582.935.2:581.4+ 581.9(6) 633,88Strychnos sp.(6) MEDEDELINGEN LANDBOUWHOGESCHOOL WAGENINGEN • NEDERLAND • 69-1 (1969) THE LOGANIACEAE OF AFRICA VIII STRYCHNOS III Revision of the African species with notes on the extra-African A. J. M. LEEUWENBERG Laboratory of Plant Taxonomy andPlant Geography, Agricultural University, Wageningen, The Netherlands (Received 14-VIII-1968) Published February 19th 1969 H. VEENMAN & ZONEN N.V. - WAGENINGEN - 1969 7 <yt\bH^Z Continued from Act.Bot .Neerl . 14:218-229.1965. CONTENTS INTRODUCTION 5 GENERAL PART 9 History ofth e genus 9 Geographical distribution 9 Habit and growth 11 Anatomy 13 Flowering seasons 13 Vernacular names 14 Uses 14 Citation of specimens 15 Relationship to other genera 15 TAXONOMIC PART 17 The genus Strychnos 17 Important references of extra-African Strychnosspecie s 19 Sectional arrangement 20 Discussion of the relationship of the sections 33 Key to the African species based on flowering specimens 36 Key to the African species based on fruiting specimens 43 The African species 49 Hybrids 280 Doubtful species 280 Nomina nuda 280 Excluded species 282 List of names and synonyms not cited elsewhere inth e revision .... 283 Acknowledgements 290 Index of exsiccatae 291 REGISTER 309 Meded. Landbouwhogeschool Wageningen 69-1(1969) INTRODUCTION The present publication is a revision of the African species of Strychnos based on the material of 75 herbaria and on studies of living plants. The author has had the opportunity of visiting Africa three times and of travelling in five different countries to collect plants and to study their habit, ecology, and distribution in the field. He has seen living plants of 40 species. Of most of the species he has studied, the habit was not sufficiently known, and only in a few cases did any idea exist about their normal size. Several species which mostly are huge lianas, had previously only been recorded as climbing shrubs. In January 1959 when it was decided that the author would undertake the revision of the African Loganiaceae he travelled in the Ivory Coast. There he became acquainted with the remarkable habit of several climbing Strychnos species. This proved to be of great advantage because it made it possible to understand what parts of the plants had generally been collected as herbarium specimens. The plants are so large that a herbarium sheet cannot give an impression of the way of branching, which is often characteristic for a species. In the course of his second and third stays in Africa he returned to the Ivory Coast and also travelled in Liberia, Upper Volta, Cameroun, and the Central African Republic. Numerous species were collected several times, even if only in a vegetative condition, in various localities, and this added considerably to the knowledge of their distribution. He studied the African material of the following herbaria: A Cambridge, Massachusetts - U.S.A.: Arnold Arboretum. ABI Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire: O.R.S.T.O.M. (Institut d'Enseignement et de Recherches Tropicales = I.D.E.R.T.). ABT Avon, France: Laboratoir e de Botanique Tropicale. ALF Maisons-Alfort, France: Institut d'Elevage et de Medicine Vétérinaire des Pays Tropicaux. AMD Amsterdam, Netherlands: Hugo de Vries-Laboratorium. B Berlin, Germany: Botanisches Museum. BM London, Great Britain: British Museum (Natural History). BO Bogor, Indonesia: Herbarium Bogoriense, Lembaga Biologi Nasional. BOL Cape Town, South Africa :Bolu s Herbarium, University of Cape Town. BR Bruxelles, Belgium: Jardi n Botanique de l'Etat. BREM Bremen, Germany: Übersee-Museum. C K0benhavn, Denmark :Botanica l Museum and Herbarium. COI Coimbra, Portugal : Botanical Institute of the University of Coimbra. E Edinburgh, Great Britain: Roya l Botanic Garden. EA Nairobi, Kenya: Th e East African Herbarium. ENT Entebbe, Uganda: Forest Department. F Chicago, Illinois- U.S.A.: Chicag o Natural History Museum. Meded. Landbouwhogeschool Wageningen 69-1 (1969) 5 FHI Ibadan, Nigeria: Fores t Herbarium Ibadan. FHO Oxford, Great Britain: Forest Herbarium, Department of Forestry, Commonwealth Forestry Institute, University of Oxford. FI Firenze, Italy: Herbarium Universitatis Florentinae, Istituto Botanico. FR Frankfurt, Germany: Forschungsinstitut und Naturmuseum Sencken- berg. G Genève, Switzerland :Conservatoir e et Jardin botaniques. GB Göteborg, Sweden: Herbarium, Institute of Systematic Botany, Uni­ versity of Göteborg. GC Legon, Ghana: Ghana Herbarium, University of Ghana. GH Cambridge, Massachusetts - U.S.A.: Gray Herbarium of Harvard University. GOET Göttingen, Germany: Systematisch-Geobotanisches Institut, Universi­ tät Göttingen. GRA Grahamstown, South Africa :Herbariu m of the Albany Museum. GRO Groningen, Netherlands: Department for Systematic Botany of the Botanical Laboratory. HAL Halle, Germany : Institut für