TUESDAY, AUGUST 4, 1969 PAGE rOURTEKN HanrlffBtpr IttminQ l|m U i Average D nil.v Nat PrcM Rob ( grtit V ^ ^ The Weather For the Week Ended Eire east el D. a. W eattwr Bmrmmm Outdoor arl claaae* at the Drake I Chambers Holdi^ May 23rd. 195$ Studio on Ripley Hill R d , Cov­ Medeeate shower* esMMng hy eve­ About Town entry for Aiigiist will be Adults. Dinner for Ives 1 2 , 9 2 5 ning, partly rlondy tsmlght. Lew Aug. IS and 20 from B:30 a.m. to 3 LAST 5 DAYS! mmimtstir i an-M. Thursday partly rlondy. T tiu n u O'NeU. in Mint* Court Member of the Audit Eumttm fe a lh p.m . and. for children, on Aug. 14 left Ju t Friday via United Airlines and 21 from 9:30 to 1. Lunch will An informs] luncheon and re­ Rurean of OIrenlatinn warmer. High near $$. for Portadown. Northern Ireland, he served at noon Mr*. Nora Addy ception wd^' be held for 9tate High­ Manchetter-^A City of yUlage Charm to vlilt his brother and sister there. Drake will instruct art classes for way Commissioner Howard 8. LAter. he will go to Glasfrou'. Scot­ i Hillyer College of the University Ivea by the Manchester and. Hart­ land. to visit his wife's family, and of Hartford this fall at her sludid. ford C^ambe s of Commerce Aug. VOL. LXXVIII, NO. 260 (TWENTY PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN.. WEDNESDAY, AI G l’ST 5. 1959 (L'laasIfM’ AerertM ng mm Fag* IGi PRICE FIVE CENIYJ will return to this coiintry in Scp- The college will give credits for 10 ait the Statler Hilton Hotel in teditaer. This Is his first trip to the course. Intere.sted pertlOtlS may Hartford. Ireland .in 2P years. vi^jlt all the classes. Ray Goalee, chairman of the M ancht^er Chamber's planning %500 Pvt. John t>^ Evans. 20. arm of committee, said the purpose of the Mr*. G. G. Hardehbrook. 14 High­ Most Excellent Chtef Besste Far- Nixon Ends , ns of the Pythian .Sisters has post­ reception la to give a mutual op­ land St . h u been aialgned to D portunity to Ives, who recently Co of the 4th Training Regiment poned the meeting of the commit­ Governors Ask tee on the fall minstrel scheduled took over the job, and represen­ at F t th*. N. J . for eight weeks of tatives of various area groups con­ Costume Jewelry Tour, Urges Infantry buic training In ronjuiir- for tomorrow night. Postponement of the meeting was necessary be- cerned with highway development Probers Charge Hof fa Paid Uon with the 1B55 Reserve Forces raul»e so many are away on vaca- to become better acquainted. Act. Prior to arriving at F t. Uix on Goalee has asked members of . tion. July 12. he attended Manchester the Town Development Commis­ Fund for Roads ‘One World’ High School and the University of sion, the Town Planning Commis­ Hartford. ' The mid-week service of Bible sion and the Towm Highway De­ CLEARANCE W^arsaw, Aug. 5 (/P)—Ten study and prayer ivill he held at partment If they would care to at­ 8 an Juan, Puerto Rico, Aug.9«"«"t earmark th* tax on auto I 7 .m tomorrow night at the Coven- thouaand Poles lined the tend the luncheon with the Cham­ 6 (TP)—A proposal that Presi­- equipment and accensorie* for ani Congregational Church. ber members. highways and other* who liked' a streets of Warsaw t o d a y, Reservations are being accepted dent Eisenhower compromise proposed' resolution which would waving and applauding, some Million to Chicago Mob The slimnasticJi-swimming pro- by the Chamber for the event 'With Congress on the financing have gotten Eisenhower off life with tears in their eyes as igram for women will he held at which will be held in the hotel's OFF hook on the gasoline tax boost. Sperry's Glen, Rt. Rh. Bolton, to­ WEDNESDAY ..... ..... 30% of the interstate highway pro­ Vice President Richard M. Hartford Room. gram won unanimous approval Democratic Gov. Herschel Lsjve- Nixon left bj,- jetliner for morrow morning at in:.in. All Rec^tly. Hayden Griswold, less of fowa Jed the forces for th e' women are invited Baby sitters chairman of the contractors divi­ of the nation’s governors to­ equipment tax. Del Sesto. a Repub­ Washington. ‘ will be on the premises. .Additlon- OFF LIFE sions and also a Chamber director, THURSDAY ........... ... 40% day. lican, sponsored the gasoline tax ‘ "We came to Poland as friends,” 'al information may he obtained the Vice President said In a fare­ Senate Report and George Findell, another direc­ TTie governor* acted in the clos­ proposal, that would have backed by calling Marjorie \V. .Smith. 