Urge scrapping of free-fare bus plan By MARK MAGYAR ating deficit facing NJ Transit Corp. in fiscal If that was Gambaccini's plan, he suc- "At the risk of possibly losing the next promise to do it during his 1977 re-election Slate Home Correipondeat year 1982, which begins July 1, according to ceeded: Six of seven commuter leaders who election, does it make logical sense to increase campaign, and this is the last year he can live up Jerome C. Premo, NJ Transit executive direc- testified at the committee hearing endorsed rail and bus fares SO percent in July and rail toll. TRENTON - Several state senators and tor. Gambaccini's proposal to extend the five fares another 30 percent in January, while at the "In terms of priorities, it makes little sense commuter leaders yesterday urged that a 16 Sen. S. Thomas Gagliano, R-Monmouth, percent state sales tax to gasoline to create a same time setting up any free fare program?" to start the program this year," Herbert said. million free bus fare program for senior citizens ranking Republican on the Senate Transporta- dedicated fund for transportation, which Gagliano asked. "I have 90,000 senior citizens in Elaine Marcus, state League of Women Vot- be scrapped to reduce the size of rail and bus tion and Communication Committee, repeated Gagliano estimated would bring in (262 million my district, but we should think about this." ers transit director, suggested the state "post- fare increases they said would be the "death his charge that state Transportation Com- this year. Sen. Francis X. Herbert, D-Bergen, commit- pone" the free-fare program, as did Theodore J. blow" to mass transit in New Jersey. missioner Louis J. Gambaccini "Inflated the Gagliano questioned the wisdom of starting tee chairman, charged that Gov. Brendan T. Labrecque of Little Silver, chairman of both the But the $6 million would be just "a drop in size of the shortfall to create public support for the free fare program for senior citizens early in Byrne included $6 million in the state budget for North Jersey Transit Advisory Board and the the bucket" compared to the W0.2 million oper- a new tax for transportation." the committee hearing. the free fare program "only because he made a See Urge, page 4 Daily Register f >1 on mouth County's Great Home Newspaper VOL.103 NO. 234 SHREWSBURY, N.J. TUESDAY, APRIL 7, 1981 20 CENTS Fears of intervention quieted by Brezhnev PRAGUE, Czechoslovakia (AP) — Soviet "You will, comrades, remember all this from events in Poland and crush the independent labor President Leonid I. Brezhnev today quieted fears your own experiences," Brezhnev said, referring movement if unrest continued in the neighboring of Soviet military intervention in Poland, saying to the events that prompted Warsaw Pact forces country. the Polish Communist Party would be able to deal to march into Czechoslovakia in 1968. "These With Brezhnev sitting on the stage behind him, with its problems. showed convincingly that the plans of reaction Huszak in his report opening the congress point- Brezhnev in a speech to the Czechoslovak hold out no prospect of success." edly equated the situation in Poland with the Communist Party Congress charged that enemies The Polish Communist Party, he said, would Hungarian revolution In 1956 and the liberal com- of socialism were using "economic pressure and "prove able in adequate measure to oppose the munist movement that took over the Czechoslo- blackmail" as well as "propaganda lies, ruses designs of the enemies of the socialist system, vak government In 1968. and demagogy" against Poland's communist re- who are at the same time the opponents of the Both times Soviet troops Intervened to restore gime. independence of Poland. (It will) prove able to orthodox communist rule. Husak, who was put in But the 74-year-old Soviet leader said the successfully defend socialism, the true interests power by the 1968 intervention, said "the founda- Polish party "with the support of all true Polish of its people, the honor and security of their tions of socialism are threatened" by the continu- patriots" would be able to deal with its own homeland." ing crisis in Poland. Restating the 1968 Brezhnev problems. The rest of Brezhnev's 27-minute speech was Doctrine formulated to justify the invasion of "As far as the Soviet Union is concerned," devoted to a defense of his proposal for a Czechoslovakia, he warned: Brezhnev said, "it has been and continues to be moratorium on the stationing of medium-range- "All who are attempting to misuse the events the loyal friend and ally of socialist Poland." missiles in Europe and criticism of the United in Poland for instigating antisocialist campaigns In a clear reference to Poland, Brezhnev said States and its allies for their reluctance to accept must be reminded that the protection of the "class enemies" are "instigating