LEADERETTE WfffniSniiW W Hipvni , Trrflmwmn Ww i i u l l . to^ Rescindt. WtwWWWwProyidbTfc* wWtw VFifth ( f ill -wwrnmUstiS^SS!^ POT 940,00c IFor Irl GcUen WBoot W TeamV vlHMf . npcimry&L21SV* it ■_______ • County Ach Hw New bfftceta Am ImialadBy Foreseen BlOOWflild Heads Kiawanis j v « °°"»™ TechI vvll Her#n t lv - • - - AS5dg*S,SSSweMm i. 1M7 appropriate Ew*pmI MmIm LynHaM (W after No. Sinp*di«l ot Somolou Attack on Woman . 5 in a row Saturday when it w ekoon oft-beaten Tedi f fle e U n U y p >H — d w of Bloomfceldtn the Weal ar <uml ihr lark »ea>rh (•> honeyard. ■ mamaral attacker «W Wal Bloomfield was cherooked Mrv M n Nacdhnacfc, iiM*> with a vengeance tail Satur­ day by Hackenaack. Previ­ ously it had fallen victim* to Fair Lawn. But the teacher* will he lutMn to retain sufficient prop- •rty for itnightcnini out the respected hy Lyndhurit It d—l trom curves in Riverside wa« the rough, tough Ease* avenUe at some future date It Lj«aty team laat year that was also believed the convey­ put Maniaera out of action ance legislation should contain some time limit ao that if tbe before the Ea«| Rutherford county park project failed to ma­ name. The u m t team, while terialise the township could re- impotent again* Hackenaack gave Fair Lawn a whaling the <eek before the Cutter* came to Lyndhurat for their Bcking. Fair Lawn could only •cor* >ice aaainst - BloomtttM. The Enex eleven *av« the CaMara a physical beatina that mi*ht hav* cut down ' their rflfctrteim against Lyndhurat. At an* (Ma. Lyndhurat w illbs out to aaan early and often against i laasntiekt about eight percent higher HuMitthu* |W *e eat* *m»%- T h ere is one phaae o l the piet* >a« lg rorvelste m u •ti lira: w hile <*tu r«wte were ineresa- *»‘iWbf ahhh ha* ttiaw u> Mwu ing an approxunateJy 30 percent. et'rwiuan rt*** an* I ha taveetlg* IMI It e aa at*>'«*l li A M wh*** a Town HoN on Monday Night nr-tghb** Mm ^ mm Her stagger Ut M I»*w« ptwvh. l-W**Jl*i* *r.J iw»«riy umttOurtmt* H>& mrnilti tr.#* t m tm Vt»«*h*<t tw ft ■irti r n ie a l H « a p ta i **< th« |M‘ilaa> i-TifHlariiHi Mr* N«if4tHWk »M I>««n4 U u> m * h»ai a pa»<6i« tr*a «* • «w »» • * i q tt 'uNM »W» «*»»/'« « « H ftle aawt far* A Ana*" i* * h * a t Ka*| h r m i«h>h >41 M ft>at -■■■» tlw . olteWl ■— —»*«■ iu iju w i iale» «-*»- ** *-t w b# o* fa*# »iu»*t»ihue* at jVMNipk)* th# t.,;f . •!. i.( t if* •4**1 w e ee »•« w w .de- But the campaign to over Teachers #ars the question is not what has hap> Mrs. Grace Ra pened—-but what we must do. ft ofagbe schooL is tbe future, rather than tbe paat Bdmund Bui w ith whkh we must be can principal of arh possible future Nevertheless, lo uMam the comodating all proper perspective of Lyndhurat ■ hurst achoola. flnanciai condition which ia the Mrs. Ronson i wbject on which I will devote myself today—we must atudy the past to aee more clearly the course we have been fallowing Than. we will be bettor sble to nerved during a fellowship hour after the meeting. Franklin PTA C ard P«Hy It Wall Attend'd Tlw Franklia I T A M d it . m r nuai tard jw tt* Ort 1« The eorti party waa a i p r ■ Z t U, PAG* TWO T H E LEADER . OCTOBER 20,1949 Hackensack FootbaH Schedule Of High School Students T¥ r W i f k a 1 m ------------- B A T l l i p A I C ity; Miss Romps O ver led to the tallies- He intercepted Mias Phyllis Tech. 45 w en t i l l , I , | w on the and to th t Mrs. Patricia Communist-Democratic Ideals 37. Continuing to make thisscore Mawark; Mrs. Ray- a one man show. Hanulak went high achool atudents the rest of the way to paydirt on Taking i day off from league ^ - - about the Communist and I tect th e government that v(atches1 are taken at an early age and an end run. r . _ _ h SS Damocratic philosophies is dra-1 th e s e . The first of two third period Park a l o v er We must‘ learn about brought up together in order to School tuaed up for its drive on Park,* P. ML ST t S enem y.'c^m untai; train them in the principles of the N. N. J. I L. title with