C Fleay, Lindsay, 184 LDraw, 221, 222, 247 Index FLL (FIRST LEGO League), 13, Lee, Mike, 40 CAD (computer-aided design) soft- 31, 252–255. See also LEGO Batman, 218–219 ware, 13, 221–223 MINDSTORMS LEGO Battles, 219 Carol, Andrew, 288–290 Florea, Adrian, 166, 169 LEGO Chess, 219 Castle (theme), 122, 123, 161, fonts, LEGO-inspired, 225 LEGOFest Prime, 260, 262 189, 268 3D printing, 226–227 Forbidden LEGO (Pilegaard and LEGO Font Creator, 225 Chapman, Will, 70 Dooley), 5 LEGO Football Mania, 219 A Chiles, Matthew, 198–199 LEGO Group, the Chow, Winston, 38–39 G business cards, 68 adult fans of LEGO (AFOLs), 18–20 Christiansen, Godtfred, 10, 14 Christiansen, Godtfred, 10, 14 profiled, 21–25 Gagne, Remi, 238–239 Christiansen, Ole Kirk, 7, 8 Christiansen, Ole Kirk, 7, 8 women, 26–28, 31 Galidor maxifigs, 64 Chryssanthakopoulos, Vassilis, history, 5, 8–13 AFOLs (comic strip), 46–47 Gauntlett, David, 287 246–247 Idea House, 44 Almen, Derek, 172 Giddens, Chris, 50 City (theme), 82, 96, 122 Knudstorp, Jørgen Vig, 13 Ame72, 62, 148–149 Giger, H. R., 113, 131 Clague, Kevin, 222 Kristiansen, Kjeld Kirk, 258, 287 Anderson, Chris, 243 glossary, 49–50 Clark, Jennifer, 26–28 manufacturing, 7, 11–13, 16, Andersson, Hans, 244–245 gluing LEGO, 204, 208 Collectivity Project, 143–145 226–227 apocaLEGO, 138–140 Goddard, Tim, 179 comics, 46–47, 170. See also specific slogan, 6–7 Armstrong, Matt, 34–35, 113, Go Miniman Go challenge, 183 comic titles and trademarks, 10, 226, 265. See 135–136, 193 computer-aided design (CAD) soft- Gorman, Will, 250–251 also knockoffs art, definition of, 145 graffiti, 62, 148–149 ware, 13, 221–223 vision of, 14 Art of the Brick, The, 152–155, 204 conventions, 262–270 Great Ball Contraption, 268 LEGO Harry Potter, 218–219 ATLANTIS (theme), 127 cost of, 262, 266 Grguric, Matija, 91 LEGO Island, 218 autism, and LEGO, 272–274 international, 265, 270 Grunts (comic strip), 171 Gugick, Arthur, 90, 102, 108, 117 LEGOLAND, 5, 10, 44, 64, 187, 199, and LEGO Group, 262, 268–269 206–207, 216, 260, 262 public display days, 266, 268 B LEGOLAND (video game), 219 theme-oriented rivalries, 270 H Baldwin, Amanda, 70–71 LEGO MINDSTORMS NXT Zoo!, The Barrister, Lich, 173 theme roundtables, 268 Hanft, Adrian, 39 (Rhodes), 33 Cooper, Brian, 118 Baumann, Claude, 281 Harshbarger, Eric, 117 LEGO Racers, 219 Cook, Roy, 145 Beckett, Thom, 53, 59, 72, 73, 74, 76, Hassenplug, Steve, 244–245, 248, LEGO Star Wars, 218–219 Coupland, Douglas, 146–147 78–79 250–251 LEGO Stunt Racers, 219 Becraft, Andrew, 52–53, 55, 59, 68, Cousineau, Denis, 250–251 Hawking, Malle, 82, 186–187 LEGO themes, 10, 13, 64, (Gauntlett), 287 73–79, 175, 181, 188 Creative Explorations Himber, Guy, 120–121, 136, 137 122–134, 241–242. See also , 220 Bedford, Allan, 92 Creator HISPABRICK (magazine), 46 specific names Crimson Wolf. Kevin Fedde Belville (theme), 26–28, 64–65 See Hitchcock, Christina, 260 LEGO therapy, 274. See also Bergmann, John, 284–285 CubeDudes, 66–67 HiTechnic sensors, 240, 243, Serious Play Beurteaux, Marc, 184 Cybermaster (theme), 242 244, 281 LEGO Truck Tours and Imagination Big Ben, 43 Hoffmeister, René, 200, 215 Celebrations, 258 Big Daddy Nelson, 18, 136, 164, 165 D Holland, Matt, 195 LEGO Universe (MMORPG), 13, 218, Billund (Denmark), 4–5, 7 Dark Age, 18 Homemaker (theme), 64 230–232 BIONICLE (theme), 10, 26, 113, 128, Darrow, Brian, 124, 202–203 Hurbain, Philippe, 247 LEGO Users Groups (LUGs). 