American Mineralogist, Volume 63, pages 793-796, 1978 NEW MINERAL NAMESX Mtcuee I FlEIscHrR. Anolr Pa.ssreNIn JouN SnnapsoNWHIrE rH,O where n is co' 0 5, occurs as Burangaite* Claringbullite, Cu.Cl(OH), soft blue plates with cuprite and malachiteat the Nchanga open Martti Lehtinen,and Th G Sahama(1977) O. von Knorring, pit, Zambia, and at the M'sesa mine, Kambowe' Katanga The a new phosphatemineral from Rwanda Bull Geol Burangaite, compositionwas establishedby microprobe analyseson 3 grainsof Soc Finlarul,49,33-36. the material from Zambia and 2 from Katanga A small amount of (0.06 to 0 l2 percent) was also reported for each specimen' Analysisby O. von Knorring gaveAl,O3 34.35' FerO, l.l4' FeO SO, is hexagonal,a : 6.671'c = 9.183A, Z = 2,G meas 626, MgO 200, MnO 040. CaO 1.88,NazO 2.93'P2O"3765' The mineral calc 3.92; the lattice dimensionsshow simple relationsto H,O+ I | 60. insol 2.06. sum 100.27percent, corresponding to a 3.9. G and of buttgenbachiteThe strongestlines in the unit cell content of (Na, oo)(FqreMgr n"Mno ,r)(Alro orFq nr) thoseof connellite ",Car powderdiffractionpattern are: 5 75 (l0T0,ws),4'89 (l0ll's)' 4 58 (PO4),5?,(O,OH )ru.8HrO or 2(Na,CaL(Fe.Mg)rAl'o(POo)' Claringbullite is (o,oH),,4H,O. ioooz,r), 2.700 (10T3,ll22,vvs), 2.445 Q022'vs). : negative:a : 1.782't : 1.780.The name is for Sir Frank Burangaileis monoclinic.space group C2/c' a:25.09' b optically Claringbull, former director of the British Museum (Natural His- 5 048. c = 13.454,p = ll0 9l'. The strongestX-ray lines(56 of Mineralogy. A.P. given) are I l.7l (100X200).4.86 (41X202).3.318 (39X1 l3'313)' tory) and Keeper 3 l l5 (70x802,51I ). 3 081(90x1 l3.sl3). Color bluish to bluish-green,streak slightly bluish. Cleavage Fukalite* = : 11001perfect H = 5. G 3.05 Optically biaxial, negative.a Henmi, lsao Kusachi,Akira Kawahara,and Kitinosuke l.6ll+0.002.8 : 1635+0.002,t = t.643+0.00t'2V: 58" (calc Chiyoko -- (1977)Fukalite' a new calciumcarbonate silicate hydrate 60o).r ) u,Z b,X : c = llo in theacuteangleB.Pleochroic, X Henmi Mineral. J (Tokyo), 8, 374-381. fight blue, l'dark blue.Z colorless,y > X > Z. mineral. long prismatic crystals in the Buranga Burangaite occurs as Analysesof material from Fuka and Mihara containing a little with bertossaite,trolleite, scorza- pegmatite.Rwanda, associated cafcite and xonotlite gave, respectively,SiO, 29'09,29'98: TiOz, (which apatite, bjarebyite' and wardite. Forms lite it replaces), MnO none; Al,Os 0.55,0.27' Fe"O"0.10, 0.14; MgO 0 14' 002; 102, 104. l0l. 123,311,22l'311 , and 40T. noted include 301. CaO 54.40.54 8l; NarO 0.17,0.05: K,O 0.01,0 021P,O' 001'0'07: structure, with blue core and colorless Crystals show hourglass H2O+ 4.45,4.26: H,O- 0.23,0.39; CO, 10.32,l0'22: F 0'32' 0 43; : margrn. sum 99.79, 99 56: -(O : F,) 0.13, 0.18 99.66' 99.38 percent' localitY.M.F. The name is for the correspondingclosely to Ca.Si,Ou(OH,F),(CO')' The mineral is decomposedby acids with effervesence.When heatedthe mineral Charoite losesHrO and COz at about 600"C with the formation of larnite' In hydrothermalexperiments at I kbar HrO pressure,fukalite was L V. Nikol'skaya,A. l. Novozhilovand M. l. Samoilovich(1976) unchangedat 