Patricio’s fired up Gladiator, Chicken Run Where is everybody? Check out her top ten 0nd Unbreakable ‘ Attcridoiirje is down Ctl list of lost—column topics . Check Out the year end the ESA for bosietholl and light up with Greg mowe roundup It‘t Adt. goriies. Sports exu'i'iiiies Volk in Opinion, p. 4. 1the droooit. Tuesday January 9, 2001 ECHNICIAN www.technicianon line. and \tHUI'll)’ houses. \\ hen the (heck l.ile department OThe 10 NCSU fraternities had The l'imds \\ ere collected li‘om proposed an annual l~raternit_\ sued the university last l'l‘illL‘l'nll} (‘ourt residents (‘oui't rent increase of SllHitltL November, claiming that Greek throtigh \arious increases in the} tailed to minute a reason rent, lor the increase and a proposal Life misused $4.8 million of “The uni\ersit_\ \\as taking the lor the distribution of the tunds funds intended for the repair and position tltat as long as the) \\ hen the debt has been paid. renovation of Fraternity Court were being sued. the) didn‘t said he}. haie to negotiate." said lie). “The unhersit) needs to houses. "Thes were going to take the account tor the iiione_\." he said. opportunit} to use all the [legall Ive} said he belie\es that the Andrew Buehert procedures to pla) 'la\\_\er attorney general‘s office will Assistant News ltilL‘l games.‘ “ find the proposals reasonable. l\e_\ said that the t'raterntties' but it the negotiations still tail A l;l\\\l|ll t'iled b_\ Itt \.(‘. claims against the lllll\L‘l'_\ll_\ then the nest step is to bring the State fraternities against the tint» “ill be brought before the state li'ateriiities‘ claims to State \ersit} has been dropped in atlot'tte} i—‘L‘ltel'ttl's olt'ice l'ot' Auditor Ralph ('amphell's order to proiiiole and accelerate negotiation. 'l‘he attoi'iie) gener- oil-tee. negotiations between the lrater- al‘s ol‘lice represents the unner- The fraternities can also rev he titties and tire tllllH'l'sll}. said sll}. the lawsuit anytime within one Raleigh lt|\\)Cl' Reel he). the “‘l‘he attorne) general l‘elt that _\ear ol‘ its withdrawal il‘ the} do chiel‘ counsel representing the it we dropped the lawsuit we not like the results of the negoti- fraternities. would be able to negotiate, and atioiis. The fraternities filed suit last so we are meeting with the “We would bring the suit NM ember. claiming that (ii‘eek attorne) general‘s ol’l'ice to oller against indiiidiials rather than l'iled a motion te dismiss the Director ol l lll\L‘l'\ll} them and go through oiii latest late. a depai'tiiient \\ithm titti— our suggestions and pioposals." the iiiti\ei‘sit) this time.” said lawsuit based on legal grounds. Housing 'l‘im laickadoo said proposal [for l-rateiiiii} (otiitl. \ersit} housing. misused said he}. hey. "l think [the iiniieisit) claiming that the l‘i'aternities‘ that plans are underua) lor a including major reiio\ atioiis and appi‘osimatel} S-ih‘ million in "Since \\ hat we are ollering is tilllL‘ltllSI \\lll i'eali/e that it is complaints were insufficient. meeting between lllll\L‘l'\ll_\ lttttds intended to olisel the so reasonable. they won't not worth a l;l\\\tl|l " She said that the withdrawal ol' HIlit'lLllS and all ol' the l'ratei'mt} the maintenance ol the houses." costs ot reno\atiiig and repair— ohtecl," he said. l‘iti\ersit_\ (‘ounsel Mar} lieth the lawsiii! opens up iiegotia» and \Ul‘tit'll) eliaptei piesidents he said "We're still working on iiig the campus's l-i li'ateriiit} 'I he l'i'atei'iiities claim that ls'ur/ said the iiiii\ei'sit) had tioiis with the fraternities, "We want to sit down with reso|\ mg these issues ” Friends remember Ticket distribution results late student ltc‘s‘ll \\itllslllg' .il \\ l\.\(i hit it OUniversity housing and sL‘lllL'SlL‘t l‘t'itil'e li\\\L‘ l‘k‘fldll Student Media Authority offi- working theie cials are working to memorial- ”l iemeiiibei liiiii thllllllf.‘ to the \ltllltill. going aiotiiid s.i_\ ize sophomore Jonathan mg. ‘l'm going to be a Iii. l‘iii Brantley Lowe, who died Dec. going to he a Ill.” Sliai‘iiia said 26 of a brain aneurysm. "\\ hat it took me si\ necks to \lt‘. he tlltl ii] .i \\ eek l.o\\e \sas also a \i'lllitlk'cl Jimmy Ryals liieiiian \\llll the \\ake t iittlll'x .\'e\\'s lilaAr l-aiigrounds l'iie l)L'P.illi!lL"ll 'lo t'iiends who knew him in He had been a \olunteer .'>ie high school and .il \ (1 State. man in Charlotte. too .lonathan lirantlei “Brant" “lie wanted to droe a tire [one was the lead guitarist truck.” Shai‘ma said “ \iid the who taught hmisell to pIa} oll best \\a) to get to droe a tire his older brother‘s passed- truck is to be a lil'L‘ll:Jlllt.