Dec. 22, I877. THE BRITISH MEDICAL 70URNAL. 91i NOTICE To ADVERTISERS. -Advertisements for insertion in the OPERATION DAYS AT THE HOSPITALS. BRITISH MEDICAL JOURNAL, should be forwarded direct to the Queen Street, W.C., addressed to MONDAY...... Metropolitan Free, 2 P.M.-St. Mark's, p A.M. and 2 P.M.-Royal Publishing Office, 36, Great London Ophthalmic. II A.M.-Royal Westminster Ophthalmic, Mr. FOWKE, not later than Thursday, Twelve o'clock. 1.30 P.M.-Royal Orthopaedic, 2 P.M. ADVERTISERS are requested to take notice that the regulations ofthe Post TUESDAY ...... Guy's, 1.30 P.M.-Westminster, 2 P.M.-Royal London Ophthal- Ofice do not allow letters to be addressed to initials and directed to any mic, 1I A.M.-Royal Westminster Ophthalmic, I.30 P.M.-West Post Office in the UnitedKingdom, but letters may be addressed to initials London, 3 P.M.-National Orthopmdic, 2 P.M. other than a Post WEDNESDAY.. St. Bartholomew's, 1.30 P.M.-St. Mary's, I.3 P.M.-Middlesex, I to the JOURNAL Office or any stated address Office. P.M.-University College, 2 P.M.-King's College, 1.30 P.M.-Lon- COMPOSITION AND QUALITY OF THE MIETROPOLITAN WATER IN NOVENIBER 1877. don, 2 P.m.-Royal London Ophthalmic, 11 A.M.-Great Northern, Me- 2 P.M.-Samaritan Free Hospital for Women and Children, 2.30 THE following are the returns made by Dr. C. Meymott Tidy to the Society of P.M.-Cancer Hospital, Brompton, 3 P.M.-Royal Westminster dical Officers of Health. Ophthalmic, 1.30 P.M.-St. Thomas's, 1.30 P.M.-St. Peter's, 2 P.M. S. -A-.. Hardness. - - Ntoe Amoi. (Clarke's Scale.) THURSDAY.... St. George's, P.M.-Central London Ophthalmic, I P.M.-Charing 0-ci ' c Nitrogen Ammonia. cHare,usse) Cross, 2 P.M.-Royal London Ophthalmic, 3a A.M.-Hospital for NamesNamesoof WaterWater=tO 0v 0 & x0 Diseases of the Throat, 2 P.M.-Royal Westminster Ophthalmic, Companies. ti Beor Aft Cd v As Ni- '.30 P.M.-Hospital forWomen, 2 P. M.-St. Thomas's (Ophthalmic 0 aieOrancBfe Department), 4 P.M. C:4 ru:l 4 trates. &c. Saline. Organic Boiling. Boiling. _ .__ _ __ FRIDAY .......Ryal Westminster Ophthalmic, 1.30 P.M.-Royal London Oph- Grains. Grains. Grains. Degs. Degs. thalmic, II A. M.-Central London Ophthalmic, 2 P. M-Royal South Thames Water Grains Grains. London Ophthalmic, 2 P.M.-Guy's, 1.30 P.M. Coimtanies. Grand Junction .. 2I.10 0.046 0.156 0.000 0.007 14.8 3.0 SATURDAY.... St. Bartholomew's, 1.30 P.M.-King's College, 3.30 P.M.-Royal West Middlesex .. 19 40 0.042 o.i6o O.O;z o.oo8 I5.7 4.2 London Ophthalmic, II A.M.-East London Hospital for Children, Southwark and 2 P.M.-Royal Westminster Ophthalmic, 1.30 P.M.-St. Thomas's, Vauxhall. 20.50 0.053 0.100 0.000 o.oo8 13-7 3.3 I.3o P.M.-Royal Free, g A.M. and 2 P.M. Chelsea .......... I7.90 0.042 0.110 O.Cot 0.008 I3.2 2.8 Lambeth ........ 20.6o 0.053 O0133 o.oco 0.009 14.3 2.8 LETTERS, NOTES, AND ANSWERS Othier Compfanies. Kent ............ 27.30 0.003 0.366 0.000 0.002 19.4 5.1 TO CORRESPONDENTS. New River ...... 20.50 0.050 0.100 0.000 0.006 14.0 2.4 East London .... 19.80 0.032 0.IIO 0.001 0.007 15.4 2.8 CORRE:SPONDENTS not answered, are requested to look to the Notices to Corre- spondents of the following week. Note.-The amount of oxygen required to oxidise the organic matter, nitrites, etc., AUTHORS desiring reprints of their articles published in the BRITISH MEDICAL is determined by a standard solution of permanganate of potash acting for three JOURNAL, are requested to communicate befosehand with the printer, Mr. Thomas hours; and in the case of the metropolitan waters, the quantity of organic matter Richards, 37, Great Queen Street, W.C. is about eight times the amount of oxygen required by it. The water was found to PUBLIC HEALTH DEPARTMENT.-We shall be much obliged to Medical Officers of be clear and nearly colourless in all cases. Health if they will, on forwarding their Annual and other Reports, favour us with LLANDUDNO WATER-SUPPLY. Dutlicate Copies. SIR,-The Sanitary Record of October I2th last contained an analysis of and report WE CANNOT UNDERTAKE TO RETURN MANUSCRIPTS NOT USED. of the water-supply of this town by Mr. Wigner. Both were of a very unfavour- able and damaging character; and, extracts from these having been copied into COMMUNICATIONS respecting editorial matters, should be addressed to the Editor, and commented upon in some of the London and many of the provincial news- 37, Great Queen Street, W.C.; those conceming business matters, non-delivery of papers, will you do us the favour ofinserting the accompanying report and analysis the JOURNAL, etc., should be addressed to the General Manager, at the Office, 36, recently made by Professor Wanklyn, at the request of the Llandudno Improve- Great Queen Street, W.C., London. ment Commissioners.