I the Potential of Changwat Krabi to Be Developed As a Long Stay

I the Potential of Changwat Krabi to Be Developed As a Long Stay

The Potential of Changwat Krabi to be Developed as a Long Stay Tourist Destination Thanatip Boonyarat A Thesis Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Business Administration in Hospitality and Tourism Management (International Program) Prince of Songkla University 2009 Copyright of Prince of Songkla University i Thesis Title The Potential of Changwat Krabi to be Developed as a Long Stay Tourist Destination Author Miss Thanatip Boonyarat Major Program Hospitality and Tourism Management (International Program) Major Advisor Examining Committee: ###################.. ############. Chairperson (Assoc. Prof. Manat Chaisawat) (Mr. Pradech Phayakvichien) #############Committee Co-advisor (Dr. Kom Campiranon) ###################.. ############# Committee (Dr. Ilian Assenov) (Assoc. Prof. Manat Chaisawat) ############# Committee (Dr. Ilian Assenov) The Graduate School, Prince of Songkla University, has approved this thesis as partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Master of Business Administration Degree in Hospitality and Tourism Management (International Program) #################. (Assoc. Prof. Dr. Krerkchai Thongnoo) Dean of Graduate School ii /012345678498:; ,-./0123456-578-9.:;<=>?2@>42-AB1?CDBE7FG5HG45?H=>/8E<<2I1B-.:;/; /18 <=>?@A68 B15J18KB1KLC <MN/:-OBP B7@734/7 .1:6-9.1:.1:<:L.1:EF;.1:HG45?H=>/8 (7F-.JQO:B1B1R1OL) CDE7FGHEI7 2550 J5KLM6N2 .1:HG45?H=>/8VBCW66M<-B?CDB4MOJ17.::XH15?,:YZ.L6H=>V7[GH=>JM9VB\F.EF;?OL<\O?:]8 H=>JM9VB7F1/^C:;?H, .1:HG45?H=>/8X=<H<1HJI1_-[4/G15X1.OG4:;<<J-5_X345?:1\9/?`21; 4/G15/L>551B9a1B<:L.1: C:;?H,bH/?CDB6M97X1/7F-.H15HG45?H=>/8H=>X=?JBG7PC:;?H,7Bc>5VB?4?R=/ O;8-B44.?`=/5VOa ?7]Bb9a61.VB3N;B=dX=B-.HG45?H=>/8OG15R1OLX1.X1/?9LBH15?3a1X1VBC:;?H, bH/EF;X=EB8\BaX8G16I1B8BB-.HG45?H=>/8OG15R1OL6;X=6I1B8B?2L>XX1.3cdB ?B@>4561.?JBG7PEF;_81X 2:a4X345C:;?H,bH/ B-.HG45?H=>/8H->8\F.H=>?9LBH15X1?H=>/8?X@45bH/?CDB_:-d5E:. 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Thailand is one of the most exotic destinations in South East Asia and quite possibly the world and has become more and more popular with foreign tourists. Because of Thailandws charm and promptness, many tourists from around the world, after paying a visit for the first time, want to return again for longer periods of time, particularly those tourists who are searching for an ideal place to have a second home. Krabi is well established as one of the tourism destinations, and in Southern Thailand it is second only to Phuket. There are many tourists interested in Krabi as a gnew heavenh for relaxation or their second home. In accordance with immigration officews records in Krabi, the number of international tourists who would like to extend their visa for long stay tourism has been increasing and the trend will continue in the future. Therefore, this paper investigates the potential of Changwat Krabi to be developed as a long stay tourist destination. The objectives of this study are to examine the present situation of supply factors for long stay tourism in Krabi, to study international touristsw behavior in the context of long stay tourism in Krabi and to propose recommendations for long stay tourism development in Krabi. The study identifies four stakeholders as the target population of this research and follows a mixed method approach by collecting data through questionnaires and semi-structured interviews. The four stakeholders are 400 international tourists, 40 private tourism service providers, 7 government authorities and 5 local government authorities in Changwat Krabi. The findings indicate that Changwat Krabi has high potential and opportunities to be developed as a long stay tourist v destination. The studies also identify Krabiws potential, current and future long stay tourism situation, decision factors for long stay tourism, types of long stay accommodations, area of long stay accommodations, facilities or services for supporting long stay tourism, long stay touristsw perception for images of attractions, accessibility, accommodations, activities, facilities and amenities in Krabi, problems or obstacles/advantages and disadvantages/guidelines or suggestions for long stay tourism development program, existing facilities, services and other products, participation and readiness for long stay tourism, what benefits can get through this program and others. The study also identifies mechanisms, strategies and recommendations for long stay tourism development program. Krabi has high potentials to be developed as a long stay tourist destination as indicated by the high rate of respondents willing to return as long stay tourists (87.3%), as well as the other findings of the survey. In addition, there are many benefits or advantages from long stay tourism such as Thai government will benefit from the greater income from the increased long stay tourism, subordinate government organizations (i.e.

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