August 5th, 1942. -Wednesday, August 5th. 1942. THE TEESDALE MERCURY. 5 present one fur • ;tr•ying II:: ar to a PUBLIC OPINION. successful concio-ion and st,•.,• of the in- WAR SAVINGS EFFORT. CINEMA AI)DISON & WOODHAMS advisability . of ••xvopping horses while cros6ing a stream." "'Phis eminent has VISIT OF THE REGIONAL COMMISSIONER w. CHEESEBROUGH), SUNDAY MEETING AFFORDS AN faults," he said ; but SO would any other Alt) CASTLE. (F. BEER AND OPPORTUNITY FOR ITS EXPRESSION. Government we Illight choose." FAMILY GROCERS AND PROVISION By invitation of Mr Fred Wilkinson, local Answering one•of the soldier "Commun- war savings secretary, secretaries of local Saturday at 2. ists," who addresed the meeting DEALERS, - at. length, savings groups and others met at the Bar- The second of the public gatherings Mr Beverley Baxter explained the difference nard castle Crhan Council's chamber on Nightly. 8-15. between Communisin'iti ittISSia (where it WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANTS, organised under the auspices of the Daily %%'eciliesday evening to meet Mr E. J. B. DAY, SATURDAY : Express for the expression of opinion on• -had a very small lit01)101011 of adherents) Gatenby, the Itegiontl War Savings Cow and that supported in England, saying that BARNARD CASTLE. current subjects was held on Sunday after . The conunissioner was wel- h. 701, sth noon in the Victoria Hall, Barnard Castle, Russia's efforts to emerge from serfdom comed by NIr C. 'I'. Singer, J.P., C.C., Chair- and although the gathering was no larger accnIunted for a great deal of the Russian man of the Urban Council. MacDONALD than that which mark'ed the first meeting Co monistic tendency. Mr Wilkinson reminded the gathering of HE HOUSE where you get the Mr Herbert Mudd, a cripple in a wheel- in the Scala Cinema on a recent market day the derision of the area to set its bask task T best of everything at the least there seemed to be a livelier interest mani chair, pleaded for better medical service for in the summer savings campaign at 1:35,000 possible price. A trial order is fest, and men in uniform were among thosd others like him as well as for war-maimed with tie,000 actual, and said that from THROUGH who at the invitation of the Chairman rose returns received it looked as if the object respectfully solicited. Th e meeting, lasting an hour and a half, with and aired their views. Although Mr W. would be realised and the two tanks concluded with a vote of thanks to Mr Satisfaction guaranteed. Emerson, the veteran ex-schoolmaster, now obtained. The district, lie added, was a , GENE RAYMOND. Beverley Baxter, proposed by llr Boardman. near the end of his 91st year, was President difficult One to cover, but lie had some ■■ hnicolour. Free Delivery in Town and Country. of the assembly, the actual chairman was 0111111 •••• really good hard workers. - Ask for our representative to call. Mr Fred Boardman. These gentlemen were Mr Gatenby expressed the gratitude of the lour and Song ! supported on the platform by Mr Beverley authorities to the Barnard Castle Urban and Telephone 49. Baxter, M.P. for the Wood Green Division BARNARD CASTLE POLIct Rural Districts for the savings work that 'our seat ! of Middlesex, and Mr H. Rose, of the Daily they had done and were doing. The figure Express staff at Manchester. WEDNESDAY. — Before turd Barnard mentioned, lie said, seemed a sound one, In opening the proceedings Mr Emerson, (Chairman), Mr C. J. Smith (Vice-chair. representing 30s. per head of the population DAY, WEDNESDAY: looking wonderfully fresh, alluded to his man), Mrs H. C. Watson, Mrs C. E. spread over the ten-weeks period. It was sixty years' association with the town of Vickery, Mr J. W. Broumley. inevitable that one savings campaign th. ilth. 12th : should follow another, and if the result FOR Barnard Castle, and said that although he Unobscured Lights. had been selected to preside it was Mr aimed at by the Chancellor of the Exchequer Boardman who was really in the chair. - For having unobscured lights at Barnard was to be realised, it meant a saving of 7s. OF KIN TWEED TROUSERS Mr Boardman, an educationist, like Mr Castle during the black-out period in July, per week by every man, woman and child. he vo-operation Emerson, pleaded for the teaching of more Peggy Smith and Ethel M. Draper were They must therefore put their backs into each lined £1. the effort during the coming weeks. The 11.1.1, . Units. The British history in the schools. Let the FLANNELS mouths of July and August were always ss Talk brought to children in the elementary schools he taught - ' Unscreened