131–133, 134 Davis, Brian, 281 Hyland, Greg, 46–47 See LUGs Bionicle Encyclopedia (Farshtey), 132 DeCraemer, Steve, 203 LEGO video games, 13, 218–219. BIONICLE Heroes, 219 Denoyelle, Dirk, 210 I See also specific video game bley, 46–47 DeShano, Troy, 273–274 I Like the Future and the Future titles BlueToothKiwi, 250–251 Design byME, 223 Likes Me, 147 Lehni, Urs, 225 Braaten, Heather, 68–69 Diment, Ed, 80–81, 82 Lewandowski, Peter, 165 Brant, Alvin, 212–213 dioramas, 176–181 J Libera, Zbigniew, 160–162 Breannicle. See Sledge, Breann Donnan, Beau, 166 Lifelites, 42–43 BrickArms, 43, 70 Dooley, Mike, 5 Jack Stone maxifigs, 64 Lim, Henry, 84–85, 104–105, Brick Bible, The (Smith), 110 Doyle, Yvonne, 26–28, 65 Jasper, Michael, 73, 74, 76–79 118, 209 Brickfilms.com, 183, 184 duck pull toy, 8, 9 Jessiman, James, 221, 222 Little Armory Toys, 42 brick flicks, 182–184, 274 DUPLO (theme), 10, 136 JunLEGO. See Mitsui, Jumpei LPub, 222 Go Miniman Go challenge, 183 LUGNET, 229, 260 Pagano’s picks, 184 E K LUGs (LEGO Users Groups), 48, resources, 184 Ego Leonard, 62, 150–151 Kelly, Colleen (Minx Kelly LEGO 260–261 Steven Spielberg’s MovieMaker Eliasson, Olafur, 143–145 Goddess of Phobos), 260 BayLUG, 260 set, 183 EXO-FORCE (theme), 116, 129, Kenney, Sean, 88–89, 190–191, ChiefLUG, 261 BrickForge, 70–71 130–131 275–276 IndyLUG, 202 Brickipedia, 229 Knights’ Kingdom maxifigs, 64 LUGNuts, 260 Expert Series (theme), 10. See also BrickJournal (magazine), 44–45 TECHNIC knockoffs, 14, 16, 46–47, 226 NELUG, 260 bricks, 8, 10, 12 Knudstorp, Jørgen Vig, 13 PortLUG, 261 Brickset, 229 F Koch, Rafael, 225 TwinLUG, 196, 261 Brickshelf, 48, 228–229 Konzentrationslager, 160–162 WAMALUG, 260 Bricks in Motion, 183, 184 Factory (theme), 13, 189 Kristiansen, Kjeld Kirk, 258, 287 Bricksmith, 221, 222 Farshtey, Greg, 132 Kueppers, Bob, 40 M Brick Testament, 110–111 Fedde, Kevin, 122, 123, 126, macrobuilding, 198–199 Brin, Sergei, 36 138–140, 168, 178 L marketing, and LEGO, 274–276 Brothers Brick, The, 55, 176, 229 films, and LEGO.See brick flicks Lachmann, Michael, 222 Martins, Lino, 68 building standards, 268 FIRST LEGO League (FLL), 13, Lambrecht, Bram, 196 maxifigs, 64–65 Byrne, Bob, 174 31, 252–255. See also MINDSTORMS LDD (LEGO Digital Designer), 223 McDonald, Simon, 116 McGlone, Bryce, 15, 20 MOCs Voltron, 264–265 ROBORIDERS (theme), 128 McLane, Angus, 66–67 Bionic Fridge, 132–133 Wall-E, 112 robotic lines, 234, 237, 241–242 McNeely, David, 35, 36 Black Fantasy, 157, 159 as promotional material MCP (MINDSTORMS Community BLACKTRON Intelligence Agency, Carrier air conditioner, 276 S Partners), 26, 31 124, 202–203 Chris-Craft speedster, 276 Salu, Urmas, 60 McRae, Ron, 244–245 Cabinet of Curiosities, 121 Nintendo DSi, 275–276 Samantha, 40 Mead, Syd, 15 Castle Caravel, 123 skyscraper project, 282–283 Sandlin, Mark, 50, 264–265 mecha, 128–134 Clockwork Coconut Crab, 137 for prototyping Sawaya, Nathan, 34, 152–155, 189, ME Models, 42 Cry of Dreams, 157–158 prosthetics, 284–285 204–205, 210–211, 276 Meno, Joe, 112, 186 Distortion, 156–157 space elevator, 277–279 