; ' .,. r., , ,C;;v.v3? ?PBVIS7E3rKEUaBmnHHiV9eBKH.-$- 'J?! t H .'"J Jl 7v A5"JVRt- MiJB-tiJyJ- L Praffsjf-'-s . 10 TfiE Washington herald, Friday, july 2, 1915. Gallia Holds Yankees Safe and the Griffmen Win by 5 to 3 Score Boy EISEMAN'S CORNER PITCHER GALLIA Walter Johnson a Daddy It's' a CORBEH HAS A Parker, Bridget & Company SEVENTH AND E STREETS Walter Perry Johnson, jr. arrived la ear midst at 9 o'clock last Bight, and his father, Walter Ferry Johnson, the well-kne- plteher, left New York on the Midnight express to catch a glimpse of the baby. News From the Parker- - RUNS TO FORM Representative Roberta, of Nevada, wh la Walter Johnson's father-In-lsn-M- aa NEW CHAMP NOW Extra Mid-Summ- Semi-Annu- al Interviewed laat night, bnt was unable to .state whether the Bridget er Clearance 100th Clearance new arris al was a southpaw or a right-hande- r, bnt he did vouchsafe the Information' that tho baby neighed eight and one-ha- lf pounds, possessed of P--B Furnishings-Re- al Values! jTexan Justifies Confidence n lusty nicely. pair of lungs, and that the mother was doing 'Gentleman Jim Has Return- T3V. Mr. Roberta also stated the boy would be named after his Illus- , 4JSO and $5 Skirts, JB.T5. S1.00 and SLSO Belts at Griff Twirl- that Your choice of Tub of All Men's Had in Him by trious father, and added i "I hope he tarns out to be as good a man as his ed to Chicago Australia all our Note Size 32 only, and just Silk Shirts: sizes, 14 to IS. 19 dozen: in tan. gray, black, daddy, for Walter married my only daughter and farced me to part with Pretty patterns. Including white, and Palm Beach. ing Good Ball. the dearest girl In the world. Believe me, It took 'some man to do that." with a Real Fighter. white. and Boys Within the past year Eddie Alnamlth nnd Clyde Milan have both 1.00 Union Snlts nt SSe. 50c 75c AB-Sf- flt Jumped to the family circle league, little girls being born to them last 29 dozen Nainsook Union Wuk Ties 25c OTHER SPORTING GOSSIP winter. TOM C0WLER HIS Suits. One-pie- back, elastic Plain and NAME! seams; 34 to 46 sizes. 2 for (fast colors). 31.23. New shades and colorings. Hopper Will Likely 94 4USO Robes, T4S. Face Carrol Former Heaw-weis-ht Title Holder and Bath Fancy 79 Turkish Toweling Bath Robes. Light weight and from our Brown in Third Game of New Nationals Win Second Believes English Fighter Has regular st,ock. See the Charles Chaplin Silk Belts nt SOc. Summer York Series. Chance with Willard. H B gQ of Series from Yanks This is one of the two, and only By WILLIAM FEET. Chicago. July 1. Fieht fans, shake P-- Suits at One year ago Pitcher Bert Gallia hands with Mr. Tom Cowler. of Cum- - t two, sales held each year by B would have been traded for an old bat New Rally berland. England, Jim Corbett's latest m 'Georgetown" Tommy Connolly Halts York's candidate for the world's fistic cham bag if the average Washington fan pionship. Jim brought the big Eng- a Discount had been asked to pass Judgment. in Final Session and Griffmen Win, 5 to 3 Bert lish battler into Chicago today, having Today Gallia Is rated as one of the come straight through from Sydney, best hurlers on the Washington club, Gallia Shows Real Form. Australia, where Jim closed a pros-rero- us Jer&tifoefj&mai of and all because Manager Griffith saw ' theatrical engagement, because future possibilities sticking out all of the recent death bf his brother over 1914 the fire cracker slabman. By born right fielder. Ol' Tom on the coast. It was Gallia's fine twirling yester- DAMON RUNYON. acts more like a When he decided to leave I well Connolly Australia Bk lot ef Men's STRAW HATS: Bis line of Men's Negligee day won New 1. Among Clark Griffith tnlnks of that for the Grlffmen the York. July the Ms! and tho that Can habitual- Corbett suggested to Cowler that he rA t srr al sew shapes; values np SHIRTS; value up verdict and incidentally jumped the tors to the Polo Grounds this after discounts fact come with him to America and attempt AF Washington once noon were ly employs an education in his baseball to VOC$2J50, at ." club back more into the members of the varsity work. break Into the fighting game as a to H at 79t the first division. crew of Leland Stanford University, real top notcher and sure enough can- Thus far Gallia has four wins over who