Caritas CzeCh republiC Director: Mgr. et Mgr. lukáš curylo (since 1’ february 2014, till 31st January 2014, Mgr. oldřich Haičman was the director) president: Mons. pavel posád, světící biskup spiritual assistant: p. Mgr. Juan Bautista ignatio provecho lópez, osa CONtaCts Vladislavova 12 110 00 praha 1 +420 96 243 330, +420 296 243 344 fax: +420 296 243 333 [email protected] Caritas Cr ONliNe www.charita.cz – official website www.caritasczech.org – Humanitarian aid and Developmnet cooperation www.trikralovasbirka.cz – three Kings collection www.postnilamuzna.cz – lenten alms seniori.charita.cz – active seniors povodne.charita.cz – floods in czech republic www.marianeum.cz – ccr educational institute Marianeum annual report 2013 facebook.com/CharitaCr youtube.com/charitacr Visit us: Vladislavova 12, praha 1 Mo, We, tH 10-16, tu 10-18 general partner of caritas Sëôêíîõ Ñôìáôñê Åñãëàíó Parish and local Caritas units in Bohemia, Moravia, and Silesia Contents Õàñíòãîñå Archdiocesan Caritas / Diocesan Caritas Ãolwí .äòêcÊàìäíèâä page Local / Municipal Caritas Ëèáäñäâ Õñàóèòëàõèâäí­Íèòîô ]òówíàãËàáäì Éàáëîíäâí­Íèòîô Parish Caritas Óäïëèâä .äòêcËwïà Foreword 1 Greek Catholic Caritas Éèñêîõ ËÈÓÎÌ2PÈÂÄ About Caritas Czech Republic 2 Ëîõîòèâä Éèëäìíèâä Ìîòó Óñôóíîõ Òóôãäíäâ Âçîìôóîõ Ëèáîâçîõèâä Social and Health Care Services 3 ÌäíîôÌoëíwêà Òîáîóêà .äñõäí Êîòóäëäâ ÃõñÊñcëîõn Êñàòëèâä Ñîôãíèâäí­Ëàáäì í­Ëàáäì Ícâçîã Integration of Foreigners in CR 6 Îòóñîõ ÌëàãcÁîëäòëàõ Éèlwí Âçîãîõ í­Îçw À aàóäâ Ìoëíwê Ãîáñôêà Éàõîñíwê Humanitarian Aid 8 Êñàëôïøí­Õëóàõîô ÊàñëîõøÕàñø Òîêîëîõ ÇÑÀÃÄÂÊÑ%ËÎÕ1 Íäñàóîõèâä Ëøòcíàã Projects Abroad 9 ÂçëôìÒõàónÌàw Ëàáäì Êëàãíî Education 12 Âçäá Ñàêîõíwê Íøìáôñê ÏÑÀÇÀ .äëcêîõèâä Óäáäâçîõèâä Ïàñãôáèâä ï­Îñäáäì Ñøâçíîõ í­Êíoíîô Collections and Campaigns 13 .äòêÁñîã Ïäëîôl ÌàñècíòênËcùío Ïëàòø Áäñîôí Êñíîõ Economic Information 15 Êîëwí ÃîëíwÁoëc Wòówí­Îñëèâw Päõíèâä PwlàíøôÏñàçø Âçñôãèì Organisational Structure 27 ÊôóícÇîñà ÏËÙÄE Sôìïäñê Ùáèñîç Çëôlwí Òówáñî Ìíwäêï­Á­ ÍîõnÇñàãø Îïàõà List of Caritas CR Projects Abroad 28 Ñîêøâàíø Áäíäîõ Ëèóîìøë Áîçôìwí ÁîñôÓàâçîõà Ùcáäç ÃîëíwWéäùã Çñàáøío ÎÒÓÑÀÕÀ Members of Caritas CR 30 ÒóàñÊíwí Õëàèì ÌîñàõòêcÓäáîõc ÒóñcôÓàâçîõà Áëîõèâä Ïwáñàì Ãîáw Sóäñíáäñê Îãñø Òóôãníêà .äòêÓowí Donors, Partners, and Volunteers 32 Òõèóàõø Åñãäê¬ Ïäóèâä Ïîëèlêà ¬Ìwòóäê Òóàêîõ Éäõwlêî ÇîòïèâÒ­Êîïäläê ÇàõëwlêõÁñîã Áîçôîõèâä Êîïèõíèâä Óèíäâ ÇîñîõòêÓí Ñîìèócë ÍîõnÌoòóî ÕäëênÎïàóîõèâä Êîíèâä ÎËÎÌÎÔ ÍîõÉèlwí ïîãÓäìwíäì Êëàóîõø íàÌ­ amcñí­Òcùàõîô Îëäíc Óoäóèâä Çñàíèâä Éàáëôíêîõ ÕäëêcÁøòóèâä Åñäíócó Ìèëäõòêî Ïñîòóoéîõ Çäìàíèâä Ïàâîõ ï­Ñàãçîóoì Ócáîñ ôÏîëîìè Ïäëçèìîõ Écìø ÑàãäwíòêcÒõñàóêà Ãôáí­Ìîñàõîô Êñôìòwí Õäâçîõèâä Õàëàòên Õäòäëwlêî Éèçëàõà Ìäùèwlw Çîñàmîõèâä Çäìàíîõ Ôñlèâä Ïäñîõ Ïwòäê Áëàíòêî Êîéäówí Âçñîïøío Áøòóèâäï­Çîòóíäì Êàìäíèâäí­Ëèïîô Óèíîõ Óä Ñôãwêîõ ÕäëênÌäùèwlw Õñàíîõ Çôëwí Õòäówí Òôèâä Óíí­Õëóàõîô Áôãèîõ Õøêîõ Çîëäîõ Íîõ Êàóîõèâä Òóñàêîíèâä Áäíäóèâä Õäõäñòêc Êíoèâä Ïøäë Áwóêà Êñîìow Åñøócê Çñîùäíêîõ Ïîlcóêø Áwëîõèâäí­Ò­ aäëäùíc Çäñàëóèâä Óñíàõà ÍcìoÕäõäñòên Êõàòèâä Ïñîóèõwí Õäòäëwí­Ëôíèâw Óäáwl Ïîùîèâä Ùëwí Ñôãà Óäël Îïàóîõ í­Î­ Êíwíèâä Áîçãàëèâä Êîñølàíø Óñíàõà Õäìèíà Ìàëäíèâä Õëàãèòëàõ Îòóñîõàlèâä ÁÑÍÎ Çîëôáèâä ÁwëcÇñêà Ñîêøóíèâä Ëèïíwê Ôçèâä Îóñîêîõèâä ÕëàâçîõîÁäùw í­Ñ­ Õlàïø Áäùíwê Áëàîõèâä ÇîñíwËçîóà Õèùîõèâä Õèìïäñê Ñîòèâä Ïîãîëw Éàëôáw ÉèíãèâçõÇñàãäâ Säáêîõèâä Ìøòëèáîèâä Ìîçäëíî Ìèëîíèâä¬Íäòîõèâä Ëôçàlîõèâä Çôòèíäâ Ùëèõ Ãàlèâä Éàñîìoèâä Ñàãêîõèâä Ñàéçñàã Îòëàõàíø Òëàõêîõ ÔçäñòênÇñàãèóo Õàëàòên í­Ñ­ Ñîôâçîõàíø Êëîáîôêø Íäóîëèâä aàólàíø aãcíèâä .