This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas http://dolearchives.ku.edu News from Senator BOB DOLE (R - Kansas) 2213 Dirksen Building, Washington, D.C. 20510 SECRETARY BLOCK AND SENATOR DOLE TOUR KANSAS FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: CONTACT: Betty Stern (Block staff) FRIDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1981 447-4623 Vivian Culp (Block Pers. Secty 447-3631 Jo-Anne Coe (Dole staff) 224-5131 THURSDAY, OCTOBER 29 4:20 p.m. Depart Washington National via TWA 105 5:36 p.m. Arrive St. Louis 6:30 p.m. Depart St. Louis via TWA 477 7:32 p.m. Arrive Kansas City International Airport Congressman Bob Whittaker will be on same flight, along with Congressman Guy Molinari (R-NY), who is travelling to Kansas for Congressman Whittaker MET BY: John Junior Armstrong Kansas Farm Bureau John Pa 1mer Dole Kansas City staff 913/287-4545 (Ofc.) 913/371-4077 (Res.) 7:45 p.m. Depart Kansas City via private aircraft en route EMPORIA (Flying time: 30 minutes) NOTE: 3 Airplanes to be used: Kansas Farm Bureau MU-2 turbojet, Tail No. N693FB Seating capacity 7 + 2 pilots. Contact: Junior Armstrong, Manhattan (913/537-2261) Davis-Mudd Cessna Citation, Tail No. N502CC Seating capacity, 6 + 2 pilots Contact: Bob Davis, Great Bend (316/792-1751) Midwest Solvents MU-2 turbojet, Call Letters MS130. Seating capacity, 7 + 2 pilots. (PRESS PLANE) Contact: Bud Cray or Bud Haney, Atchison (913/367-1480) -more- Page 1 of 9 s-press_022_016_002_A1b.pdf This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas http://dolearchives.ku.edu - 2 - BLOCK/DOLE TOUR THURSDAY, OCTOBER 29 (CONTINUED) AIRPLANE PASSENGERS (Farm Bureau and Davis-Mudd planes}: Secretary John Block Senator Bob Dole Congressman Bob Whittaker (K.C.-Emporia & Independence-K.C. only} Congressman Guy Molinari (R-NY} (K.C.-Emporia only) Frank Naylor (Asst.. Secty. for Rural Development) Dave Lane (Asst. Press Secretary to Secretary Block) Mike Masterson (Congressional Liaison, USDA) John Linko (Security for Secretary Block) Randy Miller (Dole staff} John Gordley (Dole staff) Cindy Wilhite (Dole staff) John Junior Annstrong (Kansas Fann Bureau) TRAVELLING PRESS (Midwest Solvents plane}: Kelly Lenz - WIBW (Topeka) Dirck Steimel - Wichita Eagle Larry Steckline - Mid America Ag Network Rich Hull - Kansas Ag Network Rex Childs - KFDI - Wichita Lance Ross - KANU - Lawrence Gordon Hibbard -Kansas Fann Bureau 8:15 p.m. Arrive Emporia Met by: Rob Mooney, District Admin. Asst. to Cong. Whittaker 316/342-6464 (Ofc.) 316/342-2713 (Res.) 11 1 11 8: 30 p.m. FARMERS NIGHT - Agriculture appreciation rally (In progress since 7:30) Airport Terminal Hangar 316/342-3598 (Airport} Congressman Whittaker will introduce Senator Dole, who will introduce Secretary Block. Congressman Whittaker will moderate Sponsors: Emporia Kiwanis Club, Farm Bureau and Emporia Chamber of Commerce NOTE: IF TIME PERMITS -- Photo opportunity with Congressman Whittaker and few co1T111unity representatives 9:45 p.m. Depart Emporia en route MANHATTAN (Flight time: 15 minutes} 10:00 p.m. Arrive MANHATTAN Met by: Bill Richter, Chairman, Landon Lecture Series Kansas State University Security {will provide transportation and