HORSES, KENTUCKY DERBY (1875-2020) Kentucky Derby Winners, Alphabetically (1875-2020) HORSE YEAR HORSE YEAR Affirmed 1978 Justify 2018 Agile 1905 Kauai King 1966 Alan-a-Dale 1902 Kingman 1891 Always Dreaming 2017 Lawrin 1938 Alysheba 1987 Leonatus 1883 American Pharoah 2015 Lieut. Gibson 1900 Animal Kingdom 2011 Lil E. Tee 1992 Apollo (g) 1882 Lookout 1893 Aristides 1875 Lord Murphy 1879 Assault 1946 Lucky Debonair 1965 Authentic 2020 Macbeth II (g) 1888 Azra 1892 Majestic Prince 1969 Baden-Baden 1877 Manuel 1899 Barbaro 2006 Meridian 1911 Behave Yourself 1921 Middleground 1950 Ben Ali 1886 Mine That Bird 2009 Ben Brush 1896 Monarchos 2001 Big Brown 2008 Montrose 1887 Black Gold 1924 Morvich 1922 Bold Forbes 1976 Needles 1956 Bold Venture 1936 Northern Dancer-CAN 1964 Brokers Tip 1933 Nyquist 2016 Bubbling Over 1926 Old Rosebud (g) 1914 Buchanan 1884 Omaha 1935 Burgoo King 1932 Omar Khayyam-GB 1917 California Chrome 2014 Orb 2013 Cannonade 1974 Paul Jones (g) 1920 Canonero II 1971 Pensive 1944 Carry Back 1961 Pink Star 1907 Cavalcade 1934 Plaudit 1898 Chant 1894 Pleasant Colony 1981 Charismatic 1999 Ponder 1949 Chateaugay 1963 Proud Clarion 1967 Citation 1948 Real Quiet 1998 Clyde Van Dusen (g) 1929 Regret (f) 1915 Count Fleet 1943 Reigh Count 1928 Count Turf 1951 Riley 1890 Country House 2019 Riva Ridge 1972 Dark Star 1953 Sea Hero 1993 Day Star 1878 Seattle Slew 1977 Decidedly 1962 Secretariat 1973 Determine 1954 Shut Out 1942 Donau 1910 Silver Charm 1997 Donerail 1913 Sir Barton 1919 Dust Commander 1970 Sir Huon 1906 Elwood 1904 Smarty Jones 2004 Exterminator (g) 1918 Spectacular Bid 1979 Ferdinand 1986 Spend a Buck 1985 Flying Ebony 1925 Spokane 1889 Fonso 1880 Stone Street 1908 Foolish Pleasure 1975 Street Sense 2007 Forward Pass 1968 Strike the Gold 1991 Funny Cide (g) 2003 Sunday Silence 1989 Fusaichi Pegasus 2000 Sunny’s Halo-CAN 1983 Gallahadion 1940 Super Saver 2010 Gallant Fox 1930 Swale 1984 Gato Del Sol 1982 Swaps 1955 Genuine Risk (f) 1980 Thunder Gulch 1995 George Smith 1916 Tim Tam 1958 Giacomo 2005 Tomy Lee-GB 1959 Go for Gin 1994 Twenty Grand 1931 Grindstone 1996 Typhoon II 1897 Halma 1895 Unbridled 1990 Hill Gail 1952 Vagrant (g) 1876 Hindoo 1881 Venetian Way 1960 His Eminence 1901 War Admiral 1937 Hoop Jr. 1945 War Emblem 2002 I’ll Have Another 2012 Whirlaway 1941 Iron Liege 1957 Whiskery 1927 Jet Pilot 1947 Winning Colors (f) 1988 Joe Cotton 1885 Wintergreen 1909 Johnstown 1939 Worth 1912 Judge Himes 1903 Zev 1923 Following is listed (1875-2020) the horse, the finish and the year in the Kentucky Derby: Arroz 6th 1952 Best Person 15th 1977 Artax 13th 1998 Bet Mosie 2nd 1922 Arts and Letters 2nd 1969 Bet Twice 2nd 1987 A th th Ascender 4 1883 Better Bee 8 1957 th Abe Frank 4 1902 Ascension (f) 10th 1875 Better Luck 13th 1923 th Abe’s Hope 5 1966 Ask the Fare 5th 1967 Bewithus 14th 1927 th Acabado 15 1917 Aspiration 8th 1923 Bidson 9th 1976 th Accipiter 18 1974 st Bien Joli 5th 1936 th Assault 1 1946 Ace Destroyer 11 1953 th st th Atoll 9 1959 Big Brown 1 2008 Action Getter 13 1970 th