"- - - - .- .. - - - t. SEPTEMBER 20, 2007 BUGLENEWSPÄPERS.COM VOL.51 NO.18 :i : 'I 'I Residents held signs showing their suppdrt or the U S troops and the President dunng the Fight for Victoîy' Caravan rally that took place atthe Milwaukee Ave waterfall in Niles on Sept il n By Trácy Yàshìda nn . :it orgarìizàtion 1anc1edthi s 1frgtd Heigh;whose Son, ' çr9sço9nti-y .pro troop tcur-It served in Iraq. Supporters .of .Ämerkàñ started ori Sept; cbn- ; .JeanDpfl. 1c .: of , troops waitedanxious1y fôr the': tirtue until Sept. 15, visiting a 4rlington Heights, said that she caiavanto arrive. total of ? cities. Throü-ghout '." halwàys been conserva- When the "Fight for Victóry" the tour, the carayan , ' ;. tive anda strong belléver toiir bus pulled. up near the. :willbeted : : ';'inpafriotism. ..,. wáerfall on Milwaukee Ave. fr: by thounds 'sl. said she is ., Niles on .TuesdaSept. 11, the patriotic añdiied r . : :Liber- oùp1 g by p;Ainericans ' pie dISSècin pätriotic col&s,.: who ' believe . , . érnocrats" wìving shóripg Their' ..:,t1:t, leaders tinte ,, .suport for dàfèating terrorism shoùld iiot be ' . ,.they ,shòukl . the.tóöps.. 'allowed to' :.O\& FRQ- withdraw. thé ,; -.. Move:, Arnérka Forward, a undercut thè .tr-'-ps ànd. end rgejioipàrtisan, not-for-prof- wh& ' ìptiU the wat :' ; ' ,, r,' . "I wanted' to "a:I 'bre1yJean DirØfl, ofArlington Heights, comeout:to- ser'virig òn the 'a c'onservativand patriotic per-' Somethin' To Do? frontÌines'óf stood beside' U.S SMateshow ' support' tÇlçpuftI the war. candidate Steve Sauerber wait-fo the -iroops SenidrLivirígGuide.inside. "I'm some- ing to greet the 'Fight for Victory." .afld my distaste 'Spécial Pull-OUt Section. body out here with' the cutent' Candles were lit as part of the Fight for Victory Caravan rally The -, to say. thank 'you," said Rick'mood the country is in," said caravan tour Included stops in Carson City Nev Sacramento Gränd Oenrn -Sigel, while holding a" large Chicago resident 'Rbbert San Fraclsco, Modesto Fresno Los Angeles and San Diego :Nòw Ñilesleen Center opens American flag. He said that hé Colerlian. He said he was tired California 4'uma Phoenix and Tucson in Anz Las Cruces N M in Gott Mill Shoppíng Center. wantèd to thank those troops of all of the anti-war rallies' that .El Pa& .è'tonio, Waco, Crawford, and Dallas, Texas; 1.News page 2 . currently fighting for our free- 'are going on. I-le believes that Okiahòrna Cit/;Wihita, Kan.; Kansas City, Mo., Des Moines and Clàr Raplds» IÓJä 'Nues, llhinois; Indianapolis; Cincinnati and' dom and those from 200 years having a Democrat for , .ago who fought for the free- President doesn't mean that ter- Çolúbiìs,.Qiò;- Pittsburgh, Pa.; and finally Washington, D.C., 1(!hqtq.?by Trèc'Yoshida Gruen) Schools doms we enjQy today. rorism wifi disappear. ' . Commentary 5 "I'm here for everybody," The evening includeda t. Police Blotter 6 See Rally, page 4 ..- said Richard Dembinski, of . : Have You Heard8 flusiness Sports 11 Life 13 Stepped-Up Enforcèment Rêsuits in 394 Citations , BugleKids. 