ÄÒÊ1 Ìîñàõòên Ìîñàõòê Ãàìáîèâä Áñôìîõ¬Áøëíèâä Ïñàâçàóèâä Êñôìëîõ Sèóáîèâä ÊîòóäëäâôÊøéîõà ÔçäñòêÁñîã ÁÔÃ2ÉÎÕÈÂÄ Áôãoéîõèâä Àñâçëäáîõ Òëàõèlwí Óäáî Éäìíèâä Ïàõëèâä Õèîõn Êäïèâä Áëwêîõèâä Íèêîëlèâä aäëäóèâä aäñîóèâä Ïäóñîõèâä ôÊøéîõà Êøéîõ Áoçàîõèâä Õäòäëwí­Ì­ Áîñîõí­Õëóàõîô Õñàíîõ Ïwìoóèâä Óñòóoíèâä Õíîñîõø Ùíîéìî Çîõîñàíø Õäëäwí í­Ãøéw Ïñîòèìoèâä .äéêîõèâä Ìôóoíèâä Òóñcíèâä Êcéîõ čÇñàãèóo ÃîëíwÕoòóîíèâä Ãîëíw Ñàówêîõèâä ÍîõnÇñàãø Sàóîõ Íîõîòäãëø čòõ­Êw Áîéàíîõèâä Çîãîíwí .äòêÊñôìëîõ čËîôêà Ëôèâä ÃîëíwÃôíàéîõèâä Ïñôcíêø Çëîçîõäâ Ëàãíc Êàïëèâä ÂçàñõcóòêcÍîõcÕäò Áäâëàõ ÌîñàõòêcÍîõcÕäò ÕøwÁñîã Parish Caritas Parish Caritas Parish Caritas organisationsÅàñíwâçàñèóøõÏëùíè in Plzeň organisationsÅàñíwâçàñèóøõÏñàùä in Prague organisationsÅàñíwâçàñèóøõÁñío in Brno Áîçíèâä Êîáøëèòø Pälêîõèâä Áøòóñâ Îáàíø Ëèáîâ Òäõäñíwïäãìoòów Çîëäîõèâä Êàñëwí aàáîõäòêøËäòíc òõ­Ïäóñ Êîìwí Êñcëîõîïîëä Áäõíîõ aèêîõ .äñí Çôòîõèâä Òóñàçîõ Òõ­Àôæôòóèí Published by Charita ČR (Caritas CR), Vladislavova 12, 110 00 Prague 1 Ìàëc ÍîõnÌoòóî ìîòó òõ­Áàñóîëîìoé Päïø òõ­Èæícâ àÊøéä Òõ­Óîìc Òõ­Éàêôá Òóñàíà 2014 epublic, as of 31 May www.charita.cz Òóñàíèâä Ëwä Êîwä R Ùcáñãîõèâä Ëîáùø Òìwâçîõ www.caritasczech.org Òóîãëêø Õñîõèâä Òóàñn Êäíîõc Electronic version Áîñø Òëîõàíø Áñíî zech Áñàíwê Âçîãîõ C Graphic design and type setting: Viola Urbanová Ïëùä¬Ùcïàã Òóàñ Êîìcñîõ Ëçîóêà Ëwòêîõäâ The printing of this Annual Report was funded from a contribution Ìîãàíø aritas Ëèóèâä Óôàíø C from Česká spořitelna Foundation © Caritas CR President’s Foreword The chosen name of our organisation, the Latin word “caritas” (“charita” in Czech and “charity” in English), means compassionate love. For us, this represents both a challenge and a promise – that while commendably trying to keep abreast with the fast-moving time, and with all the essential technical inventions, and while duly observing all regulations and standards, we should never forget that the objective of our work is the humble aid to a suffering human being. The ideals of Christian humanity are indeed what Caritas was built on; it lives and it has flourished into a strong and diverse organisation, benefiting our whole society. All who take part in this work deserve my thanks – and I am thinking of the crowds of volunteers, without whom the Three Kings Collection would be unthinkable, and of the great many benefactors and sympathisers, and of all the employees and their family members. At the same time, I am not forgetting about the clients for whom Caritas provides care. For your work, support, and cooperation, I beseech God’s help for all of you, and gladly bless you! Mons Pavel Posád, Bishop, President of Caritas CR Caritas CR Director’s Foreword Dear employees, volunteers, donors, partners, supporters, and friends of charitable work, Allow me to thank you most cordially for your selfless enthusiasm, for your support and helpfulness, with