an touchdowns followed the pattern I (ubm jtted In their English IO wp can batth, it; And only by communism. In a Democracy, of letting Tech do the work with by David O'Rourke and 38 to • win over Bloom­ a l battling it can we defeat it. the children are taught to be field Tech. at the High 8chool Hackensack capitalizing on a P.M. Savoia. break to score. After being good, equal citizens and to grow field here Saturday afternoon. ••Ctostei^ai Feet Lea, * P. M Tbe essays, picked as among stalled on its own 20, Bloomfield up to aid their government and xHawthomeat Baflnta, 2 P .M turned in by the classes. country. In winning ita third straight, attempted a punt, but Al Farrar By LUCILLE SAVOIA Ladi al flnyfler ( J .C .) , t Hackensack paraded moat of the and Lagomarsino, broke through Free enterprise is a privilege P.M. *T DAVID OlftUBKE Communism and Democracy squad before the fans with five to block it and Middleton fell on At the present tim e a compara­ are two forms of government in a democracy. People are al­ men breaking into tha acoring - BervanfieM al Park Ridge. * lowed to go ’ into any trade or the loose ball in the end zone. BERLIN’S tively bloodless battle is being yet the two terms are more far column. Ron Mastrolic led the P.M. s th ey chcmse T h e y jn a y Wesser converted. waged in the world I t apart than -words Can - compare attack with a pair of touchdowns, The last Comet score was the CUffaed Seat! at Narth All- SHIRTS in know n as t h e Cold W a r. T h e Communism means ownership of buy land and go into business of • while also passing to Jim Davis agriculture if they wish. With result of a 89 yard march that ingten, 2 P.M . main weapons are diplomacy and property with state control of 1 for tw o more. was sparked by Mastrolia, who BlnsaifisH Teak, at Lynd. COTTON. RAYON IN NEW FALL international wiles. The prize is of labor, religion and social re communism, thfe cultivation of waste lands or improvement of i Chet Hanulak, *and ' BUI Mid­ finished it off himself by scoring hunt, 2:38 P. M the gaining of the w a r - to r n coun­ lations. The power of the people on a line buck. L akes a l and WINTER COM) I STYLES tries of Europe and Asia to either is taken over and is kept in the the soil for profit may only be flet0n Z *core?. with done so by a common plan in W e s s e r making good p n lech began a drive in the , 2 1 1 m . D em ocracy o r Communism. hands of a few. ...... n n I v tu -n i _ 4 . __ _ the hands of the State only two conversions a fter a third period that led to its con­ Many people wonder why the Democracy is the government string of six straight. solation score in the final stanza. SUNDAY which is organized by the people In America, any citizen tw enty- Russians and their satellites don’t T h e Hall <8. O.) al St one years of age. no m atter what drive ate up 70 yards with just stay where they are, and in order to work for the people. A pair of scores in each oTthiT t h e last play from Bill Genevir- Mary’s (Ruth.) 2:18 PJL PLAID FLANNEL $1.98 race or color he may be. is al­ why the church doesn't stopr in... Communism, and Democracy first two periods decided the is­ ino t o Yakimowicz who grobbed Q uean af Paaee (N .A .) a t St- lowed to vote. W ith Communism, its a c tio n a g a in s t th e m . A lso , d»ff«*r in_ m u c h m o re th a n a fe w sue promptly for the comets. Af it on the 18 and scored standing Jane ph's <W. N. Y .) 2 SANFORIZED 2.95 only the candidates approved by why we and they don’t just try ways, they differ in the freedom ter receiving the opening kick-oft up. P. M. those in power can be elected. to get along. These people don’t <ot religion. In America there is a Comet drive was stalled, but Genevrino was sent to Hack- WASHABLE 3 . W Communism allows the confls realize that Communism .and'no *aw respecting an establish- rhanrqe when it fumbled on its I ensack Hospital with a dislocated *N. N.
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