th th Atomic Rain 15 2009 Big Brown Bear (g) 9 1972 Action This Day 6 2004 th th th Atswhatimtalknbout 4 2003 Big Spruce 7 1972 Ada Glenn (f) 7 1879 th th th Attachment Rate 14 2020 Big Stretch 18 1951 Admiral 7 1884 rd th th At The Threshold 3 1984 Big Truck 18 2008 Admiral Porter 5 1954 rd th th Audible 3 2018 Bill Bruce 7 1875 Admiral’s Shield 6 1970 rd th th Audrain 3 1884 Bill Herron (g) 7 1908 Admiral’s Voyage 9 1962 th th Authentic 1st 2020 Billings 4 1948 Adobe Post (g) 11 1932 th Adnois 17th 1999 th Billionaire 20 1937 Autocrat 6 1888 nd A Dragon Killer 7th 1958 nd Bill Letcher 2 1890 Avatar 2 1975 nd th rd Billy Kelly (g) 2 1919 Adriano 19 2008 Avies Copy 3 1987 th th rd Biloxi Indian 12 1984 Advice 13 2009 Awe Inspiring 3 1989 nd nd th Bimelech 2 1940 Advocator 2 1966 Awesome Act 19 2010 th Affiliate 9th 1977 st Birdstone 8 2004 Azra 1 1892 Blackbirder (g) 5th 1935 Affirmed 1st 1978 Black Emperor 13th 1956 rd Afleet Alex 3 2005 Black George 14th 1950 Afternoon Deelites 8th 1995 B Black Gold 1st 1924 Agile 1st 1905 th Black Metal 13th 1954 rd Babcock 5 1882 Agitate 3 1974 th Black Panther 10th 1927 rd Bachelor Beau (g) 14 1986 Agrarian 3 1934 th Black Servant 2nd 1921 th Backbone 14 1925 Air Forbes Won 7 1982 th Blackwood 9th 1928 th Backtalk 20 2010 th Air Sailor 4 1945 st Blazes 6 1920 th Baden-Baden 1 1877 Alamond 6 1946 Blondin 9th 1926 Badger Land 5th 1986 Alan-a-Dale 1st 1902 Blow Out 7th 1996 Bad News 4th 1903 th Bluebeard 14th 1935 Alard Scheck 5 1901 Baffling 17th 1924 th Blue Burner 11th 2002 Al Boyer 4 1894 Bagenbaggage 2nd 1926 th Bluegrass Cat 2nd 2006 Alcibiades (f) 10 1930 Balboa Native 9th 1983 th Blue Larkspur 4th 1929 Alexandria 4 1888 Balgowan 2nd 1891 th Blue Lem 8th 1955 Alexis (g) 10 1945 Bally Ache 2nd 1960 rd Blue Man 3rd 1952 Alfambra 3 1881 Balto Star (g) 14th 2001 th Blue Pair 7th 1941 Allied 9 1954 Banbridge 5th 1908 th Blue Skyer 3rd 1966 Almadel 13 1925 Banburg 4th 1887 th Blue Swords 2nd 1943 Alorter 11 1944 Bancroft 3rd 1880 th Blue Wing 2nd 1886 Alpha 12 2012 Bandini 19th 2005 nd Blumin Affair 3rd 1994 Alsab 2 1942 Bankrupt 5th 1943 th Bob and John 17th 2006 Al Sabin 6 1992 Ban Yan 6th 1887 th Bobashela 8th 1928 Altawood 4 1924 st Althea (f) 19th 1984 Barbaro 1 2006 Bob Black Jack 16th 2008 Barbizon Streak 16th 1971 th Always Dreaming 1st 2017 Bob Cook 5 1884 nd th th Barbs Delight 2 1967 Bob Miles 4 1884 Alworth (g) 13 1946 th th nd Bar None 12 1928 Bob Murphy 7 1946 Alydar 2 1978 th th th Basic Trainee 15 1998 Bob’s Dusty 11 1977 Alydavid 14 1991 rd th th Bass Clef (g) 3 1961 Bob Tail 19 1924 Alyrob (g) 8 1996 nd Basso 2 1895 Bob Woolley 4th 1875 st Alysheba 1 1987 Battle Morn 6th 1951 Bodemeister* 2nd 2012 Amano 4th 1976 Battle of Midway 3rd 2017 Bodexpress 13th 2019 Amber Light 4th 1943 Bay Beauty 13th 1929 Bold and Able 8th 1971 Amberoid 7th 1966 Bazaar (f) 9th 1934 Bold Arrangement-GB 2nd 1986 Ambiopoise 12th 1961 Bear Hunt 18th 1984 Bold Chapeau 8th 1975 American Eagle 8th 1918 Beau Butler 3rd 1924 Bold Clarion 21st 1974 American Eagle 16th 1944 Beau