Vol. XXV|ll, No.7 Sig¡totures wonted Petition effort mounted to lower drink¡ng oge "This initiative has become Wheels are in motion to Chcnles A, Ferguson lowering the legal drinking age necessary by virtue of the in California from 2l to 18. legislature's failure to approve Behind the movement is a Assembly Constitutional group calling itself the Full Amendment 14, the passage of ln Rec¡rol Holl Rights Initiative Committee, an which would give Califõrnia all-volunteer organization work- ing on a grass-roots level to gain -the support needed to submit the issue to the'vbters in the 19?4 ilusic lïeek general election. Fresno area. shows ' Toward this goal, the commit- "In effect, the legislature is tee working in conjunction with saying that it takes more the American Civil Liberties maturity to consume alcohol than Union, drafted a petition calling to contract, marry, or vote. This christen building for a drinking age initiative and lype of reasoning is at best poor submitted it to State Attornev logic. At worst, it indicates that provide information on the the legislature considers it initiative. General Evetle J. Younger oi With the new music facilities students in recital in the Music Oct. 15 for approval. politically expedient to deny voters at FCC the Humanities Division Recital Hall at noon and 8 p.m. Once the petition is approved the chance to express presents The next performance themselves." its First Annual Music will be (usually a 10-day process), the Week Oct.22-26. The main headquarters for the e special committee will begin circulating "FCC's-music faculty musicians committee are located the is setting it, working mainly through state at an example for music State University in San Fran- students bv College in and community colleges and practicing what they teach,;' rt 8 p.m. universities. cisco, but, in addition, there are music instructor four regional headquarters at Gilbert is to be Starting Nov. 1, the committee Rodriguez said. Thursday at 8 p.m. in theRecital will have 130 days to obtain Fresno State, San Diego State, Long Beach The music week will consist of Hall and will leature the FCC 522,806 valid signatures, which, State, and in a series music faculty. Sacramento at the of dedicated concerts iealistically speaking, calls for an University of featuring the students Classical guitarist California at Davis. as well as Charles A. overall total of 650,000. The faculty members from Ferguson will complete The chief coordinator for the CSUF. the reason for so large a figure is Reedley College and FCC. weeklong series of prbgrams in Fresno region is Tom Isaac. This that the initiative calls for a The- performances will begin the Music Recital Hall'at noon constitution.' region is a large one, covering _ change in the state Tuesday with FCC music and 8 p.m. on Friday, Oct. 26. Enyironmental ort happening cornes Environmental artists Harold public on grid art and, utilizing Both Gregor and Holder have settins. Gregor and Ken Holder of dirt, shaving cream, cheesecloth, impressive credentials as exhibi and t-he Fresno-Bioomington Bloomington, IIl., and Illinois computer tape, string, pegs, tors, Iecturers, jurists for art llatland axis. (Normal, In addition ihey State University Ill.) fruits and vegetables and other shows, and teachers. Gregor is will present a slide talk on "Whai will be residence in at Fresno materials, construct grid pieces represented in many collections is Real in the Arts" and City College Oct. 28 through 31 with the help of students and in this country and in Europe. distribute "Fresno Goodie &g.," and a series of public events and volunteers in the courtyards of The residency will provide an containing Bloomington prod- art happenings is scheduled. the college administration build- opportunity for members of the ucts. On Sunday at 8 p.m. in A-133, ing. The public may view the community to see and be a part O-n- Monday and Túesday (in Gregor and Holder will talk and process and the finished product of an unusual art form that is a A-13Í|) they will gather matérials show slides on flatland art, during the remainder of the part of rather than a and talk to students and the grassroots art, flats and grids, week. representation of a natural :lb '€r & -3' '& \. ,*'q ro.,\"-; Ir \ Hcrold Gregor Kcn Hold.r Page 2 RAMPAGE o,û.25,1973 EDffoRlAts TETTERS rDo Keep ¡t cleon ir w¡th honestY--r as vou cive to ME. as both YOU and I are both " wha! ahead in life, that is - Sãõô felow students' trvincto cet don't sell $rbRi( foìr what \4¡E