall of each rule of law and justice. A new Jirga (Lower House) of parliament said. “The ACJC, for the most se- in Nangarhar against terrorist in frontline, he said tion.” This commander must be ac- district tens of soldier and civilian rious cases, and the justice sector UNAMA report, released on 25 on Monday expressed deepest that still we have challenges in the countable for the sacrifices of sol- lose their lives, it is require of gov- April, found that Afghan authori- concerns over ramp up insecurity in all its cases, should communi- AT News Report aspect of managements. Coming dier who without management and ernment to note down the factors cate its work to the public in a way ties have made progress in this particularly in northern Kunduz. up with an example, Mr. Ibrahimi a proper leading victimized, he as- behind fall of the district and ad- area, but indicated that enormous They termed mismanagement main that is easy to understand.” KABUL: The U.S. Forces in Af- said that “following people con- serted. dress them. Mr. Yamamoto, who is also challenges remain. ghanistan confirm that Sheikh Ab- factor behind fall of the district to cern regarding Taliban threat in Lawmaker Kamal Safi blamed If the district fall due to ne- dul Hasib, the amir (leader) of Is- Taliban hand. “Afghanistan ramp Qala-e-Zal, 24 hours before fall of security officials with neglect re- glect and mismanagement of com- lamic State of Iraq and the Levant up insecurity is the matter of con- Qala-e-Zal district I talked through garding Kunduz, he said that Tali- manders, they must be punished, – Khorasan Province (ISIS-K) in cern,” said Speaker of the Lower phone with acting defense minis- ban made programs during winter he emphasized. Afghanistan was killed in a com- bined Afghan-U.S. raid in eastern Nangarhar on April 27. The raid conducted by Afghan Special Se- Daesh radio destroyed curity Forces (KtahKhas), in part- in Nangarhar, 34 nership with U.S.Forces – Afghan- Over 50 militants militants killed istan, also resulted in the deaths of several other high ranking ISIS-K aesh radio station was de leadersand 35 ISIS-K fighters, said killed in Paktia stroyed and 34 militants were a statement issued by Resolute D AT Monitoring Desk gence reports he said, at least 40 killed in air raids carried out by Support. “This successful joint Afghan air forces in Nangarhar operation is another important armed militants have been killed ABUL: Over 40 insurgents and several others were wounded. province, Afghan interior ministry step in our relentless campaign to have been killed and a number Hazrat Omar Zakhilwa said on Monday. defeatISIS-K in 2017,” said Gen- K “A second strike was conducted of others were received injures in in the Nari Kotal district, in which “In past 24 hours, 34 Daesh eral John Nicholson, Commander an airstrikes carried out by the for- terrorists killed and a radio station U.S. Forces – Afghanistan. “This at least 15 insurgents were killed Zakhilwal spurns eign forces in Paktia province, se- and six others wounded,” Abdiy- run by Daesh terrorists destroyed isthe second ISIS-K emir we have curity officials said on Monday. Pak claim of killing after Afghan Air Forces targeted killed in nine months, along with ani added. Moreover, a local source These militants were killed after claimed that among the dead in militants’ hideouts in the Naziyan dozens of their leaders andhun- their hideouts were targeted by air. 50 Afghan soldiers and Achin districts of eastern Nan- dreds of their fighters. For more Dand Aw Patan includes a Haqqani Provincial Police Chief Abdullah network’s local commander, garhar province,” the statement than two years, ISIS-K has waged Abdiyani, said weapons caches KABUL : Afghanistan’s ambassa- said. The statement added that the AT News Report province.
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