Howard University Digital Howard @ Howard University The iH lltop: 1940-50 The iH lltop Digital Archive 2-10-1950 The iH lltop 2-10-1950 Hilltop Staff Follow this and additional works at: http://dh.howard.edu/hilltop_194050 Recommended Citation Staff, Hilltop, "The iH lltop 2-10-1950" (1950). The Hilltop: 1940-50. 65. http://dh.howard.edu/hilltop_194050/65 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the The iH lltop Digital Archive at Digital Howard @ Howard University. It has been accepted for inclusion in The iH lltop: 1940-50 by an authorized administrator of Digital Howard @ Howard University. For more information, please contact [email protected]. • • • • I ' , An Irreplaceable Loss - Committee Recommends 0 . _.}k- r ~ Election Reforms \ The Election Reform Committee ~ E. & A., Hold Open m et Monday night, March 27, ., 1950 at 7 :30 p.m. The m ain busi­ • House April 13 ness was that of making pro­ /t posals for ame>ndmE>nts to the con­ ~ - .. Interesting Mechanical, (,'ivil, stitution. After hours of discus.. -' ~ and Electrical Equipment to sion the committee agreed upon ~ Be Shown the following proposals and here- The annual Open House of the by recomme>nd that the following - proposal to the conslltutlon be ap­ • School of Engineering and Archi­ ~ tecture will be jneld at HO\\ ard pr ov~d : University ThurSday, April 13th, PROPO. ED MfENDl\fEl\"!'f TO I.. from 6 :00 to lO :00 p.m .. it was Ii Tl lE ('ONSTITl!TION ann ounced recently by Dr. F.d­ ward S . Hope, professor of Civtl ~TICLE I Engineering and Chairman of the Sf'ctlon 2. The council shall be Public Relations Committee for cornpo ed of a pre ident and tour­ the affair_ trcn m<'mbt>rs: Two members each The e\'ent will include displays from the Fre..<;hman. Sophom ore, • of engineering equipment, exhibits Junior and Senior Classes; two I of student work, laboratory dem ­ m1 mtx>rs t'ach from the Junior 'l onstrations and an ln spection tour nnd Senior classes of the College I of the Howard University Power Of Liberal Arts, and two members • from th£> School o f Music, repre­ • Plant. which serves as a labora .. I ,. tory for advanced electrical (lnd senting the studen t body at large. I mechanical students and gradu­ ARTICLE JI ff()t«Jrd Vniv. April 5, 1950 • ·1 \ ates. Movies on engineering sub­ Sf-ction 3. The other fourteen • jects will be shown throughout the t l 4 ) mc-mbers of the- Council shall I I / affair. be members In full standing of / In discussing ~ the ·various dis­ ' I " I their respective classes at the ~ plays, Dr. Hope sta~d: tim <' of election and during the· _,. - "The Civil Engineering section term. of their Incumben cy. \\ ;'' include a display of precise ) .. A RTl ('f,E l lJ.-Ele<' tions ~urveyi ng and a stronimical equip- 1fien t. d emonstrations of photoe­ Sf.ctlon I . ' ,. lri c;tic. photogrammetric. hydraulic A. All mf•mb<>rs o f HO\vard Uni­ anct materials testing equipment.· vers1t~ ns dC'flnecl In the pi·eamble to thl.s con slltution shall be eli­ I "The electrical section \\ill in­ ' • • "ibl<' to vott> in all student body "'ude demonstrations of cathode referrndun1s ancl rlr.ctions. a nd NATIONAL 1 av oscilloscope. RCA recel\·er cir_ Dean J. L. Johnson ( ( un1i11ut•1I on P .11.:c• 8 ) Spy~ bunt r11it protectiv" de.\'ices...a.rui an ex- -=~ I~ ( The great one-man spy hunt of l1ib1t by the Student Chapter, o---- publicity-mad Senat.ot J oseph Mc­ A I E E ." Carthy came to a sudden halt, Eulogizes Dr. Drew Dr Hope adcie>d that tl'H' me­ Edna Buster Ne ' pending last Thursday's hearing of .. Dr. - - . Owen Lattimore before the Con­ The untimely death of l. ~an1cal sectio'1 v.ill include dem ­ gressional subcommittee. During Charles R . Drew represents a c.nst rations of various types of Coed Colonel great loss to the medical profes­ the halt and while McCarthy lay Fred Evans New (Continued on Pal!t- 8) ' • • .. sion and medical edtfcatlon in -iM ~ Edna Buster. 20, of Co J 1n Bethesda naval hospital receiv­ ----,o------ bus. Ohio, and a sophomor ina treatment for .sinus_ trouble, NAACP President general and an especlA)ly great .- .. ... _,.,._ loos to the College of Meclicine, the college of Liberal Arts, t­ there was a chance for many less the 1950 R .O.T C. Cadet Col aenaation al and more sober voices by EunJce J ohnson Howard University, in particular. Sigma Gamma .r­ contest by a deci~lvt' bC'ntln p: speak up. The NAACP -at its last member- His keen intellect, excellent train­ -er to Barbara Scott and Betty P One such voice was that of ship meeting on March 30 elected ing. industry, speech facU1ty, or­ Rho Sorority an entirely new group of oU},cers. ganizing and adminlstratl 1e abili­ second and third rcsp<'ctiv-'-'- Senator Henry Cabot Lodge tR . ~ Mass.