escort during entire visit to Manhattan} Page 2 of 9 s-press_022_016_002_A1b.pdf Campus Security Chief: Arthur Stone (913/532-6412) or Capt. Gary Gillaspie This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas http://dolearchives.ku.edu> - 3 - BLOCK/DOLE TOUR THURSDAY, OCTOBER 29 (CONTINUED): RON: MANHATTAN RAMADA INN 913/539-7531 Met by: Morris Kay (State GOP Chairman), Ed Phelps (Riley County GOP Chairman), and group of local Republicans NOTE: 6 Rooms reserved as follows: 1 - Secretary Block 1 - Senator Dole 1 - Frank Naylor & Mike Masterson l - Dave Lane & John Linko 1 - Randy Miller and John Gordley 1 - Cindy Wilhite NOTE: HOMECOMING WEEKEND AT K-STATE FRIDAY, OCTOBER 30 7:45 a.m. K-State Security will pick up party at Ramada Inn and escort to: 8:00 a.m. State Republican Party Fundraising Breakfast (In progress since 7:45) All Seasons Motel (old Holiday Inn) (Main Dining Room) 1501 Tuttle Creek Boulevard 913/539-5391 NOTE: Congressman .Jim Jeffries will be in attendance Contact: Morris Kay, State Republican Chairman 913/234-3416 (Ofc. - Topeka) 913/843-6005 (Res. - Lawrence) 9:05 a.m. Depart All Seasons Motel 9:15 a.m. Meet in 1obby of Ramada Inn - Duane Acker, President of Kansas State University, who will escort party to breakfast 9:30 a.m. BREAKFAST for Landon Lecture Series Patrons. Ramada Inn basement meeting room (Crowd size: 250-300) 913/539-7531 SECRETARY BLOCK TO MAKE BRIEF COMMENTS NOTE: By special invitation, 6 Future Farmers of America State Officers (all K-State students) will attend breakfast: Ron Winnemyer, Doug Haddan, Wes Beal, Bruce Fouts, Greg Diel and Shelly Hasvold 10:00 a.m.- PRESS CONFERENCE 10: 20 a.m. K-State Union i. Page 3 of 9 s-press_022_016_002_A1b.pdf This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas http://dolearchives.ku.edu BLOCK/DOLE TOUR FRIDAY, OCTOBER 30 (CONTINUED) 10:30 a.m. SPEAK (SECRETARY BLOCK) - LANDON LECTURE SERIES Kansas State University, McCain Auditorium (20 minutes remarks, 20 minutes Q&A) Contacts: Bill Richter, Chairman of Landon Lectures (Will host and accompany party while on campus) 913/532-6842 or 532-5738 Dr. Mike Johnson or Lavonne Wells - Coordinators for Landon Lecture Series 913/532-6325 NOTE: Senator Dole will be seated on platform NOTE: Any messages that must be relayed to Secretary Block or Senator Dole should be done through President Duane Acker's office: 913/532-6223 11:10 a.m. Depart Kansas State University NOTE: McDi 11 "Huck" Boyd, RNC Committeeman for Kansas (from Phillipsburg) will join tour at this point 11 :15 a.m.- Visit Kansas Farm Bureau offices 12:00 noon 2321 Anderson 913/537-2261 (Have telecopier facilities - Ext. 119) Contact: John Junior Armstrong NOTE: Cafeteria in building if lunch desired. However, Farm Bureau is preparing 10 box lunches to eat at their office or take on airplane 12:15 p.m.- Brief visit to ASCS and FCIC offices (approx. 