and supporting the proposal. socialist system Is the concern not only of each counterrevolutionary forces in those places where Brezhnev's host, Czechoslovak party chief socialist state but also the joint concern of all the they still exist, and carrying out other subversive Gustav Husak, by implication prodded him before states of the socialist community which are de- actions." the congress Monday to reverse the course of Stt Feari, page i Extraordinary security steps BREZHNEV IN PRAGUE — Soviet President Leonid Brezhnev, right, applauds during the opening day cermonies at the Czehoslovak Communist Party Congress in slated at GOP black-tie dinner Prague yesterday. At right is Czech Communist Party Chief Gustav Husak. WASHINGTON (AP) - President Re- alive." agan, receiving an expanded range of anti- Aides said Reagan is expected to remain biotics to ward off infection and still hospitalized at least until the end of the week, feverish, is sending bis wife and Vice Presi- and White House chief of staff James A. FBI stays silent __ dent George Bush as his stand-ins at a Re- Baker III said Reagan might not be able to publican dinner at the same hotel where he deliver a planned nationally televised appeal was shot eight days ago. for bis tax-cut proposals before income tax Extraordinary security steps were being day, April IS. followed at the Washington Hilton Hotel, The president, who was troubled by a on check inquiry where nearly 3,000 guests were expected at a temperature as high as 102 degrees Fahren- 11,000-a-plate, black-tie dinner tonight to heit last week, had a slight fever again yes- By J. SCOTT ORR O'Neill last night confirmed that he was raise money for Republican candidates for terday. Deputy White House press secretary approached by the man Friday, but referred the House and Senate. Larry Speakes refused to reveal the specific LONG BRANCH - The FBI would further questions to the FBI. White House limousines carrying the figure, but a source who insisted on anonymi- neither confirm nor deny reports that a man According to sources, however, the man president's wife, Nancy, and Bush and his ty said it was less than 100 degrees. The falsely represented himself as an FBI agent entered the first floor finance office and wife, Barbara, were to enter the hotel normal body temperature is 98.6 degrees. when inquiring about city documents per- flashed a badge to secretaries there. He then through the garage, instead of stopping out- A White House medical report said doc- taining to the recent indictment of City Coun- requested to see O'Neill and asked about the side at the "presidential entrance" where a tors had found no evidence of infection in cil President Richard G. Traversa. check. would-be assassin fired six shots at Reagan Reagan's wounded left lung. Maurice Roussell, head of the FBI's Red The check, sources said, was among a on March 30. But as a precautionary move doctors said Bank office, flatly refused to comment on the number of documents seized by the FBI "The Bushes and Mrs. Reagan will have they widened the types of antibiotics given to reports last night. several months ago. The man reportedly was a closed entrance and exit — directly into the Reagan to reach more types of bacteria that But according to City Hall sources, a man shown a copy of the canceled check before garage — and take a back elevator," said could cause infection. who apparently flashed phony FBI creden- leaving. Larry McCarthy, a spokesman for the gala. A chest X-ray taken yesterday showed tials asked Dennis O'Neill, city finance direc- The documents reportedly were seized by Other precautions also were planned but "modest clearing" of lung Infiltrates — tor, for a check written to the city in 1978 by a representatives of the FBI's Red Bank office. were not publicly discussed. probably dried blood or damaged tissue — concern Traversa allegedly held a hidden The man who appeared Friday, however, The president was described yesterday by along the track of the bullet that entered the interest in. reportedly said he represented the Toms his daughter, Maureen, as "doing terrific" president's chest and lung. Traversa last Wednesday was charged by River office, even though the Red Bank office as he continued his convalescence at George White House press secretary James S. a state grand jury with misconduct in office covers both Monmouth and Ocean counties. Washington University Hospital. Brady, recovering from a bullet wound hi the for allegedly voting to award a city parking There reportedly was a meeting among After a 90-mlnute visit, Ms. Reagan said brain, was able to open his eyes and was franchise to a concern in which he held a city officials, the FBI and a representative of they talked about "feeling good — and that making jokes, a medical bulletin said.
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