Systematische Botanik und Pflanzengeo­ graphie der Martin-Luther-Universität. H Helsinki, Finland :Botanica l Museum, University of Helsinki. HBG Hamburg, Germany: Staatsinstitut für allgemeine Botanik und Botanischer Garten. IFAN Dakar, Senegal: Institu t Français d'Afrique Noire. IRSC Brazzaville, République du Congo: Institut de Recherches Scientifiques au Congo. J Johannesburg, Union of South Africa: The Moss Herbarium, Uni­ versity of the Witwatersrand. JE Jena, Germany: Institut für Spezielle Botanik und Herbarium Hauss­ knecht. K Kew, Great Britain : The Herbarium and Library. L Leiden, Netherlands: Rijksherbarium. LD Lund, Sweden: Botanical Museum. LE Leningrad, U.S.S.R. :Herbariu m ofth e Komarov Botanical Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R. LIB Monrovia, Liberia: Harley Herbarium, College of Forestry, University of Liberia. LINN London, Great Britain: The Linnean Society of London. LISC Lisboa, Portugal: Centro de Botanica da Junta de Investigates do Ultramar. LISJC Lisboa-Belem, Portugal: Jardi m eMuse u Agricola do Ultramar. LISU Lisboa, Portugal: Institut e of Botany, Faculty of Science. LY Lyon, France: Herbier s de la Faculté des Sciences de Lyon. M München, Germany :Botanisch e Staatssammlung. MO Saint Louis, Missouri - U.S.A.: Missour i Botanical Garden. MPU Montpellier, France: Institut de Botanique, Université de Montpellier. 6 Meded. Landbouwhogeschool Wageningen 69-1 (1969) NBG Cape Town, South Africa :Compto n Herb., National Botanie Gardens. NH Durban, South Africa : Natal Herbarium, Department of Agricultural Technical Services. NLI Nova Lisboa, Angola: Instituto de Investigaçao Agronómica de An­ gola, Departamento de Biologia Agricola. NY New York, New York-U.S.A.: The New York Botanical Garden. OXF Oxford, Great Britain: Fielding Herbarium, Druce Herbarium, Department of Botany. P Paris, France: Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Laboratoire de Phanerogamic Pharm. Stockh. Stockholm, Sweden: Kung l Farmaceutiska Institutet. PR Praha, Czechoslovakia: Botanical Department of the National Mu­ seum. PRE Pretoria, Republic of South Africa: Botanical Research Institute, National Herbarium. PRF Pretoria, Republic of South Africa :Fores t Research Institute, Forestry Department. S Stockholm, Sweden: Botanical Department, Naturhistoriska Riks- museum. SAM Cape Town, South Africa: South African Museum Herbarium, National Botanic Gardens. SL Freetown, Sierra Leone: Department of Botany, Fourah Bay College, University College of Sierra Leone. SRGH Salisbury, Rhodesia: Government Herbarium. TCD Dublin, Ireland: Schoo l of Botany, Trinity College. TOM Torino, Italy: Istituto della Missioni della Consolata. U Utrecht, Netherlands: Botanica l Museum and Herbarium. UC Berkeley, California-U.S.A.: Herbarium of the University of Cali­ fornia. UCI Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire :Herbie r del'Universit é de Côte d'Ivoire. UPS Uppsala, Sweden: Institute of Systematic Botany, University of Uppsala. US Washington, D.C. - U.S.A.: National Museum (Department of Botany). W Wien, Austria: Naturhistorisches Museum. WAG Wageningen, Netherlands: Laboratory of Plant Taxonomy and Plant Geography. WRSL Wroclaw, Poland: Instytut Botaniczny, Universytetu Wroclawskiego. WU Wien, Austria: Botanisches Institut und Botanischer Garten der Uni­ versität Wien. YA Yaoundé, Cameroun :Servic e des Eaux et Forêts du Cameroun, Section de Recherches Forestières. Z Zürich, Switzerland :Botanische r Garten und Institut für Systematische Botanik der Universität Zürich. Meded. Landbouwhogeschool Wageningen 69-1(1969) 7 In addition the extra-African material was studied preserved in some herbaria: BM, BR, C, FHO, GB, H, HAL, K, L, LINN, OXF, P, S, TCD, U, UPS, US,an d WU. When the delimitation of the African Strychnos species was completed as far as possible on the basis of the data at present available, the extra-African material of the genus was also studied in order to obtain a better over-all view of the sectional systematy in the genus and of the synonymy and distribution of the species. The moment of undertaking this comparative study was fortunate, because revisions of the American species (with supplements) by KRUKOFF (1942-1965), of the species occurring in Malesia by LEENHOUTS (1962), and of the Asiatic species by A. W. HILL (1917) could be consulted. Many specimens annotated by the above-cited authors, especially KRUKOFF, could be examined. The present revision, however, does not include any new information on the delimitation of extra-African species. The latter were only studied in order to obtain knowledge of their relations with the African species. One species, S. potatorum, occurs both in Africa and in Asia, which was a new and surprising result of these comparative studies. Meded.
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