15 The Nues Police Department citations, 12 arrests for no dri- During this crackdown, the someone else, but the trauma Real Estate 16 recently announced the prelim- ver's license and 233 other tick- Nues Police Department joined and financial costs of a crash or , Service Directoryl8 mary results for the Labor Day cts. the Illinois State Police, the an arrest for impaired driving Classifieds 19 "You Drink and Drive, You "Motorists should continue Illinois Secretary of State Police are significant," stated Chief . : Lose" Campaign. to heed the warning that we are and hundreds of local police Strzclecki. "Violators face pos- Bugt6 OffIòe: (847) 588-1900 During the campaign thatserious about cracking down departmentsandsheriff's sible jail time, the loss of their : Newsroom:Ext 140 . : started on Aug. 17, 384 citations on impaired drivers. We're offices in this effort. driver's license, higher insur- ÇircûIátiot:Ext..120 . 'Drunk driving is simply not . : were given out; including 9 doing it to save lives,'said ance rates, attorney fees, time 'Advêttising:Ext. 13Ï . impaired driving arrests, 75 NilesPoliceChiefDean .worth the risk.Not only do away from work and dozens of Classified:Ext. 120 speeding citations, 65 seatbelt Strzelecki, in a press release. you risk killing yourself or other expenses." NEWS TI-tE BUGLE - - SEPTEMBER20, 20Ö7 3 2 THE BUGLE SEPTEMBER 20, 2007 NEWS Park Ridge Residents Can Voice Storm Community Attends Grand Openingof Nues Teen Center Related Concerns with Corn-EdSept.26 Residents of Park Ridge will by Mayen Howard Fetmank,ef By Tracy Yoshido Groen TER be uble tu rnpresn their concerns the 1S,623 customers in Paek StAFF WnIrEfl and aharerhele enpeviennea Ridge, 10,S34 had theie pewer Many teem rame to Golf Mill regurding the recrot big staom out Shopping Center te be the Amt ta with Cummonmenith Edison ors Av in Hiles und Mnrten see anhat the new Hilen Teen Sopt. 2h at7ym. Grove, it was ra care nf neigh- Center won all ahoot at its grand The cily cn000il requested boca belpiog oeighbeen in arder openiogon Salorday, Sept 05. thatthinmaclicEbeheld In parli through the tdugls Arecs. Duringlac grand opening hecouse a higls narmber of resi- "I conamend aed thank nor event, Mayor Nicholas Blase, denar lost pnscer, narny for sec'- accidenta for chechieg on them Village Tarantee Kim Biedenrron eral doyr. The prrblmc weetiog neighborv, pacticcslaely neaior card Anna Village Manager Steve citraclas," Mayor Pnianark, titeted Vineemo weimmed everyone to colli beheld ian 1h r coaocil draw- the new teen center and said thry Of- bers of city laall. isa perosrelease."I - was feel lia going to be a great asset to Se According to reports aecriced See Contenus, pago 5 tire terras in Nilen and that it is 050m accemihle than the prior nuotino 01 a Nilen Park District facility motile eights at dir oem theater at cot coIner was introduced at the 1- i Siedemran thanked several peo- Golf Mill and job shndowiog pos- agent. Biedenono said the Ingo repoesmtn teren from vecinos ptewho come together tomakethr fa,s nro' teen oraler a asereno, hadad- °pellosoingthe pacoentafoass, the g baokgmunds onmirag togethee to j mehr a xolnrfad, oodied whole. Gilligan's Island Party at Ing villagestall, park distrint, teem were the liant to go rn to 'tVrrn,,ïng police dopartsorart md mmc. checkout the new teers venter dort Sandwichera mad voenka wem mortar aoila Ode 5tirn,rd rag TIavareav Nilen Anodi leatores a variely nl hoard ganseo yenned of the crani aod pomelo, a and video games, a monge oreo cowassamity members, lecvs mad enoberin Dee'sdirg Coordinrtoe,MockWilliams, GlenBridge Huge Success ar/pomlramn ore acing sillage stalilsad the druone towha- ii introduced laiaanalf an rire crowd and a noonpater mom. bnelagpnOkngh. jr ovil said he was excited to get irew Tire new entonad