-Yours truly, CORRESPONDENTS, who wish notice to be taken of their communications, should JAMES NICOL, MI.D., late Medical Officer of Health. authenticate them with their names-of course not necessarily for publication. THos. T. MARKS, C.E., Engineer and Clerk to the Commissioners. Commissioners' Office, Llandudno, December 6th, I877. A RENEWED PLRA FOR BREVITY. [COPY.] " 7, Westminster Chambers, Victoria Street, S.W., Dec. 3rd, I877. WITH the continued increase of the number of readers of the BRITISH MEDICAL "Dear Sir,-I beg to enclose my analysis and report on the water you sent me, JOURNAL (which has now a circulation of eight thousand copies weekly), the pres- and have to congratulate you on the goodness of your water-supply. As you will sure on space by correspondents naturally grows apace, and we must once more re- see, I have made a very elaborate analysis, which I judged to be required in your mind our contributors of all classes of the necessity of cultivating brevity to the case.-Yours truly (Signed), J. ALFRED WANKLYN.-Thos. T. Marks, Esq., Com- utmost degree. Of many communications of great interest which we publish from missioners' Offices, Llandudno." time to time, it is difficult to suppose that the same amount of information could Report on the Water Sit >ied to Lsanddno.-Two stoppered bottles filled not be conveyed in fewer words. with water, tied over and securely sealed, were received in my laboratory and in IN consequence of pressure on space, we are obliged to defer insertion of communica- examined. Each bottle bore the following label: " The water contained tions from several corresponden:s. this bottle was taken from the service reservoir, whence the whole town is supplied, by the clerk of the Commissioners. The water was taken and the seal of the Com- ST. THOATAS's HOSPITAL. missioners applied in my presence this 29th day of November, 1877. It was a fair SIR,-May I be allowed to point out that the estimated cost of furnishing the trea- and honest sample of the Llandudno water. (Signed) JANmES NICOL, M.D."-Both surer's house at St. Thomas's Hospital is £3000, not £2000, as stated in the JOUR- bottles were opened, and the water from each was separately examined as to NAL of December 8th. This would, on your calculation, be equal to a salary of organic purity with the following results: Free ammonia, o.oo parts; albuminoid £5oo a year for six years, which you seem to consider of sufficient amount to secure ammonia, 0.02 parts; showing almost absolute organic purity. Llandudno is in a a thoroughly competent superintendent. Is such a salary large enough? I think mining district, and therefore a careful testing of the drinking-water for poisonous not; and as it will be far better to have no superintendent than to have an ineffi- metals is necessary. I have accordingly submitted the water to such testing, and cient one, I ask your permission to give my reasons for this conclusion. In the am able to report that the poisonous metals are entirely absent. Like nearly first place, the incomes of the medical superintendent of the Royal Infirmary, Man- all natural water, the water contains a little mineral matter in solution. This mineral chester (290 beds), and of the general superintendent at the Royal Infirmary, Edin- matter has been -carefully examined as follows. One gallon of the water yields burgh (500 beds), in each case exceed 50ooper annum. At Glasgow, the income 22.0 grains of solid residue (dry at 140 deg. Cent.), part of which, consisting mainly of the superintendent is 500 perannunz; and at Birmingham the house-governor's of carbonate of lime, does not redissolve on being boiled with a quantity of distilled emoluments nearly equal this sum. At the London Hospital (800 beds), the house- water; and the remainder, consisting of common salt and sulphates, dissolves in governor's income is £800 per annum. Relatively, the superintendents and secre- boiling water. The relative portions of the insoluble and soluble residue are as taries of the smaller London Hospitals are in most cases better paid in proportion. follows: Insoluble residue, I4.2 grains per gallon ; soluble residue, 7.8 grains per Thus at University College Hospital, with less than 200 beds, a resident medical gallon-in all, 22 grains.
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