© [Regd. No. TN/CCN/467/2012-14. GOVERNMENT OF TAMIL NADU [R. Dis. No. 197/2009. 2014 [Price: Rs. 32.00 Paise. TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY No. 21] CHENNAI, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 4, 2014 Vaikasi 21, Jaya, Thiruvalluvar Aandu – 2045 Part VI—Section 4 Advertisements by private individuals and private institutions CONTENTS PRIVATE ADVERTISEMENTS Pages Change of Names .. 1487-1565 Notice .. 1565 NOTICE NO LEGAL RESPONSIBILITY IS ACCEPTED FOR THE PUBLICATION OF ADVERTISEMENTS REGARDING CHANGE OF NAME IN THE TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE. PERSONS NOTIFYING THE CHANGES WILL REMAIN SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR THE LEGAL CONSEQUENCES AND ALSO FOR ANY OTHER MISREPRESENTATION, ETC. (By Order) Director of Stationery and Printing. CHANGE OF NAMES 21867. I, B. Eshwari, wife of Thiru K. Balasubramanian, 21870. My son, S. Prasanna Srinivas, born on born on 1st January 1980 (native district: Madurai), 29th December 1999 (native district: Madurai), residing at No. 59, Housing Board Colony, Mela residing at Old No. D-27, New No. 62, Rajam Road, Anuppanadi, Madurai-625 009, shall henceforth be T.V.S. Nagar, Madurai-625 003, shall henceforth be known as B. THANGAESHWARI. known as S.S. PRASANNA. B. ESHWARI. N. SUNDAR. Madurai, 26th May 2014. Madurai, 26th May 2014. (Father.) 21868. I, A. Ragumathneesha, wife of Thiru S. Southibasha, 21871. I, R. Jeyavarthini, daughter of Thiru A. Rajarajan, born on 24th May 1967 (native district: Madurai), residing at born on 31st March 1990 (native district: Dindigul), residing No. 120, Bank Quarters, Naganakulam, Madurai-625 007, at Old No. 8, New No. 9, Vasantha Raya Pillai Lane, East shall henceforth be known as RAHAMATHBIBI. Andar Street, Tiruchirappalli-620 002, shall henceforth be A. RAGUMATHNEESHA. known as R. VISHNUVARTHINI. Madurai, 26th May 2014. R. JEYAVARTHINI. 21869. I, M. Mrugesh Subhgya Muthaiya, son of Thiru Tiruchirappalli, 26th May 2014. Muthaiya, born on 16th July 1976 (native district: 21872. My daughter, M. Yuvashree, born on 21st October Akola-Maharashtra), residing at Old No. 503-D, 2001 (native district: Madurai), residing at No. 2/418, Sastri New No. 1-660, Meenampatti, Anuppankulam, Sivakasi Nagar, Kadachanenthal, Kathakinaru, Madurai-625 107, shall Taluk, Virudhunagar-626 189, shall henceforth be known as M. MURUGESH. henceforth be known as M. DHAKSHITA. M. MRUGESH SUBHGYA MUTHAIYA. M. MARIMUTHU. Sivakasi, 26th May 2014. Madurai, 26th May 2014. (Father.) D.T.P.—VI-4 (21)—1 [ 1487 ] 1488 TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE [Part VI—Sec.4 21873. I, V. Rajalakshmi, wife of Thiru R. Velmani, 21882. I, A. Safiullasha, son of Thiru P. Ahamed Mohideen, born on 2nd July 1977 (native district: Dindigul), residing at born on 10th April 1968 (native district: Tirunelveli), residing No. 119(2), Thiru Nagar, Sivagiripatti, Palani Taluk, Dindigul- at Old No. 416, New No. 158/A1, Syed Kurukkal Pallivasal 624 601, shall henceforth be known as V. RAJESWARI. Street, Tenkasi Taluk, Tirunelveli-627 811, shall henceforth V. RAJALAKSHMI. be known as A. SAIFULLASHA. Dindigul, 26th May 2014. A. SAFIULLASHA. Tirunelveli, 26th May 2014. 21874. I, R. Alamelammal, wife of Thiru R. Ramesh Babu, born on 21st April 1948 (native district: Sivagangai), 21883. I, Veeralakshmi, wife of Thiru P. Senthilkumar, born residing at No. 220F6, Shanmugan Nivas, Melur Main on 1st May 1986 (native district: Virudhunagar), residing at Road, Uthangudi, Madurai-625 107, shall henceforth be No. 24A, Muthramalinga Thevar Street, Kochadai, Madurai- known as R. ALAMELU. 