which you either helped to bear life‘s burdens of our clients – neighbours in need – over the last year, or you supported the work of Caritas CR in another shape or form. The need for Caritas is proven by deeds. And we hereby present you with a report of these deeds – in no small number – in words and tables, with the help of lists, statistics, and photographs. Behind the dry and technical descriptions and numbers are thousands of specific, often complicated, human fortunes, in which the helping hand of Caritas intervened. Once again, I thank all who contributed and keep contributing in any way to this magnificent work. Regards, Lukáš Curylo, Director of Caritas CR CARITAS CZECH REPUBLIC About Caritas Czech Republic (Charita Česká republika) Mission To help people in distress, peril, and need regardless of their race, ethnic origin, religion, nationality, or political creed, and to do so through charitable, social, Statement and health care services, and humanitarian aid and development cooperation Caritas ran 1,198 services Caritas organisations recorded in various facilities providing social Immigrant advice centres 91,191 clients, and assisted thousands in České Budějovice, Plzneň, care, social prevention, health care more anonymously – older people, people services, hospice care, and other Litoměříce, Prague, Hradec Králové, with disability, children and young people, Brno, Blansko and Hodonín kinds of services and assistance. mothers in distress, and others in need. helped 3,997 clients and handled 11,455 interventions or contacts. Caritas CR supported humanitarian aid for 390 Syrian families, who left for other parts of Syria or to neighbouring Jordan because of the on-going conflict. Caritas CR helped secure supplies of food, water, Caritas CR and arch/diocese and local Caritas organizations and personal hygiene items, and contributed worked in 29 countries worldwide, focusing towards housing, including insulation. on health care, social care, and education. They also helped increase the income of families, supported farming, and promoted human rights and civic society. The total of 7,273 employees Seven primary schools worked in approximately and lower secondary schools 340 Czech Caritas organisations, were involved in the educational most of them in Olomouc, project Humanitarian Aid All Czech Caritas organizations Ostrava/Opava, and Brno. and Development Cooperation received help from 4,068 volunteers, in Schools (“HUMR”). be it short term or all year round. A great Almost 600 students took part help also were the 52,727 carollers, in workshops organised who volunteered to support the Three Kings in these schools. Collection; only thanks to them, the 2013 collection was a success again. Through the Three Kings Collection, USD 3,931,547 was raised, out of which Czech Caritas organisations were able to operate various social and health care Caritas CR and individual facilities in the CR, and to support their arch/diocese Caritas organizations worked activities abroad. in 2013 with funds amounting to USD 146m. 2 ANNUAL REPORT 2013 Social and Health Care Services Caritas provides comprehensive
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