The Pittsbujjiy Official Orj* ¿a« of Pittsburgh—Founded In 1844 •i boLLAI« Hl VBA1 103RD YEAR—NO. 3« PITTSBURv THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1946 SINGLE COPY «IVB CDTIV Diocese to Join in Clothing Campaign ?Myro n Taylor Again Returns to Vatican Pope's Broadcast to U. S. For Relief Work in Europe, Far East Washington, Nov. 26 30—Myron Is Plea to Carry Mission A« p»rt of the nation-wide j existing1 as a result of the war is C. Taylor is returning to the esmpaign to collect clothing and almost unimaginable," he asserted Vatican "to resume discussion of ihoes for relief of the war-strick- "Millions weakened by years of matters of importance with His Torch to Ends of the Earth en people of Europe and the Far hardship and suffering face an- Holiness Pope Pius XII and others East being conducted in the dio- other winter. Surely in this new in authority," President Truman has announced through a state- Vatican City, Nov. 25 (Radio) (NC)—An earnest call ceaes of the United States under appeal there is at least one article ment issued at the White House. to America, "so providentially spared the horrors and the auspices of the War Relief of clothing for man, woman or child that each of us can spare." Mr. Taylor had left by plane destruction of other lands/' to take up the message of Services—National Catholic Wel- missionary zeal planted in this country by St Isaac fare Conference, Bishop Hugh C. for Europe some hours before the President's statement was made Jogues and his companions was sounded by His Holiness Boyle has written the pastors of Catholic University public. Mr. Taylor's present mis- the Pittsburgh Diocese asking Pope Pius XII in a special broadcast to the United States Collection Dec. 1 sion in Rome "will be of short ^ yesterday. {feat they and their people do duration—not exceeding 30 days," vfcat they can to make the cam- Archbishop Stepinac It is America's hour," he said« In a letter sent last week to it was stated. It was added that, "The missions await the response.* paign a success. in resuming his conversations with Reported Imprisoned Rev. Thomas B. Lappan, dio- the pastors of all churches in the The broadcast was in connection the Holy Father, "he will continue In Northern Croatia with New York's celebration of eesan director of the Society of Pittsburgh Diocese, Bishop Hugh his mission in behalf of peace.1* C. Boyle directs that the annual Fribourg, Switzerland, Nov. 25 the 300th anniversary of the death SI. Vincent de Paul, is in charge of the first North American mar- (Radio) QO — Archbishop Aloysi- ef the campaign, and has dis- collection for the Catholic Univer- Hungarian Bishop Named tyr saints, the French Jesuit mis- tributed instructions and other sity of America be taken up on us Stepinac of Zagreb, who was sionary priest and his two lay ompaign material. Sunday, Dec. 1, the First Sunday Budapest, Nov. 26 (Radio) QO— recently condemned to 16 years of fellow-workers, St.-John La Land« Goods collected, Father Lappan His Holiness Pope Pius XII has of Advent. All wage earners are forced labor by the Yugoslav Gov- and St. Rene Goupil, whose bones, emphasizes, are to be shipped urged to contribute one dollar or appointed Msgr. Louis Baanaass the Holy Father recalled, "rest direct by each parish to the War as Bishop of Veszprem, Hungary's ernment, on charges of "crimes more to this collection, becoming against the people,* has been together treasured in nature's own Relief Service—N.C.W.C. ware- largest diocese, it has become reliquary, the verdant hill that thereby entitled to the spiritual known here. The new Ordinary transferred to the Lepoglauna house in New York City. No gen- privileges of the Friends of the penitentiary in Northern Croatia, slopes gently up from the quiet eral collection depot has been was born in 1888. He studied at easy-flowing river of the Mo- Catholic University. Rome and speaks five languages. the Swiss Catholic Press Agency established for the diocese. Where here (KIPA) has learned, it re- hawks." money is collected, in place of ports, from reliable sources from "But those martyrs are not the goods, or in addition to goods, Pray for Country, Holy Name Men Urged Zagreb. possession of New York State Father Lappan suggests that it The press agnecy adds that the alone," the Pontiff said. "They nay be used to purchase some of In view of the fact that the second Sunday of December, monthly condemned prelate is allowed in belong to the whole nation. They the needed articles in the stores of Communion day for the men of the Holy Name Society, will fall this the prison courtyard only once a were not the only missionaries