‘l ” do\\ii Led Zeppelin and .liiiii .>\t Lowe's Dec. 28 tuneial. lleiidri\ \iii\|s lie was the his lather. .lohn. said that liiaiii gadget man who ga\e him the )eais to his lllk spent \seelsends working on his Itih'l'i l‘ot‘tl Blotter) and once l'i\ed a lriend‘s computer when ll was struck b} lightning. lie ’0 to payout/J4 ‘dwun was Agent Smith. llte \VKVC disc so: a ..,iio.s'm~ [0 mm. auJ5 pan. ioeke) and alternate Jenny Barbare, a sophomore in communication chief engineer. with disorders. picks up her voucher for a chance to I /)().r;60n , I (/()II L‘lllll' the good sense of attend the NCSU vs Duke game on Wednesday. humor. Lowe. a l‘)-_\ear» old sophomore iit computer science. died Dec. 10. 3i)()t). New ACS security in place at Presbyterian Hospital in the uni\eisit_\‘s prmider ol “There are simpl) too man) forth." Bell said. "It's been (‘harlotte alter stil- Ofleightened security and sim- client/sener business sottware. s) stems. too many IDs and too oka} since then." l’ermg a brain plicity are among lntraSecure’s The switch came about as an man) passwords for people to (‘harleiie Moore Hayes. \iee aneur_\sm He is benefits. el'l'ort to “increase security so remember." Keto said. chancellor lor human sllt'\ t\ L‘tl it} his i.»\('Sl could better protect Bell said access to human resources. said she has not lather. .lohnn) Jimmy Ryals adininistratoe data.” .\(‘S resources and linaiicials sssr heard of an) problems \\ itli the l-raiiklin Lowe artd Divttj'i‘ . i)t my 5. .ii i Hi. uni undertook ait e\tensi\e seaich leltls is decided on tt Llepttt'h new security system loi human older ht‘tilhel. Jonathan Brantley Lowe News iditoi for a new seciii‘it) s) stein. mental letel. For the most part. resources users. l‘nivci'sit) ('ht‘istophel' :\s ol Dec. IS. a new comput— "()ne of our challenges \\ as to Ulll\L‘l'\ll_\ emplosees IL‘Sptilistv (‘ontroller l’aula Tate reports lianklin Lone that older brother (‘hi'istopher er securit) system is in place find a third-part} s_\stem that ble for personnel actions. pur— no complaints lroin accounting Brant Lowe‘s mother. Harriet had taken ol‘l. l'or human resources and l'inan— could work chasing and paying \endors l‘oi‘ users Brantle) Lowe. died earlier \\'Kl\'(‘ Operations Manager cials activities: human with Sybase." Bell said. .\t ser\ices will dii'eetl} use “l Use it e\er) da) and lime that same month ol uterine can- Arielle Menges. a junior in resources and accounting the time of" the search tor a new lntraSeeure had no problems with it at all." cer. linglish. met low e about a _\ear administrators report no prob- system. littraSecure “as the “We are iust implementing 'l‘ate said. “i ha\ e not heard an_\ Neei'ai Sharma. a Junior iit and a hall ago. but did not leins with iniplenientation thus onl_\ ssstem that would work this to enforce and enltance complaints trom the stall. cottiptitet‘ science. ttiel lame become close to him iiiiiil last lai'. w itli a Sybase database. securit) either." when he was a student .it tall. She remembers Lowe for Accoidmg to Hardecia Bell. Associate Vice Chancellor l'oi‘ leattires." Bell said. said that. though liitraSecure Harding l‘nisersit) High his sense ol‘ humor. users ol the new s_\ stein. called Finance and lnlormation .»\(‘S dealt with some user is currentl} being used b) School in (‘harlotte and lead “He was just very on—the— lnti‘aSeciire. will face a new S)slc‘itis Sle\e Kelo sees the problems during the first da} ol~ cashier’s oil-ice employees to guitarist for the (‘hailotte band spot. crack—youuup i‘unn) with login screen that requires users fact that IntraSecui'e requires lnti'aSecui‘e. soliing them was access student accounts. he V().\' POPS. some of the things he said." to change passwords every 3t) users to change passwords as primaril) a matter ol’ educating does not see strident-Used sys Shanna knew Lowe l‘irst loi- Menges said. days. using passwords si\ to one of its benefits. Also. users and reminding them to tems. namely TR:\(‘S. using his guitar work. but later came Senior animal science major eight characters long. lntraSecure allows for the use change their password ever) .it) lntraSecure in the future, to think ol~ him as a determined Kristin Saintoinas was dating Prior to Intrasecure‘s imple- of one logiii II) and one pass- da_\s.
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