ISSN 098—8154 The Newsletter of the Potomac Appalachian Trail Club Volume 30, Number 9 118 Park Street, S.E., Vienna, VA 22180-4609 September 2001 New Hiking Guide ATC is pleased to announce the publica- descriptions, a mileage diagram is provided Ption of the “Guide to Great Nort h in each section for planning circuit hikes Mountain Trails.” The first edition covers and for planning longer circuits that cross the trails on the Virginia-West Virginia bor- into other trail groups. Day hiking and der in the Lee Ranger District of the backpacking options abound in the trails George Washington National Forest. covered by this guide. The guide was written by Wil Kohlbrenner, The guide contains a wealth of historical a volunteer for the Forest Service, who has information for anyone interested in earlier spent many years in PATC’s trails steward- uses of wagon roads, old chimney stones, ship program on trails in the Lee District. iron blast furnaces, charcoal hearths, and Wil is also the editor of the 16th edition of various diggings to be discovered along the the “Guide to Massanutten Mountain trails. In addition to describing the trails and Hiking Trails.” the historical data, the Guide communicates the importance of rainfall on the mountains “Guide to Great North Mountain Trails” is and its impact on the Washington, D.C. written to correspond with the 2001 revi- metropolitan area. sion of PATC Map F, published just a few months ago. The highlight of the book is a The “Guide to Great North Mountain 25-mile circuit hike with several overlooks Trails,” PATC Map F, and the “Guide to through one of the more remote areas in our Massanutten Mountain Hiking Trails” may region. The Forest Service relocated the be ordered directly from PATC by calling north end of the longest trail in the circuit 703/242-0693 or by visiting the online store Big Schloss, as seen looking south from just one year ago, a change long anticipated at www.patc.net. The “Guide to Gre a t the Mill Mountain trail. by PATC and local backpackers. A mileage North Mountain Trails” is not yet available diagram in the guide assists backpackers in More than 40 trails are divided into five sec- in stores. o planning the circuit. tions in the guide. In addition to trail —Wil Kohlbrenner Make Your Plans Now for PATC’s In This Issue . Council Fire . 2 Annual Meeting and Dinner Walt’s Notes . 3 Mike Karpie’s Photo Tips . 4 ark your calendar now for PATC’s Lasagna. A fee of $20.00 per person will be M2001 Annual Meeting/Dinner. collected in advance for those who come for Corridor Management Gets Grant . .4 dinner. The children’s fee is $10.00. There Trail Crews in the Lee Ranger Dist. .5 Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2001. That’s the date. is no fee for those only attending the meet- 6:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. That’s the time. Elks ing. Blackburn Pig Roast . .5 Lodge 2188, Fairfax, Va. That’s the place. Combined Federal Campaign . .6 The Elks Lodge is at 8421 Arlington Blvd. The meeting and dinner are open to all (Rt. 50) in Fairfax. It is just west of the I-495 SNP North District Trails Workshop .6 Club members and their families and will exit on Rt. 50. Please make your reservation Massanutten Ring: Guide to Trails . .7 feature our various committees, which will before Nov. 1, and bring a friend. Key be showing off their displays. Come on over speakers and entertainment for your enjoy- Forecast . .8 and find out what’s been going on in the ment will be announced in the October Notices . .13 Club this year and what we have in store for newsletter. Fill out the registration form on the 75th Anniversary next year. Tickets will page 3, and mail it back to PATC by Nov. 1, Trailhead . 14 be distributed at the door for prizes present- 2001. As always, we will need a lot of volun- Backpacking 202 . .15 ed later in the evening. A cocktail buffet and teers to handle various tasks to help coordi- cash bar opens the social hour, followed by nate a successful event. If you’re interested, Volunteers Appointed . .15 a buffet dinner featuring Boneless Chicken please contact Pat Fankhauser at 703/242- B reast Cordon Bleu and Ve g e t a r i a n 0693, Ext. 17, or [email protected]. o Help Wanted . .16 Council Members, Chairs and PA Staff Council Fire Officers President: Walt Smith, 703/242-0693 t its regular monthly meeting on July votes from absent Council members to Ext. 40, [email protected] A10, the Council was briefed by achieve the required two-thirds majority. VP Operations: Vacant Appalachian Trail Conference (ATC) Board VP Volunteerism: Mickey McDermott Member and former PATC President Sandi Finance Supervisor of Trails: Kerry Snow Marra on the current goals and probable It was announced that a “liquidity account” Supervisor of Corridor Management: future course of the ATC. She said among Tom Lupp has been established for holding money for the priorities are minimizing user impacts General Secretary (Facilities): Jon Rindt expenditures from restricted funds for pro- General