ZOBODAT - www.zobodat.at Zoologisch-Botanische Datenbank/Zoological-Botanical Database Digitale Literatur/Digital Literature Zeitschrift/Journal: Nachrichten des Entomologischen Vereins Apollo Jahr/Year: 2007 Band/Volume: 28 Autor(en)/Author(s): Razowski Josef [Jozef], Pelz Volker Artikel/Article: Atteriini from Ecuador 19-33 Nachr. entomol. Ver. Apollo, N. F. 28 (/2): 9–33 (2007) 9 Atteriini from Ecuador (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) Józef Razowski and Volker Pelz Prof. Dr. Józef Razowski, Institute of Systematics and Evolution of Animals PAS, Slawkowska 7, PL-3 06 Kraków, Poland; [email protected] Dipl.-Biol. Volker Pelz, Bonnenweg 3, D-53809 Ruppichteroth, Germany; [email protected] Abstract: In total 24 species of Atteriini collected in Ecua- which 13 are described as new. We follow the systematic dor are listed and 3 species are described as new: Si­sur­ arrangement proposed by Powell (986). cana llaviucana sp. n., Si­surcana alticolana sp. n., Si­surcana papallactana sp. n., Si­surcana bifurcana sp. n., Si­surcana The species were collected in forest habitats at the alti- antisanae sp. n., Si­surcana triangulifera sp. n., Si­surcana tudes of 900–3430 m in the provinces specified in the analogana sp. n., Si­surcana fasciana sp. n., Si­surcana cir­ following list. For single species the altitudinal span rhochlaena sp. n., Si­surcana firmuncus sp. n., Si­surcana between collecting sites was occasionally about 600 m or spinana sp. n., Anacrusi­s napoensis sp. n., Ho­lo­ptygma 000 m, at maximum 1500 m (Anacrusi­s rubi­da Razow- sarahpelzae sp. n. The females of Si­surcana ranunculata (Meyrick, 1926) and Anacrusi­s eri­o­hei­r Razowski & Wojtu- ski, 2004). siak, 2006 are described and figured for the first time. An Actually the following 39 Atteriini species are reported overview of all Atteriini species currently known from Ecua- for Ecuador (in the list the distribution according to dor is given. The material studied is at present in the Vol- ker Pelz collection, Ruppicheroth, Germany. Eventually the the provinces and the elevation where the species was holotypes (all males) will be deposited in the Senckenberg- found so far is given; the species dealt with in the present Museum, Frankfurt am Main, Germany. publication are marked with an asterisk *): Key words: new species, Andes, cloud forest, high altitudes, *Si­surcana llavi­ucana sp. n. — Azuay, Loja (2965– species-list 3320 m) *Si­surcana alti­co­lana sp. n. — Azuay (3300 m) Atteriini aus Ecuador (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) Zusammenfassung: Es werden Daten zu insgesamt 24 *Si­surcana papallactana sp. n. — Napo (3350–3430 m) Atteriini-Arten aus Ecuador aufgelistet, von denen 13 neu Si­surcana rho­ra Razowski & Becker, 2004 — Morona-San- beschrieben werden (siehe Liste der neuen Taxa in der eng- tiago (2450–2950 m) lischen Zusammenfassung). Die Weibchen von Si­surcana ranunculata (Meyrick, 926) and Anacrusi­s eri­o­hei­r Razow- Si­surcana palli­do­brunnea Razowski & Wojtusiak, 2006 ski & Wojtusiak, 2006 werden erstmalig beschrieben — Morona-Santiago (2200 m) und abgebildet. Eine Übersicht aller bislang aus Ecuador Si­surcana lepti­na Razowski, 2004 — Pichincha (300 m) bekannten Atteriini-Arten wird präsentiert. Das Material befindet