Schütz, Adrian, 224 Merriam, Carl, 86–87 Kukorakh, 132–133 replicas Scout (theme), 242 Meta Gear (comic strip), 173 Pit Scourge, 132 Antikythera mechanism, 290 Semon, Ted, 278 Michon, Ted, 214–215 Shannononia, 69, 192 box camera, 87 Serious Play, 286–287 microbuilding, 189 models Difference Engine (Charles sig-figs, 68 collaborative, 194–197 architectural re-creations Babbage), 288–289 Sledge, Breann, 26, 132–133, 134 Micro Moonbase, 196 CN Tower, 92 drill press, 87 Smit, Erik, 189 Micropolis, 194–195, 196–197 Dome of the Rock, 90 hairbrush, 87 Smith, Allen, 221, 222 Factory sets, 189 Villa Savoye, 91 harpsichord, 84–85 Smith, Brendan Powell, 110 models. See models: microscale World Heritage sites, 93–95 Harry S. Truman, 82, 186–187 SNOT (Studs Not on Top), 84–85, 90, 99 microdioramas Yankee Stadium, 89 HMS Hood, 80–81 Søborg, Anders, 244–245 Shannononia, 69, 192 artistic re-creations microscope, 86 Space (theme), 57, 82, 122, 124–125, traffic jam, 193 Last Supper, The, 107 Tyrannosaurus rex skeleton, 196, 202–203, 268 Yankee Stadium, 190–191 Mona Lisa, 106 204–205 Message Intercept Base set, 202 Micro Scout (theme), 242 Persistence of Memory, 102 trains, 96–101 subthemes MINDSTORMS (theme), 10, 13, Starry Night, 108–109 vignettes, 164, 165 BLACKTRON, 124, 202 29–33, 234–240, 256 work by M. C. Escher, 104–105 Monsterbrick. See Armstrong, Matt INSECTOIDS, 124 conventions, 262 biblical, 110–111 mosaics, 117, 118 LIFE ON MARS, 125 NXT brick, 237, 238–239, 240 consumer products Mr. Amperduke (comic strip), 174 MARS MISSION, 124–125, 133 projects, 243–251 air fern planter, 40 SPACE POLICE, 125 3D scanner, 247 bookend, 38–39 N UFO, 124 3it3ot, 246–247 circuit board separators, 38–39 Naoe, Kazuyoshi, 93–95 space elevator, 277–279 ATM, 244–245 computer chassis, 38–39 Nerds in Space (comic strip), 172 Sports (theme), Basketball, 59 autopilot, 243 Guitar Hero controller, 36–37 Ninjas (themes), 59 Spurgeon, Jeramy, 96–101 chess set, 248 hard drive enclosure, 36–37 NXT-G programming software, Spybotics (theme), 241 Full Contact, 250–251 iPod dock, 40 239, 240 steampunk, 135–137, 166–167 LegoMakerBot, 250–251 pinhole camera, 38–39 NXT Step blog, 32 SteamWars, 135, 136 LegWay, 244–245 XO viewfinder, 40–41 Studs Not on Top (SNOT), 84–85, meteorological experiments, dioramas, 176–181 O 90, 99 280–281 life-size Summersgill, Andrew, 129, 171 pen plotter, 244–245 car, 215 Oliveira, Ricardo, 247 safe, 248–249 chair, 203 Open Prosthetics Project (OPP), T sudoku solver, 248–249 portraits, 210–211 284–285 Swimming Pool Insect stegosaurus, 209 organization, 34–35 TECHNIC (theme), 10, 14–15, 28, 38, Terminator (SPIT), 250–251 macroscale. See also record Oskay, Windell, 18, 34, 39 64–65, 112, 113, 116, 196, 215, Tilted Twister, 244–245 holders 251, 278, 288–290 Turing machine, 250–251 angel sculpture, 208 P and BIONICLE, 133 and MINDSTORMS, 237–240 vending machine, 247 battleship Yamato, 200–201 Pagano, David, 182, 184 and steampunk, 136, 137 RCX brick, 237 Blacktron Intelligence Agency, Page, Larry, 36 third-party companies, 42–43, 70–71 sensors, 240 124, 202–203 Palmer, Mark, 39 THROWBOTS (theme), 128 servos, 240 chair, 203 Paradisa, 64 Tiefenbacher, Philipp, 226 TECHNIC vs.
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