500'C and decomposedirreversibly to calcite,fosh- The nature of the color of a new alkali calcium silicate from agite, and dellaiteabove 550o. eastern Transbaikal. Izuest Akad Nauk SSSR, Ser' geol., No. Weissenbergand precessionphotographs showed fukalite to be 10. ll6-120 (in Russian). = orthorhombic, space group Bm2,b' Bmmb, or Bbnb, a -- = = Optical, infrared. and electron paramagneticresonance spectra 5.48+0.01,b : 3 78+0.01, c 23.42+0.03A'Z 2'C 2'7'l calc are interpretedto indicatethat the deep reddish-violetcolor of this G : 2'l7O+0.002 meas. The strongest diffraction lines for the new mineral,"a complexalkali silicate,"is causedby the presence Fuka material are 2.854 (100X107)' 3.084 (90X1ll), 2926 of Mns*. The mineral contains0.0n percentMn,0.00n percentFe (65X008),2.33S (30X0.0.10), s.86 (25X004) It occurs in easternTransbaikal with tinaksite lAm Mineral., 50' The mineral occursas flaky crystalsup to 0.2 mm long in skarns 2098(1965)l with scawtiteand in hillebranditeveinlets at Fuka' Okayama Pref , and as an alteration product of spurrite in gehlenite-spurrite Dist'ussion skarns at Mihara, Okayama Pref., and at Kushiro, Hiroshima H about 4 Optically biaxial, sign New namesshould not be given without a full description.M.F. Pref.Color white 10 pale brown. = not determined,indices (Fuka and Mihara, respectively)a l'59.' 1.592', = 1.60u,1.60": "Y = 162c, 1.62".Elongation negative' Claringbullite* A The name is for the first locality.Type materialis at the Depart- (1977) E. E. Fejer.A. M. Clark, A. G. Couper and C J. Elliott ment of Earth Sciences,Okayama University, Okayama, Japan' Mag', Claringbuflite, a new hydrated copper chloride. Mineral' M.F. 4L 433-436. Gatumbaite* + Minerals marked with an asterisk after the name were ap- Fransolet(1977) Gatum- proved before publication by the Commission on New Minerals Oleg von Knorring and And16-Mathieu HzO, a new speciesfrom Buranga peg- and Mineral Names of the International Mineralogical Associa- baite, CaAlr(PO.)r(OH ), Jahrb. Mineral. Monatsh.,56l-568' tron. matite, Rwanda. Neues 0003-004x /78l0708-0793$00. 50 793 794 NEIY MINERAL NAMES 23.48-28.11percent; the former is approximately6HrO and the latternear 3HzO.The contentionthat theseare different species is supportedby correspondinglydifferent optical and physicalprop- erty data.Powder data are similarbut clearlynot the same,para- alumohydrocalcitehaving the following major lines:2.90 (100), spectrum indicates the presence of both hydroxyl groups and water 6.20(30), 4.M (20),3.e0(25), 3.32(2s),2.6s (24) and2.64 (32). molecules. The mineralis white, radially fibrous,colorless in thin section, and the extinctionwith respectto the fibresis l0-12.. Hardnessis 1.7-1.8,G : 2.0;HCI attacksthe mineral only stightly. Its occurrence,with gypsumand calcite,is in theoxidized ores of the Vodino (Ukraine)and Gawidak(Turkmen SSR) sulfur depos- 1tS. Crystallographicdata are not given. Discussion The mineral forms sheavesand rosetteswith radial fibrous struc- ture, up to 3-10 mm in diameter. Color purewhite, luster pearly. H It is difficult to summarizethe descriptionof this mineralbe- < 5, brittle, giving fibrous asbestiform