sich in der Sammlung Volker Pelz, Ruppicheroth, *Si­surcana chro­mo­tarpa Razowski & Pelz, 2004 — Morona- Deutschland. Die Holotypen (alles Männchen) werden an Santiago, Pastaza, Napo (900–280 m) das Forschungsinstitut und Naturmuseum Senckenberg, Frankfurt am Main, Deutschland, gelangen. Si­surcana ho­lo­grapha Razowski & Pelz, 2004 — Morona- Santiago (1100 m) Atteriini de Ecuador (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) *Si­surcana bi­furcana sp. n. — Napo (280 m) Resumen: En éste articulo se presenta datos de 24 especies Si­surcana atteri­mi­ma Razowski & Pelz, 2004 — Morona- de Atteriini. Se describen 3 nuevas especies de Atteriini. La lista de las taxas nuevas se encuentra en el resumen Santiago (700 m) ingles. Se describen y figuran las hembras de Si­surcana *Si­surcana to­pi­na Razowski & Pelz, 2004 — Morona-San- ranunculata (Meyrick, 926) y Anacrusi­s eri­o­hei­r Razowski tiago, Tungurahua (1100–700 m) & Wojtusiak, 2006 por primera vez. Se presenta una lista de todas las especies de Atteriini reportadas de Ecuador. El *Si­surcana anti­sanae sp. n. — Napo (3430 m) material esta por ahora en la colección de Volker Pelz, Rup- Si­surcana margari­tae Razowski & Pelz, 2004 — Morona- picheroth, Alemania, pero los holotipos (todos machos) de Santiago (1100 m) las especies nuevas estan determinados ultimamente para el Senckenberg-Museum, Frankfurt am Main, Alemania. Si­surcana heredo­grapha Razowski & Pelz, 2004 — Morona- Santiago (900 m) Introduction *Si­surcana tri­anguli­fera sp. n. — Napo (220 m) Recently Atteriini of Ecuador were studied by Razow- *Si­surcana ranunculata (Meyrick, 92) — Pichincha ski (2004), Razowski & Becker (2004), Razowski & Pelz (2068 m) (2004) and by Razowski & Wojtusiak (2006). Atteriini *Si­surcana analo­gana sp. n. — Pichincha (700 m) are a rather neglected group. According to Powell et *Si­surcana fasci­ana sp. n. — Napo, Loja (850–2200 m) al. (995) and Powell (986) the tribe was represented only by 39 species and 8 genera. In Ecuador as much *Si­surcana pro­ci­dua Razowski & Pelz, 2004 — Morona- as 39 species and 4 genera are discovered until now. In Santiago, ?Loja (700–[?]2200 m) the currently studied material we found 24 species of Si­surcana po­lycho­ndra Razowski & Becker, 2004 — © Entomologischer Verein Apollo e. V., Frankfurt am Main 20 Morona-Santiago (2450–2800 m) Kraków, Poland Si­surcana paenulata Razowski & Becker, 2004 — Morona- LT Lectotype Santiago (2800 m) N, E, S, W compass points PAS Polish Academy of Sciences, Kraków, Poland *Si­surcana sectato­r Razowski & Becker, 2004 — Carchi, PUCE Museo de Zoología, Centro de Biodiversidad y Pichincha (2200–2300 m) Ambiente, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador, *Si­surcana alumi­ni­as (Meyrick, 92) — Pichincha (700– Quito, Ecuador 2068 m) PN National Park Prov. Province *Si­surcana ci­rrho­chlaena sp. n. — Morona-Santiago, Napo PT Paratype(s) (1100–850 m) SMFL Lepidoptera collection of Forschungsinstitut und Natur- *Si­surcana ci­tro­chyta (Meyrick, 926) — Morona-San- museum Senckenberg, Frankfurt am Main, Germany tiago, Napo, Pastaza, Tungurahua (450–600 m) sta collecting station Ws wing span (in the legends only) *Si­surcana firmuncussp. n. — Napo (280 m) Si­surcana umbelli­fera * (Meyrick, 926) — Pichincha, Systematic