EARN. f. i"ying to saY is, 4- (More or less) Would you il do (a little or a lot?) for US if WE the student. asked you to? ""3,"å"tfl"YkJ:.iTuäTïft Fine: I don't mind being the änå t¡oPe HE wil iäbe A. Yes and No. If you g¡we Í3j'Î;i:*lî",'å"#".ti"tover). ":ì' student so long as the instructor in honest witfl vOlJ' he is me some APPRECIATION i*t -..,-^ "hanss loose" ãnd realizes return (dependins on how little "É iust -a man with hanguPs and (just like the or how múch yoù asked of ME. éhortcomings 5. (More or less) If you saw student). someone else slack off and it to bl¿me increased VD infection on l¿x moral st¿nda¡ds of the interview with the job at" meant that the wasn't getting company I was being "looked what would you (in blunt done, Your j9ui ì by äskêd some PrettY status that is) do? ;'iyàit_{cr-anyu¡ayr' Ior Lne JUU y^"J t-lj (more or less): Deasant -l.t'" for the rest questions ' A. I would try to do my job iliÉ oÑo You want and some of his, but the next of YOUR life. 1. Do you have a good image time I wouldn't. I'd let that of vourself? Derson know then if he was A. Yes, I trY to be as honest there. or the boss know if he and as truthful-with mYself as I wasn't. can. 6. (THE BIG ONE, MORE 2. Do You work? 0R LESS) How can WE get out A. Yei, I work as much as I am able to. 6. (THE BIG ONE, MORE 3. (More or less) What can lR LESS) How much can WE rrlVE gain bY letting You work for get out of you for as little as WE Steve Fuqua US? have to cive to You'¿ I will work for You as long A. Yõu geü ai much from ME P.S. I didn't get the job' normal childbirth. A. Overwhelming evidence points to the fact that there is- a direct correlatio-n between illicit sexual intercourse and the spread of venereal disease. So, for you- guys who think you you nomed are real "lady killers". umm. there's a good chance New Fqculty Senqle really are. o o qJUIJÐ o o o qJD o o o o o o serve es secre- (htstor,y), Vivi Natali (nursing r qJqj o o qt¡ o o o o o o qJ¡ o o o o o o o o o o o Gerald J. Stokle, a geography services, will instructor, is the president of tary. Jim O'Banion (sPeech), GilPear the college Faculty Senate for Senators-elect, selected for (work e:rpertence coordinatorl the 19?3-?4 academic year. two-year terms, include Harmon Jim Piper (Engltsh), Charle ìlothing is something(?!) A member of the FCC facultY .A.llen (aeronautics), Gerald Bill Quinn (theatre arts), Ltllte since 196?, Stokle holds abache- (sociology), Walter Brooks Richards (English), Carl Rusti lor's degree from Sheffield Uni- (counseling), Jackson Carty (li- gen þody-fender), Riclnr versity in England, a mester's brary director), Sara DoughertY Sandau (Engltsh), Robert Shave in education from the UniversitY (physical educatlon), Harold (English), George Shine (busi of BrltishColumbia, anda master Drummond &usiness), Mary ness), Carl Waddle (Sfnnlsh), an of arts degree from the Univer- Easton (counseling), Carmen El- Tom Whitt (Police science). sity of California at BerkeleY. gorriag'a (English, Spanish), Phtltp D. Smith, anlnstructc He succeeds business instructor Gerald Farrington (history), of. Engllsh and journalism,.hc George Shine as Senate Presi- Carlos Gonzales (counseling), been elected President of tt dent. Jack Hill (marketing), Charles college FacultY Associetio: Dr. Carl Waddle, a language King (eleetronics), Peter Kuiper Delton ShirleY þtologY) wr instructor, was elected vice (speech), Pete Lang (journal- named' vlce Presldent, Barba¡ president and larry l(avanaugh, ism), Philip McElroy (history), Alfaro (nursing) was chosense< publie Mary Miller (business), Vlncent the campus information (See Foculty, Poge 8) officer and director of communiþ Moats (music), Joseph Moore THINK POSITIVE Course exeimines Chino Golway, lnvolves an overvlew of Texts and references used a: odvite ReLetions between Chtna a¡d Forelr llleditine the Chlnese drama. Whlle cen- ver the West havebeen strained slnce tering on melnland China, shtdY Pol ansltto lmmemorial, not excluding By Roger Zomo¡o time vill atso be made of overseas by articl late 1800s, r¡hen frlendlY the Chinese a¡d thelr netlonallstie in the L Amerlcan mlsslonarles sought to isol¿tlon. Angeles Tlmes. Ever get uP in the middle of doctor. Christianlze the East, thus hoPlng label saYs, "shake well," the nisit needing medicine' 3. If the tension somewlnt. said he ls Pleas imPor[ant. to ease many expetts on the GolvaY erope io" it in the dark and do it-it's But the dtflicul$ of urder- Although lntense inter Well, 4.
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