> who, while pointing out the. The members of the executive ty, sense of professional values. Reactivating Miss Buster who was .sponsored fruitlessness of McCarthy's "in­ committee are n ow - Frederick interest and concern for students, by Nnthanlel Howard will be pre­ willingness to sacrifice lucrative vel!ittgatlons". also said that the Evans, president; Elliott O Heard, T he office of student affairs an­ _sen ted her eaglcs~at the R O.T .C. financial returns for the opportu­ pnsent form of publr~ investiga- , vice president; Willard Singleton, nounced this v.·e.ek that effol16 formal ball ApriT • 2 by Colonel nity to work in the development tlon of disloyalty constituted a corresponding secretary; recording \\'(re being m ade to reactivate the James Carnes. Professor of M ili­ secretary, Cathrine Taylor ; David of young men and women made tarf Science and Taclics at How­ grave danger to the U.S. both at PhJ Chapter of Sigma home and abroad. Senator Lodge H . Hall, treasurer: Romallus him an invaluable teacher. AIPb.a.... ard University. proPoSed that a 12-man non-par- Murphy. publicity director; Mlss His medical training began in Gamma Rho by Lewenia Johnson, The new co-ro cadet comm'l.nder • ttsan commission be created to Louise Packer. membership chair­ 1929 and appears to have been transfer studenf from Depa\\. Uni­ la a. sociology major and enjoys conduct the disloyalty investiga­ rpan, and Robert Alexander, pro­ pointed from the start toward an versity in Indiana. bassileus l\fyr­ dancing, fenciny and playing the tions gram director academic career in medicine. He tice Finley and Mrs. Edna Brown piano as hobb!Ps She is the Such a commission would put When these student leaders devoted two years to the comple­ :Et~~ co-eds are n ow in the daughter of Dr. A K Stc\•ens. a tion of an internship and residency an end to such displays as the were nominated at the meeting, 1 pledge club under-going instruc­ druggi.<;t in Columbus. Her mea­ diplomatically embarra.ssing melo­ each of them gave brief accounts- at Montreal Oeneral Hospital. The tipns by the dean of pledgees and sur<'m£>nt.,, are: height 5'4'', weight drama staged by McCarthy and of their past activities in the late Numa P . G. Adams recognized anti-bassileus F?nley. They are­ 11 6, bust 34", and waist 24". would bring to the disloyalty NAACP and pledged their future couraged him to come to the Col­ Doris Slade, Jean Johnson, Marie ' election held by the probes three sorely needed ele­ efforts to building a strong or­ lege of Medicine of Howard Uni­ Robinson, Eldoris Stanard, Elsie The was ments: secrecy, organization and ganization on this campus and to versity to continue his training Scott. Edna Robinson, Juanita publicity committee of tl1e Rb TC clarity of purpose. (Continut>d on Pul{e 2) (f...ontinued on Page 8) Taylor and Pearl Williams. unit . Charles A . Tatum. chairman. A Dark Picture -------------------------------------------------- · --~ A dark picture of communist •• • • leanings in the Far East was ''Coed Colonel C?ontestants'' painted by the dally papers last • week. While the "°urce of these Business Education - bits of information was not ac- • . knowledged. it b obvious that they came from Philip Jessui>, who had Convention In ~ Library Just returned from a 26,000 mile tour of 12 countries in Asia. The National Business Educa- Expenditures; office machin es: There were bad tidings of vi­ tion League's Third Annu111 Con - 1 Thomas ~ Lasted, New York Uni­ cious hate between India and Pak­ vention Program April 11th and versitY. Representative Interna- istan. serious Red hysteria in Bur­ ma and laclc of unity on Formosa. 12th will be held In Founder's tional Business l\tachines Corp. Chinese throughout Asia were giv­ Library. · High point of the con- James A. Jackson, Esso Market­ ing themselves over to communism vention will be a youth session ing c onsultant. and Dr. Wilford • in droves. held on Wednesday at 11 :00. White, vice-president of the Amer­ The general lack of unity be­ ican Marketing Association, will tv.·een the peoples of Asia seemed The youth session will include be speakers for the convention. to make any out.side effort to the follo\Ving participants on the ' topic "Business-Ownership and One-hnudred students from "contain'' communism on that Dunba.r. Cordoza and Armstrong continent an almost impossible O,Peration" - marketing: Fred­ • will attend the installation cere­ task. erick D. Wilkinson, Jr., H oward mony Friday night at 8. Students SCIENCE and'l\lie.rvard Business School, 4.5- , .
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