625 016, shall henceforth be known as S. PANJAVARANAM. R. ALAMELAMMAL. VEERALAKSHMI. Madurai, 26th May 2014. Madurai, 26th May 2014. 21875. My son, R. Kaviyarasu, born on 30th July 2008 21884. I, M.K. Sunaidha Beevi, wife of Thiru Kaja (native district: Dindigul), residing at Old No. 2/60, New No. Nasumudeen, born on 29th April 1972 (native district: 2/26, East Street, Palayapatty, Kethaiyurumbu Post, Ramanathapuram), residing at No. 4/511, Periya Urani, Oddanchatharam Taluk, Dindigul-624 619, shall henceforth Thenkarai Street, Anandur, Ramanathapuram-623 401, shall be known as R. KANISHKUMAR. henceforth be known as M.K SUNAIDHA BEGAM. A. RAJENDRAN. M.K. SUNAIDHA BEEVI. Dindigul, 26th May 2014. (Father.) Ramanathapuram, 26th May 2014. 21876. I, Sridhar Jeyaram, son of Thiru P. Jeyaram, 21885. My son, S. Jeevanson, born on 1st July 2012 born on 4th February 1987 (native district: Coimbatore), (native district: Madurai), residing at Vikramangalam Part-1, residing at No. 1, S.P.S. Garden, Sakkaraipatti, Usilampatti Taluk, Madurai-625 207, shall henceforth be Alagapuri Post, Theni-625 531, shall henceforth be known as S.K. JEEVANARASU. known as JU JAIADHITYA SRIDHARA. A. SAMBATHKUMAR. SRIDHAR JEYARAM. Madurai, 26th May 2014. (Father.) Theni, 26th May 2014. 21886. I, J. Sarumathi, wife of Thiru N. Rajagopal, born on 21877. I, Muhamadhu Mumthaj Jilla, son of Thiru S. Abbas, 15th October 1978 (native district: Selam), residing at born on 6th April 1993 (native district: Theni), residing at Old No. 16, Indra Nagar, Pudhuvilangudi, Madurai-625 018, shall No. 471, New No. 495, Vinoba Nagar, G. Kallupatti, henceforth be known as J. CHARUMATHI. Periyakulam Taluk, Theni-625 203, shall henceforth be J. SARUMATHI. known as A.R. MOHAMMED HASHEEF. Madurai, 26th May 2014. MUHAMADHU MUMTHAJ JILLA. 21887. I, B. Kadammai, wife of Thiru AL. Chockalingam, G. Kallupatti, 26th May 2014. born on 11th August 1990 (native district: Thanjavur), residing 21878. My daughter, N. Akkammal, born on 17th October at No. 3/9, Old Post Office Street, Panayapatty, Pudukkottai- 2008 (native district: Madurai), residing at No. 1/9, 622 406, shall henceforth be known as C. REVATHY. Valaiyankulam, Thirumangalam Taluk, Madurai-625 706, shall B. KADAMMAI. henceforth be known as N. ISWARYALAKSHMI. Pudukkottai, 26th May 2014. S. NARAYANAN. 21888. I, M. Gnanambiga, wife of Thiru Rajkumar, born on Madurai, 26th May 2014. (Father.) 8th September 1976 (native district: Palakkad-Kerala), 21879. My son, N. Uvansangumuthu, born on residing at No. 4/1, North Forest Road, Vadakarai, 16th November 2012 (native district: Madurai), residing at Periyakulam Post and Taluk, Theni-625 601, shall henceforth No. 1/9, Valaiyankulam, Thirumangalam Taluk, Madurai- be known as R. GNANAMBIGA. 625 706, shall henceforth be known as N. SANJAYMUTHU. M. GNANAMBIGA. S. NARAYANAN. Theni, 26th May 2014. Madurai, 26th May 2014. (Father.) 21889. I, Kathiresan, son of Thiru S. Arumugam, born on 21880. My daughter, Mujbirabanu, born on 3rd May 2004 30th May 1975 (native district: Madurai), residing at (native district: Sivagangai), residing at No. 2-110, Pallapatti, Old No. 2B/1, New No. 21, Ahimsapuram 7th Street, Melur Taluk, Madurai-625 103, shall henceforth be New Visalam, Sellur, Madurai-625 002, shall henceforth be known as MUCIBURABANU. known as A.R. PANDIKATHIRESAN. K. MOHAMEDGANI. KATHIRESAN. Madurai, 26th May 2014. (Father.) Madurai, 26th May 2014. 