u ' ' ' T ' -iV.'.! •.. ’ 5?V" ,'i- '. -c *' - ' • ' ' ' ■ .:T- -= ,-f vr '■> h : ~ THE WBATUEH Forecast by D. S. Weather.Boreao, NET PRESS RUN Hartford. AVERAGE DAILY CIRCULATION Conn. State Library—ComiK for the month of November, 1929 . Cloudy not quite so cold tonight; 5,488 Friday partly cloudy. 'Members ot the Andit Bureau of Circulations PRICE t h r e e c e n t s SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1929. FOURTEEN PAGES VOL. XLIV., NO. 56. (Classified Advertising on Page lU) ■ ff Winter Comes to Washington First Christmas KING OF ITALY McMANDSCASE I Seals to Hoover WORK, AS VISrrS PONTIFF; IS DISMISSED. I A v SUSPECT FREEi MAKES mSTORYi FOR AMERICAN PEOPLE « I — > I , Court Orders Jury to Acqwtj First Sovereign of United! HOUSE BEGINS '.’t I U ! THAT IS MESSAGE Prisoner Who Cannot Bcj Italy to Enter the .Vati-| TO SPEED UP Tried Again; State Could i can — Imposing Ceremo-| I TAX CUT BILL OF THE PRESIDENT Not Prove Its Case. I nies Attend Trip. I Rome, Dec. 5.— (A P)—King Vic-; American People as a Whole Responsible for Mainten-, Criminal Courts Building, New | tor Emmanuel and Queen Helena i Majority Report Says Treas­ York, Dec. 5.— (AP.)—General | paid their long awaited visit to Pope | ance of Stability and Prosperity, He Tells Several Sessions Judge Charles N. Nott, j Pius XI this morning. In so doing j ury Can Stand Reduction Jr., today dismissed the case of | they made history. They were the | George A. McManus, charged with j Hundred Business Men at C. of C. Conference— Con: i first sovereigns of united Italy to i the murder of Arnold Rothstein. | Which Should Be Passed enter the Vatican, which only re- | By the order of the court, the | ditions Cannot Be Cured With Words, He Says— Cure cently ceased to be a place of self- j A ‘ jury, without leaving the court] imposed imprisonment for the pon­ to the Taxpayers. room rendered a verdict of acquit- j tiffs. I for the Unemployed is to Find Jobs; Emotions of Pub­ Launching the annual nation-wide The King and Queen journey to ' tal. i of the Anti-Tuberculosis Washington, Dec. 5.— (AP) — Before directing the verdict, campaign Vatican City, the newest political | Leagfue, President Hoover is^ pic­ entry in Europe with an imposing Consideration of the administration lic Must Be Checked Before They Run Wild. Judge Nott commented severely tured above as he bought the first retinue of courtiers, including > [Sponsored taX reduction-bill, was upon what he termed “ the obvious batch of Christmas seals from little Minister of Foreign Affairs Dino j ‘ begun today in the House with hostility" of the state’s witnesses Jacquelin Krah, a Child Health Cni- Grandi, and Count De Vecchia. ; Leaders prepared to expedite work Washington, Dec. 5.— (AP) — I ing on themselves, create difficulties. sader, on the White House lawn in Italian ambassador to the Holy See. | I in the hope of sending the resolu- President Hoover looks upon the The American mii^d id^ prone to re- and said he sympathized with the Washington. King Winter laid his icy paw on the nation’s capitdl, and here you ; tion calling for a one per cent cut Their Majesties and His Holiness : ___^ ......................... ^ ^ ^ American people as a whole to be vert to pre'vious occasions when we district attorney. in their conversation, it was learn- a striking night view of- the- famous- dome,■ framed■ . .between . the frozen-------I yjg income rates for individuals were much less able to organize to “The law of circumstantial evi­ edfl wished each other wel’ and branches of trees when sleet and drizzling rain formed a sheet of Ice I and corporations to the Senate be- responsible for maintenance of meet such situations. dence is clear and simple, how­ congratulated each other over set­ over Washington. Two representatives, approaching the capitol build­ ' fore adjournment. stability and prosperity and feels Words No Cure. ever,” he said. “It is not sufficient RAIL HEAD RAPS tlement of the difficulties between ing for the opening of the Seventy-first Congress, slipped and fell and I A few minutes before the House that the keynote of their efforts “These are potential difficulties to prove that a man might have the Church and the Italian State. were painfully injured. i got to work, its ways and means should be the “good old word— which cannot be cured with words. i committee submitted a formal re­ committed a crime, it is necessary Both King and the Pontiff said they work.” If we could ' do so, the merest de­ to prove that he must have done MERGER SCHEMES were certain the settlement would port urging quick approval of the This was the message he gave scription of the fundamental sta'oil- be mutually advantageous. measure. Only one member of the personally today to the conference