leers center Gilligon's lsluod Potin BrouIs juIl wonted n "PUN" party dint "Everyone got in the spirit," Conaottro rombino ,r e ir la leer programo slanted, nods as logo thalfcotorreo aguaces of diSer- sume day of the event, Golf foe residents,staff and families per Mo Corey. "Doe wirr aeeoraerotNr. Party wasthetheme rrrarlrag toSS ghoppiag Centee Iseld aspe- GlenBeidge Nursing and could eajay" The poety aver- Adusinistrafon, Mark Dubanieh, fols 10-31-07 del m-opmiog enrol to celebrate Rehabilitation Ceotre'a fertivi- gowed from the dieing room dmwed us the shipper, Lucy Tue, )'darur Vnteaa therenovations and verlans nor Bowman Prngram Oimntnr, impmvemeetc that hace been tiesou August 57th,2007. Onto the back patio. Dolphins Monday-Sutuadny oerrr-7pav aflacc 3rpelina ffaat,ue "There was en spedul mason for (inflntable of coarse), polm tarea, dmrsed as Ginger." Cortamos Scndus-Ctonud Abose lupa Msynr Nicholas BiSse, new Nimes Toco Certer Coordlnotnr ronde at the moll. The dopa eveaals tisis putty", staled Olivia Carey scenic 00 font hamacan, balloons, wrue cobrad. Many staff mew- MarIa Williams, dilags officials end teces sounded the greed opanivg of hsdnded o batde of the feenbandu, 12SsNorlhwnSf Hwy. Park Ridge, iL 60068 Cae'l afford lanceo doctor? the teca center or Setairdag Sept. iS. Abaser A Smug of tecas evinyad a lashion shom, maheover statur, Activity Direetne for beach music, and a bar s000ing bers droned grass akirls aod (847) 698-6030 planing gamas sad seeing chat the aew Nies Tune Ceafer et hbf Mill Pepsi Lenege andasafari Gleogridge. "We mema't cele- virgindrinko enhanced the Hawaiien slairts and dooned ACCESS TO CARIO CAN HELP! with residents tu dar mosic. If paia auna resident of sutautlean Canin County nr the earth- Shopping Custer la all obeut. (Photou Uy Tracy Ynohida Gmeo) enavenger hoot brating any special holiday. We atrasesplsere torcha party. Frost side nf Chinogn avilir **Ne hoalth insuranne (er a $500 nr mere per peinan dndoatibln) and ineligible fer Medinaae or Publio Aid TITIS WEEKEND ONLY -. FRIDAY - SATURDAY - SUNDAY - - - - (Storting'3pm Friday) oaFiojmgReutejotjomApply Grand Re-Opening - :' - YOU MAYBE ELIGIBLE FORACCESS TO CARE 5Duntor Offire Visito -$5 °Presrriplion Modiralion- $10-$20-S30 Brunch &. Learn nLab Tests and X-rays - $5 Non-Refundable Animal Enrollment Fee of $20 par Free Event for Seniors at For More Information call (708) 531-0680 Acconto Comiso srt-fnvpaefrt poogran antrjr000rt by geaota Sunrise of Highland Park Restaurant & Pancake House HERB CRUSTED' Juias no far nur Grand Re-Opening gruocls & Learn or Sassrioe nf Highland Pork. Meus Henthea Keersa, Ilse New Breakfast Menu: 501v EnrcuriveOirrcmoa al nain cornancoimy. Sonaple BONELESS NORTH VEST STAFF nor carisianeond cf lu cave r ovoryrking we rio to vnlsancc only $3.99 aIse diganiay, iodeprodence, arsd iradididnalisy of arras resideers. We fucus ro rIso derails nf living, incicdinga Monday-Thursday I Grand Re-Opening THEBLGLE Range nf lifroaylr apsines - a -Bruoch-&Learn - 5:OOam-9:OOam PORK LOIN - Rich Manterson Neil Schiersiedi Hoaasrkreping - at Suermse of Hjhlaed Pak roscones IolToe proocootos DIrEcTos [email protected] Dolicious meals ptoduotiduObUtlOaOWiPaPOrO.00e - - Sunday September 30.2017 Esagoging norinisira 5Breakfast W/ MUSTARD SAUCE Robeli Leach - - Kéith Eilers- Beautifully oppoinsed oparruernts - lluOO ann.
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