part ?Napo (700–2300 m) Si­surcana temna Razowski & Becker, 2004 — Morona-San- Sisurcana llaviucana sp. n. tiago (2800–300 m) (Figs. –3, 37, 67) Holotype ♂: “Ecuador, Azuay-Prov., PN Cajas, Laguna Lla- *Si­surcana spi­nana sp. n. — Napo (220 m) viuco, 3225 m, 2°50'38" S, 79°8'35" W, 12. x.a 2002, st 26, Archi­pi­mi­ma tylo­no­ta (Meyrick, 932) — Morona-San- leg. Gielis & Pelz”; GU-299-V.P. (CVPR, eventually SMFL). tiago (1100 m) Paratypes (9 ♂♂, ♀, all Ecuador): 1 ♂ (GU-2233-V.P.), 1 ♀ (GU-2202-V.P.), same data as holotype. 2 ♂♂ (GU-2203-V.P., Archi­pi­mi­ma archi­pi­fo­rma Razowski & Pelz, 2004 — GU-2204-V.P.), same locality as HT, but 11. x.a 2002, st 25, Morona-Santiago (1100 m) leg. Gielis & Pelz. 3 ♂♂ (GU-2200-V.P., GU-220-V.P.), same locality as HT, but 5. x. 2002, sta 17, leg. Gielis & Pelz. 2 ♂♂ *Archi­pi­mi­ma si­nuo­co­stana Razowski & Wojtusiak, 2006 (GU-224-V.P., GU-2206-V.P.), Azuay-Prov., 25 km S Cuenca, — Morona-Santiago, Loja (2200–2450 m) Puerto de Tinajilla, 3320 m, 3°9'46" S, 79°'30" W, 6. x. 2002, sta 8, leg. Gielis & Pelz. ♂ (GU-506-V.P.), Loja- Anacrusi­s aero­bati­ca (Meyrick, 927) — Pastaza, Morona- Prov., 60 km N Loja, 5 km N San Lucas, 2965 m, 3°40'56" S, Santiago (300–2200 m) 79°6'9" W, 0. x. 2002, sta 23, leg. Gielis & Pelz. All *Anacrusi­s napo­ensi­s sp. n. — Napo (280 m) CVPR. Etymology: The name is based on the locality name, Lla- *Anacrusi­s eri­o­hei­r Razowski & Wojtusiak, 2006 viuca. It is here defined as a noun in apposition. — Morona-Santiago, Napo, Pichincha (700– 2450 m) Diagnosis Anacrusi­s rubi­da Razowski, 2004 — Chimborazo, Pichin- Facies reminiscent of S. ho­lo­grapha but S. llavi­ucana cha (300–2800 m) sp. n. with the broader forewing, the paler hindwing and Anacrusi­s rupti­macula (Dognin, 904) — Loja the phallus upwardly curved at zone. *Ho­lo­ptygma luri­da (Meyrick, 92) — Morona-Santiago, Description Tungurahua, Napo (900–220 m) ♂ (Figs. 1, 2). Wing span 20 mm in HT. Head and tho- *Ho­lo­ptygma sarahpelzae sp. n. — Pichincha (700– rax greyish brown; labial palpus 2.2, dorsally conco- 2068 m) lorous with head, laterally and the complete terminal joint darker. Costa of forewing slightly concave postme- Methods dially; apex pointed; termen sinuate beneath apex, con- Numbers in the descriptions of labial palpi refer to the vex postmedially. Ground colour cinnamon brown suf- proportion of their total length to the horizontal diame- fused and diffusely strigulated with greyish brow. Mark- ter of the compound eye. ings greyish brown in form of two anterior fasciae and According to Kristensen (2003: 103), the “aedeagus” is subapical blotch accompanied by a weak suffusion pos- termed “phallus” in this publication. terior to median cell; some black spots on markings. Cilia concolorous with ground colour. Hindwing cream white Abbreviations: basally, suffused with brown on periphery; strigulation > Road from > to brownish. Cilia whitish with brownish parts. CREA Centro de Reconversión Económica del Austro (Azuay, Cañar y Morona-Santiago, Ecuador) Variation. Wing span between 9.5 mm and 22 mm in CVPR Collection Volker Pelz, Ruppichteroth, Germany ♂♂ (mean 20.85 mm, n = 0) Ground colour of fore- GU Genitalia slide (V.P.: dissected by and in coll.
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