so.” committee, Raraseyer, a Republican ity of our vast organization of pro­ The judge added that in his opin­ The party entered the Vatican of several hundred prominent busi­ duction and distribution. ion that had not been done in the City at 10:39 a. m., and left at 12:14 I from Iowa, dissented. ness men called into session here by BUSINESS MEN GATHER I Majority Report. Touched with the light of the fu­ McManus case. p. m. They started earlier than had the Chaipber of Commerce of the ture of the United States, wou’d N. Y . Central's President is been expected and were whisked ’ The majority report, drafted by' United States to further the pros­ Cannot Be Tried Again ! Chairman Hawley, however, held cure it instantly. The cure for such through the streets so fast many perity program recently laid down storms is action; the cure for un- ^ Under the directed verdict Mc­ did not recognize the procession. ! that the condition of the treasury Manus can never be brought to A g a i n s t Combining of TO PLAN FOR ACTION ! at the present could stand a reduc- by the chief, executive. employment is to find jobs. Cardinal Gasparri returned the j Uon of $160,000,000 as proposed by “I have no desire to preach,” -— ^ trial again on that charge— that he visit of the sovereigns going to the President said. “I may, however, “We have, fortimately, since our shot to death his gambler associate Quirinal palace shortly after the ar­ 1 the administration and that the previous crashes established the New England Roads. [ committee was of the opinion this mention one good old word—work.” a year ago last November 4. rival of the King and (^ueen from The President’s address was made Federal Reserve system. ' The first As soon as the jury was dismiss­ Brass Tacks Stage Has Ar- PICTURE cut should be passed to the tax step in recovering confidence .was the Vatican. ' ' at the Chamber of Commerce build­ made by the powerful effectiveness ed and the judge h-d left the bench ^ NABS SWINDLER 1 pavers. ing, fronting Lafayette Square Boston, Dec. 5 .--(AP)—Opposi­ Pope’s Visit ______ Ramseyer argued that a reduction of that system, and the strong posi­ McManus rushed to his wife who across from the White House. He w’as sitting two rows back among tion to a merger of the Boston and At this morning’s historic visit rived, Says Department i in revenue was not warranted, and tion of the banks, the result of the Pope gave the King a boX of Sent Across Atlantic It Identi-■ insisted that if some taxes were had motored there in one of the which has been steadily diminishing the spectators and kissed her as Albany railroad wdth the other New large limousines reserved for the she flung her arms around his neck precious wood in a case of white ; ties Former New York Bank 1 burdensome and interest rates, with a smooth, and England railroads in a regional leather containing four illustrated Official— Now Is the Time .situation should be met by read- head of the .nation. rapid return into the channels of weeping. It was 10:26 a. m., the hour set grouping plan was announced here volumes of the Vatican collection of Employe— Arrest Follows. justment of the taX burden but in a business of the money previously A crow'd of his friends and his for delivery of the address when he today by P. E. Crowley, president coins. King Victefr Emmanuel being way not to reduce” treasury reve- absorbed in the speculative market. " m five brothers gathered around him to Tackle Problem. London, Dec. 5.— (AP)—A of the New York Central lines. He an enthusiastic numismatist; and a nue. began speaking. This is a reversal of our historic then and he was busy shaking photograph sent by radio across The House began consideration To Allay Fear experience and is a magnificent hands. He did not lose his com­ spoke at a Chamber of Commerce leather case containing three medals of gold, silver and bronze the Atlantic was used to cap­ He asserted that all of the efforts tribute to the system. Capital is posure but refused to give any luncheon. Washington, Dec. 5.— (A P)—The ture a former N. Y. bank em­ that have been put forth by the ad­ Declaring that although technical­ commemorting the visit. The Pon­ (Cnnlinned on'Page 2.) becoming more abXmdant in all statement on the case other than tiff gave the Queen a mosaic repro­ “Brass tacks stage of the present ploye who was brought into Bow ministration to stabilize industry parts of the country, the bond ly leased to the New York Central street court today on a warrant to say: the Boston and Albany was in both duction of a picture of the Madonna business problem” has arrived, As­ after the Stock Market disturbance market is growing stronger each “I want to get my bearings first.
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