finished second to Cornell up at Bert Gallia was the Silver Squlrrell'3 didate for Jess Wlllard's title, Cowler the Philadelphia Athletics and two Poughkeepsie the other day In a race hurler today. Bert Is right handed and saw the chance and Joined out with against the Yankees to his credit in that covered four miles of adjectives, a member of the tall and rangy guys' Jim's party. addition to other laurels. At times he I and wore out more readers of the association. Likewise he has the hop "That old term Hope' well-know- of 'White has JWmmmB EISEMAN&C0.,7th&ESts. n has not looked like a real sure enough newspapers of this city than any other to his'fast one and can pickle that been wiped out hasn't It?" said Cor- oig league staoman, but withal he has contest In recent years. cabbage he cooked up a couple bett. by way of greeting, "and mv Outfitters to Men and Boys been able to win and that's what It is said that circumstances, and a of blows for himself today. Bert has told friend Jack Johnson got his at last, -- counts. slight absence of the old ni have no college degree, 'but a man doesn't eh. Well, that makes -- me laugh, but I Part of one season, 1914. with the left the Stanford oarsmen flat on their really need a degree If he has the hop am not anxious to talk about that right sun-burn- 195 Kansas City club, of the American As- backs In the effete East. to his fast one. He needs control. now. I'll let you me Stsle tell something sociation, transformed Gallia from a The shell they shoved with such flu- Gallia opened the Washington phase about the fight after I tell you what Simon and Wrlsht. Umpires Mean. Fyfe snd wild man into a steady pitch- ency down Hudson la a really good man Johnston, reliable the River still of the third with a double to left and I've got here In P-- Hand-Tailore- REULBACHS TRIPLE er, and it was Just because Old Fox tethered to a hitching post up there in Connolly singled. Gallia took third, and this Cowler boy." Thousands of B d Second game R.H. E. Griff had confidence In Gallia's ability Dutchess County awaiting transporta- tallied when Foster forced Connolly at And Cowler surely looks the Tiart- - Kansas CitT H 1 1 t 1 0 ( M 1 2 to make good that Bert was "farmed tion back to dear old California. second. Foster stole second and took He Is a dark, well built younsr man LANDS FOR CHICAGO Brooklyn 1:0101011--) 4 2 out" and not turned adrift. A shell Is now of no further use to third on Howard Shanks' out, but Milan with a pair of shoulders that a college Quality Suits Reduced Batteries Main and Easterly; Manon. Wilson Yanks Left Stranded. could not assist. crowd would rave over If Tom were and Simon. Umpires Messrs. Johnstone and Fyfe The arrival of a young Bon In John Henry, Connolly, Neff, Cook, and cnampion shot putter or discus throw- Walter Johnson's family yesterday! To put it gently, the Stanford shel-le- rs college boys Involved er. Genuinely and Generously why some of the other Whales Capture Game frqm Newark means that the "Speed King" will not are stranded. That's they In the diversion yesterday could organize "Cowler had three fights In Australia Eddie Plank Weakens.. to "P-B- pitch against the New York Yanks went the pastime today. They quite alumni ball club. They could I had an time "P-B- " $25 " Saks July 1. won the company. They an after awful trying to get $12 Suib Federals in Twelfth Inning by Buffalo. Buffalo this afternoon and It would not be wanted found It in use Nick Altrock as the coach. Nick 'Snowy Baker' to put him on," con- game double-head- er Are Redaced first of a from at all surprising if Griff did not send those Yanks. The Yanks also were the Navy when he Is not open- tinued Corbett. Are Reduced to... $9.00 to.. $18.75 to 2 Score. today, 4 to 1. and then was today. generally coaches "Baker couldn't see a 3 St Louis Booth 'Hopper to the mound. Carrol stranded They were as ing and closing In one for Ol' Clark Cowler at all, but finally gave him a trimmed to the tune of 13 to 0 in the Brown will more likely far away from home as the Stanford yesterday chance. $15 p.B" Suits $30 "P-B- " Salts in tfle than work for Griffith. Nick put on his act Then he waded through every- second. Plank weakened seventh tne rew lorkers.
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