splinters, with a longitudi_ causeit is dividedbetween two papers.The morerecent of the two nal cleavage and some cross-fractures.Does not fluoresce in UV. is altogethertoo brief and incomplete,referring the readerto the earlierone which, in turn, presentsmost data in widely-ranging numbers,some of which overlapalumohydrocalcite data. While the differencesbetween the two hydratesdo appearreal, it is most unfortunatethat crystallographicdata for thesix-hydrate are omit- ted. Alumohydrocalcitedoes not appear to be a partial dehy- drationproduct of para-alumohydrocalcite,but thisis not statedin eitherpaper. J.S,W. this fnineral was given in Am. Mineral., 59, ll4} (1974). M.F. Perhamite* Janggunite* PeteJ. Dunn and DanielE. Appleman(1977) perhamite, a new calcium aluminum Soo Jin Kim (1977) Janggunite,a new manganesehydroxide min_ silico-phosphatemineral, and a re-exam- ination of vis|ite. Mineral. eral from the Janggun mine, Bonghwa, Korea. Mineral. Mag., Mag., 41, 437-442. 41, 519-523. Perhamiteoccurs as rare,isolated brown spheruliticmasses (cd. l mm across)of platy crystals, Janggunite occurs as radiating groups of flakes, flower-like ag_ associatedwith siderite,colorless gregates, wardite,amblygonite, colloform bands, or arborescent massesin the cementa- eosphorite,and sphaleritein a vuggy am_ blygonite-richpegmatite tion zone of the supergene manganese oxide deposits. Chemical zoneat the Bell Pit, Newry Hill, Newry, Maine. Microprobe analysis (partly by microprobe and partly by wet_chemical tech_ analyses lead to the formula 3CaO.3.5Al,O3.35ior.2P,O6. niques) Ieads to the idealized formula Mnlt,(Mnr+,Fes+),*, l8HrO. Perhamiteis hexagonal, : spacegroup probably P6/mmm, : : : O(OH)"(x 0.2). The powder pattern can be indexed on an with a 7.02A,c 20.21,Z l: G(meas)2.64, orthorhombiccellwith a:9.324,b: 14.05,c:7.956A,2 = 4,C G(calc)2.53. Strongest lines of the powderpattern (meas) are:6.08 (100,50), 5.80 (l0l,7l), 3.59, (calc) 3.58. Important diffraction lines are: 9.36 3.51(110,50), 3.115 (113,50), (lo0,O,7.09 (020,s),4.62 (200,121,m) a.l7 (130,m),3.547 (tt2,s). 2.882(N7,114,100) and 2.t04 (109,35).This descriptionis based on material from the The flakesaverage 0.05 mm, and the mineralis very fragilewith Bell Pit. In a secondoccurrence in the Dunton Gem mine, atop cleavagein one direction.Color black,luster dull, streakbrownish Newry Hill, perhamiteis in a very soft delicatewhite blackto dark brown,H : 2-i. The DTA curveshows endothermic botryoidalcluster, yielding the samep6wder diffrac- tlon pattern. peaksat 250-370"and 955oC. The IR absorptioncurve shows The mineralis perham, peaksat 515, 545, 1025and 3225cm-t. Jangguniteis closely namedfor Frank C. geologistand peg- matite miner associatedwith todorokite,nsutite, and calcite.Tixtural relations of West Paris, Maine, in honor of his dedicated laborsin the recovery indicatethat it was formed at almost the last stageof oxide ore of mineralspecimens. A.p. formationand in a highly oxidizingenvironment. A.p. Ruizite* Para-alumohydrocalcite S. A. Williamsand M. Duggan(1977) Ruizite, a new silicate mineralfrom Christmas,Arizona.
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