11.3 tor, attended a meeting where ing business 'session of their 81 st the proposed increase from 3 to 4' j well apeech st the Babire.Military Benton St. highway plans and problems were OFF annual conference after hearing Airport on the edge of Waraaw. F R ID A Y ..................... ..... 50% predictions thst the nation’s (ConUnued on Pago Twelve) "We are leaving Poland as better The weekly meeting oCihe Man­ discussed. The meeting was held with other Chambers in the capiiol economy would be damaged seri­ friends." Teamster Cash chester Squadron of Civil Air Patrol ously if the highwky program is Nixon sent Soviet Premier Niki­ will he held at 7 p.m on Wednes­ area and the Regional Planning £MRt£SMm ’Authority. SATURDAY .............. 60% OFF suspended. ta S. Khrushchev a per.sonal letter, day at the American • I>egion Gov. Christopher Del Se.«lo of before leaving, telling him he en- i Ry G. Mtl.TON REI.LV I Home. Goalee said afterward. "A close Sen. Dodd Hits m n m m *=74 js liaison and cooperative approach to Rhode Island told his colleagues i joyed hia tour of the Soviet Union \V*Rhins:ton, Aujr. 5 t/Pi—Trip Sonatp Rackets Committee highway matters between the area that the combination of a '^eel 1 T • . and found his lalk.s with Khruah- TUESDAY ................ ..... 70% OFF strike and a highway stoppage 1111, V J l1 .IJ .1 C chargpfF lofla.v that James FJ. Hnffa paid “a long standing debt Santa Claus Came Early Chambers, towns and the State chev "pxtrcmelv intere.sting." Highway Department is e.ssential would confront the country with a : ' The Soviet news agency Tas.s re- to the rhifagn underworld" with $5 million of Teamsters Six-year-old .Indy Morse, suffering from an incurable cancer, lies in bed in her suburban Balti­ to the successful execution of re­ grave economic problem. ■ ■ ported that the Vice President Union health and welfare funds. more home She is surrounded by some of the toys given to her by Santa Claus in a special early In their ie.«oluUon. the gov-' , Meriden, Aug. .88 '.T'l.T' --- 1 For Homo Romodeling With Imagination gional jtlanning and industrial de­ J. Dodd wrote that he hoped that "some The committee in a report to the Senate, said that Teanj- visit. Doctors‘believe it will be. her last "Christ mas." i AP Photofaxl. ernors urged Eisenhower and C o n -| Senator Thomaa J. Donrl i D- progress had thiia been achieved velopment." “Nn need for us to glorify this sale. Hundreds of toddy called for abolition greas "to come to an agreement on Cnnn.i toward a .situation where the (wo ster president Hoffa personally swung the deals to please the good .shoppers alreadi' know what excellent values of the unit rule for state delega­ Havs CHEAT EASTERN GONSTRUCTFON of Miss Kunkel. Kyser and -four a program to provide sufficient j governments, together with other underworld and henefif the famil.v of Paul Porfman. It said Stevenaon. 94 Ruaaell St. The Stev-1 funds to meet the current federal tions to Democratic national con- English Family enson family settled ifi Manchester | passengers were Injured. the.se are. Don’t miss these last few days. Man.v I governments, could get down to a Dorfman is the man who introduced Hoffa to "Midwest mob REDESIGN THE FRONT OF YOUR higheJay fiscal cri.si.s . society." 1 E ‘ over five years ago. | Tolland County Coroner Bernard Hovt Your Deleter items are one-of-a-kind and there is still quite a Elsenhower proposed a l*-i cent '''connecticut Democrats particu-I settlement of I’ne import- To Sellle Here Nixon preceded his family in .7. Ackerman found Kyser grossly selection available. Buy now for future srifts. a gallon increase in the federal larlv, Dodd said, shonld oppose "nt differences between hem^ In Chicago, memhers of the Dorfman family were not HOME WITH BEAUTIFUL icoming to the United States, ar-1 negligent in the accident. Coll In Your Proscription gasoline tax to finance the highway the'unit rule. ‘ ^ available for comment. N X ■riving in this country on .Itine fl. Dodd made the atatemenis in a ' jet carm ng members of the Anothci Englikh family has ar­ PRICK TICKETS .ARE ORKHN.AI____YOU DE­ program through a lean period The committee said .Midwest Teamsters Unton members I The rest of the family canae last Doiivorod Within Tho The House Ways and Means Corn- column written for the .Meriden P''es" Pkrly that aerompamed him .T rived in Manchester to make their j Tuesday. DUCT THE S.WINCS YOURSEF,F.” on hia tour of the Soviet Union paid dearly for the deals since 1950. in drastic, reduction of T GLENSTONE PRE-CAST home here. mittee propose.s to rely mainly on ■ .lotirnal.
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