40 employees) 12:25 p.m. 2601 Anderson 913/539-3531 Contact: Frank Mosier, State ASCS Director, or Jim Pugh, ASCS Administrative Officer 12:45 p.111. Depart Manhattan en route NORTON (Flight time: l hour) NOTE: CHANGE OF AIRPLANES Piper Cheyenne (6 passengers+ 2 pilots), Tail No. 815CM 2 Navajo Chieftains (6 passengers+ 2 pilots each), Tail Nos: 4087G and 4085L Planes out of Aircraft Services of Salina, courtesy of Dean Evans, Evans Grain Co. {913/827-4484) Contact: Bill Gross 913/827-9289 (Res.) 913/825-6261 (Aircraft Services) (or Susie Carr at Aircraft Services) Page 4 of 9 s-press_022_016_002_A1b.pdf This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas http://dolearchives.ku.edu- .5 - BLOCK/DOLE TOUR FRIDAY, OCTOBER 30 (CONTINUED) l :45 p.m. Arrive NORTON (Municipal Airport: 913/877-2201) MET BY: Norton Chamber of Commerce "Ambassadors" ("Yellow Coats") Keith Sebelius, Fonner 1st District Congressman 913/877-5143 (Ofc.) 913/877-3180 (Res.) 2 :00 p. m. - Public Meeting with local agriculture co1T111unity 3:00 p.m. American Legion Hall {across street from airport) Hosted and coordinated by Keith Sebelius and Huck Boyd SECRETARY BLOCK REMARKS (10-15 minutes), followed by Q&A Congressman Sebelius will moderate NOTE: AAM Tractors will be parked nearby; AAM indicates they may hold a 11 tractorcade 11 3:05 p.m. Depart Norton en route RUSSELL (Flight time: 25 minutes) NOTE: Huck Boyd drops from tour at this point 3:30 p.m. Arrive RUSSELL (Senator Dole's home town) MET BY: Kenneth (Kenny) Dole (Senator's brother) 913/483-3231 Russell Chamber of Commerce "Ambassadors" ("Green Jackets") 3:45 p.m.- 4-H Building - Meet with members of Post Rock Rural Water 4:15 p.m. District (Rural Water District No. l, Ellsworth County) Contact: Adolph Vopat, Chairman 913/658-3367 4:15 p.m.- 4-H Building - Open public meeting for farmers 5:15 p.m. Russell Townsley (Russell Daily News) will moderate and introduce Senator Dole and Secretary Block) Contacts: Russ Townsley 913/483-2116 Everett Dumler, Russell Chamber of Commerce 913/483-3401 (Ofc.) 913/483-4805 (Res.) Roger Williams, Mayor of Russell 913/483-3614 Loren Dinkel, AgCo, Inc. 913/483-2128 Page 5 of 9 s-press_022_016_002_A1b.pdf This document is from the collections at the Dole Archives, University of Kansas http://dolearchives.ku.edu FRIDAY, OCTOBER 30 (CONTINUED) Russell Contacts (Continued): Jim Hopper, Russell County Farm Bureau 913/483-2131 (will be in Puerto Rico at this time) Wayne Steinert, Russell High School Principal 913/483-5631 NOTE: THIS IS RUSSELL HIGH SCHOOL HOMECOMING DAY (Parade was at 2:30) 5:30 p.m. Depart Russe 11 en r'oute DODGE CITY (Flight time: 30 minutes) 6:00 p.m. Arrive DODGE CITY MET BY: Congressman Pat Roberts Dodge City Chamber "Ambassadors" ("Red Coats") Mr. Robert E. (Gene) Eastin Ford County GOP Chairman & Cong. Roberts' Regional Rep. 316/227-2244 (Ofc.) 316/225-1527 (Res.) Mrs. Jim (Bea) Williams Ford County Dole Chairman 316/227-3280 Mr. Dick Fraley Exec. Secretary, Dodge City Chamber of Commerce 316/227-3119 7:00 p.m.- Annual Convention -Kansas Association of Wheat Growers (Already in progress: 5:30 reception, 6:30 dinner, 9:00 dance) Holiday Inn 316/225-9900 NOTE: Room at motel for Secretary and Senator to freshen-up SENATOR DOLE to present annual award to Wheat Man of the Year SECRETARY BLOCK to give keynote address (20 minutes of remarks, followed by 20 minutes Q&A) Contact: Earle M. Hunt, President, Kansas Wheat Growers 316/442-3229 (Res.
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