Sidelight. regarded as the blankest of the year, and it ry man and more of the history of the British Empire woman Cecil Hunter (30). Barnard Castle, who was felt that some stimulus should be d see it ! SHIRTS and what was done by their great fore (lid not appear, was summoned for having fathers, Drake, Frobisher, Davies of the given for the augmentation of savings then. the sideligut of his motor ear unsereened ont British News. North-West Passage. Clive in India, and The object of the• drive was to increase OVERALLS on July 16th. P.C. Bell, Eggleston, proved small savings, and nothing could be more Woolff in Canada to expand the sphere the offence which occurred at 1245 a.m. at of British influence in the world, so that stimulating to their fellows in the field than Eggleston.--Ei tied IA. (Brace and Bib). when they came to the secondary schools to see tanks coming along bearing the they could pass an examination in that sub Illegal Coal Dealing. names of places from which they came or near which they had lived. Much depended Let us Quote You. ject. He was no apologist' for the British William Down, .111.11I II WWII, Edwin Empire. There may have been dark pas. Down, and Frederic': Do \ ■ 11, trading as the on the individual work of the groups, for sages in its history; but personally he was Newgate Foundry, Barnard Castle, were there was no last minute effort available. IA HALL convinced that the British Empire was one summoned on lour informations for having The coming tin weeks had to he spent in of the greatest factors for good in the furnished coal to each of the several mem solid slogging wqrk, and they wanted people to realise the value of the work they D CASTLE. FRED NEVISON history of the world. No.other nation had hers of the firm and nut being licensed to treated the native races so well as we had do so. and the four brothers severally named did, for even in the smallest hamlet they Nightly. 8.15. 29, Market Place. done. We were still too much inclined to were each accused-of having acquired coal could do much for the success of the move- treat the units of our far:flung empire as other than irchn a licensed merchant, ment. RIDAY, SATURDAY : colonies instead of as self-governing between April 1st and sill. Mr J. Ingrain Mr Roy Kellett (Barnard Castle Rural) dominions as they now were. He urged Dawson prosecuted on behalf of the asked if the ,f1fmre of f35,4100 had been 6th, 7th, 8th : that young people should be brought up to Ministry .of Mines Department. The defend accepted by headquarters. judge the facts of the case for themselves ants were represented 14 Mr Frederick Mr tiatenby : I think you may take it for NES and Fine Cast in gibe Xee5baie Aiercurp. and know what these dominions stood for. Down, who pleaded gililty of acquiring, but granted that it. had been and you may go The best method of gaining a closer union not of supplying. Mr W. Down wrote ahead. N OF THE BARNARD CASTLE, AUGUST 5th, 1942. with the colonies was to let the children pleading guilty of supplying. Replying to Mr Wilkinson, Mr W. D. know how we got them, what we had done Mr Dawson said the Ministry regarded Croft, postmaster, Barnard Castle, said he PIMPERNEL with them, and what they had done for us. the case as a very serious one. The four had received no instructions to deduct 45 LOCAL & DISTRICT NEWS. He suggested a resolution to ask the Board per cent. of savings to cover withdrawals Thrills in the true defendants were partners in a lirm known of Education, the examining authority for as the Newgate. Foundry at Barnard Castle, from Post Office savings. las style ! Mr Gatenby said the 45 per cent. deduction SUN SETS. the sohool certificate, that the history of and being engaged on GoVernment work the .British Empire should be taught in all they were entitled to obtain a certain quan- has been agreed upon. the schools. Mr Boardman then introduced Mr Wilkinson having received an assur- Next WednSday 8-30 tity of coal for trade purposes. At the SDAY, WEDNESDAY: Mr Beverley Baxter, M.P., whom he beginning of April a truck of coal was eon ance that the campaign would be duly described as a distinguished writer and signed to the lirm, the weight of the con- advertised in the Press and by means of posters and bills,. Mr Singer thanked Mr • politician, a Canadian associated with Lord signment bitting 11 tons 17 cwt. Of this 11th, 12th : Gatenby for his attendance. Her Majstey the Queen celebrated her Beaverbrook, and one who served with the amount 3;i tons were supplied to a man at 42nd birthday anniversary yesterday.
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