Counsel: Charles Sloan on the AT, control of invasive and exotic jects approved by the Council, such as land Membership Secretary: Liles Creighton plant species, preservation of historic and p u rchases. The Council approved the Treasurer: Gerhard Salinger cultural resources, and monitoring air pollu- appointment of Joanne Duncan, chief finan- Recording Secretary: George Meek tion. Since ATC faces a budget shortfall, it cial officer of the Insurance Association of might have to consider accepting more fed- America, to serve on the PATC Endowment Sections/Chapters eral dollars, particularly with the delegation Committee until June 30, 2004. The new Mountaineering Section: Mack Muir agreement coming up for renewal in 2003. PATC Business Manager, Rebecca Emig, SMRG: Peter Pennington Ski Touring Section: Steve Brickel was introduced to the Council. Employees North Chapter: Steve Koeppen Constitution and Bylaws of REI have nominated PATC for a $3,000 N. Shenandoah Valley Chapter: Martha Clark The Council completed consideration of the grant. S. Shenandoah Valley Chapter: Michael Groah draft revision of the Club’s Constitution and Charlottesville Chapter: John Shannon Bylaws by approving the following language The Council unanimously approved a new West Virginia Chapter: Judy Smoot for Article V, Section 2, of the Constitution: policy for funding of chapters, eliminating “Special Meetings may be called by the the current formula for funding through Standing Committee Chairs President, or shall be called by the President dues reimbursement. The new procedure is (Council Members) upon written petition of not less than twen- as follows: The Chapters of PATC will Blackburn Trail Center: Chris Brunton ty-five members in good standing, upon annually, during the Club budget process, Budget: Paul Dery Cabins Operations: Mel Merritt written notification to all Club members provide a budget request to the Budget Cabin Construction: Charlie Graf mailed not less than two weeks prior to the Committee that requests funding, provides Conservation: Mary Margaret Sloan date of the special meeting. The petition an overview of the present year’s activities, Grants & Donations: Tom Madden shall specify the reason for the meeting, describes chapter goals and activities for the Endowment: Don Price which shall be limited to that purpose. The next budget year along with any long-term Finance: Gerhard Salinger notification shall state the purpose of the goals, and presents the Chapter assets and Hikes: Karen Brown & Tom Johnson meeting. In the event that the special meet- income from other sources. Discussion clar- Internet Services: Stephen Raia ing requires Council action, a majority of ified that submission of Chapter member- Land Management: Tom Johnson the members of the Council shall constitute Legal: Charles Sloan ship lists will no longer be required and that Maps: Dave Pierce a quorum for the transaction of business, the chapter budget submissions will specify Maryland Appalachian Trail Management and a majority of the quorum shall consti- the purposes for which the money is being Committee: Charlie Graf tute the act of the Council.” requested. Potomac Appalachian: Linda Shannon-Beaver Public Affairs: Larry Rockwell The draft amendments to the Constitution The Budget Committee announced it would Publications: Aaron Watkins and Bylaws were approved without dissent circulate the 2002 budget package at the Shelters: Frank Turk for submission to the membership at the August Council meeting, with an initial Trail Lands Acquisition: Phil Paschall & Eric Olson Nov. 14 general meeting, subject to mail Trail Patrol: Kumait Jawdat Tuscarora Trail Land Management: See Council Fire, page 4 Lloyd MacAskill Special Committees/Ongoing Activities Archives & Library: Carol Niedzialek Cabin Reservations: Darlene Wall Deputy Supervisor of Trails: Hop Long Headquarters Facility: Orron Kee Information/Sales Desks: Marguerite Schneeberger Medical: John McNamara HOW TOHEADQUARTERS GET IN CONTACT WITH US Shelters, Cabins, & Cabins Land Fund: Jon Rindt FOR CABIN RESERVATIONS, SNP Boundary Trailheads Study Group: MEMBERSHIP INFORMATION, AND SALES Mark Holland Tuscarora Trail Shenandoah Valley Project: Address: 118 Park Street, S.E., Vienna, VA 22180 Hours: Monday through Thursday, 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Phoebe Kilby & Larry Bradford and Thursday and Friday 12 noon to 2 p.m. Phone #: 703/242-0315 Potomac Appalachian To receive an information packet: Extension 10 Chief Editor: Linda Shannon-Beaver To leave a message for the Club President Walt Smith: Extension 40 [email protected] 24-hr. Activities Tape #: 703/242-0965 Contributing Editors: Marion Lee, Kathy Murphy Facsimile #: 703/242-0968 Features Editor: Joanne Erickson Club e-mail: [email protected] Forecast Editor: Joe O’Neill World Wide Web URL: http://www.patc.net [email protected] DURING REGULARSTAFF BUSINESS HOURS 2 Director of Administration: Wilson Riley (Ext.
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