a Grace Notes course History of the Christian Church By Philip Schaff CH304 VOLUME 3. The Middle Ages, 311 to 600 AD Chapter 4: The Rise and Progress of Monasticism History of the Christian Church Volume 3. The Middle Ages, AD 311 to 600 Table of Contents CH304 Chapter 4: The Rise and Progress of Monasticism .........................................................................3 3.28. Origin of Christian Monasticism. Comparison with other forms of Asceticism. ....................... 3 3.29. Development of Monasticism. .................................................................................................. 7 3.30. Nature and Aim of Monasticism. ............................................................................................... 8 3.31. Monasticism and the Bible. ....................................................................................................... 9 3.32. Lights and Shades of Monastic Life. ........................................................................................ 11 3.33. Position of Monks in the Church. ............................................................................................ 16 3.34. Influence and Effect of Monasticism. ...................................................................................... 17 3.35. Paul of Thebes and St. Anthony. ............................................................................................. 19 3.36. Spread of Anchoritism ............................................................................................................. 25 3.37. St. Symeon and the Pillar Saints. ............................................................................................. 26 3.38. Pachomius and the Cloister life. .............................................................................................. 28 3.39. Fanatical and Heretical Monastic Societies in The East. ......................................................... 29 3.40. Monasticism in the West. Athanasius, Ambrose, Augustine, Martin of Tours. ...................... 30 3.41. St. Jerome as a Monk............................................................................................................... 33 3.42. St. Paula. .................................................................................................................................. 37 3.43. Benedict of Nursia. .................................................................................................................. 38 3.44. The Rule of St. Benedict........................................................................................................... 39 3.45. The Benedictines. Cassiodorus. ............................................................................................... 41 3.46. Opposition to Monasticism. Jovinian. ..................................................................................... 42 3.47. Helvidius, Vigilantius, and Aerius. ........................................................................................... 45 History of the Christian Church, Philip Schaff 3 CH304: Volume 3, Chapter 4 a Grace Notes course Chapter 4: The Rise and Progress of Historiae Eremiticae, libri x. Antw. 1628. ACTA SANCTORUM, quotquot toto orbe coluntur, Antw. Monasticism 1643–1786, 53 vols. fol. (begun by the Jesuit SOURCES. Bollandus, continued by several scholars of his order, called Bollandists, down to the 11th Oct. 1. Greek: in the calendar of saints’ days, and resumed in SOCRATES: Hist. Eccles. lib. iv. cap. 23 sqq. 1845, after long interruption, by Theiner and SOZOMEN: H. E. l. i. c. 12–14; iii. 14; vi. 28–34. others). D’ACHERY and MABILLON (Benedictines): PALLADIUS (first a monk and disciple of the Acta Sanctorum ordinis S. Benedicti, Par. 1668– younger Macarius, then bishop of Helenopolis in 1701, 9 vols. fol. (to 1100). PET. HELYOT Bithynia, ordained by Chrysostom; †431): (Franciscan): Histoire des ordres monastiques Historia Lausiaca (Ἱστορία πρὸς Λαῦσον, a court religieux et militaires, Par. 1714–’19, 8 vols. 4to. officer under Theodosius II, to whom the work ALBAN BUTLER (R.C.): The Lives of the Fathers, was dedicated), composed about 421, with Martyrs, and other principal Saints (arranged enthusiastic admiration, from personal according to the Catholic calendar, and acquaintance, of the most celebrated completed to the 31st Dec.), first 1745; often contemporaneous ascetics of Egypt. THEODORET since (best ed. Lond. 1812–’13) in 12 vols.; (†457): Historia religiosa, seu ascetica vivendi another, Baltimore, 1844, in 4 vols). GIBBON: ratio (φιλόθεος ἱστορία), biographies of thirty chap. xxxvii. (Origin, Progress, and Effects of Oriental anchorites and monks, for the most Monastic Life; very unfavorable, and written in part from personal observation. NILUS the Elder lofty philosophical contempt). HENRION (R.C.): (an anchoret on Mt. Sinai, † about 450): De vita Histoire des ordres religieux, Par. 1835 (deutsch ascetica, De exercitatione monastica, Epistolæ bearbeitet von S. Fehr, Tueb. 1845, 2 vols.). F. V. 355, and other writings. BIEDENFELD: Ursprung u. s. w. saemmtlicher 2. Latin: Moenchsorden im Orient u. Occident, Weimar, 1837, 3 vols. SCHMIDT (R.C.): Die Moenchs-, RUFINUS (†410): Histor. Eremitica, S. Vitae Nonnen-, u. geistlichen Ritterorden nebst Patrum. SULPICIUS SEVERUS (about 400): Dialogi Ordensregeln u. Abbildungen., Augsb. 