21881. My daughter, S. Logaganesh alias Thirumalai 21890. I, T. Jothi Mani, wife of Thiru Samprasad Raja, Sabarisri, born on 21st December 1996 (native district: born on 28th may 1968 (native district: Theni), residing at Madurai), residing at Old No. 14/A, New No. 86, Chockalinga Old No. 1/697, New No. 697, Visvasanthi Nagar, Sambandar, Nagar, 7th Street, Madurai-625 010, shall henceforth be Alangualm, Madurai-625 017, shall henceforth be known as S. LOGA GANESH. known as JOTHI SAM. A. SRINIVASAN. T. JOTHI MANI. Madurai, 26th May 2014. (Father.) Madurai, 26th May 2014. June 4, 2014] TAMIL NADU GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 1489 21891. I, Packiyalakshmi, daughter of Thiru P.S. Ganesh, 21900. I, A. Aslam, son of Thiru Ahamed Jalaludeen, born born on 4th February 1993 (native district: Sivagangai), on 22nd March 1995 (native district: Ramanathapuram), residing at No. B10/4, Malligai Kudiyiruppu, residing at Old No. 28, New No. 1, Pallivasal Street, K.K. Nagar, Madurai-625 020, shall henceforth be Ramanathapuram-623 104, shall henceforth be known known as G. BAGYALAKSHMI. as SYED RASHIKASLAM, A. PACKIYALAKSHMI. A. ASLAM. Madurai, 26th May 2014. Ramanathapuram, 26th May 2014. 21892. My daughter, A. Mohammed Ayeesa, born on 21901. I, M. Nelofar, wife of Thiru Mohamed Ismail, born on 14th July 2006 (native district: Madurai), residing at No. 2, 14th July 1968 (native district: Ramanathapuram), residing QuideMillath Nagar 6th Street, East Veli Street, Madurai- at No. 4, Lokkal Pandu Road Pathai, Ramanathapuram- 625 001, shall henceforth be known as A. AYESHA. 623 501, shall henceforth be known as M. NOORJAHANBEGUM. S. ADHAM BAVA. M. NELOFAR. Madurai, 26th May 2014. (Father.) Ramanathapuram, 26th May 2014. 21893. My daughter, A. Mohammed Nooriya, born on 21902. My son, S. Gabor Mathews Raj, son of Thiru I. Solomon, 20th November 2001 (native district: Madurai), residing at born on 2nd January 2010 (native district: Madurai), residing No. 2, Quide Millath Nagar 6th Street, East Veli Street, at No. 34, Loorthu Nagar 10th Street, K. Pudur, Madurai- Madurai-625 001, shall henceforth be known as A. NOORIYA. 625 007, shall henceforth be known as S. GABOR MATHEWS. S. ADHAM BAVA. M. SONIYA. Madurai, 26th May 2014. (Father.) Madurai, 26th May 2014. (Mother.) 21894. I, N. Maniraju, son of Thiru M. Neruthan, born on 5th February 1961 (native district: Madurai), residing at 21903. I, Sulochana, wife of Thiru Mohanram, born on No. 220, Pulipandian Street, Jaihindpuram, Madurai- 9th March 1957 (native district: Madurai), residing at No. 49, 625 011, shall henceforth be known as N. MATHIRAJAN. Srinivasa Nagar 3rd Cross Street, Thirunagar, Madurai- N. MANIRAJU. 625 006, shall henceforth be known as G.M. JANABAI. Madurai, 26th May 2014. SULOCHANA. Madurai, 26th May 2014. 21895. My daughter, S. Rahmath Rifana, born on 25th February 2009 (native district: Tirunelveli), residing at 21904. My son, M. Kissan Guldeep, born on 12th February 2010 No. 28, Thiru Vee Kaa Street, Suyarajyapuram (native district: Madurai), residing at No. 19A, Chokkalinga 2nd Main Road, Sellur, Madurai-625 002, shall henceforth Nagar 4th Street, 1st Floor, Madurai-625 010, be known as S.
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