Rit (g) 13th 1981 Bold Ego 10th 1981 th th American Lion 11 2010 Beau Sub 14 1966 Bold Forbes 1st 1976 st th American Pharoah 1 2015 Bedouin 15 1984 th th Bold Lad 10 1965 th Be Frank (g) 6 1919 Amur 4 1901 Bold ’n Rulling 6th 1980 st Anak Nakal 7th 2008 Behave Yourself 1 1921 Bold Reason 3rd 1971 Anchors Aweigh 10th 1931 Believe It 3rd 1978 Bold Ruler 4th 1957 Andromeda’s Hero 8th 2005 Bellamy Road 7th 2005 Bold Style 16th 1982 th th Anees 13 2000 Bell Buzzer 7 1944 Bold Venture 1st 1936 Angle Light 10th 1973 Ben A. Jones 16th 1956 Bolo 12th 2015 st st Animal Kingdom 1 2011 Ben Ali 1 1886 Bolt d’Oro 12th 2018 Another Review 13th 1991 Ben Brown 6th 1897 Bombay 8th 1876 th Answer Lively 10 1999 Ben Brush 1st 1896 Bombay Duck 15th 1975 th th Any Given Saturday 8 2007 Ben Eder 2nd 1896 Bo McMillan 12 1923 th th Anyoldtime 7 1951 Benedicto (g) 9th 1958 Bon Homme 9 1921 th th Apache 11 1942 Bengal 3rd 1882 Bonivan 18 1928 th Apollo (g) 1st 1882 Ben Machree (f) 18th 1929 Bonjour 6 1963 th Aptitude 2nd 2000 Berlin 14th 1917 Booker Bill 16 1915 th A P Valentine 7th 2001 Bernard F. (g) 18th 1937 Boola Boola 4 1910 th A.P. Warrior 18th 2006 Bersagliere 9th 1920 Boon Companion 10 1925 th Arazi 8th 1992 Bersan 2nd 1885 Boot and Spur 15 1942 th Archarcharch 15th 2011 Bert G. 14th 1945 Bootmaker 8 1889 th Arctic Boy 12th 2001 Besomer 14th 1956 Boreas 6 1884 nd th Aristides 1st 1875 Best Pal (g) 2 1991 Borrego 10 2004 th th Bostonian 5 1927 Carry Back 1st 1961 Corporate Report 9 1991 th th Boulevard 4 1880 th Correlation 6 1954 rd Cartago 17 1928 th Boundless 3 1893 th Correspondent 5 1953 rd Cassaleria 13 1982 nd Bourbon 3 1903 th Corsini 2 1899 th Cassius 5 1889 th Bourbon Prince 5 1960 th Cosmic Bomb 5 1947 th Castledale-IRE 14 2004 th Boxthorn 16 1935 th Co-Sport (g) 7 1938 th Castle Gandolfo 12 2002 th Boys Howdy 5 1931 nd Count Chic 4 1956 th Casual Lies 2 1992 th Bracadale 5 1924 th Countermand 17 1956 rd Cathop 16 1932 th Brancas 3 1904 rd Counterpoint 11 1951 th Cat Thief 3 1999 th Brancusi 16 2003 th Count Flame 5 1952 th Cause to Believe 13 2006 Brandon Mint 4 1932 Count Fleet 1st 1943 th Cavalcade 1st 1934 Bravazo 6 2018 th rd Country Pine 8 1983 Breezing Thru 12th 1930 Caveat 3 1983 nd st Brevity 2nd 1936 Cavonnier (g) 2 1996 Count Turf 1 1951 th Brian’s Time 6th 1988 Cee Tee (g) 15 1932 Country House 1st 2019 th Brief Sigh 5th 1944 Cefis 8 1988 Court Scandal 9th 1937 th Bright Tomorrow 10th 1923 Celtic Warrior (g) 10 1997 Court Vision 13th 2008 nd Brilliant Speed 7th 2011 Challedon 2 1939 Cowboy Cal 9th 2008 th Broad Brush 3rd 1986 Challenge Me 10 1944 Cowtown Cat 20th 2007 th Broadcloth 2nd 1944 Champ de Mars 12 1926 Coyne 6th 1921 th Broadway Jones 11th 1925 Chance It Tony 6 1958 Crack Brigade 5th 1930 Broadway Limited 9th 1930 Chant 1st 1894 Creative Cause 5th 2012 th th Brocco 4 1994 Charismatic 1st 1999 Creator 13 2016 th nd Brody’s Cause 7 2016 th Creedmore 2 1876 Charley Bush 9 1878 th Brokers Tip 1st 1933 rd Crimson Classic 11 1997 Charley O.
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