the community where the parish year on the Feast of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed day for a short walk, adding that martyred for their faith in Amer- is located. ica. But they are the first to be Virgin, the patronal feast of the United States, Rev. Paul M. Lackner, no one else is permitted in the Xsgr. Edward E. Swanstrom, raised to the altars, given by the diocesan director of the Holy Name Society, urges all the men of courtyard at that time. assistant director of the WRS— (Lepoglaun1 a Penitentiary, the Church under God to be patrons NCWC, recently stated that the the society in receiving Communion to offer their prayers for the . i^F"» * T" of the land made fertile by their .. f , j # j- - .. , . ... largest in Croatia, is situated some need for clothing and shoes some- welfare or the country and for an ending of the trials, international 22 miles north of Zagre- b and blood, to be an inspiration to those times surpassed the need for food and domestic, through which the nation is passing. near the small village of Lepo- who have been made stronger by in some, sections of Europe and District and parish spiritual directors of the society are asked by glauna which has a population of their death." Asia. "The extent of want still Father Lackner to request their men to offer these prayers. about 1,500. * In a closing prayer to the three martyrs, the Holy Father asked: "May the youth, that American Department Stores FOR THE FIRST TIME IN MANY YEARS youth always so ready and eager Here Urged to End For the first time since public to throw themselves wholeheart- demonstrations of faith were for- edly into every worthy and noble Ban on Negro Help bidden by the Japanese Govern- venture, for whom obstacles are but a challenge to their courage, Refusal of department stores ment, some 2,000 Catholics, from may they seize the torch of faith, In Pittsburgh to put Negro girls many nations, participated in the lighted by you in the wilderness in their sales forces, despite a outdoor procession and Benedic- and carry it fully-flaming to the shortage of help in that field tion of the Blessed Sacrament on ?nds of the earth." and despite the obviously un- the occasion of the Feast of American character of the dis- Christ the King. Fn these photos, crimination that is being prac- Catholics at Pitt ticed, has been revealed by a com- Archbishop Tatsue Doi, of Tokyo, Most Numerous mittee of citizens, which for the carries the Blessed Sacrament un- past two years has been endeav- der a canopy borne by Brig. Gen. Religious Group oring to prevail on the officials of Patrick Tansey of Washington, the stores to change their policy. Col. J. A. Mahony, of Andover, Catholics form the largest single This committee, through letters religious group at the University Mass., Sis William Webb, of Aus- and conferences, has answered ob- of Pittsburgh this term, it is re- jections raised by the stores, of- tralia, president of the Interna- vealed in an analysis of the regis- fered assistance in solving any tional Military Tribunal, Oscar tration records which has just been difficulties that might arise, and Moreland of the British Legation made by the university branch of presented arguments for accept- and other noted Catholics station- the Y.M.C.A. ing fair employment standards ed in the area. School children Of the 16,589 students enrolled, which the stores have not at- 9,210 indicated their religious pref- tempted to refute. following the Sisters in the pro- erences and of these 2,954 listed The committee feels, therefore, cession through the grounds of the themselves as Catholics (2,913 be- that the time has come to make Sacred Heart School, Tokyo, are ing Latin Rite Catholics and 41 the controversy public, and to en- pictured in the photo below. (NC Greek Rite Catholics). list the support of all persons Photos) Presbyterians had the second whose sense of justice is affronted largest representation, 1,318 stu- by flagrant instances of race pre- dents; Methodists had 1,006; Lu- judice. therans, 662; United Presbyteri- The stores involved are the ans, 427; 36 other Protestant de- •Big Five"—Home's, Kaufmann's, nominations had a total of 1,386. Gimbel's, Frank & Seder's and Ro- The total for all Protestant groups (Continued on Last Page, Col. 1) was 4,799. Jewish students numbered 1,257; Cleveland Priests Buy Greek Orthodox, 84; other Ortho- . House for Retreats dox, 69; Hindu, 3; Moslem, 3; In Tribute to Bishop Sikh, 1. Cleveland, Nov. 23 (10 — A fund ¡ Priests Assigned ef approximately $250,000, of j which $155,000 has been spent to Rev.
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