1838, sqq. III. (the first dialogue contains a lively and H. H. MILMAN (Anglican): History of Ancient entertaining account of the Egyptian monks, Christianity, 1844, book iii. ch. 11. H. RUFFNER whom he visited; the two others relate to Martin (Presbyterian): The Fathers of the Desert, New of Tours). CASSIANUS (†432): Institutiones York, 1850, 2 vols. (full of curious information, coenobiales, and Collationes Patrum (spiritual in popular form). Count de MONTALEMBERT conversations of eastern monks). (R.C.): Les Moines d’Occident depuis St. Bénoit Also the ascetic writings of ATHANASIUS (Vita jusqu’à St. Bernard, Par. 1860, sqq. (to embrace Antonii), BASIL, GREGORY NAZIANZEN, CHRYSOSTOM, 6 vols.); transl. into English: The Monks of the NILUS, ISIDORE OF PELUSIUM, among the Greek; West, etc., Edinb. and Lond. 1861, in 2 vols. (vol. AMBROSE, AUGUSTINE, JEROME (his Lives of i. gives the history of monasticism before St. anchorites, and his letters), CASSIODORUS, and Benedict, vol. ii. is mainly devoted to St. GREGORY THE GREAT, among the Latin fathers. Benedict; eloquently eulogistic of, and LATER LITERATURE. apologetic for, monasticism). OTTO ZÖECKLER: Kritische Geschichte der Askese. Frankf. a. M. L. HOLSTENIUS (born at Hamburg 1596, a Protest., 1863. Comp. also the relevant sections of then a Romanist convert, and librarian of the TILLEMONT, FLEURY, SCHRÖECKH (vols. v. and viii.), Vatican): Codex regularum monastic., first Rom. NEANDER, and GIESELER. 1661; then, enlarged, Par. and Augsb. in 6 vols. fol. The older Greek MENOLOGIA (μηνολόγια), and 3.28. Origin of Christian Monasticism. MENÆA (μηναῖα), and the Latin CALENDARIA and Comparison with other forms of MARTYROLOGIA, i.e. church calendars or indices of memorial days (days of the earthly death and Asceticism. heavenly birth) of the saints, with short HOSPINIAN: De origine et progressu monachatus, biographical notices for liturgical use. P. l. vi., Tig. 1588, and enlarged, Genev. 1669, fol. J. HERBERT ROSWEYDE (Jesuit): Vitae Patrum, sive A. MOEHLER (R.C.): Geschichte des Moenchthums History of the Christian Church, Philip Schaff 4 CH304: Volume 3, Chapter 4 a Grace Notes course in der Zeit seiner Entstehung u. ersten before our era, and the numerous other Ausbildung, 1836 (in his collected works, sacred books of the Indian religion, enjoin by Regensb. vol. ii. p. 165 sqq.). ISAAC TAYLOR example and precept entire abstraction of (Independent): Ancient Christianity, Lond. thought, seclusion from the world, and a 1844, vol. i. p. 299 sqq. A. VOGEL: Ueber das variety of penitential and meritorious acts of Moenchthum, Berl. 1858 (in the “Deutsche Zeitschrift fuer christl. Wissenschaft,” etc.). P. self-mortification, by which the devotee SCHAFF: Ueber den Ursprung und Charakter des assumes a proud superiority over the vulgar Moenchthums (in Dorner’s, etc. “Jahrbuecher herd of mortals, and is absorbed at last into füer deutsche Theol.,” 1861, p. 555 ff.). J. CROPP: the divine fountain of all being. Origenes et causae monachatus. Gott. 1863. The ascetic system is essential alike to In the beginning of the fourth century Brahmanism and Buddhism, the two opposite monasticism appears in the history of the and yet cognate branches of the Indian church, and thenceforth occupies a religion, which in many respects are similarly distinguished place. related to each other as Judaism is to Beginning in Egypt, it spread in an irresistible Christianity, or also as Romanism to tide over the East and the West, continued to Protestantism. be the chief repository of the Christian life Buddhism is a later reformation of down to the times of the Reformation, and Brahmanism; it dates probably from the sixth still remains in the Greek and Roman century before Christ (according to other churches an indispensable institution and the accounts much earlier), and, although most productive seminary of saints, priests, subsequently expelled by the Brahmins from and missionaries. Hindustan, it embraces more followers than With the ascetic tendency in general, any other heathen religion, since it rules in monasticism in particular is found by no Farther India, nearly all the Indian islands,
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